戴方忆 放眼自然,处处有着迷人的色彩,第一丝清风拂过,是万木吐翠的春,这是一个细腻的季节;第一屡阳光洒下,是鱼跃荷开的夏,这是一入清爽的季节;第一片金黄铺开,是五谷丰登的秋,这是一个寂寞的季节;第一瓣雪花飘下,是凛冽萧条的冬,这是一个温馨的季节。自然,将我的世界装扮得格外美丽。
Dai Fangyi has a charming color everywhere.Sprinkle is the summer where the fish jumps opens. This is a refreshing season; the first piece of golden flooding is the autumn of the grains, which is a lonely season;Winter, this is a warm season.Naturally, the world is particularly beautiful.
When Chunyu Xiaoxiao, I always affect my heart strings, bringing me into the world of smoke, fog, sand, and dust.The drizzle, like Didi nectar, made me feel the vitality of my life, let me get rid of the constraints of the world, exile my mood, run madly in the void, and chase in loneliness.
When the summer was gently blowing, the green rushed to me.The mountains are green, and the mountains are like a mirror. In it, you will feel the charm of nature.In my free time, I like to sit in front of the window, open the window, let the set of sunset shine on the face, and let the summer cool breeze blow in selflessness.No matter how much resentment in your heart, you can let it blow away, leaving only the blue sky of the soul, and Ren Sixia flys. At this time, I can't help but shout in my heart: What a wonderful life!
When Qiuyue crossed the earth, I always liked lying on the bed, opened music, and listened to a cheerful music.Although the autumn rain continued outside the window, although the night sky was anxious, my heart was not stained with a little bit of sadness.
When the winter snow slowly falls, the lights inside and outside the house are intertwined with the falling snowflakes, like a fluttering movement, like a beautiful picture, making you imagine.After a while, the children would cheer the snowman and fight the snow battle.Think of your childhood scene, a joy and inexplicable rush to your heart.If you meet Christmas, this snowflake will become the best gift to us naturally. Looking at the snowflakes outside the window, with the fantasy of expectations, the dream will accompany you to Tianming.
Naturally, like an extremely gorgeous rainbow, life is like a cup of rich coffee; naturally like a melodious and euphemistic music, life is like a blue and vast sea.Regardless of life is sour, sweet, bitter, and salty. Looking at the beautiful nature, my life is full of interest.
Taste naturally, and I find that everything is so colorful; if I understand life carefully, I find that the world is so beautiful
1、季节:季节读音为jì jié,是指一年里的某个有特点的时期:季节性 ㄧ农忙季节ㄧ严寒季节。季节 jì jié分词解释:一年里的某个有特点的时期:季节性 ㄧ农忙季节ㄧ严寒季节。分词解释:特点:人或事物所具有的独特的地方。农忙:1.指农事繁忙的时节。 2.指农事繁忙。某个:某某,一个不确定的个体。如:报道这些电影在某个地方对多少人放映是一件很简单的事。时期:发展过程中的一段时间。...季节怎么造句,用季节造句»
2、温馨:温馨读音为wēn xīn,是指①温暖芳香:春夜温馨|温馨的花园|午后温馨薄暮凉。②温暖。指亲切体贴的氛围:温馨之家|他虽然得了顽症,但是亲友温馨的关怀使他重新振作起来。温馨 wēn xīn词语解释:①温暖芳香:春夜温馨|温馨的花园|午后温馨薄暮凉。②温暖。指亲切体贴的氛围:温馨之家|他虽然得了顽症,但是亲友温馨的关怀使他重新振作起来。分词解释:顽症:指难治或久治不愈的病症。比喻难以纠正的错误倾向。得了:1.得以明白。 2.了结。 3.犹言了得。用在惊讶﹑反诘或责备等语气的句子末尾,表示情况严重,没法收拾。薄暮:1.傍晚,太阳快落山的时候。 2.比喻人之将老,暮年。亲友:1.亲戚朋友。 2.亲密的朋友。 3.亲热友爱。但是:1.只要是,凡是。 2.只是。用在后半句话里表示转折。...温馨怎么造句,用温馨造句»
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