
时间:2022-08-01 14:02:50 | 来源:语文通



"The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, and Washuishan is just leisure." The persistence of the Communist Party of my country for the people still becomes a lighthouse leading the times.


On June 6 this year, the school organized us to study the Liu Hulan Memorial Hall in Taiyuan.Looking at it from a distance, there is a tall stone monument with a few golden yellow characters engraved on it: the greatness of life, the glory of death.——Mao Zedong inscription.Why should the great Chairman Mao give an 15 -year -old child? Liu Hulan is the youngest among the known Chinese Communist Party martyrs.


One day, the Japanese went to the village where Liu Hulan was located to catch the Communist Party. Some people had reported a letter to Liu Hulan and asked her to hide. However, after hearing that the Japanese devils had caught a few people outside, Liu Hulan rushed out regardless of everything.live.With her feelings for the people and the firm belief of communism, she does not greedy money, and faces the temptation of the enemy, and firmly answered: "Give me a golden man." In front of the knife, shouted: "Afraid of improper death as the Communist Party. "Finally, he sacrificed.


"Shu Shan has a road diligence, and the young people in the new era of learning the sea" need to study hard, contribute to the motherland with their own knowledge, and become the talents of the country.Let us have to be more improving in our studies, not afraid of hard work, willing to work hard, and establish the belief of studying for the rise of China. When we know that their actions and labor, comprehensive development can bear the responsibility of building a country.Learning a little bit every day is a big step for the motherland.


Yao Yuan thought that the suffering and struggle of the Chinese people inspired the present and the future generations.Do not forget the past, the future teacher, the future candlelight has been lit, and the new generation of us needs to move forward under this light and open up a bright road.The motherland's tomorrow is more brilliant!

2、缅怀英烈 传承红色精神-记叙文450字


This morning, the school organized us to go to C162 to go to the red patriotic education base "Ningxiang Campaign Memorial Tower" to carry out worship activities that remember the revolutionary martyrs and inherit the red spirit.


The classmates are wearing neat school uniforms, a bright red scarf, and a neat team. Under the leadership of teachers and parent volunteers, walk from the school to Located in Bayi Mountain Park in the urban area and enter the park.The quiet, along the long, stone stairs straight to the top of the mountain, there is a magnificent memorial tower standing in the square. The tower is engraved with the words "Ningxiang Anti -Japanese War Memorial Tower", which records the names and stories of the martyrs.


In front of the Martyr's Monument, we queued to bow to the sacrificed revolutionary martyrs, and swears loudly with their right hand.Worshiping the martyrs, with a heavy and awesome mood around the tower, seeing the names of the martyrs engraved on the tower, recalling the stories of the martyrs' patriotism in their minds.


In front of my eyes, the standing as if it was not a tower. It was a scene of the martyrs regardless of life and death.They are all heroes who fight against the enemy in the battle, and they are the happiness and beauty they cast with blood and life today.We must not forget the martyrs and the heroes!


As a new boy in the 21st century, we should even inherit the red spirit of the martyrs, work hard to learn, strive to be a love of the motherland, and build a good successor tomorrow.



My hometown is in Heya Village, Ma Lianzhuang Town, Laixi City, Qingdao, Shandong. The red cultural resources in the village are rich. There are a number of red revolutionary sites such as Jiaodong Administrative Office and "Bazhun Hutong".During the holidays, my father and I came to Heya Village, Mianzhuang Town to pursue these red memories in the village.


Heya Village is located in the northeast of Mianzhuang Town, and it has arrived for about fifteen minutes from the resident of Mianzhuang Town.As soon as he entered the village, a striking big -name was inlaid with ten characters in inlaid with the "River Cliff Red Revolution Education Base".


Immediately afterwards, we came to the memorial hall, and the revolutionary cultural relics and old photos of the yellow were stopped for a long time.Listening to the explanation of the commentator, my thoughts and my dad's thoughts seemed to be taken to that turbulent era. Looking at the contributions made by the firm and firm ancestors in order to defend the country, I was deeply infected by their great revolutionary spirit.


After leaving the memorial, along the path, we came to the famous "Bazhong Hutong".Walking in the "Eight Road Hutong", those buildings engraved with historical traces shocked me.The statues of revolutionary soldiers are different and lifelike.They are wearing military uniforms and holding steel guns, with firm eyes charge.Seeing this scene, I couldn't help but think of the soldiers in the movie "Eight Bai" watched a few days ago. Facing the crazy attack of the Japanese invaders, the soldiers still adhered to the position.In order to guard the position, they are not afraid of the plane to shoot; in order to resist the enemy, they tied the explosives to die heroically ... At this time, the statues of these revolutionary soldiers in front of me gradually became plump, and I seemed to see them who did not fear life and death, bravely killed the enemy,Heroes ...


On the way back, my mood could not be calm for a long time.At the beginning of the heart, the mission is on the shoulders. I will remember these heroes, remember the history of the heroic fighting of our Chinese nation, work hard on the road of growth, and strive to grow myself into a new era with both virtues and talents.The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the nation contributes its own strength!



I always think that history is far from us. In fact, history is very close to us.We have been enjoying the history of predecessors for us, and we have been creating history.As a youth in the new era, we must not forget the past, and the teacher of the future to draw a majestic blueprint for our motherland.


For two and a half hours, from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, we measured the height of Wolf Yaoshan with footsteps to pursue the footprint of the martyrs.


When I first started to climb, I was catching up with most tourists back to the mountain. Passers -by said that it was so late, and the mountain was closed for a while, and we couldn't climb up, but we decided to try it up.So our high school B was in front of the team at the beginning. At first we were interested and talked while running.But later we found that my physical strength was a little bit unreasonable. When I walked to the two -fifth of the mountain, I really wanted to give up. I also gave myself a psychological hint: I really can't climb, I don't want to leave anymore.But when I saw the students in front of them, I couldn't fall, so I gritted my teeth and tightened them.


However, the process of climbing is really unable to describe language. Although we run two times a day at school, we still feel deeply physically strong when climbing, and legs are like pouring lead.It is said that "the half -miles of a hundred miles are ninety", and the dozens of steps that are about to reach the top are the most difficult and unforgettable. Step by step, I can hear my "snoring and snoring" breathing sound, but around meFriends and teachers have been encouraging us to cheer, you can definitely.


Finally reached the summit!Standing on the top of Langya Mountain, the refreshing mountain breeze was blowing on the top of the Mountains. In front of it, there was a sturdy landscape painting. The layers of mountains were staggered.In the unrealistic, the mystery showed the mystery, and the nearby mountains were embellished with dark green and yellowish yellow, countless pine trees, litting up their pointed hats and standing on the road.There is also a dangerous glass boardwalk winding. Among them, the red pentagram on the round glass exudes light at the center of the circle. You can see the abyss that he once climbed in a bowing, and the exhaustion when climbing the mountain suddenly swept away.This time the mountain climbing made me understand. As long as I persist, the potential of people is unlimited. As long as I have faith, everything can be done.


But what we have learned is more than that, watching the movie "Little Soldiers Zhang Ga", reading the prose "Lotus" and the novel "Yan Yan Team".The family's bloody affection, even more admired by Marshal Nie Rongzhen to help the Japanese girl Michiko, said, "Chinese and Japanese fighting, children innocent".


In addition to remembering the past, we also looked forward to the future in Xiong'an New District.In the first landmark of the Xiong'an New District -Citizen Service Center, we can see the large number of factory -based building components such as all steel structure framework, prefabricated walls, integrated houses, etc., which not only speeds up the construction time of the project, but also reduces the site on the spot.The environmental pollution problems and losses caused by construction operations reflect the concept of green, environmental protection, and ecology; you can see a large number of charging piles, autonomous lanes, unmanned cars, unmanned cleaning cars, JD.com unmanned supermarkets, understandThe development concept of smart park.I deeply feel that the development and planning of the motherland requires the construction of our youth generation. As the uncle explained for us, 20 years later is the period when the Xiong'an New District is booming, and it is also the period when you can show greatness.


The ancients once said that the paper had to be shallow, and he knew that it was going to do it.The ancients also said that reading thousands of books must also do thousands of miles.During the study, perception, learning, learning, use of emotions, growth insights, inheriting red genes, and inspiring patriotism.Our younger generation has confidence and strength to struggle for the development of the motherland and national rejuvenation!



God bless Shenzhou, blood bath Huaxia, modern Chinese history, is a history of blood and tears full of humiliation, and a history of awakening of the spirit of the nation., Finally rejuvenated, innovating a new glory!





When I just started studying, I still had a hint of confusion in my heart. I don't know what to do. It would be repeated by countless people again and again.What will we have to learn about those who have long been known?But now I can answer very confidently, yes.Because, the paper consciousness is finally shallow, you must know that this must be done!


Baiyangdian, Langya Mountain, the former site of the Jinji Charity Command, the authentic relics of Ranzhuang, strolling in the quiet, feeling the red atmosphere that seemed far away, and experienced the dimThe emotions, I seem to cross the time and space, and return to the passionate years named for the Anti -Japanese War.


The Japanese invaders are rampant and committed me in Huaxia. How can I wait for me? And the land of Yan and Zhao, this land born from the rushing Yellow River, has been generous and sad since ancient times. At this time, it is still. "The Yan Yan team is a soldier, there is no shadow, there is no trace. Qian Qing Reed placing the battlefield, lifting the pole to fight the ghost soldiers." Today, the ballad of praise of the Yan Yan team still echoed Bai Yangdian's head. Look at Wolf Yaoshan, a class, five people, once covering, one seductive enemy, and one choice, they can choose life, but for dawn, for hope, they go to death. Use bullets, stones, use your soul and blood to build a majestic spiritual Great Wall, and perform a spiritual sorrowful song that is killed. Leap up, and the real belief is born. In the fourteen years of the Anti -Japanese War, countless benevolent scholars used their own lives and souls to obtain, which belongs to China's freedom and future. But they have never gone away. They are like stars, shining on the future of the future, shining, and belonging to the road of dreaming in China. God bless Huaxia, blood bath Shenzhou, the ancestors have passed, and the souls are eternal. I think about it today, and I am so impressed.


There are so quiet years, but someone is moving forward for you.The end of General Secretary Xi ’s sentence:" The younger generation, the ideal, the identity, the responsibility, the country has the future, and the nation has hope. "My young man inherits the red gene, inherit the spirit of the martyrs, is the country and the people, and to the people.Deadly rest.



At 9:30 am on Sunday, July 28, 2019, our team came to the Sixth Conference Room of the Sixth Institute of Communications University of the PLA University of Science and Technology. Today we invited Grandpa Feng Dawei, who had been translated by Premier Zhou, told us about his glorious deeds.EssenceAlthough Grandpa Feng is already in his 80s, he is still talkative.He first talked about the suffering years he spent when he was a kid, and then shared his experience of studying hard to achieve his career, and looking forward to his longing for the better future of the motherland.


Grandpa Feng's sharing is funny and humorous. To understand, we all listen to it.We deeply realized that today's happy life is really hard to come. We can only become a better us with a little harder learning and progress a little every day.



When it comes to the Red Mansion, people naturally think of "Dream of Red Mansions". The research on Red Studies has continued.It is a revolutionary history exhibition hall located in a small site in the former city of Nanling County.On the morning of September 30, under the leadership of the teacher, all our team members visited the patriotic education base, the Nanyling County Revolutionary History Exhibition Hall with excitement.


When I came to the field, a eye -catching red building came into view, making me instantly passionate.We held the national flag and followed the trajectory of history, and visited in an orderly manner under the explanator of the interpreter.


The venue is mainly divided into three units: the theme of the first unit is "Live Fire, Wind and Thunderstorm", which tells the revolutionary deeds from the May 4th Movement to the Land Reform period;The history of the military and civilians during the Anti -Japanese War of the National Anti -Japanese War was courageous; the theme of the third unit was "Rebirth of the Fire, Nanling Liberation", which depicts the revolutionary scene of the liberation of the war.The stadium is placed with rust -resistant reactionary knives, with mottled and old news newspapers on the wall ... Looking at these mottled old objects, I also seem to be in that year, shuttles the mountains of time.Essence


After the visit, we walked out of the Red Mansion. Under the guidance of the teacher, we recited "The Speak of Chinese Talking (Selection)"."Therefore, the responsibility of today ... Beautiful, my teenager China, not old with the sky! Strong, my Chinese teenagers, there is no country with the country!"


In order to sacrifice the ambition, I dare to teach the sun and the moon to change the new heaven! By visiting the patriotic education base, my soul has been greatly baptized and shocked.The spirit of countless heroic steel, unyielding and indomitable spirit, life and death, educate and inspire us at all times.As a young pioneer in the new era, I want to inherit and learn the lofty spirit of my ancestors, to cherish the hard -to -hard life, to study hard, and to contribute to the country's construction!


Please rest assured, strong country, me!



Reading red classics, promoting the spirit of red, and not forgetting the original heart.





This year is 2021 and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China.In such an extraordinary year, as a middle school student, we should "read red classics and inherit the spirit of the revolution." With this mood, I read "Red Star Shining China".


In 1936, Snow walked into the red Soviet area and depicts a lively "red state" with an objective and humorous pen.In this book, you can see Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Zhu De, etc. who have come to the Book of History.There are both red deeds and ordinary life.It can be said that the author has resurrected the characters in front of us.


After reading it, I have a lot of feelings.In each era, there are teenagers in each era, and these teenagers are the greatest hope of this era.In the era of China's poor and white in the book, the "red little ghosts" with faith, responsibility, and confidence are the hope of that era; and in this new era, we must fight for the hope of this new era.So how should we do it specifically? What we can do now is the most basic is to study hard and inherit the revolutionary spirit.After becoming the leader of the times in the future, we will create a better future to cultivate the young people at that time to become hope, complete the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and let the salary of the revolutionary spirit pass in the hands of people of all ages.Strong.


There are new culture and new teenagers in the new era, but our revolutionary spirit and history cannot be forgotten. We must read classics, remember history, cherish peace, and create the future, and strive to inherit the salary of the revolutionary spirit.



The spirit of Yan'an in the National Spirit_Sucting the Red Classic Heritage Yan'an Spirit Paper


Because I am Chinese, I have to remember the naughty and cuteness of these blocks; if I let me remember a belief and a spirit, then it will be Yan'an spirit, because I am Chinese, because it is by millions of Chinese heroesWritten with blood spectrum, because it condenses a sound: "The Chinese people stand up!"




Red Footprint_Philling Red Spiritual Report


On August 1st, this year is already 80th.This is to commemorate the red revolutionary spirit of the Red Army for 80 years.


There are a few words in the poems of Chairman Mao Zedong: "The Red Army is not afraid of expeditions, and the mountains and mountains are just leisure. Wuling is tuned in fine waves, and Umeng's majesty walking mud pills ..." These poems reflect our Red Army in the grassland.In the process of climbing the Snow Mountain, the spirit of ending the road without natural obstacles.




October arrived, and Mid -Autumn Festival and National Day came to this Chinese land.


Whenever the National Day, every Chinese child will think of the revolutionary ancestors who have been fighting for our happy life today.


During the National Day holiday, Mom and Dad took me to Xing'an County, Guilin City to conduct a "red journey".This undoubtedly made me extremely enthusiastic.


In the first stop, we came to Dujiang Wharf.From November 27th to December 1st, 1934, the Red Army in Xing'an County, Quanzhou County, and Guanyang County in Guangxi in the upper reaches of the Xiangjiang River fought hard to fight against the enemy for five days and nights.The fourth blockade of the second army shattered the attempt of the Jiang encircle the Red Army in the Xiangjiang River.


The Xiangjiang Campaign was the most powerful and critical battle since the Red Army broke through. Our army and the enemy's hard battle, finally to tear up the blockade of the enemy's heavy soldiers, crushing the Jiang Siege of the Red Army's attempt to east of the Xiangjiang River.Although the Red Army broke through the fourth blockade, it paid a huge price.The 5th Corps and the international divisions established on the eve of the Long March were more than half of the losses, and the 8th Corps lost even more. The 34th Division was surrounded by the enemy.The Red Army has decreased from 86,000 people at the time of departure to 30,000.After crossing the Xiangjiang River, the tragic victory of the Xiangjiang River directly led to a meeting in Zunyi.History is called "Zunyi Conference".It was held when the Red Army was in a desperate situation. Since then, an outstanding figure in the Chinese revolution officially appeared on the historical stage, marking the new page of the Chinese Red Army.


In the second stop, we came to Wanren Pit.My mother said to me that Wanren Pit was a place where the body of the fighters of crossing the river. Because the Crossing River Battle sacrificed more than 50,000 soldiers, it was impossible to bury them alone."I don't drink the Xiangjiang River in three years, and I don't eat the Xiangjiang fish for ten years."When I came to the stele next to the pit, I found the name and age of sacrificing soldiers engraved on it.Looking from left to right, the names of some soldiers did not know the nickname directly.The age of these soldiers was shocked after watching it: 12 years old, 13 years old, 15 years old, 16 years old ... age is basically similar to me, but we can read new books in a clean classroom, but they canIn order to tear the darkness and let the light illuminate the land of China, sacrifice his youth at all, and fight against the enemy with no hesitation.Although they are all peers, they are much greater than today, and they are always worthy of admiration.


The Red Army soldiers were not afraid of tiredness and hardships, and constantly inspired me in my life. In this year's military training, the instructor taught us to stand in the military posture. At the beginning, I was naive that the position of standing army was easy, just standing there. However, after the instructor taught us, I was shocked and my chin was almost falling. It turned out that there were so many particular attention to standing in the military. After learning well, the instructor gave us an appetizer first: stand for 5 minutes. At the beginning, I was not tired at all, and secretly thanked the instructor for only 5 minutes. However, after standing for two minutes, the hot sun steamed me sweaty, but the instructor did not allow sweat, if it wiped the collective increase for 2 minutes. However, so, many students still couldn't hold it to wipe, and the results can be imagined. In the end, because of the continuous rubbing of classmates, I couldn't help it. I was about to wipe sweat, and suddenly I thought of the Red Army soldiers' persistent and care of the collective spirit. If I wiped the sweat, wouldn't I find hard for this collective, so am I not a betrayer? So under the continuous pressure of psychology and body, I finally decided to persist. The Red Army soldiers climbed the snowy mountains and crossed the grass, which was tens of thousands of times more tired than us, but still persisted. Why can't I do as the new century? With the continuous efforts, I finally persisted smoothly.


Our teenagers are the successors of the new era and the future and hope of the motherland."Junior strong is strong", we should even take responsibility, inherit the red gene, carry forward the spirit of red, and study hard to make our motherland stronger and stronger!



On October 1st, 2020, while immersing in the country's celebration, as a elementary school student, I think we should even remember the ancestors who throw heads and blood.Therefore, Mom and Dad decided to take me to Ranzhuang, Hebei to visit the "Authentic War" site to search for red footprints.


The authentic battle site is located in Ranzhuang, southwest of Baoding City, Hebei Province.Let's take the bus to the village entrance first, and then walk into the village.At the crossroads of the village, we saw a thick ancient locust tree. There was a big clock hanging on the ancient locust trees. It is said that when Gao Laozhong in the movie was entering the village, he knocked on the bell under this tree to the villagers.We called the police.


The tour guide first took us to visit the Memorial Hall. On the wall of the memorial hall, there were pictures of people lived before the liberation of people, and pictures of war with Japanese devils. There are weapons, grenades, big knives, spears, machine guns, and machine guns used by the Chinese people and Japanese devils.Bowls, books, schoolbags, etc. We can imagine how difficult people were at the time of people at the time when they saw these items at the time. What kind of lofty spirit of our Chinese people has a lofty spirit.


Immediately afterwards, we entered the tunnel.Entering the authenticity of Ranzhuang, it is like entering history and entering the era of war.The road in the authentic is very flat, and the stone wall is not so steep, but it is very narrow inside. If you don't light it, you can't see anything clearly.The lower the height, the narrower the width. At first, the two people can walk side by side, but now they can only hold one person.Thinking about it: I leave here quickly, it's too dangerous! So, my cat waist and lowered my head to urge my mother to go forward.However, after he climbed out, he found that he was in a villager's house in Ranzhuang Village.The authenticity can be described as in all directions, and the households are connected!


Through this visit to revolutionary footprint education, I deeply felt the revolutionary process, experienced the revolutionary feelings, and received good patriotism education.At the same time, I also felt that the Red Army soldiers at the time were so brave, strong, and loved the motherland. They used their own blood and life to exchange the stability and peace of the motherland. Our glory today is inseparable from the past. Our contemporary elementary school studentsTo continue along the red footprint, create a better future for the motherland!



The Qingming Festival is not only the festival of ancestors, but also a festival to commemorate the revolutionary hero.Many years ago, countless revolutionary heroes did not hesitate to give up their lives for their happy life today, and made huge sacrifices for peace.I have visited Chongqing Zhaodong Prison, which has been held in many revolutionary fighters. They were not afraid of the enemy's cruel persecution. Their story deeply moved me.I want to inherit this red spirit and use this spirit in my usual learning and contribute to my motherland in the future.



Yan'an Spiritual Revolutionary Holy Land


Now, I think of Grandpa's words, isn't Grandpa said, isn't it the spirit of Yan'an?Our generation must promote the spirit of Yan'an, inherit the fine tradition of the Chinese, and help me grow up!




The deeds of the martyrs are like a bright red meteor, and the bright red star tail is the blood of the martyrs. What is gradually disappeared at any time is their body.Cross the starry sky, leave the great footprint.


The 80th anniversary, the Chinese Workers and Peasants Red Army carried out 25,000 miles of long march.The Long March is a great miracle in history.Such as a bright star, hanging at the top of the five -star red flag, recorded the indelible spirit of the Chinese nation.More than 380 battles, captured more than 700 counties and sacrificed more than 270,000 generals.11 provinces, 18 large mountains, 24 large rivers, unmanned grassland, rolling snowy mountains."Wuling's fine waves, Wu Meng's majestic mud pills." Such hardships, in the eyes of the Red Army, are just insignificant waves, mud pills.The name of the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants is a red footprint, printed in the hearts of the Chinese people, and their spirit is engraved in our bone marrow.


The spirit of the Long March, the spirit of the descendants of Huaxia.It is the spirit of our Chinese nation, a bright light, exuding dazzling light in our hearts, the street lights of our lives. Our life follows its guidance, and it leads us to light.


The People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China, dazzling names, two bright stars.The Chinese flag was stained with the blood of the martyrs.Today's national flag is embroidered with the footprint of martyrs.Their footprint reflects blood, and blood reflects their perseverance.


When Qiu Shaoyun performed the latent mission in the war of resistance to the United States and aid the DPRK, he was burned by the enemy's combustion and bomb.EssenceDong Cun Ruishe exploded the bunker.Huang Jiguang greeted his eyes.Liu Hulan thought that party members were killed.Sister Jiang did not give up the struggle in prison.The five strong men of the Langya Mountain would rather die.Yang Zirong Zhizhi took the Mountain of Weigo.


The footprint of the martyrs was printed in this story.Like a craftsmanship, a few words, in one sentence, the most beautiful crafts are carved.The authors of these crafts are strong and unyielding martyrs and a great revolutionary spirit.One by one, condenses the blood of the martyrs, condenses the great spirit of the Chinese nation, and mixed with the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs to death!



Red footprint, bright five -star red flag is a witness.Red footprints are condensed in the stories worth pondering.The red footprint, engraved in the soul of the descendants of Huaxia, is our innate spirit!

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Learn from Comrade Lei Feng


Lei Feng's life is extremely short, but his moral quality and the charm of the world are impressive.Help the construction building to transport bricks; buy tickets for women who lost their tickets; help to clean the waiting room; comrades who help the difficulties in life ... Lei Fengle's good quality of helping others shows vividly among these trivial matters."Lei Feng is a thousand miles, a good thing is doing a train" is the quality of Lei Feng.




"In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul." Yan Dong faded in the spring breeze, and the years went far in the struggle. In the embrace of spring, it was another year of Qingming Festival.


The Qingming Festival is a traditional festival that people remember their loved ones, pinpoint sorrows, chase the far away, and the relatives.It is also to remember the revolutionary martyrs and carry forward the fine traditions.A generation of patriotic heroes used their own blood and life to laid a path for us to realize the Chinese dream.This is a huge spiritual force that supports the backbone of the Chinese nation.What we have to do is to inherit the spirit of silent dedication and sacrifice, and use the wisdom and strength of Chinese children to rejuvenate and great, prosperous and strong!



1、传承:传承读音为chuán chéng,是指更替继承。传承 chuán chéng词语解释:更替继承。分词解释:继承:①依法承受(死者的遗产等):继承权ㄧ继承人。②泛指把前人的作风、文化、知识等接受过来:继承优良传统ㄧ继承文化遗产。③后人继续做前人遗留下来的事业:继承先烈的遗业。更替:更换;替换:季节更替ㄧ人员更替。● 传(傳) chuán ㄔㄨㄢˊ◎ 转(zhuǎn )授,递:传递。传输。传戒。传统。言传身教。◎ 推广,散布:宣传。流传。传名。传奇(a.中国唐代兴起的短篇小说;b.中国明、清两代盛行的长篇戏曲;c.指情节离奇或人物行为超乎寻常的故事)。● 传(傳) zhuàn ㄓㄨㄢˋ◎ 解说经义的文字:经传。《左传》。◎ 记载某人一生事迹的文字:小传。自传。纪传。传记。传略。树碑立传。◎ 以演述历史和人物故事为中心的文学作品:《水浒传》。◎ 古代设于驿站的房舍,亦指驿站上所备的马车:传舍(供来往行人居住的旅舍)。● 承 chéng ㄔㄥˊ◎ 在下面接受,托着:承重。承受。◎ 担当,应允:承担。承当。承包。承做。承认。◎ 受到,蒙受:承蒙。承恩(蒙受恩泽)。◎ 继续,接联:继承。承平(指社会比较持久安定的局面)。承前启后。◎ 顺从,迎合:奉承。承颜候色(顺着别人颜色办事)。◎ 姓。...传承怎么造句,用传承造句»

2、精神:精神读音为jīng shén,是指①指人的意识、思维活动和一般心理状态:精神面貌 ㄧ精神错乱 ㄧ精神上的负担。②宗旨;主要的意义:领会文件的精神。精神 jīng shén词语解释:①指人的意识、思维活动和一般心理状态:精神面貌 ㄧ精神错乱 ㄧ精神上的负担。②宗旨;主要的意义:领会文件的精神。分词解释:主要:1.把握事物的关键。 2.指事物中关系最大,起决定作用的。宗旨:主旨;主要思想或意图:凡为文章,皆须明其宗旨|你没领会他的宗旨,是要你完全拒绝。负担:①承当(责任、工作、费用等)。②承受的压力或担当的责任、费用等:思想负担ㄧ家庭负担ㄧ减轻负担。领会:对事物内容能理解、有体会:领会文件精神。意义:1.谓事物所包含的思想和道理。 2.内容。 3.美名,声誉。 4.作用,价值。...精神怎么造句,用精神造句»

3、红色:红色读音为hóng sè,是指①红的颜色。②象征革命或政治觉悟高:红色政权丨红色根据地。红色 hóng sè词语解释:①红的颜色。②象征革命或政治觉悟高:红色政权丨红色根据地。分词解释:根据地:据以长期进行武装斗争的地方,特指我国在第二次国内革命战争、抗日战争和解放战争时期的革命根据地。颜色:①即“色①”。②脸上的表情;气色:颜色憔悴|微察公子,公子颜色愈和|惨白的脸上,现出些羞愧的颜色。③容貌:暮去朝来颜色故。④指显示给人看的利害的脸色或行动:给他点颜色看看。⑤(-shai)颜料;染料:买一盒颜色来。革命:①被压迫阶级用暴力夺取政权,摧毁旧的腐朽的社会制度,建立新的进步的社会制度。革命破坏旧的生产关系,建立新的生产关系,解放生产力,推动社会的发展。②具有革命意识的:工人阶级是最革命的阶级。③根本改革:思想革命ㄧ技术革命ㄧ产业革命。象征:①以具体的事物体现某种特殊意义:红色象征革命。②用以体现某种特殊意义的事物:鸽子是和平的象征。...红色怎么造句,用红色造句»