
时间:2022-09-02 13:19:43 | 来源:语文通



The road of life always needs to move forward alone, leaving deep and shallow footprints on each page of calendar, and sealing a distinctive resume with sadness and joy.But you have to believe that no matter which station you reach, there will always be a pair of warm hands to comfort yourself.


There are such hands, big and thick, and there is a protruding veins one after another in the hands full of calluses.If you look at it carefully, you will find that there is a bulging thing in the middle of the thumb of the left hand, which is the scar left by oil when burning.


It was such a pair of wind and frosty hands that made me taste the food in the world at an early age. At that time, I wanted to let more people taste the dishes made by my aunt.The vegetables are burned to relatives and friends.I did n’t know how the reason was when I was a kid. I always felt that my aunt burned the vegetables than my mother. Now I think that I have been brought by my aunt since I was a child!


I like to eat the potato shreds burned by my aunt.When my aunt burn my favorite potato shred, open the fire with the right hand, then pour the oil into the pot with the left hand, and then put the cut potato shreds in the pot when the oil is boiled.The shovel of the boiled vegetables with one hand is repeatedly stir -fry.Aunt's hand seemed to have a magical magic. You can fry the golden color in three or two times, and finally add the appropriate salt and monosodium glutamate to the pot.The little my favorite is to stand aside and watch my aunt's dexterous hands, and constantly turns out of my favorite food.No matter when I eat my aunt's potato shreds, I can always remember the situation of living with my aunt when I was a kid. It was so beautiful and so warm.


Not only is my aunt burning vegetables very well, it is also handy to bring the baby!Aunt's career is a nanny. In order to make the economy improved a little, she will go to work in the field, and she will only come back if they are on vacation.I am always envious of the child who was taken care of by my aunt. I heard that she only took a week of baby and didn't want to leave her!She can hold the baby with a big hand and use the other hand to tease the baby. The baby likes to treat her aunt's big hand as an interesting toy.When the baby is tired, the aunt's warm big hand gives the baby a lot of security and warmth, allowing the baby to fall asleep quickly.


Aunt's hand is thick, warm, and multifunctional, that is, these hands, which have worked hard to raise me hard; it is also these hands to help me defeat the nightmare and soothe me when I dream of a nightmare.When I scold me, help me block the "sharp knife"; my aunt's hand is a big umbrella to feel safe and reliable for me ...



In the art class, the teacher asked us to draw a painting, and the subject matter was ourselves.Some students drew a beautiful landscape painting; some students drew a graceful princess; some classmates drew a lively tug of war; but I drew a pair of hands.


Why should I draw a pair of hands? This has to start with one thing I was 8 years old.Once, my father and mother took me to the aunt's house in the countryside.The aunt was short and fat, a pair of big eyes embedded on the face, and entertained us very warmly.After that, she brought us a plate of watermelon, and when I saw her big dark hand, she had no appetite.At noon, my aunt sent me another egg.Hey, I hate it! It was its dark hand that was peeled again, because of this, disgusting I didn't even want to eat.


Early the next morning, I was awakened by the sound of the rooster. When I got up, I watched it, why did my aunt disappear? My mother told me that your aunt got up at more than three in the morning to live.I walked out and looked at it. Sure enough, my aunt was washing, cooking, feeding pigs, and feeding goose. I saw me dazzling.Although the weather was cool in the morning, the sweat was still soaked in her aunt's clothes.


Listening to Listening, in fact, the aunt's hand is not dirty, but in these years, the wind blows and the sun is rough and dark. These hands will not only do farm work, but also sew clothes! Later, I started to take care of the aunt.His hands are dark and full of calluses, and your fingerprints can no longer be seen.From the perspective of touch, when these hands are gently stroking me, I think it is no different from my mother, which is so gentle and kind; but from a visual point of view, the mother’s hand is smoother, delicate, shiny than the aunt’s handIt may be because the mother does not often work hard work!


The aunt's hand is like the old rubber. Although it is not very good, it has made a mistake for us; the aunt's hand is like the brush.Hands are like that rag. Although it looks dirty, it brings us cleanliness.


Before leaving, I held my aunt's hand tightly and did not want to spread it. In a moment, I felt that her hand was so noble.Ah, how unforgettable.



After a few days of rain, it finally cleared. At the weekend, my aunt asked me to go to the supermarket to buy some chai oil salt.


Many people also chose to shop on this day, and the supermarket was particularly lively.We pushed the shopping cart between the rows of rows of carriers. At this time, a young woman attracted my attention.She was sticking to the shelves, pushed the shopping cart in her left hand, but her right hand was shrinking in the sleeve cover, close to her waist.I whispered auntie to see that her aunt looked at her for a while, and felt that she was a bit abnormal and mysterious.Could it ...


"She is ...?" I asked my aunt, my aunt nodded, looked at me, and whispered, "It's better to manage these things."The car was afraid of it, and the aunt also touched the wallet subconsciously.


After turning around, the soy sauce, vinegar, monosodium glutamate, and pepper all came. The flowers and green areas lying in the shopping cart, preparing to go home, and saw her again.She, holding the shelf with an arm, her body sideways, struggling to go up, and slowly took out a bottle of sauce, she "shot"!At this time, the sleeve slipped inadvertently.I'm dumbfounded -she has no right hand at all!She is a disabled!"Ah? How can this be like this?" "What a good age, but there is no ..." Aunt muttered whispering.It seemed that we looked at her wrong, and guilty and regrets were full of heartfelt.


At this time, she also realized the right hand exposed outside. Pushing the car, and lowered his head and pushed the car away. A salesman who didn't know where to come from, holding a watch in his hand, a blue certificate hanging in his neck, holding his pen, and stopping her politely, "Miss, you know that you usually pay attention to dressing at a glance. We should have heard of our brand that there are chain branches across the country. After filling in the table, you can enjoy the discount in our store ... "" "Blue Brand" is still talking about what services their members can enjoy and want to persuade her to fill in the form to register as a member, and she just lower her head, rubs her clothes on her left hand, and shakes her head gently. "Blue brand" saw that she did not refuse and continued to work hard, and she was obviously embarrassed to refuse the "blue brand". At this time, the aunt pushed the car over and asked the "blue brand" eagerly: "Can you be a member of this form?" The "blue brand" listened, came, pushed the glasses, and said: "Yes." Auntie filled the table without saying a word. The "blue brand" looked at the filled table, showing the joy. "In fact, your brand's cosmetics are very good, but it is more expensive. Battle. "" Blue Brand "nodded, accompanied the smiley face and said," Yes, yes. "


My heart is full of doubts. Auntie hasn't used any cosmetics except for snow ointment. How can I suddenly fill in the brand's membership table?


The aunt turned around and took a member of the membership of her left hand. "Otherwise, I can help you fill in one." The woman froze, nodded gently, reported her personal information, and my aunt quickly quickly.He helped her fill this table."Blue Brand" greeted us happily, "Goodbye, walk slowly."Somehow, when I was in goodbye, I accidentally saw her sending us, and seemed to have a crystal clear thing in my eyes.Afterwards, I asked my aunt about it. The aunt said, "She has no right hand, how do you write!" I realized that my aunt did it to solve her to protect her self -esteem.I looked at my right hand for a long time. It turned out that there was a great care in my right hand.