
时间:2022-11-29 12:56:24 | 来源:语文通


1. [Synonyms]


Experience, experience, resumes, experience, recognition, appreciation, appreciation, understanding, understanding, experience


2. [Basic Explanation]




(Mobilization) Through practice, understand the things around and experience it yourself.




Partial formal: body [test




Actors often experience life.(Polying)


Three, [English translation]

  1.learn through practice; learn through one's personal experience; experience

1. Learn Through Practice; Learn Through One ' S Personal Experience; Experience


Four, [phrase sentence]

  1. 她对大城市生活初次的体验。

1. Her first experience of life in big cities.

  2. 我体验过极贫苦的生活。

2. I have experienced extremely poor life.

  3. 她体验到一种烦人的责任感。

3. She experiences a annoying sense of responsibility.

  4. 其目的是要体验一切。

4. The purpose is to experience everything.

  5. 让我体验一下在袋子里的感觉。

5. Let me experience the feeling in the bag.

  6. 他体验了一阵不塌实的自豪感。

6. He experienced a sense of pride.

  7. 超现实主义者是注重个人的体验。

7. Surrealists pay attention to personal experience.

  8. 快下载Shockwave Flash 体验未来Web 上的动画吧!

8. Download ShockWave Flash to experience the animation on the future web!

  9. 在Internet 上体验虚拟世界和其他3D内容。

9. Experience the virtual world and other 3D content on the Internet.

  10. 她从来没有体验过穷酸婚姻的痛苦。

10. She has never experienced the pain of poor acid marriage.


Five, [Detailed Explanation]

  ◎ 体验 tǐyàn

◎ Experience tǐyàn

  (1) [learn from one's personal experience;experience]∶在实践中认识事物;亲身经历

(1) [Learn from One ' s Personal Experience; Experience]: Knowing things in practice; personal experience


Experience life

  (2) [experience and observe;inspect]∶体察;考察

(2) [Experience and Observe; INSPECT]: Examination; Examination

  (1).谓亲身经历;实地领会。《朱子语类》卷一一九:“讲论自是讲论,须是将来自体验。説一段过又一段,何补!……体验是自心里暗自讲量一次。” 明 王守仁 《传习录》卷中:“皆是就文义上解释,牵附以求,混融凑泊,而不曾就自己实工夫上体验。” 胡适 《费经虞与费密·费氏父子的学说》:“但 费氏 父子的这种主张,并非有意因袭前人,乃是从痛苦患难之中体验出来的结论。”

(1). Personal experience; on -site understanding."Zhu Ziyu" Volume 11: "The talk is self -talk, it must be from the experience. Say one after another, why make up! ... the experience is secretly talked once from the heart."In the volume: "All are explained in the text, are attached to demand, and they have been mixed up, and they have never experienced their own workers."This proposition of Fei's father and son is not intended to cause predecessors, but it is a conclusion that it experienced from pain and suffering. "

  (2).指通过亲身实践所获得的经验。 鲁迅 《花边文学·看书琐记》:“文学虽然有普遍性,但因读者的体验的不同而有变化,读者倘没有类似的体验,它也就失去了效力。”

(2). Refers to the experience obtained through personal practice.Lu Xun's "Border Literature · Reading Jelly": "Although literature is universal, it changes due to the different experience of the reader. If the reader does not have a similar experience, it will lose its effect."

  (3).查核;考察。 宋 司马光 《涑水记闻》卷十二:“或斫倒人头,或伤中重,係第一等功劳者,凡一百一十五人,伏乞体验。” 宋 苏轼 《奏论八丈沟不可开状》:“臣体验得每年 潁河 涨溢水痕,直至州城门脚下,公私危惧。” 清 陈康祺 《燕下乡脞录》卷十六:“然公於 河 ,实殫竭心力,体验入微。”

(3). Checking; inspection.Song Simaguang's "Ji Shui Ji" Volume 12: "Or the head of the person, or the injury, the first -class credit, all 115 people, the begging experience.""The ditch cannot be opened": "The minister experiences the annual water marks of the Luohe River, until the foot of the city gate, the public and private crisis.", Experience into the micro. "