
时间:2022-10-27 13:02:25 | 来源:语文通


醒来作文 篇1醒来作文 篇2以醒来为题的作文600字 篇3

醒来作文 篇1


Accompanied by a few drizzles flying all the way, and by a few rolls of lotus wind gently brushing my face, I quietly stepped into the misty and dreamy Jiangnan.


Walking on the corridor paved with bluestone slabs, I looked up as if there were some calligraphies hanging on the wall, which made the plain white wall interesting. Across the threshold, a couplet half a wall high was hung in the lobby, with bold handwriting. Two wooden chairs were placed in front of the couplet, facing the gate. There is always some ink on the wall, which is not very good, so the ingenious garden designer created a transparent window. The bamboo and plantain outside the window add a few strands of green to the wall, making the landscape separate but not blocked. There are hundreds of styles, which can also be regarded as the "Four Seasons Painting" hung on the wall. The doors and windows in the garden are carved and created like a handicraft, which is exquisite and unique.


Even if you are not a photographer, taking a picture is also a painting. It can be the pink walls and black tiles in front of you, the uncanny workmanship on your head, the paintings and calligraphy on your hand, or the beautiful flowers at your feet. As Mr. Ye Shengtao said, "It seems that designers and craftsmen are pursuing the same goal: to make sure that no matter where visitors stand, there is always a perfect picture in front of them."


There are ancient paintings in the room, which contain a hundred years of memory. Outside, there are ink paintings, which are enjoyable and leisurely.


Water is indispensable in the south of the Yangtze River. It is either a long water lane, a pool of green water in the garden, or a lake between the green mountains on both sides. The two sides of the river are black tiles and white walls hundreds of years ago. The willow leaves on the bank sway gently with the breeze. The boatman's loud and high voice is heard. From time to time, you can see the old people carrying a basket of clothes to the river to wash. There are several koi swimming leisurely in the pond. There are rockeries beside them with bamboo flowers and trees. A large area of lotus grows on the shore of the lake. There are graceful red lotus, delicate and pure white lotus, and ducks pluck the waves with their red palms.


This dream in Jiangnan is a visual feast. In the dream, it is the quaint and elegant lotus garden, the small bridge running water of Qili Mountain Pond, the moon hanging wall of Zhouzhuang, the willow leaves floating in Wuzhen, and the glittering water of the West Lake.


Jiangnan is a dream that doesn't want to wake up

醒来作文 篇2


A person's life goes around like a flash in time. Many people and things are interspersed in this light time


It is also the season when cherry blossoms are in full bloom. In March, the weather is getting warmer. The gentle spring wind makes people addicted, and the genial sunshine makes people lazy. I am lost in the spring light when everything recovers.


I look at the sun, rising and falling day after day, I look at the tide, rising and falling month after month, I look at myself, going to school and leaving school year after year. I can't find my own spring. I can't find the tenderness and comfort of the spring breeze. I feel like I'm running in the fiery wilderness.


I'm even confused. I don't know what I will do in the future. I don't even know what the meaning of what I'm doing now is. I'm just desperate, mechanical, and following what the outside world thinks I should do.


I just watched the cherry blossoms bloom and fall, melting into the most humble dust, forgotten by time. I don't understand that even though I know the result, I still haven't given up trying to open up, even though I can't beat the reincarnation of life.


I suddenly heard the old people nearby talking. An old man said, "Cherry blossoms are beautiful at any time. Even if they are scattered by the wind, they are like petal rain. This may be the meaning of their growth."


I was shocked. In a short sentence, the confusion and helplessness of the past few months all disappeared. Yes, although the life of Cherry Blossom is short, it has attracted the attention of countless people. Perhaps the same is true of life! Although life is like a flash in the pan, it is also gorgeous and has the meaning of struggle. It is the satisfaction of stunning others, and it is to stand on a higher mountain and have more choices.


At this time, I have woken up, and my heart is no longer confused. I see the waiting of Liuyun in the halo rendering, and I see the calm and brilliant life of Yunjuanyunshu!

以醒来为题的作文600字 篇3


Huang Jingze


I opened my eyes hazily and only looked at the setting sun. In front of me, the carrier pigeons flew to the boundless distance. I'm just the dust in the vast universe, but I'm still stumbling along, even if I'm faltering.


The dream is beautiful, but it will let you immerse in it unconsciously, and let you lose your direction in the true and false sweetness. It makes your mouth turn up, it makes you stop hesitating, it also makes you feel helpless and addicted to insomnia.


Hold hands tightly, open your eyes, break through the shackles of layer after layer of nightmares, and have been fed up with the harassment of twists and turns of hardships. But there is no misty smoke. Outside the window, there is cold. In the reincarnation of wind and rain, I howl and fall asleep. Falling into the dark night, the turntable at the foot moves slightly, and the reddish pupils flash a dull light, as if volatilizing a terrible atmosphere. The air is unclear and confused. Everything around me has suddenly changed. Lonely birds hover overhead. The silence around me makes me less angry. I just walk quietly to the fence, just like the dusk thousands of years ago.


I have been intoxicated in the lonely forest alone. My mind is scattered and I can't calm down. I forget to be outside the sky. I wake up tired but still at the origin. The coldness seemed to spread through my body. I saw my thoughts broken into snowflakes and spread on the road for people to move forward. All the obsession turned into snow water and flowed into the abyss of the earth, just like a mind buried forever. In the net of dreams, struggling to die. Not reconciled to deep sleep, because, will not be relieved.


In fact, each of us is a seed that has been sown in the world many years ago. We wake up with destiny and responsibility to absorb the sunshine and water to grow up, or we keep moving forward in the enlightenment of light and hope. We wake up in a dream and escape from suffering and fetters. Only by doing our best to resist the wind and rain on the road of growth can we leave a place in the long river of time.


We take dreams as our swords, our hearts as our boats, and we are constantly looking for directions to get out of the quagmire. The flowers are gone, and the autumn scene has changed. With a pot of old wine and a two foot long edge, I wake up in the desperate situation, and the sword of faith breaks the sky.