
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:03 | 来源:语文通



During the Three Kingdoms period, there were not only scenes of flesh and blood, but also many excellent characters, including tigers like Xia Houchun and Guan Ping; there were military divisions who did not need to break their bones in Zhuge Liang and Liu Chan in the Three Kingdoms;The hegemony like Cao Chao.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThis kind of character helped me have a very deep harm.


In the Three Kingdoms, Zhao Yun was the most admired by me. Some people called him Huang Jiao Zhao Zilong.Zhao Yun is loyal to his life. He is not as courageous as Xia Houchun, and he is not as conspiring as Pang Tong.The content was that: Zhao Yun learned that Abou was caught, so a person killed the Wei Jun camp alone and experienced hardships to rescue Liu Chan (Adou).This shows how heroic Zhao Yun is!No wonder Uncle Liu also often praised Zhao Yun: "Zilong is all bold!"


Because Zhao Yun was very good at fighting and created many military skills, Zhao Yun was named one of the five tigers of Shu Han by Uncle Liu Huang.During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, everyone's service life was generally short. (Because the pharmaceuticals at that time were not more developed), only more martial arts would be stronger, so some soldiers used their life longer than military divisions, Zhao Yun lived seven.At the age of fourteen, we can see how strong his body is!


I admire Zhao Yun. He is not as reckless as Zhang Fei, nor is he proud as Guan Yunchang. Therefore, his descendants praise him Guan Yunchang and Zhang Fei. Because they think that Zhao Yun is not only a general, but also wise and brave, he is never proud.The spiritual essence of Zhao Yun is very worthy of us all to learn.



1、三国演义:三国演义读音为sān guó yǎn yì,是指全称《三国志通俗演义》。长篇小说。元末明初罗贯中作。根据有关史书、平话、戏曲和民间传说加工创作而成。原书二十四卷,二百四十则。清初毛宗岗加以修订,合并为一百二十回。主要写魏、蜀、吴三个统治集团间的斗争,具有鲜明的“拥刘(备)反曹(操)”倾向,宣扬封建正统观念与仁义道德,塑造了众多栩栩如生的人物形象,如诸葛亮、曹操、刘备、关羽、张飞、孙权、周瑜等。文字则用浅近的文言,结构宏大,尤善于表现战争场面。为中国古代优秀长篇小说之一。三国演义 sān guó yǎn yì词典解释:全称《三国志通俗演义》。长篇小说。元末明初罗贯中作。根据有关史书、平话、戏曲和民间传说加工创作而成。原书二十四卷,二百四十则。清初毛宗岗加以修订,合并为一百二十回。主要写魏、蜀、吴三个统治集团间的斗争,具有鲜明的“拥刘(备)反曹(操)”倾向,宣扬封建正统观念与仁义道德,塑造了众多栩栩如生的人物形象,如诸葛亮、曹操、刘备、关羽、张飞、孙权、周瑜等。文字则用浅近的文言,结构宏大,尤善于表现战争场面。为中国古代优秀长篇小说之一。分词解释:优秀:(成绩、品行等)极好:成绩优秀|优秀学生。创作:1.亦作“剏作”。 2.制造,建造。 3.始创。 4.特指文艺创作或文艺作品。仁义道德:泛指旧时鼓吹的道德规范。塑造:1.用石膏或泥土等可塑材料塑成人﹑物形象。 2.用文字描写或戏剧舞蹈表演创造人物形象。文字:①记录语言的书写符号。②文章:文字流畅。...三国演义怎么造句,用三国演义造句»

2、观后感:观后感读音为guān hòu gǎn,是指观后感,就是看了一部影片或连续剧后,把具体感受和得到的启示写成的文章。...