
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:26 | 来源:语文通



小学生线上教学方案 篇1小学生线上教学方案 篇2小学生的生活作文 篇3小学生游记作文500字 篇4小学生的生活作文 篇5小学生线上教学方案 篇6小学生线上教学方案 篇7初中学校线上教学实施方案范文 篇8小学生线上教学方案 篇9小学生游记作文600字 篇10

小学生线上教学方案 篇1















































小学生线上教学方案 篇2


According to the Notice on Doing a Good Job in Online Teaching in the 2022 Autumn Semester of the City issued by XXX Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports on August 25 and the relevant requirements of XXX Central School, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, to ensure that "students do not stop learning and teachers do not stop teaching", this plan is hereby formulated:


1、 Online learning time:


From September 1, the working hours are 8:30-17:00, with weekends off.


2、 Staffing:


First grade Chinese: XXX, XXX Mathematics: XXX;


Second grade Chinese: XXX, XXX Mathematics: XXX;


Third grade Chinese: XXX, XXX Mathematics: XXX English: XXX;


Fourth grade Chinese: XXX (XXX auxiliary), XXX Mathematics: XXX English: XXX;


Grade 5 Chinese: XXX, XXX Mathematics: XXX, XXX English: XXX;


The sixth grade is to be determined, and temporary notice will be given if there is any change.


3、 Job requirements:


1. All class teachers and teachers should strengthen the organization of students' online learning. On the premise of doing a good job in epidemic prevention and control, we should mobilize parents to actively respond and cooperate. Parents of mobile phone learning software and TV users can choose freely.


2. Our online teaching uniformly uses the class WeChat group as the teaching feedback platform. The head teacher and teacher should timely supervise the online learning of students.


3. All teachers formulate a practical online teaching plan, one class a day, and transmit the teaching plan, students' learning content and homework of the day to each student and parents in advance. It is necessary to slow down the teaching progress, increase training efforts, timely check the homework, timely feedback to ensure that students learn well, and strictly abide by the requirements of the "double reduction policy".


4. Teachers of all disciplines should make full use of information technology to improve students' ability to arrange, collect and feed back homework, and make sure there are materials when checking. It is recommended to learn to use Tencent Document Collection Table Functions. Teachers can arrange homework in the collection table, and students can upload homework pictures, so as not to create information congestion in the group. Each discipline students' homework is packaged and sent to the central primary school work group every week.


5. The online teaching content mainly arranges online learning of Chinese, mathematics and English, encourages students to participate in learning sports, moral education, aesthetic education and life education, and effectively strengthens students' ideological education with the help of parents, so as to achieve "double improvement" of learning and ideological education, prevent students from becoming addicted to mobile phones, and pay attention to protecting their eyesight.


6. Timely report those who are unable to participate in online learning due to special reasons, and help children from poor families and students with learning difficulties to learn through multiple channels.


7. During online teaching, all teachers should strictly implement the requirements of epidemic prevention and online learning, complete relevant teaching tasks on time and in full, and prepare work materials on time, be practical and realistic, and avoid fraud and formalism.


8. Online learning does not mean holidays. Teachers must be responsible for their own work and contribute to epidemic prevention and education. XXX Central School will also conduct relevant assessment after the resumption of classes in combination with the effect of online teaching and the usual working attitude of teachers. Other matters not covered herein shall be notified or modified subsequently.

小学生的生活作文 篇3


Six years later, the primary school is coming to an end. However, we are reluctant to part.

在过去的日子里,我们玩耍过,嬉戏过,难过过,伤心过……可是,就算有时互相埋怨过,但也是过不了多久也是和好了。继续开心。但如今,六年时间转瞬即逝想挽回也不行了。也许,永远不会见面了 ……

In the past days, we played, played, felt sad, and felt sad... But even if we complained about each other sometimes, it would not be long before we were reconciled. Keep happy. But now, six years is too short to save. Maybe we will never meet again


The seats on the seats have been rearranged, and the smiling faces have become strange. The names are no longer familiar. But the heart is the same. After the exam, even friends who are not good at ordinary times will say hello now, because everyone wants to leave a good impression on each other before leaving.


''Laugh!' ' The teacher took the camera, and I looked at the students. My nose was sore and I wanted to cry, but I didn't dare to cry for fear that the students would laugh. When I got to the classroom, I was shocked by the scene: all the students in the classroom cried, everyone cried into tears, and the classroom became a sea of tears. Because everyone knows that the day of our parting is coming again!


We exchange gifts, telephone numbers and QQ numbers. We all want to contact again in the future, come out to play, talk about new things and share our feelings.


When the teacher came in, he told us that the last lesson was up to us to make our own decisions, arrange our own arrangements and say goodbye to each other!


Everyone tried their best to arrange this last and most valuable lesson so that their hearts could have a perfect destination.

如今,我已初一了,原来的小学同学还能联系几个,可是,这能比得上那六年的小学的生活好吗?珍惜现在的一切,他会成为你没有时最美好的记忆 ……

Now, I'm in Grade One, and I can still contact several of my former primary school classmates, but can this compare with the life of those six years in primary school? Cherish everything now, he will become the best memory you never had

小学生游记作文500字 篇4


Yueyang Tower is located on the shore of Dongting Lake. It was first built in the Three Kingdoms Period. It was the commanding platform of Lu Su, a famous general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty. Li Bai, Du Fu and other poets once wrote poems and fu here. The Yueyang Tower written by Fan Zhongyan has become more famous at home and abroad. The main scenic spots in Yueyang Tower Scenic Area include the main building, the Three Drunken Pavilion, Xiao Qiao Tomb, etc. Standing on Yueyang Tower, overlooking Dongting Lake, you can enjoy the magnificent scenery of Dongting Lake connecting Wuxia Gorge in the north and Xiaoxiang in the south.


Let's start with the main building. It is made of pure wood and has three layers. On the first floor, there are some ancient furniture, such as stools and tables. There are also fake screen carvings of Yueyang Tower. Although they are not authentic, they are exactly the same as the real ones. The roof of the second floor is painted with patterns, displaying the authentic screen sculpture of Yueyang Tower. On the third floor is a couplet written by Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. The whole main building looks magnificent and magnificent, attracting countless tourists.


Next to the main building is the Three Drunk Pavilion. It is said that Lv Dongbin, one of the Eight Immortals, was drunk here three times. This is the name of the Three Drunk Pavilion. Here are the reclining statues and shrines of Lv Dongbin.


Leaving Sanzui Pavilion, not far north is Xiao Qiao's tomb. The statues of Xiao Qiao and Zhou Yu are painted next to Xiao Qiao's tomb. These two statues are lifelike and bring people to the Three Kingdoms era, which is full of wars. I seem to see the war scene of Zhou Yu commanding thousands of troops, talking and laughing, and the masts and oars vanishing.


Under Yueyang Tower is the vast Dongting Lake. On the surface of the lake, there are many boats. Standing on the observation platform, from a distance, there is an island, which is likened to the Junshan Mountain, a green snail in a silver plate. Unfortunately, because of the bad weather, we didn't have time to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Junshan Island, so we hurried back to Wuhan and ended our pleasant journey.

小学生的生活作文 篇5


Six years of primary school, a long and full of tears, joy, moved memories. In the past six years, we have changed many teachers and met many new students, which will eventually make those teachers who have taught us smile with approval and satisfaction.


I can't forget my beloved teachers. In another month, we may be separated from our current teachers. I really hate them. In retrospect, every time the teacher dragged the classroom, every time he occupied the class, every harsh criticism and that experience inculcated in the purpose were the most selfless love for us. Say thank you to those teachers who have taught me, and thank you for tolerating my mistakes.


Never forget my dear classmates! The generous and lovely Liu Ziyue, the monitor Li Kangqi who silently made contributions to the class; The considerate Lv Bingqian; My Wang Dongliang who is naughty and bullies me; Zhou Nuo, who grew up with me, was my good brother Ma Yumeng, who was always bullied by me; Lin Jia, who shares the same planetary meal with me; Zeng Di, who is always torn by me, will meet again if we are lucky! Pray silently for us to enter the same middle school!


Never forget the beautiful alma mater! It's a long way from the school gate to the teaching building, but it's over in the blink of an eye! We don't like every school meeting and national flag raising. Every regulation of the school seems to be aimed at us who are ignorant. Now, I understand. It seems that there are no such opportunities. The flowers and plants in my alma mater are always so beautiful. It seems that I have been here all my life to enjoy the beautiful scenery on such a beautiful day.


Primary school life is extremely happy; Memories of teachers, great respect; Memories of my alma mater, I love them very much; Memories of classmates, do not give up separation.

小学生线上教学方案 篇6


In view of the serious and complex situation of the current epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure the health and life safety of all teachers and students to the maximum extent, and ensure that all teachers and students in the school will "suspend classes and schools" during the epidemic, this plan is specially formulated according to the spirit of the document Notice on Doing a Good Job in Online Teaching in the 2022 Autumn Semester (YJJZ [2012] No. 45) issued by Yingtan Municipal Education Bureau and in combination with the actual situation of the school.


1、 Organizational leadership


Establish a leading group with the principal as the group leader, the deputy principal in charge as the deputy group leader, and the group members, grade group leaders, and class teachers as members. The online teaching work of the school is in the charge of the Teaching and Research Office, and the online teaching work of each grade is in the charge of the grade leader.


2、 Online teaching time


September 1, 2022 to be determined


3、 Online teaching resources


1. National smart education platform for primary and secondary schools


(Due to the problem of adaptation of the People's Education Press of Mathematics, the subject resources of mathematics have not been opened yet)



(Address: XXX

XXX, sponsored by the Ministry of Education, providing learning resource services);


Instructions for use steps:



(1) Download the "Smart Primary and Secondary School" APP through mobile search or log in to the website XXX

XXX, and register your parent's account to log in.


(2) After logging in, select "Course Teaching" on the home page or "Smart Primary and Secondary School" APP on the mobile phone, select "Learning" under the top, select "Course Teaching" above the top, and then independently select subject courses, learning stages, grades, subjects, textbook versions and other information to enter the learning interface.


(3) The unified edition of Chinese, the PEP edition of Mathematics and the PEP edition of English are selected. At present, due to the revision of mathematics, no resources are available. It is suggested to learn through "4. Online teaching video summary".


2. Jiangxi Smart Education Platform



(Address: XXX




3. Watch through the home TV set-top box of the four major operators in Jiangxi (radio and television, telecom, mobile, China Unicom). For details, please refer to the instructions for watching the suspended autumn courses (including smart homework). Address: XXX



4. Online teaching online course video summary address:


(Highly recommended)




5. Viewing address of electronic textbooks for all disciplines in primary and secondary schools:





4、 Online teaching requirements


(1) Teacher requirements


1. The teacher in charge of the class shall assign people to contact parents and cooperate with the school to urge students to study at home, so as to ensure that every child can participate in online courses on time.


2. The grade group leader and lesson preparation group leader will make overall arrangements to send online learning videos. Teachers and students watch "online courses" simultaneously.


3. After class, teachers should promptly carry out online answers, homework guidance, homework correction and other work, urge students to sort out notes, and summarize and reflect after class.


4. Teachers should strictly follow the specific requirements of "five management", control the total amount of homework, and arrange homework hierarchically.


(2) Student requirements


1. Waiting for class: enter the class five minutes in advance, place the school supplies, sign in and wait for class.


2. Class: listen attentively, take notes, and do not eat; Take a break, look into the distance and protect your eyes in time between classes; Finish and submit the homework on time after class.


3. Learning: Communicate with teachers in time when encountering difficulties and actively feed back problems.


4. Place: fix the place for class to create a good environment for learning.


5. Mobile phone: online teaching tools should be used reasonably. It is not recommended to use electronic products at other times except for class and homework submission.


(3) Parental requirements


1. Parents cooperate with the school to urge children to study at home, provide a good learning environment for children, and ensure that children can participate in online courses on time according to the curriculum.


2. Parents cooperate with the school to urge students to do a good job in "five management" during home study, and strictly control the use time of electronic products; Ensure adequate sleep; Cultivate good reading habits.


3. Parents should strengthen safety education for their children, grasp their children's psychological dynamics in time, and ensure their physical and mental health.


(4) For the sixth grade graduates this spring, the original head teacher will push online teaching resources and operation methods, and parents will urge students to preview at home. After the formal opening of school, the middle school will re teach.


5、 Online course arrangement

小学生线上教学方案 篇7


1、 Guiding ideology


Based on the current situation of epidemic prevention and control, in order to ensure the health and life safety of teachers and students to the greatest extent, our school decided to carry out online teaching from XX to effectively manage and guide students' home study and life according to the document spirit of the Notice on Doing Well the Online Teaching in the Autumn Semester of 20XX issued by the Education Bureau of XX City and the Notice on Delaying the Opening of the Autumn Semester of 20XX issued by the Education and Sports Bureau of XX District, Ensure that during the epidemic, "teaching and learning are suspended". In combination with the actual situation of our school, the following online teaching implementation plan is formulated.


2、 Work objective


Strictly implement the spirit of epidemic prevention and control, adhere to the principle of "no stopping teaching, no stopping classes", give full play to the role of "Internet plus+education", make overall use of public service platforms at all levels of educational resources to promote high-quality educational and teaching resources, and launch and implement online teaching, online Q&A, homework design, homework correction and other activities through the Internet, television, home computers and intelligent terminals, so as to ensure the personal safety of students, It also guides and urges students to continue learning.


3、 Leading group


Team leader: XXX


Deputy group leader: XXX

Team leader: XXX


Members: leaders of all grades of the staff of the Education Department


4、 Online teaching time and arrangement


In combination with the current situation of epidemic prevention and control in our city, online teaching will be started from XX, 20XX until offline classroom teaching is resumed. (The time to resume offline classroom teaching will be notified separately depending on the epidemic situation.) According to the curriculum and class hours specified in the Compulsory Education Curriculum Plan (20XX Edition) issued by the Ministry of Education, as well as the selection of textbooks for primary and secondary schools across the province, in combination with the "double reduction" policy and five management requirements, our school uniformly arranges online education and teaching activities.


(1) Online teaching time


Every Monday to Friday


8:20 a.m. - 11:30 a.m


14:30-16:30 p.m


(2) Online course arrangement


1. Grade I and Grade II of primary school: Chinese, mathematics, music, sports, art, morality and rule of law, science, health education, safety education, independent reading;


2. The third to sixth grades of primary school: Chinese, mathematics, English, music, sports, art, morality and rule of law, science, health education, safety education, and independent reading (Note: the health education and safety education courses for the first to sixth grades are all studied in Jiangxi Education Cloud, and other courses are studied on the intelligent education platform of XX primary and secondary schools.)


(3) Online learning mode


Recommended learning resource platform address:


1. XX Smart Education Platform for Primary and Secondary Schools


2. XX Smart Education Platform


3. Watched through the home TV set-top box of the four major operators (radio and television, telecom, mobile and China Unicom) of XX


4. Online teaching online course video summary viewing address


5. Viewing address of electronic textbooks for all disciplines in primary and secondary schools


6. XX intelligent operation platform


5、 Specific division of labor


Education Office: formulate work plan. Understand teachers' needs for teaching resources, collect relevant information from various disciplines, and urge teachers to participate in online education and teaching activities at home simultaneously. Organize online supervision around learning task arrangement, learning time arrangement, learning method guidance, learning evaluation and other contents to ensure that learning tasks are arranged in place, learning time arrangement is reasonable, learning method guidance is effective, and learning evaluation is timely.


Grade group: the group leader of each grade is responsible for the discipline teaching plan and teaching schedule, urging teachers to complete relevant teaching tasks on time and in full, and doing a good job in online teaching. At the same time, timely remind and urge each shift to do a good job, and summarize and submit the work. Seek truth from facts and avoid fraud.


Head teachers and teachers: All teachers work at home, and inform every student and parent of online education and teaching related work information in a timely manner by telephone, SMS, WeChat and other means, so that no one can be missed, and make a good record of parents' information feedback to ensure that the work of "stopping classes without stopping schools" should be fully known and 100% covered. In combination with students' learning situation, prepare lessons in advance, organize teaching, answer online and assign homework in time after online learning, and teachers will answer questions and solve difficulties of students' homework in WeChat group.


Specific work of the head teacher:


1. Send relevant materials such as curriculum schedule, work schedule and rest schedule to each student and parent in advance. Make statistics on whether the students in the class can normally watch the "air class" through equipment (mobile phones, computers, televisions, etc.) to ensure that students can normally carry out online learning;


2. Establish class online learning group to bring teachers and students who participate in online teaching into the group. Parents are required to do a good job in supervising students' online lectures, and eliminate all online activities unrelated to lectures.


Specific work of teachers:


1. Teachers should carry out teaching design according to comprehensive factors such as learning conditions and students' psychological characteristics, pay attention to the hierarchical design of homework, guide students to complete homework independently, and correct homework in time.


2. According to the teaching design, find the teaching resources on the air class resource platform, formulate a practical online teaching plan in advance, forward the class content to the grade group at least one day in advance, and then the head teacher will uniformly publish it in the class online learning group to remind students to be ready for class. Teachers and students should watch at the same time, carry out online answers, homework guidance, homework correction and other work after class, urge students to sort out notes, and do a good job of summary and reflection after class.


3. The teaching guidance of teachers and the completion of students' homework should be checked and reported daily.


6、 Job security requirements


1. In order to ensure that teachers and students can carry out online learning activities as scheduled, our school in principle requires all classes to use XX primary and secondary school smart education platform and XX smart education platform curriculum resources for home students to carry out online teaching. The head teacher needs to guide parents in advance to provide all the hardware and technical support for online learning for students, and make good use of the class WeChat group and other relevant software to prepare for the interaction between teachers, students and parents.


2. The class responsibility system is adopted. The original class is taken as the unit for online teaching, and the teachers of each discipline of the class are responsible for arranging all online learning activities for the students of the class. The head teacher shall do a good job of tracking and service, and in principle, no student shall be missed or left behind. We will ensure that students learn at home the same way they learn at school, and effectively dispel the psychological concerns of students and parents about home learning. School teachers and students should watch the "air class" synchronously, organize students to study moderately, work and rest together, and carry out recess and eye exercises according to the curriculum. After class, carry out online solutions, homework guidance, homework correction and other work, urge students to sort out notes, and summarize and reflect after class.


3. Each class shall inform students to attend the class strictly according to the schedule, and no adjustment is necessary. All teachers should carry out teaching design according to learning conditions, combined with years, students' psychological characteristics and other comprehensive factors, pay attention to the hierarchical design of homework, and guide students to complete homework independently. At the same time, the homework should be reviewed in a timely manner. Common questions should be answered and solved in the group. Individual questions can be communicated with students on the phone and WeChat separately. Give more guidance to students with learning difficulties and parents who have difficulties in tutoring.


4. In order to ensure the solid and effective development of online teaching, it is recommended to use the class WeChat group as the teaching feedback assistance. Teachers should timely understand the online learning situation of students in their class, urge all students to participate in online learning on time, and supervise students' attendance, so as not to be late or leave early. For students who are unable to participate in online learning due to special reasons, the head teacher is the first responsible person. It is necessary to formulate "one person, one case" and implement precise policies to ensure full coverage of education and teaching. Special attention should be paid to the implementation of learning assistance for left behind children, children from poor families and students with learning difficulties.


5. The school will pay close attention to the effect of online teaching, organize teachers to prepare lessons carefully, give full play to the strength of the grade group, carefully prepare the content of question answering and teaching guidance, slow down the teaching progress, increase training efforts, timely correct homework, timely feedback in place, timely consolidate in place, and ensure the teaching effect and learning effect.


6. According to the situation of epidemic prevention and control, in strict accordance with the requirements of the Technical Plan for the Prevention and Control of the COVID-19 in Primary and Secondary Schools, and in combination with the actual situation of our school, we formulated the Plan for the Distribution of Textbooks in the Autumn of 20XX in advance, strictly implemented the method of distribution of textbooks at the wrong grade and class and at the wrong time, and arranged parents and volunteers to receive textbooks at the right time to cooperate with the distribution work.


7. Give full play to the strength of all departments of the school, organize students to carry out activities other than schoolwork in their spare time, strengthen students' safety education, and do a good job in publicity and education of students' drowning prevention, fire prevention and fraud prevention. Timely grasp students' psychological dynamics, and carry out corresponding psychological guidance for students in need to ensure their physical and mental health. At the same time, we will do a good job in the development of students' moral education, aesthetic taste, labor education and other work, and further implement the "double reduction" policy and the five management requirements.


7、 Scientific epidemic prevention requirements


1. The epidemic situation is serious. The head teacher and teachers are requested to check the WeChat group every day and fill in all data required by the school in a timely and accurate manner as required.


2. Do a good job of health monitoring for yourself and your co residents. Keep the temperature measurement on time every day, keep track of health trends, and report relevant information to the school in a timely manner.


3. Strengthen personal protection. Do not leave the Eagle or go to medium and high risk areas unnecessarily. Take good care of the protection at home, try not to go out, reduce the flow of people, reduce unnecessary gatherings, and avoid going to crowded and poorly ventilated places. In case of fever, dry cough, sore throat and other symptoms, you should immediately wear a mask, go to the hospital for medical treatment after personal protection, and report to the school in a timely manner, without concealing your illness.


4. In accordance with the epidemic prevention and control deployment of XX City, actively participate in nucleic acid testing as required. Please actively cooperate with the community to do a good job in testing.


Special tips:


1. As freshmen are not enrolled in the class arrangement, parents of the first grade should refer to the timetable of the second grade to watch the course for their children.


2. For sixth grade graduates, the original sixth grade teacher will notify students to participate in online learning. The seventh grade curriculum can be selected by parents according to the requirements of the junior high school where the students are located.

初中学校线上教学实施方案范文 篇8


In order to further do a good job in epidemic prevention and control, ensure the health of teachers and students and campus safety, and in accordance with the spirit of the superior notification, in order to ensure that "classes are suspended without stopping teaching, classes are suspended without stopping learning", we adhere to both prevention and control of epidemic situation and teaching, and both are correct. Now we inform you of the following matters related to online teaching in our school:




Open online class


1、 Online teaching time


From XX, XX, online teaching will be carried out in all grades of the school.


2、 Course schedule


Class according to the schedule and timetable. Specific arrangements shall be issued separately by the head teacher.


3、 Teaching form


In this online teaching, the whole school adopts the nail live broadcast platform to give live teaching guidance, push learning materials and arrange corresponding assignments.




Learning contents and methods


1、 The first stage of home independent learning





At this time, each grade establishes a class nail learning group. Each class of Grade 7 and Grade 8 shall promote teaching according to the established work plan and classroom teaching progress. At the same time, parents and students choose Lianyungang online teaching service live broadcast platform according to actual needs. According to the contents of the first round of review plan for the senior high school entrance examination, the ninth grade teachers of major disciplines, such as language, digital, materialization, etc., will work together to produce at least six electronic copies of the students' home independent learning plans, which will be submitted to the Academic Affairs Office for review before the XX day of XX month, and then packaged by the head teachers and sent to the class group for students to use.


2、 Home based autonomous learning stage II





Self study the learning contents of the main subjects in the new semester, and continue to complete the extracurricular reading tasks.


1. During this period, teachers in each class need to continue to build a class nail learning group, issue the autonomous learning task list of main disciplines provided by the municipal teaching and research office through the guidance platform, guide students in this class to independently learn the new course content, clearly specify the time for students to upload the autonomous learning effect and answer questions, and timely check, record, evaluate, and feedback the students' learning effect in the form of daily attendance sheet and upload pictures of work results.


2. Self study is carried out by referring to the schedule of self-study class hours formulated by the school. Difficult problems in the process of self-study are recorded during the learning process. The completion is reported on time by phone and class WeChat group. Online help for teachers to explain is also available through the city's famous teacher "air class". The students shall make a clock in form for independent learning according to the school class schedule, which shall be taken back by the head teacher at the beginning of school as an important basis for the selection of "Star of Independent Learning", the selection of target students and the selection of "Three Good Students".


3. The head teacher understands the students' autonomous learning attitude and learning effect, assists the class teacher in completing self-study guidance, summarizes and counts students' daily home self-study clocking data and process pictures, and optimizes class management measures.


4. According to the implementation guidance of the municipal teaching and research office, home-based autonomous learning should highlight the dominant position of students, focusing on students' self-study, supplemented by asking teachers for help. "Teachers provide students with autonomous learning task sheets every day as planned". In principle, Chinese, mathematics and English disciplines provide one task sheet every day, physics and chemistry provide one task sheet every two days, and other disciplines provide one task sheet every three days. Individual classes or individual students can complete the learning task list ahead of or behind schedule under special circumstances.


3、 Class hour arrangement for home independent learning


In order to coordinate the time of students' home independent learning in various disciplines, XX Middle School specially formulates the schedule of courses and hours for students' home independent learning in the X quarter of 20XX, and the head teacher will send it to parents separately.




Requirements for epidemic prevention and control


1. Strengthen the awareness of epidemic prevention and control, and comply with the regulations on epidemic prevention and control. All students and their parents and friends should have a deep understanding of the current severe situation of the epidemic, resolutely overcome paralysis, boredom and fluke mentality, consciously comply with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively ensure the life safety and health of individuals and family members; Actively pay attention to the epidemic prevention related information published by the mainstream media and schools, do not spread rumors, do not believe in rumors, use the Internet reasonably, surf the Internet in a civilized manner, and do not make inappropriate comments on the Internet.


2. Strengthen daily health management and implement daily health monitoring. Parents should be good role models for their children, develop the good habit of wearing masks scientifically, washing hands frequently, and getting wind frequently, consciously purify the circle of friends, try to reduce going out, not gathering, not gathering, and away from crowded places; We should pay close attention to the class notice, cooperate with the school to carry out epidemic prevention, and strictly implement the "daily report", "zero report" system and information reporting system. If students have abnormal health conditions such as fever, dry cough and sore throat, they must go to the doctor in a timely manner and inform the head teacher. They must not conceal their illness.


3. Strengthen mental health education and strengthen home physical exercise. Parents and friends should continue to pay attention to students' mental health, communicate with children more, and ease their anxiety caused by online learning and home life; Students should combine their own interests and physical reality at home and carry out sports and exercises suitable for themselves every day, such as push ups, sit ups, flat support, hula hoop, etc.






The school is ready to resume classes at any time. At that time, it will check the living history and contact history of the students and their co residents. Please strengthen self-health management so that the students can return to school as scheduled when classes resume. Let's join hands to do a good job in students' online teaching at home and epidemic prevention and control, so as to protect the healthy growth of children!

小学生线上教学方案 篇9























小学生游记作文600字 篇10


In the cold spring, Huaqing Lake is bathed in hot springs, which are slippery and coagulated. The hot springs refer to Huaqing Lake at the foot of Lishan Mountain in Lintong, Shaanxi Province. The beginning of autumn, the hot summer has receded a lot, and the cool wind makes people feel comfortable. From afar, we saw many buildings imitating the Tang Dynasty, which is the Huaqing Pool in the poem.


When you enter Huaqing Pool, you will first see the pear garden. You must think it is a garden full of pear trees. No! It's a stage. In the Tang Dynasty, opera was very popular. Li Longji loved to listen to opera, so he invited the best theatrical troupe in the capital. The opera was very well sung. The emperor was very happy, so he named the stage (WWW.. CN) Pear Garden. Standing under the pear garden, I felt as if I had returned to the Tang Dynasty. When I heard the rough Qin Opera and happy cheers, I seemed to see Yang Yuhuan's beautiful face with cloud temples and a smile


Walking forward, I saw a white marble statue, wearing a long scarf, holding the cloud temples, walking in the hot spring, smiling, and coming slowly. That was Yang Yuhuan. Opposite the statue is Princess Yang's Pool, which is said to be the place where Princess Yang bathed. There is a tall hair drying table opposite the door of the house. It is said that Yang Yuhuan dried her long hair here after taking a bath. Near the imperial concubine pool, there are several baths of different sizes. They are the bathing places for Li Shimin, Li Longji, the king of the Tang Dynasty, the prince and ministers. Behind the statue, there are two small hot springs for tourists to experience. The water is warm, slippery and comfortable after washing. The reason why Huaqing Pool has hot springs is that Lishan is an extinct volcano. When groundwater flows through Lishan, it becomes a hot spring when heated by magma.


On the way to Furong Lake, from a distance, a tree was covered with red ribbons. Come closer and see what a strange tree it is! It turns out that it is the trunk of two trees growing together, which looks like a tree from a distance. There are three bold characters beside it: Lianli Zhi. It is a witness of history. It is said that Yang Yuhuan and Li Longji planted two trees by hand. They grew together over time. It is really a manifestation of the wish to be a bird in the sky and a tree in the ground!


Huaqing Pool, a beautiful scenic spot, a moving story, and a classic poem are all gathered here