On Sunday, I played on the road and found a praying mantis, so I caught it home. Grandpa compiled a cage for me, and I raised it.
When I go home from school every day, I went to see my good friends mantis as soon as possible, and feed the little insects I caught to eat.This praying mantis is long and green.The head is triangular and can rotate flexibly.The eyes are prominent, big and bright.The forefoot legs and tibia are favorable, and the tibia is sickle -like, and the forefoot folds to the tibia. When raising it, it looks like a girl praying.I searched the Internet and learned about some living habits of praying mantis.The life of the mantis is generally 6 to eight months. It is mainly used for hunting various insects as food. Various pests are eliminated by the fields of the fields.
One morning, I accidentally found that the eyes of the cyan mantis turned black, and I thought it didn't sleep.On the way to school, I suddenly poured down the rain and poured me into a soup chicken. I thought of the eyes of the mantis.I thought, was it that it was about to rain, and its eyes turned black?
I observed for a long time, and finally got a conclusion: When the eyes of the praying mantis turned black, the sky was going to rain; when his eyes were half blue and half black, it indicated the cloudy days; when his eyes were cyan, it wassunny.
You see, how wonderful the eyes of the mantis!
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