
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:53 | 来源:语文通



国庆节旅游作文 篇1国庆节旅游作文 篇2国庆旅游 篇3国庆旅游 篇4国庆旅游 篇5国庆旅游 篇6国庆旅游 篇7国庆旅游 篇8

国庆节旅游作文 篇1


During the National Day holiday, the life of the students must be colorful, and many students must have gone out to play, right? Me too! Now let me talk about my long journey!


Early this morning, we got up and started at 8:30. The first stop is along the Minjiang River, where stands Zheng He's sculpture, which tells the touching story of Zheng He's seven voyages to the West. A little farther ahead is the famous "King Kong Feet" at the mouth of the Minjiang River. It is said that the white swordfish and the whitefish in the river fight for territory all day long, and David King Kong stepped down with one foot and said: "The left side is fresh water, and the right side is salt water. You can divide one side and no one can argue." Since then, the white snapper has settled down in salt water, and the white swordfish has settled down in fresh water, and they have never communicated with each other again.


When we arrived at the river bank, I saw the small stones on the river bank, and thought: Why don't I come to fetch water and float. It is said in the book that the stone that floats in water must be flat. The more flat the stone is, the better. Because the flat stone has a large contact area, I searched the ground and finally found a qualified stone. As the book says, I clamped the stone with my middle finger and thumb, and my index finger leaned against the stone and threw it out in a horizontal line. But the stone was tilted on the way and fell into the water with a "plop". My mother asked strangely, "Qiu Yun, what are you doing?" "I'm floating on water." I said. After listening to this, my mother said, "It's so interesting. I played with this when I was a child, and I haven't tried it for a long time. Let me show you what I can do!" Just do what she said. My mother picked up a stone, squatted her legs slightly, bent down, narrowed her eyes, held the stone in her hands, and her arms were swinging slightly. It was clear that she was brewing. Suddenly, my mother opened her eyes and threw her hand, and the stone was thrown out! The stone was spinning fast in the air. The stone hit the water and jumped three or four times on the water. How powerful! "Jump, jump!" I cried out excitedly. Ten year old cousin Qiu Yuxuan also threw the stone in the same way as his mother. Unfortunately, like me, he ended up in failure. Two other five year old cousins grabbed a pile of stones and threw them out. They also asked strangely, "Why can't the stones jump?" After we heard this, our bellies almost burst into laughter. Once, the stone I threw jumped on the water. I was so happy. Unconsciously, it was time to have lunch. We came to the Fat Hotel, finished our meal, and continued our journey.


In the afternoon, we came to the sea. I was so excited that I jumped three feet high. This was my first time to go to the sea! I took off my shoes and stepped on the beach. Wow! It's hot! It turned out that the beach was exposed to the sun, so it became very hot. I rushed to the beach that had not been dried by the sun, where there were many small holes. My uncle said that there are crabs living in this hole. I will catch crabs later. When I heard that I was going to catch crabs, I was even more excited. Before long, the little uncle appeared with a shovel. He inserted the shovel into the soil and lifted it. The soil was dug out. We looked inside and found that there was nothing. The second shovel was still empty. When we reached the third shovel, a crab came out of it. Everyone chased after it. Finally, the uncle's "Tathagata Palm" covered the crab. Hey hey, crab, I didn't expect you to be today. How can you escape from my uncle's palm. Later, we caught many crabs one after another. Enough crabs, we ran to the sea, and one after another waves rushed over and hit our feet. It was very comfortable! A big spray was coming, and I jumped to avoid it. It was interesting!


It's time to go home. I reluctantly left. I really hope I can come again next time.

国庆节旅游作文 篇2


The happy National Day is coming. The weather is sunny and cloudless. Mother can finally have a rest. Let's go to Longzhou Danxia Landform to play.


Soon we arrived at the scenic spot, where there were many rolling mountains. My mother told me that the mountains were red because of the rich iron content in the soil. After hundreds of years of exposure to the wind and the sun, they looked strange, some like a Buddha, some like a radar, and some like a strange hat.


Looking at the strange scenery, I was elated and couldn't wait to start climbing the mountain. I ran fastest because I was barefoot. My mother was close behind me, afraid that I would be in danger. My father took photos of us with my shoes in one hand and the other. We first passed a section of dark yellow mountain road, then crossed a dangerous wooden bridge, and finally we reached the dangerous top of the mountain. There are deep cliffs on both sides of the mountain top. The cool wind makes people shiver. From afar, you can see endless desert.


We decided to have a rest. Suddenly, I found a row of guillotine willows. I climbed up a tree as quickly as a monkey. My mother had a brainwave and turned my neck into an angry bird with a scarf, ready to shoot it out. I tightly grasped the trunk of the tree, otherwise I would fly out. My father laughed, cheered for my mother, and took pictures for us! I asked my mother curiously: Why is it called guillotine willow? The mother replied with a smile: In order to protect the land environment, people should cut off the top of the willow tree when it grows, so that it can grow luxuriously without using too much water to protect the soil and prevent desertification! Kill three birds with one stone!


We rested and prepared to go down the mountain. It was a road along the edge of the cliff. We walked slowly and carefully. Walking and walking, we came across a very narrow road. It was a little narrower than the distance of an adult's foot, and we could pass only when our face was almost close to the wall. We passed through one by one smoothly in line, sweating and panting. After a while, we finally reached the bottom of the mountain and went home reluctantly.


This is really an unforgettable trip. I will definitely come again next year's holiday!

国庆旅游 篇3


During the autumn vacation on National Day, I came to the famous scenic spot of Jiuzhaigou - Huanglong, ready to start climbing.


"Mom, can I not go?" I said with my head down. But my mother didn't answer, she was just preparing to climb the mountain. When I saw the cheerfulness of my partners, I couldn't help lighting a spark in my heart: I must climb up!


I cut into the deep forest at a constant speed and walked inside Huanglong. Less than 20 minutes after walking, we saw a pavilion where we rested for a while and then embarked on the "journey" again.


From that pavilion, there is no place to rest. The road was still gentle at the beginning, and gradually became steeper and steeper. My steps are getting heavier and heavier, and my breathing is getting faster and faster. My feet have begun to ache and numb, and my clothes have been wet with sweat. But I rubbed my feet, bit my teeth, and said to myself, "Don't give up. I said I must finish it!" I patted my face twice and continued to climb the mountain. When my mother saw that my feet were swollen, she said to me painfully, "Why don't you sit on the stairs and have a rest?" I shook my head and said, "No, we must insist on climbing!"


Suddenly, I saw a corner of the eaves in the distance. I decided that it was the resting place of the summit. I shouted happily, "That's the summit!" I took the eaves in that corner as the target and followed the stairs all the way around. Everyone quickened their pace and advanced at the fastest speed. I don't know how far the eaves have become two corners! We were very excited. Finally, we saw the rest place at the summit. Surprised and tired, we slowly walked up to the Huanglong Peak.


Looking around, there are woods everywhere, the peaks there reach to the clouds, and the streams there are clear. The colorful pool in Huanglong becomes very beautiful. The five colors complement each other and are very harmonious. It's really a fairyland on earth! I thought to myself: Fortunately, I persevered at that time, otherwise I would not be able to see the beautiful scenery.


"Nothing is difficult in the world if you are willing to climb." This is the inspiration of climbing Huanglong.

国庆旅游 篇4


This morning, three members of our family came to Pinghai with excitement, ready to visit the beautiful friend.


As soon as I got off the bus, I couldn't wait to rush to the seaside. Ah! The sea is at high tide. I stood on the bank, looking at my former friends, and found that they had changed, changed, and become more beautiful; It has become the world of water: the sky, the earth, the color and the shape of water. The flowery waves, undulating waves, spotty rain, and wet fog filled the dome covered by the blue sky,. They laughed, cried, licked the "cotton" in the sky, engulfed the beach on the shore, roared, and leaped. As far as the eye can see, the waves hanging from the horizon are driving one by one. They are vast and mighty, just like an army rushing into battle. The waves, seething, one layer after another, like the clouds in full bloom in the autumn sky; The waves crowded with each other, chasing, getting closer and higher. When they got to their feet, they suddenly stood into neat water walls, like wild horses with bristles and hooves, roaring to the shore, and hit the round reefs with a "Pa" sound. In a moment, it turns into little drops of water and stars.


At this time, several European sounds moved my eyes from the majestic sea to the blue sky. It turned out to be seagulls. How brave they are, hovering on the surging waves and beating the waves!


In the afternoon, I went to the bank again. At this time, the sea ebbed and sent us countless "treasures". Groups of children were shouting happily, playing and jumping at the seaside. I also rushed down the bank and ran to the golden sand beach to pick shells, build the Great Wall, dig crabs and tread the waves with them.


At this time, the distant fishing boats in twos and threes came to the dock. Soon, the dock became lively. People carried the baskets full of big fish onto the shore with all hands and feet. Some were eager to take in the nets, and some were sorting the cabin. Some people said a joke or two from time to time, which attracted bursts of hearty laughter.


Sea, you are beautiful; You are rich, and you have nurtured generations of descendants of dragons; Your broad mind always enlightens me.


Ah! The sea, I would like to be your forever friend!

国庆旅游 篇5


At noon on National Day, I stayed alone in my study.


Holidays are always so boring. Apart from going to Yandang Mountain, there are no activities. When I went to the cinema, most of the films were not shown, and most of them were animated films. It was boring. After a long time, I returned home.


I wanted to go to see my classmates, but I didn't know where to go, so I returned home.


Looking out of the window, the afternoon sun seemed to be the strongest, reflecting on the trees beside the road. Even in autumn, the sunlight is still strong. The leaves on the tree also entered the last moment of life. Fast, it has fallen on the road alone, ran over with the car, and made a "rustling" sound. Slow, it is still green and vigorous. The strong, though old and wobbly on the branches, is stubborn as a child. He refuses to compromise with the wind and still hangs gold hooks upside down on the branches.


Time, in the drifting leaves quietly past. I suddenly woke up, as if I felt like having a dream.


Open the untouched books on the shelf. And entered the fantasy world in the book. Look, turn, feel numb to see. With a sigh, close the book and focus on the potted plants at home. When was it covered with the color of years. A green leaf is attached with a layer of light yellow, which is the color of autumn? Or the dust of time? The hands could not help touching the green, which was still smooth and bright, as if it had been washed by water. Hold up the potted plant and put it gently on the desk. Where the sun can shine, it is green and shiny.


Inadvertently, I glanced at the Olympian Maths books and ancient Chinese books stacked on the desk, but there was no visible pressure. I want to write, but I reject these two trespassers into my world. Two ideas are intertwined in my mind. This noon, am I wasting time? Is it meaningful for me to do this? Time flows away in the tangle


Open the book and let time slip through your fingers

国庆旅游 篇6


On National Day, I went to Phoenix Mountain in Ningbo.


"Du ------" just heard a long sound, and our tour bus came to a new generation of high-tech large-scale international theme park in Ningbo - Phoenix Mountain Theme Park.


As soon as the car stopped, I ran to Phoenix Mountain Park like the wind. As soon as I entered the door, a tall building attracted my attention. I saw two beautiful Phoenix intertwined with each other, their mouths to their mouths, and their wings spread high, as if to say to us: "Welcome to Phoenix Mountain Theme Park, and I wish you a happy time." We walked along the signpost, Come to the "Adventure Journey" "There are many amusement items in it, including big boat surfing, pirate boat, turning the tide, rushing into the torrent, etc. This is the only place I can play. The first item I played was the pirate boat. In fact, at the beginning, I was a little scared. I tightly grasped the handrail as if I was about to fall off, screaming loudly. But after a period of time, my fear and worry seemed to disappear, and gradually opened my eyes , I saw that the boat swung over and over at once, as if encountering a big wind and waves, and was unable to move forward. When I was in the mood, I just listened to "Du --." As soon as the pirate ship stopped slowly, I had to leave the ship regretfully. Then, we played the high-altitude sliding lock. At first, I was a little nervous because I was afraid of heights. But when I slid down, I was not afraid. Instead, I thought it was fun, but the time was too short. One minute's arrival was less than 30 yuan, which was too expensive. At last, we played the "Drunken Bucket". I didn't feel dizzy when I sat in. But after a while, the turntable was spinning faster and faster. It was not only spinning outside, but also inside. I was really confused by the "Drunken Bucket". Even one person was regarded as several and could not find the north.


The amusement atmosphere of "joy, fashion, surprise, excitement" in the park is really unforgettable.

国庆旅游 篇7


The National Day has a seven day holiday. My favorite thing is to walk around. On this National Day, I think I should go to see my favorite sea and feel its atmosphere.


This morning, three members of our family came to Pinghai with excitement. Prepare to visit the beautiful friend.


As soon as I got off the bus, I couldn't wait to rush to the seaside. Ah! The sea is at high tide. I stood on the bank, looking at my former friends, and found that they had changed, changed, and become more beautiful; It has become the world of water: the sky, the earth, the color and the shape of water. The flowery waves, undulating waves, spotty rain, and wet fog filled the dome covered by the blue sky. They laughed, cried, licked the "cotton" in the sky, engulfed the beach on the shore, roared, and leaped. As far as the eye can see, the waves hanging from the horizon are driving one by one. They are vast and mighty, just like an army rushing into battle. The waves, seething, one layer after another, like the clouds in full bloom in the autumn sky; The waves crowded with each other, chasing, getting closer and higher. When they got to their feet, they suddenly stood into neat water walls, like wild horses with bristles and hooves, roaring to the shore, and hit the round reefs with a "Pa" sound. In a moment, it turns into little drops of water and stars.


At this time, several European sounds moved my eyes from the majestic sea to the blue sky. It turned out to be seagulls. How brave they are, hovering on the surging waves and beating the waves!


In the afternoon, I went to the bank again. At this time, the sea ebbed and sent us countless "treasures". Groups of children were shouting happily, playing and jumping at the seaside. I also rushed down the bank and ran to the golden sand beach to pick shells, build the Great Wall, dig crabs, and tread the waves with them


At this time, the fishing boats in twos and threes from afar came to the wharf. Soon, the wharf became lively. People carried the baskets full of big fish onto the shore with all hands and feet, some were eager to take in the nets, some were sorting the cabins... Some people said a joke or two from time to time, attracting bursts of hearty laughter


Sea, you are beautiful; You are rich, and you have nurtured generations of descendants of dragons; Your broad mind always enlightens me


Ah! The sea, I would like to be your forever friend!

国庆旅游 篇8


Mom, do you want to take this dress with you! Dad, is it hot in Guilin? Today is the slowest and most tardy time for me to prepare clothes when I travel. Alas! This is not the first time to go to Guilin. It's so far away from Hefei. I don't know what the weather is like there. Every time I play around Hefei, this is the only place I've traveled so far!


Are you ready? Ready, we can start! As soon as Dad's voice fell, I said: My luggage is ready to go at any time, but my mother really wants to meet some trouble. You go to the car first, and I will help her! After half an hour, we finally got to Dad's car. Dad asked impatiently, "Why are you so slow?"! I breathlessly told my father; In fact, my mother and I have already done well! If Mom hadn't thought the house was too dirty, we would have gone downstairs! Mother said proudly, 'Hey! I'm so clean, I can't help it! The dry atmosphere was instantly amused by a word from my mother, and we left Hefei with laughter


Grunt, grunt! My father snores loudly and loudly! I can't sleep, so I have to talk with my mother there. Fortunately, my mother can drive, or my father will be tired! I don't know why, I fell asleep while talking with my mother. It's amazing that I fell asleep in the loud grunt. Do you think it's amazing, and I do too.


When we arrived, we arrived in Guilin. While driving, my father said to us who were sleepy, "We look at the beautiful landscape of Guilin and admire it!"! The beautiful scenery of Guilin. The first thing I did when I went to Guilin, I asked my father to take me to see the micro film Third Sister Liu. My father's good friend said that the micro film they played was played on water. During the performance, the water would spray on you, which aroused my curiosity. When I got there, I looked forward to the performance. In the past 70 minutes, which micro film has finally finished. After the performance, I will talk about my feelings here! This micro film is really boring! Although the scenery in the performance is beautiful, how about the mountains! It has turned into color and beautiful singing, which is really good for my mother. Hey! No water splashed on you. Although it was performed on the water, it was a bit strange for me. However, there was still no water splashed on you during the performance. Why do I always emphasize that the water did not splash on me? That's because I usually like exciting things. Don't misunderstand me. I am not a self masochist.


Going to Guilin again makes me like to play Guilin rafting, which is too exciting. When my mother and I met Dapo, my mother had already closed her eyes in fear, and I was bold. I not only didn't close my eyes, but also stood up. I really admire my courage. How dare I be so brave?


This time I went to Beihai again. In fact, it was the Pacific Ocean! I'm so excited to swim in it! Since I finished swimming this summer, I have no feeling that I can swim in the next few months. The sand on the sand stand was so hot that I ran into the water and jumped in. Although I drank a little water and tasted the taste of sea water, I think it is also an interesting thing!


This time in Guilin, I not only played many interesting things, but also took many beautiful scenes. This time in Guilin, although Guilin is far away from Hefei, I also gained a lot. I think it's lucky to see such a beautiful scene in Guilin this time! If I have a chance, I will go to Guilin again!