
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:06 | 来源:语文通


父亲节的作文 篇1有关于父亲节的作文 篇2父亲节作文800字 篇3父亲节的作文 篇4父亲节作文900字 篇5父亲节的作文 篇6

父亲节的作文 篇1


Yesterday was Father's Day. As a new father, I was full of joy. This was the first Father's Day. It coincided with Father's Day. It was Sunday. So I took my mother, wife and children to the park for a stroll. Maybe it was Father's Day. There were many children playing in the park. I lit a cigarette after watching many children around me, I think what will the future look like for many children under their creation? Will there be future military generals, stars in the entertainment industry, school teachers, company managers, unit leaders, business leaders, sports players, financial giants... I'm happy to see my son. He looks more like me, but his skin color is still like his wife, or from a certain perspective, he is as beautiful as his wife. I feel he has a different, ordinary and noble temperament.


When I got home, I slept for a while. In my dream, my son had grown up and was more than 1.9 meters tall. He was a little burly than a male model. He was wearing a beautiful uniform. In my dream, my son became a captain and drove the world's freight cruise. I felt extremely honored. After I woke up, I felt a thousand emotions. The saying goes: "Thinking every day, dreaming every night, and looking forward to his son is one of the indispensable life expectations of all parents.", At this time, I wonder if my father had similar expectations in those years? However, it has been 8 years since my father died, but I am sure that my father definitely has expectations for me that I cannot imagine.


In order to enable my son to grow up happily, I have made up my mind to create an environment that is suitable for children's growth. This is my responsibility and obligation as a father. Baby, my father will let you grow up healthily, give you all the environment I can create, and make you a pillar of the society.

有关于父亲节的作文 篇2


When I see my roommate's father coming to see my children, I always have an unspeakable feeling. My roommate once asked me, "Has your father never come to see you?" At that time, I didn't know how to answer. I remember that one day when I was in the second grade of primary school, my mother suddenly said to me, "Don't go to school again." For the next two weeks, I kept crying to go back to school. Seeing that I missed books, my father said to my mother and me, "Wait a few days!" Father packed his bags and went out. Father came back three days later. The whole body is gray, and the face is carved with fatigue. My father gave the money to my mother to lead me to school. I was very happy. When I came home from school, I saw my mother sitting beside my father crying, while my father was lying in bed. Mother said, "For your tuition, your father went out to do chores for others. He didn't rest, and his body was exhausted." My tears ran down my lips. When I walked to my father, he seemed to see what was on my mind and said, "Don't cry, as long as you study hard, you will be worthy of us."


In the year when I was in the third year of junior high school, my brother entered the normal school and had to pay thousands of yuan in tuition fees. My tuition is not low, and the tuition fees of the brothers are not small for rural families with low income. I understand my brother's intention. I also proposed not to go to school and let him go. The father's face changed greatly: "Are you crazy? We are poor because we have no culture and knowledge! Your mother and I will support you to go to school no matter how hard we work!" My family cried. The next day, my father and an uncle in the village went out to work. I didn't see my father at that time, but he entrusted someone to send me a pair of sneakers, and he wanted me to listen to my mother. My heart was heavy when I received the gift from my father. I was worried about his body and hoped that my father would come home earlier.


A year later, my father came home. His hair has changed color, and his body seems to have become much shorter. Two days later, my father fell ill again in bed. My mother and I asked my father to go to the hospital. He always said, "It's nothing. It will be fine after today." I know my father is saving money for my brother and me to go to school, and I don't want to go to the hospital.


Although time has passed for a long time, I clearly remember the scene at that time. I know that I can only repay my father with my efforts, and my father's spirit has been encouraging me to focus on my studies. Although sometimes my grades are not good, and I tell my father my grades, my father always said, "You can work hard, but don't forget to learn to be a man."


I really want to say in front of my father: "Father, you have worked hard."

父亲节作文800字 篇3


My father is a rude man. Around him, however, there was a belief that he would not admit defeat. He is simple and honest to people, but not so simple to me. He always puts on a learned face to educate me. Although he only graduated from junior high school, his words always need me to ponder for a long time to understand.


I like my father. I like him holding my hand to keep me warm. In winter, perhaps because of the heavy study, there are chilblains of all sizes on my hands. It was my father who charged the electric heating fort for me. Seeing that I was freezing, he took my hand during the charging. Put my hand in his palm and cover it tightly. It's really warm. As long as my father's hand is covering it, it seems that I can't feel the cold. What I can feel is the strong fatherly love!


I like my father and he tells me stories. I sat beside him under the stars in the summer night, Father smoked and said to me: "Kid, do you know that an elderly man suffered from lung disease, and it seems that he has no money to cure it? His wife remembered that one of his friends once trusted him with his own account, and that friend seemed to have no news for several years. His wife hoped to move a little to save the old man with some money, but the old man insisted on not saying yes, leaving a sentence: 'My friend values us more than money!' Later, the old man died, but he But his heart did not die, and he lived out the bone wind. The friend took the money several years later and learned about it from his wife. He came to the old man's grave with white hair and cried. " I nodded thoughtfully. My father then asked me, "Who will cry when you die?" I was stunned. My father told this story to remind me to be a good man! I don't know how many times I have heard this story from my father, but I never feel impatient because I like listening to his stories.


I like my father, and I like his letter that makes me difficult to understand. In the letter, He said: "Remember, kid? Last time I asked you to buy an apple, I gave you an extra 5 yuan. You put it in the drawer of the writing desk. I pretended not to see it, but you didn't know how happy Dad was! You finally learned to give up. Many times, when people live in the world, they should learn to be contented. You can throw away many things, such as vanity, such as toys, such as money. As long as you hold on to happiness, you will be the richest person in the world People. "


I will never forget my father's Chunchun teachings. Father's love for me is like the cultivation of fish by the sea; The wind blows the leaves; Sunflower's focus on the sun.


I like my father for many reasons, because my father gives me too much love. One day, I will read it.

父亲节的作文 篇4


Dear Father:


How are you recently?


Happy Father's Day, Dad!

Time flies. Father's Day is coming soon. I'd like to take this opportunity to congratulate you in advance: Happy Father's Day, Dad!


For several months, you have been busy with your work and haven't gone home for a long time. I'm usually introverted and don't talk much. There are few opportunities to call you. And you. It is strict in my eyes. If you make a mistake, you will inevitably be scolded and beaten. You are very strict with me. If you don't do well, you will keep a straight face. Therefore, I rarely see your smile. But what impressed me most was that you took the initiative to play chess with me. I was very surprised. But as your grades get higher and higher, you become more and more strict. I know you are good to me, but you are not as good at expressing yourself as your mother.


Although you are not good at words, you also have a fragile heart under your strict appearance. Do you remember? Last month, you worked hard, and the square you built day and night was demolished, leaving you with nothing in the twinkling of an eye. Listen to my mother, you never shed tears at that time. In the video call, I obviously saw you haggard a lot.


Father, stop your busy pace! I am very distressed that you work hard day and night to manage your family and start a business. On this Father's Day, let me give you my best wishes, thank you for your upbringing, thank you for your eyes, and I would like to switch your life to peace.


Happy Father's Day, Dad!

父亲节作文900字 篇5


Today is Father's Day. If it had not been mentioned by the old class yesterday, I might not have remembered it tomorrow.


The Sunday homework assigned by the old class yesterday was to write a composition about my father on Father's Day today. Since I started writing last night, I have been thinking about the "great deeds" of my father in my mind, but I haven't thought of them for a long time, because he has always been an ordinary man in my mind. He hasn't done anything admirable or said something sweet to me. On the contrary, he is just an ordinary man As time goes by, the factory workers with dead wages have turned their hair white, smiled like half opened chrysanthemums, and stooped slightly. The ruthlessness of the years has taken away most of his remaining beauty. If it were not for the composition assigned by the teacher, I might not have noticed his old age. Face oppressed by work pressure for a long time.


Father's Day was as ordinary as his father's life. Father went out to work early as usual and came back for lunch at 12 o'clock. At noon, my sister cooked a meal for him and bought a pair of shoes. As usual, I just served a bowl of rice for my father. My sister said, "The food is not well prepared. My mother does well." My father looked up and pretended to be surprised, Every time he ate the leftovers after eating, he would eat them up and never waste food.


My mother likes to nag me since junior high school: "What's the use of having you? She pays out every day, but she can't read well. You see how sensible your sister is. You still don't do it when she asks you to cook a meal. It's so grown up that I and my mother wait on you every day." My father's answer is the same as always: "Xiao Jing hasn't grown up yet. When she grows up, she will understand our hard work and understand that we are doing her good..." For this dialogue, I have always thought that sometimes I would appreciate and smile at my father; Sometimes I feel ungrateful, because sometimes I always feel that he is trying to please me and make up for the love he has lost for me in order to have a younger brother. I came back to my hometown to study when I was less than two months old and was five years old. Only then did I know that I had parents and a younger brother who was regarded as treasure in my arms in addition to my grandmother, sister and elder sister. I pretended not to see the bias now, because I would not be sad if I could not see it, and my father met all my unreasonable requirements, But he just can't do the same care as his brother. Now, I will say, "I don't need it anymore." I don't know my right or wrong. I hope I was wrong.


Dad has gone through most of his life, and he has never done anything important. He should never do anything bad in the future. He is like a camel carrying a heavy load, industrious. When you can't walk, I will carry you out of the desert.


My father is a desert camel. Although he is not beautiful, he has paid a lot.

父亲节的作文 篇6


Today is Father's Day. I prepared gifts early. But Dad just can't wait until he gets up! I hid the gift first. I finished my homework early.


At 9 o'clock, Mom and Dad stretched out. Dad asked me about my homework? I smiled and asked my father if he knew what day it was today? Dad's face showed a puzzled expression. I laughed and said it was Father's Day. My father asked me: 'What gift do you give me?' I took the gift out and saw him laughing, his eyes were all slit. This is the first gift, and I will open the second gift, 'Dangdangdang' Chinese 2, English 1, mathematics 2. This is a good result. Dad held me tight and invited me to eat Tex!


Ha ha, Father's Day is really good!!!