During the summer, I went to my uncle's house, and when I entered the door, I heard the screams. I raised my head and saw four flattering little swallows in the eaves.Taking it, as if I was saying "Welcome home" to me.
Just as I felt obsessed, the four little swallows suddenly moved in a direction, and they all opened the green mouth of the green, stretching the thin neck, and screamed.I just blame why they shouted.Suddenly, I saw a swallow mother flying to the nest like an arrow that left the string, and then hurriedly flew away.Hungry little swallows.
Swallow mother is a great mother.I found her or a craftsman.She built a strong and warm home for the little swallows with soil and tree skills.Its appearance design is like a whole bowl, built on the eaves of the uncle's house, which can block the wind and rain, not afraid of the rain and wind, it is simply a smart swallow!Even everyone needs to learn training from them, and Beijing Bird's Nest in Beijing is learned from them.
In the case of my reverie, a item was gone from the nest. I was panicked in my heart and hurriedly ran in the past. At a glance, I was shocked. It turned out that a white item fell to the ground.Oh, God is a tree glue!After my careful inspection, I found that every little swallow would pee, and the small tail house like the scissors was out of the nest.The original little swallow also loves so clean!
I really like the flattering swallow family!Every day I will visit them, and every time I see me when I see it, I will scream, as if greeted me.When we return to Hangzhou, we will be reluctant.I will miss your swallow family.
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