
时间:2022-09-29 13:18:23 | 来源:语文通



昨天今天明天 篇1昨天今天明天作文 篇2昨天今天明天作文 篇3昨天今天明天作文 篇4昨天今天明天作文 篇5昨天今天明天作文 篇6昨天今天明天作文 篇7

昨天今天明天 篇1


The pace of the times has continued to advance, and life is changing with each passing day.From yesterday's walking, bicycles to today's planes, high -speed rail, to unmanned cars tomorrow; from that thatched houses of yesterday, small houses and villas today, there may be houses that can be controlled in the future; from yesterdayBlack desks and chairs, today's new desk chairs, large screens, and tomorrow at home with electronic equipment.Under the correct leadership of the Communist Party of China, China's scientific and technological economy has flocked to Mustang, which is unstoppable.The development of Chinese medical technology is even more enviable.


I will always ask grandma curiously, "What is my father when he was a kid?" She would raise her head and open the dusty memories that Dad went up the mountain when she was a child because she poked her knees to a big hole.She was very angry, and because she had no money at home, her life was difficult, so she did not seek medical treatment in time, and she was too late the next day.From then on, Dad's legs have always carried ugly scars.It was a injury buried in her grandmother's heart. Whenever she thought of, she would always be sad.


However, now the hospital has superb medical technology, and there are some treatment methods for some diseases of the composition network.When the epidemic is swept and foreigners are in a hurry, the Chinese can receive treatment without spending on it.Who made these money?It was from the country.Make old and weak women and children recover, and do not give up anyone, just like the party's purpose, "serving the people wholeheartedly."


In the future, medical care must be more perfect. It can develop various schemes to cure cancer such as cancer. People's life span will be extended, and the elderly can enjoy life with peace and worry.


Not only medical care, but also changes in the environment, but also can't help admiring.


In childhood, some corners in the community were often smelly in the community. The river water exuded a stench. The countless fish turned their belly and floated on the water.The aunt, holding a big bucket in panting, patting his clothes heavily.There was a ripple of the water surface, and the detergent slowly spread in the water.


However, now life has changed, and the previous signs disappeared without a trace. There were four large trash cans in the community, and four small trash cans were set up at home.In his figure, he didn't mind opening each garbage bag and looked at whether there were items that did not meet the garbage classification.The river is also cleared by the help and supervision of all party members.The river is clear, reflecting the mountains and green trees on the shore, and there is no one beside the fish at the bottom of the water.A gust of wind blew, and the tip of the nose smelled a few scent of the smell of water grass.


In the future, there will definitely be a lot of people who voluntarily participate in the environment of protecting the environment. When you walk into each community, there will be faint dirt and fragrant floral fragrance.


The days in the future made me reverie.I believe that under the correct leadership of the party, life will become more colorful, and everyone's face will have a bright smile.


The party, you take the dawn of happiness in the hearts of the people, and you use your strong and fearless character to write a magical chapter for us.You are the pride of the Chinese people and a shiny star in the hearts of the Chinese.

昨天今天明天作文 篇2


yesterday Today Tomorrow


Time is easy to pass,


Whenever the sun rises from the sea level,


Looking back, yesterday, yesterday,


It has been turned into everything, only in the mind.


Looking up at the future, I realized that it was just empty.


Strive for tomorrow


Today's sweat becomes the halo of tomorrow


Today's sowing, tomorrow's harvest


Today's pouring, purchasing tomorrow;


Today's rise, tomorrow's outlook.


Grasp every minute in your life,


Don't let the cold light pass away,


The future belongs to yourself,


Struggle and hard work today.




tomorrow作文 篇3
































昨天今天明天作文 篇4


Time is like an arrow.After six years of colorful elementary school, it was like an arrow that shot arrows and never returned.What happened in the past six years is vivid, as if it is very long, but it looks like a short look.


It was like yesterday.Yesterday, I was still a innocent, lively, kind, and ignorant child.I just stepped into the beautiful campus and faced with Zhang Zhang's unfamiliar face, naturally a little bold, but it was a chalk -teacher, he taught knowledge every day, and corrected homework at night, so that everyone and I have grown up, and I have grown up, and I have grown up, and I have grown up.Always grow up with us.


It's like today.Today, I have changed from ignorance and kind children to politeness. Sixth -year students who have knowledge have become a gaining person, but I understandThere will be today.They taught knowledge patiently only for our knowledge; they explained in detail to correct the mistakes for us; they work hard day and night, only for students to gain something.Here, I sincerely thank the gardener -teachers.


The future is like tomorrow.Tomorrow, we will leave the warm nest like a little eagle and soar wings; like a sailing, leave the dock where life is, sail.Go to the new place that is unfamiliar and brilliant, so I want to be grateful to the warm home -alma mater, dear and dear teachers, and deep affection and classmates, and wave goodbye to them!


But when leaving school, the reluctance to my alma mater made me have to say tears: I love you, warm home, love you, love teachers, love you, classmates!

昨天今天明天作文 篇5


My hometown is in the ancient town of Shuixiang, Jinxi, Kunshan.Since the reform and opening up, his hometown has also undergone tremendous changes. People live like fish, and their lives are sweeter.


I remember when I was a child, I often listened to my grandmother and said that they were very inconvenient at that time, and there were no transportation at all.Ordinary families can only rely on walking by walking, and their family are superior to travel.Dad's clothes and grandma made up again and again. Only when it was supplemented, it could not be worn before it was used as a rag.At that time, many children dropped out of school because of their poor family.Grandma for her father for reading, she did not leave the ground farming every year.And there was no bridge at that time, and when I was in school, I only crossed the river by boat.Later, people built a wooden bridge, but when they walked up, they would make a "creak" sound.At that time, the roads were mud roads. The most annoying thing was rainy days. The path became potholes, muddy, and difficult to walk ...


In contrast, how beautiful life is today!


Since the reform and opening up, every family has lived in small houses, opened a car, and strolled around the shopping mall supermarket.


With the rapid development of science and technology, the roads in the countryside have also become a flat cement road, and the asphalt roads in the city are in all directions.A stone bridge and cement bridge were built on the river.I bought new ones when the clothes are old. The schoolbags have been changed to a variety of styles. There are a variety of products in the store, diverse, and very convenient for travel.Eating is getting better and better, and more and more high -end.


Now we have entered a high -tech society, and various new technological products have emerged endlessly.Household appliances such as air conditioners, TVs, refrigerators, etc. are no longer unusual.Jinxi, hometown, has also evolved from an unknown town to the current excellent tourist area, which has undergone tremendous changes.The countryside also kept up with the times, built a building, built a large factory, and installed a new machine.Native


The times developed rapidly. From reform and opening up to the "Kunshan Road" from reform and opening up, great changes have taken place.As the "Shenzhou V" and "Shenzhou VI" continue to heaven, it also means that our lives will be more developed and advanced.Therefore, we should keep pace with the times, study hard, and create a new life.I believe that the motherland will be brighter and better tomorrow!

昨天今天明天作文 篇6


Yeman Liao said such a sentence: I couldn't come back yesterday, I was not sure tomorrow, and what I was sure is today.One day today, two days tomorrow.


There are such people, and I am thinking about the past every day: I think of the year, how miserable I was.People who often think of their achievements are easy to complacent, and those who are sorrowful in the past will be stunned.So, in the middle of the thought, it became yesterday today, and it was changed to today. Today, the day and one day died, and there was no trace.The scenery of previous years is gone, but the tragically in the past has exchanged a more miserable situation.Only then did you sigh: Youzhuang didn't work hard, the boss was sad, it was late!


There are also such people who always pin their hopes in tomorrow.Although it is "better tomorrow", will there be tomorrow's "better" if there is no effort today?The answer can only be negative.Because: Tomorrow Tomorrow, how many tomorrow will be;


Wise people will not keep yesterday, virtue of today's life; nor will they look at today, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow, but fully grasp today.Because he knows: climbing stepstone, with a step that he took today, he will be able to "go to the next level" tomorrow.Only the advancement of "Today" can finally reach the peak!


Therefore, it doesn't matter how tight yesterday, don't guess what will happen tomorrow.Only by grasp today is the most important thing.


So, how can I grasp today?People who seize today are people who will grasp the time.People often say that time is life. Time not only constitutes life, but also constitutes yesterday, today, and tomorrow.Only by grasping life can we grasp today.If you want to grasp the time, you must dare to run with time.You and time are on the same running line, a "bang" gunshot, the game begins, you are lazy, you want to take a break, the time flys by you, and you will leave you all at once.; If you run faster and faster, in physical, time is relatively slow, and you will defeat the time."Twilight is called bright flow", which is an unchanged philosophy. Whoever follows this truth will benefit.When Mr. Xu Teli often warned himself, every time he went out, he never forgot to put two books in the bag and recalled. When he encountered unclear, he stopped and looked at it with dead branches.I only move forward.When the country cherishes his hard work, he eventually becomes a scholar.


People who have grasped today are those who grasp their lives. Many people believe that "hits are destined". They do not believe that fate is actually dominated by themselves. So when they encounter difficulties and misfortunes, they will only blame people. They trapped themselves in the past all day, dare not transform their lives, and dare not face today. In the past, I couldn't come back and couldn't change it. Instead of letting it slowly torture you, it was better to jump out of this circle of restraint and start your new life. Tian Maijiu is the first PhD in sports science in Asia. He has loved sports since he was a child. He was a nationwide record of 800 meters, but unfortunately, he was injured by a tram and became a disabled person who could not walk. However, he did not bow to his fate. He just came over. After unremitting efforts, he finally obtained a doctoral certificate issued by the only Sports Institute in Western Europe. In 1984, he led his team to participate in the World Disabled Olympic Games. The track and field team he trained has won the honor of the motherland with the achievements of 2 gold, 5 silver, and 4 bronze. We can't say that Tian Maijiu has created brilliant achievements and also created a miracle of life!


Yesterday, today, tomorrow, the days are circulating day by day. If you grasp today, your life will inevitably be a virtuous cycle, and your tomorrow will definitely be a brilliant sun!

昨天今天明天作文 篇7


Yesterday, this day, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow more beautiful


When the flowers bloom, see the spring and summer again, the leaves are falling, and the cold winter is coming. It was originally a cycle of time, but at this moment it became a hearty past cloud smoke.


Time has passed, opening the warehouse of memory, which saves joy, sadness, confusion, wisdom. The previous ray of sunlight is my joy. That round of fiery red sunset is my sadness, the inadvertent cold windI was confused about me, and it was the rainy winds that made me wise, and made me understand the better the day after tomorrow.


Yesterday's joy


The first world when I fell to the ground was beautiful. It was the first cry, proved the existence of life, and it was also a wow, making my father and mother's face full of smiles.Time is non -stop, and then the childhood station, the noise of the little partner adds the passion of life. In the classroom, Langlang's book also pushes youth to a climax, and my life steps forward. At this time, I am beautifully standing and enjoying happiness.


Sad this day


Yesterday I smiled, but this day was so sad. The noise of the family made me helpless. The pressure of learning made me exhausted. The neighbor's discussion and strange vision of my life, and the youthful 'red apple' moreMake me sit in a needle felt, my life seems to be a mysterious virgin forest. I wonder what it is?I don't know how to get involved in the next step.


Tomorrow's confusion


The years are like a white horse, and the entrance examination pushes me to the society. I am still breathing slightly in that feeling. High school studies, empty and ethereal, when will the life like flowing water be present into the sea?I seemed to walk into a maze, looking for directions every day, but!Turning around or around is still in place. For example, the captured flies are struggling to struggle on the spider web. After eager to break free, there will be a trace of expectations and a rainbow in life. I have become the ants on the leaves.It is the other side, that is suitable for me to settle.


The wisdom of the day after tomorrow


Yesterday's joy、悲伤、迷惘,好象是一场梦,从幼儿、童年到青春期,笑过、哭过、迷惘过,难到这场梦满是悲伤、迷惘吗?我还继续当一个消沉者吗?人生:‘理应当从困境中站起来,不为幼儿的喜悦而喜悦,不畏童年的小岔口悲伤而悲伤,不为青春期的迷惘更迷惘,应删除昨天的烦恼,从波折中昂首挺胸,莫把痛苦放大,风雨后定有彩虹。


Yesterday, this day, and tomorrow, it was just the past cloud smoke and time cycle.