
时间:2022-08-05 13:30:01 | 来源:语文通



In the summer vacation, I came to the place where I was thinking-Sanya.


The beginning of travel is not smooth. Because of the typhoon, the plane has been delayed. The flight takes off at 10:30 until more than 2:00. The airport in the early morning was quiet. Except for the people of Houji, all the stores were closed.


On the day of Sanya, my mother and I couldn't wait to come to a bay -Dadonghai, the closest to us.


The sea is so beautiful, and the white sea of sea extends from a distance, as if the sea is connected, endless.Several seabirds flew slowly in the air, and the seawater was clear.Coastal, a row of coconut trees swaying with the wind.The coconuts here must be delicious. Mom bought one. The thick coconut shell must be tapped with a special machete to open a small mouth. As soon as the straw is sucked, the sweet taste is poured up, letting me let me go.It feels refreshing, coconut and this vast sea are really perfect.


It is a kind of enjoyment in the cool summer in the cool seawater. Waves of waves came into the mouth, and it was salty.


The next day, we went to the second bay --- Yalong Bay.By the time, I found that the water of Yalong Bay is clearer and cleansing than the water in the Dadonghai.The beach on the shore is more delicate.


I dug a small hole in the wet sand, and the water immediately came out of the ground. I expanded the area along the side of the side. The small pit slowly turned into a large pit.The mother next to it put her feet away, and the mother said, "The sand can cure the disease." I immediately piled all the sand on her feet.


In addition to the Bay, we also went to other famous scenic spots in Sanya -eternal love.The eternal love is actually a real performance. When I got there, I immediately saw a dazzling commercial street. Every family had something I like. After walking, I added a backpack.Long feathers.


The performance started, divided into four units, each of which looks good.Those difficult movements were so relaxed and comfortable to be done, like a bird flying in the air, those dancing, soft and strong, can feel their joy and sorrow only through the action.


A great joy in travel is to eat.The most beautiful one is in the famous first market.


There are so many people in the first market. The flow of people is like a tide.In the small shop on the roadside, there are small noodles, backpacks, and mirrors, which are dazzling.The seafood was delicious. I killed four oysters and eight scallops in one breath. After eating seafood, I was paired with a cup of Hainan's clearing and cooling. It felt really good.


Unconsciously, I played a lot of days. I really didn't want to go back. This beautiful city left me a deep impression: the vast sea, the blue sky, the fresh sea breeze ...EssenceI also met coconut, red coconut, fragrant coconut, old coconut and other coconuts.I have to come when I grow up, because I love the sea, I love this beautiful Sanya!



Do you know what our children like best?Tell you, we like water the most.Even if there is only a glass of water, we can play very hi.This summer, my parents realized my wish to play with the water -I took me to Sanya, Hainan Island.


When we went, we took the plane of Hainan Airlines. The flight attendants there wore cheongsam and raised their hair, which was very Chinese.They very warmly welcome us to take this airline. During the flight, we thoughtfully provided us with catering and blankets, which filled my excitement full of joy.


Outside the aircraft window, the beautiful scenery is a work of a ghostly work created by the clouds.


After landing in Sanya smoothly, you can feel the strong temperature outside the airport. The thickness of the ultraviolet rays is very high. It feels like it can be exposed to chocolate in minutes.But it is amazing. As long as you are under the shade of the tree, the sea breeze blows cool.


We left the airport to go to the car rental shop to rent a car to the hotel, but because of the slightly old car, the unpleasant taste emitted by the air conditioner on the way made us unable to drive normally.After losing contact with the car shop staff on the roadside, they were very enthusiastic about waiting for us to return to the vehicle for us, which made me happy to the goodwill of the city.


Drive to the hotel smoothly, settled the luggage, and began to propose to protest.We went to the first market and looked at the delicious parts recommended on the Internet.In the first market, the entire market is very similar to Zhengzhou's healthy road night market or Kaifeng Drum Tower night market. The price of seafood is a bit outrageous. After we arrived here, we left hungry.I chose a large local supermarket next to it, bought ingredients, returned to the hotel to make deliciousness, feed my stomach.This made me a little bit of foraging experience before.


The next afternoon, we went to a beach in Haitang Bay. It was very clean beach. It was difficult to see even shells and small stones, but after a while, many local residents rode motorcycles on the clean beach. Many horizontal lines. Walking in the direction of their driving, we saw more local residents. It turned out that they were together to close the fishing nets they had cast before. I saw that they pulled the two ends of the fishing nets on the shore in two columns, and then dragged the nets on the shore like the large altitude river. Like them look forward to the last fishing net to see what kind of gains will be. Ten minutes later, the fishing nets were collected without a lot of fish, but the fishermen didn't seem to care about the results, and they happily spread their own things. Some cooperate to carry small fishing boats ashore, some organize fishing nets, and some collect fish and shrimp on the net. We are very strange why so little harvest. I asked the hotel's uncle's uncle on the beach. He was also a locals. He said: Now it is the fishing period, so there are not so many fish. But the locals want to eat a little fish, they will catch and play like playing, don't care about the results. Oh! It turns out that the local residents are like we like to exercise the body.


Farewell to Haitang Bay, we went to the Dadonghai, deer back, went to Nanhai Zen Temple, and went to the horizon. The beautiful Sanya Bihai Blue Sky, the seawater in all places made me very comfortable!There are many wonderful contents, wait for me to share with you slowly!



This summer, my mother planned to take me to Sanya to play. I was so excited for the day I was fully prepared for the day of departure. It was the seaside. I think the most thing I should bring is the swimsuit and diving mirror. ThinkSeafood, I swallow it straight!


Sanya is known as "Oriental Hawaii". It has the most beautiful seaside scenery in Hainan Island. Here is the famous "World Bay" Yalong Bay and Dadonghai, Sanya Bay and other high -quality seaside., Lang Pingfeng is light. When we go there, we can watch the clouds and sea, and use all their imagination to create their own ideas on the beach.Along Bay is surrounded by green mountains on three sides. The sand grains are white and delicate. The seawater visibility is 7 to 9 meters. It is the best beach of Sanya.Dadonghai Sanding Water is warm and is a famous winter swimming spot.Sanya Bay is also very good.Sunshine, sea water, and beaches constitute the tropical scenery of Sanya, which can make people's body and mind most satisfied!


Of course, these are just the information I collected, and I haven't experienced its beauty in person. I look forward to the coming days when I look forward to it!


The exciting day finally came. On that day, I got up early because our departure location was in Wuhan, so I went to Xinyang's uncle's house for a few days in advance. Unfortunately, we followed the aircraft with the group.Without the blue sky and white clouds outside, even so I was still excited. In fact, I was very worried and scared. After all, this was my first plane!


We landed safely at Sanya Airport, and a heat wave rushed on the plane. Unlike Dengfeng, the wind blowing on the body feels moist. In contrast, I still like dry spots.North.


The hotel we settled in the sea is not far from the beach, and we can see the beauty of the sea through the windows. Our destination these days is the places where the End of the End of the End of the End of the World, the Paradise Forest Park, Wuzhizhou and so on.That excitement is not defeated by the heat!


Although this is not a Maldives, it is the best place to see the sea in China. It can be said that this is the paradise of the sea, one of the most perfect scenery, the island in this sea is undoubtedly Wuzhizhou Island.Seeing the beautiful scenery you have never seen before. Here you can make a battery car to see all the scenery on the island. Listening to the sound of the sea breeze, you can walk on the beach and enjoy the feeling of sea water again and again.


There are so many treasure gourds hanging on the sea tree, which are the blessings and thoughts that everyone stays on it. I also write on it, where I entrust my love for my parents, I hope that our family can be safe.Healthy and healthy!


It was late, but I was still reluctant to this sea!The sea surface is really beautiful with the breeze. It is really beautiful. I don't know how many secrets will be hidden in this deep sea!I think I can find out if I keep enriching my knowledge!



In the winter vacation this year, I followed my mother, grandmother and grandfather to go to Sanya to play.Sanya is a large city in Hainan Province. The scenery over there is beautiful.


There are many beautiful and famous tourist attractions in Sanya. Everyone came to Shenzhen Nanshan, Haijiao Tianya, and Wuzhizhou Island, but my favorite is Wuzhizhou Island.


Wuzhizhou Island was formerly known as the "Gotazaki Island, which is located on the sea plane of 2.7 kilometers of Gulf of the northeast of Sanya. It is an island that is indispensable for water and colorful green plants around Hainan.


Considering the port of Sanya, it took a boat to Wuzhizhou Island for 20 minutes.Just as soon as I saw the boat on the iron bridge at the port, I saw a lot of unknown ornamental fish in the sea. Some of them were as big as their fingers, and the fish groups swim in the sea briskly, as if they were warmly welcoming pot friends who were warmly welcomed.


I looked at it from a distance, ah, the beach and the sea are now right.I ran to the beach like the wind, took off my clothes pants, changed the swimming trunks, jumped into the sea, and suddenly a wave came on.The sea surface is so salty.There are so many children playing on the beach. Some children are in the ancient castle, some are repairing the house ... I bury themselves with fine and soft crushed stones, and the shower is under the sun., Watching the impermanence of the clouds, listening to the symphony of the waves to hit the rock reef, blowing the cool and cool sea breeze, it really made me refreshing.


When it comes to eating in Hainan Province, it is naturally coconut.There are many types of coconuts in Hainan Province. Generally, red coconuts and green coconuts are preferably. The reputation of the coconut king.Coconuts are knotted on the tree, like lanterns.Coconut's shell is hard. When drinking coconut, cut into part of the upper part and then insert the root plastic straws. You can drink delicious coconut juice.After drinking coconut juice and eating coconut meat, coconut meat is delicious, soft and fragrant.In Sanya's five days, everyone did not buy pure water and drank coconut.


Sanya also has a lot of beautiful scenery and colorful ingredients, and I look forward to you to visit and taste carefully.


The beautiful Sanya wants me to remember in my heart, and I look forward to Sanya more beautiful.



Today, our family has a long -awaited trip to Sanya.


I came to the airport with an excitement.This is the first time I was on a plane, and it was inevitable that I was a little nervous.The plane began to take off, and I only heard a bang, and the plane left the ground.The house on the ground gradually became smaller, and the layers of white clouds flew through me. After a while, we flew to the top.Looking down, Yun Duo covered a layer of white gauze for the earth, reflecting the green wild mountains, which was extremely beautiful.


After three hours of flight, we finally came to Sanya.We are all very happy.


When we come to Hainan, how can we not go to the End of the End of the End of the End of the End? The next day, our parents took us to the End of the End of the End of the End of the End. My sister and I jumped into it happily. We came to the beach and strolled on the beach. We have been looking for a long time, but we still can't see the sign of Tianya Haijiao. I sat on the stone tiredly and thought: Where is the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End, why hasn't it yet, the weather is still so hot, how long will it take to go! Suddenly found that a piece of stones in the distance read the four bright red characters of "The End of the World" and "Haijiao", and I immediately ran to the big stone. I stopped in front of the big stone and looked up at the boulder. It was so majestic and so powerful, like a giant in the sky. Dad took me on a big stone, and I walked carefully. I turned my head and saw the vast South China Sea. I rely on the "End of the End of the End to" and "Haijiao" stone, facing the South China Sea, and enjoying the scenery of the South China Sea. At the feet, the turbulent waves patted the rocks, and there were thousands of pride! I got off the stones and watched the four magnificent characters of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End of the End?


Yalong Bay Tropical Forest Park is also a place that makes people linger.This is really a plant paradise! I walked on the forest road. In the explanation of the tour guide, we met many tropical plants.Among them, my favorite is orchid.There are many breeds of orchids.These orchids are like a fairy who wields their sleeves, shaking their beautiful figures, passing on the magical magic that makes people feel refreshed.Orchids add glory to this forest!


Walking, we came to a magic cinema again.I walked in curiously and wanted to see what he looked like.Here, we watched a jungle movie from the perspective of a bird.We brought 3D glasses, and the scenery in front of us was lifelike.The seats here will also move, with the scene of the big screen, sometimes flying into the clouds, and sometimes rushing into the mountain stream, which is both thrilling and exciting.Among them, I think the most horrible part is that we met a big python on the tree. The big python spit a long snake letter and suddenly rushed to us. I closed my eyes nervously.Suddenly the seats shook strongly, and I was scared, knowing that it was a big python rushing towards the bird.


"There is a Hainan Island in China, and Hainan has a Wuzhizhou." In the last stop, we came to Wuzhizhou Island, the world's famous Sanya Pearl. The seawater of Wuzhizhou Island is clear and bottomed, and it can see the sand and shells underwater. The visibility here is twenty -seven or eight meters. A group of tropical fish swims freely on the water. I threw the food in my hand to them. They immediately gathered around and started to grab the food. It was extremely interesting. The sand of Wuzhizhou Island is white and thin, and soft and soft. I strolled on the silver glittering beach. The sea water was clear and cool. He stroked my feet gently, with a hint of coolness and a trace of tenderness. The sea breeze blows slowly, and the waves blew many beautiful shells and corals on the beach, and I picked it up. One of the very beautiful shells, it looks like a starry sky. Deep purple, dark blue, rose red and white intertwined together, painting a beautiful and mysterious starry sky map. There are many types of corals and weird shapes. Corals are like jewelry in my mind in my mind. They are special products in the sea. We grabbed some cute little crabs and hers by the sea. They are all small, and little crabs are as large as my fingernails. Honesty crabs were carrying beautiful shells back, and immediately retracted back. I put her home crabs on my hand, and it climbed in my palms, itchy, fun. There are many small sand balls in the fourth of the small crab cave, which is a masterpiece of the little crabs. When they came out of the cave, if they encountered a small sand ball to block the road, they would use their own small pliers to clamp it and put them aside. When the little crab was very timid, when it drilled out of the cave, he would always look at the surroundings. As long as my fingers moved gently, he quickly ran back to the cave. Then is the most exciting project -diving. I changed my thick and heavy diving suit and took the speedboat to the ship in the sea. The coach helped me bring a mask and carried the oxygen cylinder. I got into the water and felt that the temperature of the sea was too cold, and I couldn't help but snoring. The coach helped me, and I dived down the water gently, and gradually adapted to the temperature of the sea water. As soon as I bowed my head, I saw many colorful tropical fish swimming to me. I sprinkled the fish in my hand beside me, and a variety of tropical fish immediately swam beside me, dancing around me. I slowly dived to the bottom and saw many corals. I admire these corals. Some of them have small holes like chrysanthemums, and some look like white grass. They are all kinds of beautiful.


Hainan, the pearl of the motherland, how beautiful you are, I will come again!



There is an unforgettable trip every summer, and what makes me remember was a trip to Sanya last year.


Nature has given the most pleasant climate, the freshest air, the most blue sea water, and the softer beach.As soon as we got the plane, we went straight to the hotel, put down our luggage, and came to Yalong Bay, the first bay in the world.Changing the swimsuit standing by the sea, the sea water was endless, the water and the sky were amazing! I looked down and found that the sea water was clear, and a group of small tropical fish was swimming.


I took a kayak with my friends to let adults push us to the sea.A big wave rushed to us. Each of us drank a bite of seawater. The taste of the sea water was salty, and he was still hemp.With this "experience", we all know how to deal with it and start a trip to the sea.The waves hit my back, it was comfortable!


The beautiful time always lives so fast, and it will come soon, how beautiful it is to dye the white beach into golden!



1、难忘:难忘读音为nán wàng,是指1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。难忘 nán wàng词语意思:1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。(1) [unforgettable]∶无法忘记难忘的时刻(2) [ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动(3) [memorable]∶值得记忆的难忘的岁月分词解释:海里:计量海洋上距离的长度单位,一海里等于1,852米。旧也作浬。记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。忘记:1.不记得。 2.该做的事没有想到去做。 3.没有感觉到。永远:1.长远;永久。 2.一直;从来。 3.晋代隐居于庐山的两个高僧惠永与惠远的并称。...难忘怎么造句,用难忘造句»