
时间:2022-11-10 13:20:31 | 来源:语文通



小学生端午节作文 篇1小学生端午节作文 篇2小学生端午节作文 篇3小学生端午节作文 篇4端午节作文小学生 篇5端午节作文小学生 篇6小学生端午节作文 篇7端午节小学生作文 篇8小学生端午节作文 篇9小学生愉快的端午节作文 篇10

小学生端午节作文 篇1


"Zongbao has two buns, and Ai wears a dangerous crown."


As soon as I talk about the Dragon Boat Festival, I think of the Dragon Boat Festival three years ago, which left me a good memory.


I remember that my mother entrusted me to my grandmother because my parents were busy. Once I got to Grandma's house, I was attracted by the objects hanging in front of the door. They were calamus, wormwood leaves like green whips, pomegranate flowers, and even a long string of garlic.


As soon as I entered the door, my grandmother greeted me with a smile. After she talked with me for a few words, she asked me to sit down and let me eat the cake on the table. My eyes turned to the table. On the table were sweet, soft and glutinous mung bean cakes, layers of oil cakes with attractive luster, and several cakes that I could not name, but they were very delicious and attractive. As I ate, I inadvertently saw some unfinished zongzi in the kitchen. I asked my grandmother to teach me how to make zongzi. At my request, my grandmother agreed when she saw that she could not defeat me. Grandma first selected some zong leaves and boiled them for 8 minutes, which could make it easier to shape. Then she rolled them into a cone and added the soaked glutinous rice. Then she compacted the filling with chopsticks and sealed it. Finally, she wrapped hemp thread to make a zong. However, the situation I was facing was not very good. Either the filling was missing or the line fell off. It was not easy to wrap my rice dumplings. It was a rice dumplings with hemp thread tied around and many loopholes. It looked weak. My grandmother put zongzi into the pot to cook - along with my poor zongzi. While cooking rice dumplings, my grandmother dipped wormwood leaf juice with bitter fragrance of plants and trees in her handkerchief and wiped my face and hands. She said that wiping wormwood leaf juice could prevent the bite of "five poisons" and keep people from getting sick for a year. After cleaning, it was lunch time and my relatives were sitting around. At the table, everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves.


This Dragon Boat Festival, I not only learned to make dumplings, but also experienced the folk customs, very happy.

小学生端午节作文 篇2


The annual Dragon Boat Festival is coming again this year. On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, every family was busy making zongzi.


That morning, when I got out of bed, I saw that my mother had put fragrant dumplings and warm eggs on the table. I quickly washed my face casually and asked my father to eat dumplings together. My father also came to the table quickly, and our family talked about zongzi while eating. I said to my father, "Zongzi is very special in shape. It is neither square nor round. What shape is it?" My father didn't answer my question, but he casually told me the origin of eating zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival. Dad said: "It is said that eating zongzi was to commemorate the ancient poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan wrote many famous poems and put forward many patriotic political propositions in his life, but the King of Chu refused to accept them. Finally, the land of Chu was occupied, and he jumped into the river with great sorrow and indignation. In order to remember him and respect him, people threw zongzi and many delicious food into the river on this day of every year, which means that fish were not allowed to eat Qu Yuan's body."


Dad finished. I said, "Qu Yuan is really good! But Mom, how do you make dumplings?" Mother said: "Zongzi is made of green, fresh reed leaves wrapped with snow-white glutinous rice and bright red dates. If you don't wrap dates, you can also use beans instead. It takes one night to cook it. After cooking, peel off the dark green reed leaves, and you can see the white rice balls in the noodles, which are very delicious and not greasy. It is not only an appetizer, but also a nutritious tonic."


Ah! The Dragon Boat Festival is not only unforgettable, but also delicious and nutritious dumplings.

小学生端午节作文 篇3


The story of Qu Yuan's throwing himself into the river is said to be because in ancient times there was an emperor who liked Qu Yuan very much, and one of the ministers was jealous of Qu Yuan. The minister kept telling the emperor about Qu Yuan and asked him to expel him. Qu Yuan was so sad that he threw himself into the river in Miluo River at noon on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. The story of Qu Yuan's investment in the river has been handed down from ancient times to the present, and has a long history. This story has always impressed me in my heart.


On the day before the Dragon Boat Festival, which is the fourth day of the fifth lunar month, my mother and I made zongzi while talking and wrapping. It was evening. All the relatives and friends in my family enjoyed themselves. Tired of playing, everyone decided to stay for the night. The next day is the annual Dragon Boat Festival. In the morning, we talked about today's itinerary. After some discussion, we finally came to a conclusion that we should go to the Dragon Boat Race at noon, go to the brook to play with water in the afternoon, and eat local snacks in the evening. Dad said, "Now that it has been decided, let's go without saying anything.", In this way, a day's journey began. We drove for an hour in the morning. When we arrived at 12:00, we sat by the lake to watch the dragon boat race. I heard the dragon boat painter shouting, "Come on!" "Come on!" Very hard. I would like to thank the dragon boat painters for showing us such a wonderful and beautiful dragon boat race. Next, we should go to find out what the scenery by the stream looks like? By the side of the stream, the scenery is really beautiful and the clear water is lingering. Here we can relax and have a good rest. My cousin and I use stones to play "water floaters", which is very interesting! It's evening. We went to the night market to have a snack together, and my stomach kept growling. When a table of delicious food was placed in front of me, I couldn't wait to eat it. Everyone ate it with gusto. After eating, we went to the night market, bought things, and took pictures together, leaving a good end for today's Dragon Boat Festival this year.


This Dragon Boat Festival makes me very happy. I hope that next time I can be as happy as this Dragon Boat Festival.

小学生端午节作文 篇4


June 16 is the annual Dragon Boat Festival in China. My parents and I rode a motorcycle to the mountains far from the city for an outing. It's a pleasant journey with pleasant scenery. But something unexpected happened. Just halfway up the mountain, the rear tire of the motorcycle suddenly deflated. We had to push the deflated motorcycle back home.


This is also because it is far from the downtown area, so there is no place to repair it in a short time. The motorcycle is quite heavy. In addition, it has no air, which greatly increases its weight. It is very hard to push. I pushed in the back and Dad pushed in the front. After a short while, we were both panting and sweating. Mother not only encouraged us all the time, but also actively searched for repair points. Although very tired, I am very happy, because I have also done my part, and the whole family can share weal and woe!


After a lot of hard work, we walked 5 kilometers, but still did not reach the destination. After asking the local villagers, they said that there would be a car repair place half an hour ahead, and there would be hope. Although we were exhausted, I was confident when I heard this. In this half hour, it may be the longest 30 minutes in my life. On the way, I tried my best to 'move forward'. There was only one idea in my mind. Persistence is victory. Finally, with the close cooperation of my father and I, I bravely completed this difficult journey.


This special trip really made me feel the hardships of labor. I believe that this trip will make me unforgettable all my life. I think I will not be helpless in the face of any difficulty in the future.

端午节作文小学生 篇5


The Dragon Boat Festival came to our home with a brisk step. I remember a few days ago, my mother said that during the Dragon Boat Festival, we ate zongzi together. When she said that, the fragrance of zongzi came to me.


I saw the drizzle in the early morning, as if expressing my love for the Dragon Boat Festival. Suddenly, the rain stopped, helping us to wash the world clean, let us welcome the happy Dragon Boat Festival. Mother came out of the kitchen and put some Zongye and Baotan materials on the table.


She took zong leaves in one hand and put many ingredients, such as mung beans and pork, into it in the other. Suddenly, she smiled and said, "We'd better make some sweet dumplings. Then, put a coin in one of the dumplings. Whoever eats the sweet dumplings can make a wish today." After that, we all clapped our hands and said, "I must have eaten this sweet rice dumplings."


After a while, the rice dumplings were ready one by one. As soon as the rice dumplings came out, we rushed to the table like bees. Then, after thinking hard, he touched that one with his hand and this one with his hand. I scratched my head with my hands and stared at the rice dumplings on the table. Finally, I took one.


I began to wolf down and eat, only to see that I ate, the shadow of the coin did not see. Suddenly, "Ah! The coin is here!" We saw that the baby was in Dad's hands. Dad quickly waved his hand around, and then raised his hand to make a wish and said, "I hope our family can be healthy and happy every day." Suddenly, there was a warm cheering, and we were immersed in cheering!


On the Dragon Boat Festival, my father made a wish for our family. This wish will always be hidden in our hearts. In the future, I will fight for the wishes my father gave us.



端午节作文小学生 篇6


Today is China's traditional festival - Dragon Boat Festival. The holiday atmosphere in my home is very strong.


1、 Wormwood leaf and calamus


In the morning, I got up with excitement and ran downstairs eagerly. A fragrance came to my nose. Eh, what is it? Why is it so fragrant!


When I entered the living room, I found that there were green mugwort leaves and calamus on the counter in the lobby. No wonder they were very fragrant.


Grandma said: This can ward off evil spirits. In fact, the fragrance of Acorus calamus is a little spicy. Now, mosquitoes can escape from this smell.


Unexpectedly, the small wormwood leaves and calamus have great effects!


2、 Eat five reds


At noon, my sister and I sat at the table early and waited for dinner.


After a while, Grandma and Mom were busy serving bowls and plates of steaming dishes on the table, and then served some cold dishes.


Looking at so many delicious dishes, I am salivating. Mother smiled and said to me, "On the Dragon Boat Festival, we will have five red dishes: braised shrimp, braised fish, braised fish, carrots and red amaranth." After hearing this, I nodded and thought to myself: There is a lot of knowledge about Dragon Boat Festival!


3、 Baozongzi


After lunch, Grandma began to make dumplings. The sun dried zong leaves, after being boiled in boiling water, have regained her indigo complexion and sent out the astringent fragrance. Grandma took them out and put them in a long bucket of cold water. The green leaves rippled gently in the water, so lovely.


Grandma stacked four zong leaves together, rolled them into a funnel, and put a spoonful of white glutinous rice in it. Then, after wrapping up, a zong zi appeared. The dumplings made by Grandma are big, like a big awl. The dumplings made by Mom are small, cute, like a boat, and like claws.


As we learned, we went to the riverside to pick up some reed leaves, dig a shovel of soil, and also wrap up "zongzi". It was beautiful to wrap and color.


Dragon Boat Festival, I'm so happy!

小学生端午节作文 篇7


The Dragon Boat Festival is known to Chinese people. In fact, he has other names such as: Duanyang, heavy five


I remember when I was a child, I always got up early in the morning on the Dragon Boat Festival, stood in the yard to exercise my body, and then hung a vein of unknown plants around my ears. The plants had a fascinating fragrance, and my sleep was swept away unconsciously. There was only a breeze around my head.


At that time, I was still young. I don't know what the use of that plant was. But my grandparents said that it was a kind of herb that could ward off evil spirits. It was essential on the Dragon Boat Festival. Don't disbelieve me. When I went out that afternoon, I saw all the plants hanging on every household. On the doors and windows, in the hut, the whole town was filled with this scent, which was refreshing.


At noon, our children were very happy because we could eat duck eggs. Don't think duck eggs are nothing. You should remember that day is Dragon Boat Festival. Yes, the duck eggs of the Dragon Boat Festival are very special. These duck eggs are boiled with the herbs I mentioned above. The smell of the medicine and the smell of the duck eggs are not to mention attractive. Besides, the duck eggs have turned green and yellow because of the soaking of the herbs, which makes people look slanderous.


When I was a child, my hands were small. I wanted to take more duck eggs, but I couldn't get enough. So I always used wool to weave a winding, and then put it in it one by one, hanging it on my chest. Of course, it was not beautiful! But it was our children's favorite ornaments at that time. The duck eggs had been hanging for a long time. When we were happy, we took out the duck eggs from the winding and ate them.


Children are very careful when eating duck eggs. In addition to knocking out short positions, nothing is broken. After eating up the yolk protein inside, wash it with water. At night, he would go into the bamboo forest, catch some fireflies, put them in the eggshell, cover them with a thin layer of gauze, and seal them. Fireflies are shining in it, very bright!


Now that I have grown up, the bamboo groves have disappeared. Maybe there will be no Dragon Boat Festival in my childhood!

端午节小学生作文 篇8


There are many ancient traditional festivals in China. Now let me tell you about the Dragon Boat Festival! The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, is a very grand festival in China. The Dragon Boat Festival is an old custom in China more than 2000 years ago. Until now, people still celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival. It commemorates the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan in the Warring States Period.


The Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Every family needs to make zongzi and have an interesting dragon boat race! Grandma has cooked delicious rice dumplings at home, and when I opened the lid of the pot, the smell of rice dumplings wafted all over the room, making my mouth water. I can't wait to peel the leaves of zongzi and eat them with great relish. It's really a memorable experience!


After eating zongzi, my father took me to watch the dragon boat race. There are so many people here, and there is so much traffic! The competition started, and all teams were ready to start. With the sound of gunfire, dragon boats quickly rowed across the water like arrows. The audience cheered and cheered for the contestants. The contestants rowed with confidence, and the water splashed everywhere. The dragon boats chased each other. At last, the laggard No. 1 finally caught up with the far ahead No. 2 and the first one crossed the destination. The audience could not help cheering. There was a sea of joy everywhere. Ah! This is the most unforgettable day for me.


Chinese traditional festivals are really colorful! It is like a huge treasure house, and there are many traditional festivals waiting for you to find!

小学生端午节作文 篇9


The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is our traditional festival - Dragon Boat Festival.


It is said that Qu Yuan, a patriotic poet in ancient times, threw himself into the river on the fifth day of May for resisting the cruel persecution of villains. The people organized boats to look for Qu Yuan's body in the river. At the same time, in order to prevent the poet from being eaten by fish and shrimp, they threw zongzi into the river to feed the fish and shrimp, so that the fish and shrimp could not eat the poet. Later, people called it Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate him.


And because there are two "five" on the fifth day of May, there are many people associated with the number of "five". People use blue, white, yellow, black and red threads to tie children's wrists and feet, which is called "long life thread". Children who wear this kind of string will bring them good luck.


On the Dragon Boat Festival, calamus, wormwood and other things are inserted on the doors of every household, so that these things can bring peace to people; On this day, adults prepared water for us, put some wormwood in the water, and gave us a shower, hoping that we would not get sick for a year.


On Dragon Boat Festival, people clean their houses and sprinkle wormwood water to kill poisonous insects.


In the morning, I got up and said "Happy Dragon Boat Festival" to my family. I had my favorite dumplings and mung bean soup for breakfast. After breakfast, my mother bought wormwood to hang on both sides of the gate. When I smell wormwood, it has a faint fragrance. When I saw that every family bought wormwood and hung it on both sides of the gate, I asked my mother, "Why did you hang wormwood beside the gate?" Mother said, "It's our Chinese custom to think that wormwood is a kind of spiritual herb, which can be hung on both sides of the gate to ward off evil spirits and protect the family from illness."


At lunch time, there are many delicious dishes: shrimp balls, bamboo shoots and fried meat... It looks appetizing and tastes delicious.


In the evening, my mother and I agreed to go to the square to play. I met several good friends: Wang Jinrui, Ye Qiulin. We play the game of losing handkerchiefs, owners and pets. We had a great time.


Finally, we threw stones one after another to make wishes, hoping that there will be such a happy and beautiful Dragon Boat Festival next year.

小学生愉快的端午节作文 篇10


"On the fifth of May, it is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is full of wormwood and incense. Eating zongzi and sprinkling Baijiu. The dragon boat is launched happily." When you hear this nursery rhyme, you will definitely think of the Dragon Boat Festival. Today, let me talk about the Dragon Boat Festival. It is generally believed that the Dragon Boat Festival originated from the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan who committed suicide in the river and was commemorated by later generations. Some people also believe that the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate Wu Zixu's suicide and being thrown into the river by the King of Wu. In a word, there are many similar legends, but the most accurate one is to commemorate Qu Yuan. It is said that in 278 BC, the Qin army broke through Kyoto of the Chu State. Qu Yuan saw his country being invaded and threw a stone into the Miluo River to die. After the death of Qu Yuan, the people of Chu State felt extremely sad. Every year on this day, they rushed to the riverside to pay tribute to Qu Yuan. Therefore, on the fifth day of May each year, they had the custom of racing dragon boats, eating zongzi, drinking realgar wine, and hanging wormwood. Among them, the dragon boat race is the most distinctive. The fierce scene of competing is like Qu Yuan's strong patriotism, which has inspired us for thousands of years.


Because of this profound cultural heritage, the Dragon Boat Festival has become one of the main traditional festivals of our Chinese nation. Today, she still has strong vitality. Take Ningbo as an example. Every day, calamus and wormwood are hung on the doors of every household. The old man said that they can ward off evil spirits and eliminate disasters. Every family can't help making zongzi. The zongzi with thick bamboo leaf fragrance is our children's favorite, jujube brown, ham brown, red bean brown... It's mouth watering! Before Zongzi came out of the cage, we were ready to have a big meal.


The book "Our Festivals" also introduces the origins and activities of the Tree Planting Day, Labor Day, Mother's Day, Party Building Day, Army Building Day, Qixi Festival, Teachers' Day, Mid Autumn Festival, National Day, Double Ninth Festival, New Year's Day and other festivals, so that we can enjoy all kinds of festivals in the world we live in, and have a certain impression of folk culture in various places, Let us have reason to be proud of the Chinese culture!