
时间:2022-07-28 13:18:15 | 来源:语文通



Time passing through the gap between the fingers like water, no one can grasp it.In a blink of an eye, everyone is already in the sixth grade.In the end of the period, the game festival Shan Shan came late and rushed to everyone.


I ca n’t shrink, the staff who played the game.When we transfer, the team has long been lined up.I hurriedly learned to put down the game list, and the funds were invested in the work.Another classmate said to me, "Everyone has a lot of levels, and you must be right if you must have the right problem. You can control the starting point and the gum."


Ha, there are challenges!But so anxious!One group started, and they encountered obstacles. I asked, "Which game do you love the most?" "Our class!" He said in a hurry.Hey, actually responded like that!Below is a group of sixth grade.I asked: "6π is equal to?" She thought for a while: "18.84!" "Appropriate!"


However, some students do not abide by the standards, some use kicks to open obstacles, and some encounters problems, and they all say: "Unclear!" Some also came to the terminal immediately when we didn't pay attention, and immediately came to the terminal.A few came out, I was sweating, and I was too busy to jump up and down.In the end, I asked another classmate to manage the level, and I took the water cup and sleepy eye mask at the end of the terminal, and then gave it to the starting point.


The last game exhibition came to an end in the laughter of the classmates.Although everyone is very happy, my heart is mixed: the game festival comes to an end, is this foresight, we have little time in the period?



1、最后:最后读音为zuì hòu,是指时间上或次序上在所有别的之后。 在时间或次序上在所有其他的后面,最末最后通牒这本书的最后一页最后 zuì hòu词语意思:时间上或次序上在所有别的之后。[final;posteriormost;last;ultimate;utmost] 在时间或次序上在所有其他的后面,最末最后通牒这本书的最后一页分词解释:次序:1.先后顺序。 2.犹次第。常态。 3.调节;安排。之后:1.表示在某个时间或处所的后面。一般多指时间。 2.单独用在句子头上,表示在上文所说的事情以后。时间:①物质存在的可用钟表来量度的属性。某一过程的发生、发展、终止,既反映了过程的持续性也反映了顺序性。过程的持续性表现为时间间隔,顺序性表现为日期和时刻。②见“时间与空间”。在所:犹言所在地。...最后的近义词,最后的同义词是什么»

2、游戏:游戏读音为yóu xì,是指体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。游戏 yóu xì词语意思:体育运动的一类。有智力游戏和活动性游戏之分。前者如下棋、积木、打牌等。后者如追逐、接力及利用球、棒、绳等器材进行的活动,多为集体活动,并有情节和规则,具有竞赛性。分词解释:打牌:用纸牌玩的游戏或赌博。如:打牌输掉了一大笔财产。接力:一个接替一个地进行:接力赛跑 ㄧ接力运输。体育运动:即广义的体育。参见“体育”。一类:1.一个种类;同一种类。 2.谓第一等。竞赛:互相比赛,争取优胜:体育竞赛ㄧ劳动竞赛。...游戏怎么造句,用游戏造句»