
时间:2022-08-30 13:25:52 | 来源:语文通



My family is an animal kingdom, and there are cattle, sheep, chickens, puppies, kittens.I like my little friend "Wangwang" the most.


Wangwang is two years old, with sharp ears, long mouths, and black hair.It is more than two feet high, and the body is strong. When walking, the tail is always curly.It is often lying on the gate of my house, looking straight ahead, and it is ready to go, as if a general is ready to capture the gangsters who are criminal.


Wangwang is my good partner.When I learned every day, it always followed me and sent me to the school gate. As soon as I waved, I said goodbye, and it ran home with a smoke.On the way out of school, it ran away, and his paws were on me, as if saying to me, "Welcome, welcome."Back home, it followed and followed, and seemed to say to me, "It's time for me!"


I quickly ran into the kitchen, took out some bones from the refrigerator, and threw it to it.


One day, I couldn't find my shoes anymore, I could find it everywhere.The puppy saw it, and I didn't know where I came to my shoes. I said to it, "You are awesome." The puppy seemed to hear me praise it and shook my tail to me.Grandpa is older, his eyes are spent, and you can't see the way.When you go out, the puppy always follows and leads his grandfather.In the evening, when I went out, I always took Wangwang and felt very safe.It is the free "security" of my family.


However, unfortunately, after noon, Wangwang didn't know where to go. When he ran home, he vomited. Dad went to the pharmacy to buy back the medicine. As a result, he did not save it.After Wangwang died, I cried for a few days, and I didn't smile at home for a few days.My dad and I buried it in my backyard, and I always went to its front grave to look at it.


How much I miss my good partner Wangwang!