
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:12 | 来源:语文通



爱国心报国情强国志征文 篇1小学生爱国作文 篇2小学生爱国作文 篇3小学生爱国作文 篇4小学生爱国作文 篇5小学生爱国作文 篇6小学生爱国作文 篇7小学生爱国作文 篇8

爱国心报国情强国志征文 篇1


Our motherland has a vast territory, rich resources and splendid culture. There are four famous inventions in the world. There are also beautiful rivers with three mountains and five mountains


I live here, enjoying a happy life and happy sunshine.


Here, there are many tall buildings, streets crisscross, and viaducts and overpasses intersperse between tall buildings. Cars streamed along the wide road. There are all kinds of goods in the shop. McDonald's and KFC are distributed in every corner of the city.


The grass in the park is green and the flowers are bright red. The color and shape of flowers and trees are so interesting and novel. There are some entertainment projects everywhere. The children's laughter spread all over the park. The old grandparents danced the old disco with the rhythm of music, the naughty brothers and sisters flew kites on the grass, and the fashionable big brothers and sisters took good memories


Freeways and high-speed railways cross mountains and fields, connecting cities and villages like spider webs, and painting a picture of prosperity.


In the countryside, flocks of cattle and sheep are all over the mountains, green mountains and rivers, red flowers, tinkling rivers, golden rice, forming a beautiful landscape painting.


The sound of reading was heard from the campus, and the students played and entertained on the wide playground. In the bright and quiet classroom, the teacher's voice is so loud and kind. The flowers on campus are so beautiful, the grass is so green, the birds are so lovely, the students are so 'amiable, and the teachers are so respectable. This is our beautiful campus.


This is our beautiful motherland


However, in our lovely and beautiful country, there are also many unhappy places. Some people have no awareness of environmental protection and let the carbon dioxide emitted pollute the sky. Others lack civilization and damage our living environment. Our beautiful and lovely motherland needs the care of all of us!


Yesterday is a page of history, today is a new starting point. Do a good job every day. Study hard for the prosperity of our motherland.

小学生爱国作文 篇2


One day, after school in the afternoon, Ding Ding and I were walking home. On the way.


Suddenly, there was a howling wind. Boom - lightning and thunder. Hua Hua Hua - It's raining heavily.


The weather has changed. I patted my head and said, "Oh, no good. The national flag is going to get wet. If it gets wet, it won't be bright."


I took Ding Ding to turn around and ran to the school. Brushing - Ding Ding and I lowered the national flag.


The headmaster saw it and said, "You are really good children who love the national flag."

小学生爱国作文 篇3


From babbling to growing up slowly, I knew that the motherland still had a shameful history. The learning in the class of Pinshe Society presented me with pictures: Lin Zexu destructed opium at Humen, the anti British struggle in Sanyuanli, the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, the Sino Japanese War... Why are we so humiliated? There are three reasons: one. The corruption of the Qing government. II. People's minds are divided. III. At that time, China was very backward.


When the Nanjing Treaty, the first unequal treaty, was signed, it was clearly unequal. However, the corrupt and incompetent Qing government yielded to the British invaders. Why didn't it resist? After resistance, will there be so many unequal treaties? The Qing government repeatedly backed down, thinking that the invaders would stop there, but it was not what they imagined, but let more countries invade our motherland.


Napoleon once said, "China is a sleeping lion in the East. Let it sleep forever!" If the Communist Party had not awakened our motherland, we would not know when our motherland would sleep!


Let's turn over the painful and humiliating page! Well develop our new page now!


In our grandparents' time, we could only dig wild vegetables to eat, and there was no food. There is nothing related to electricity, only kerosene lamps. In our parents' childhood, we had just carried out the reform and opening up policy. Electric lights, radios and televisions have gradually entered thousands of households, and people's lives have become much more interesting. In the age we live now, we have computers, washing machines, refrigerators... high-tech products.


This year, our motherland successfully hosted the 29th Olympic Games and won 51 gold medals and 100 medals; There are also the Shenzhou VII Flying and Paralympic Games, the Wisdom Games, the National Games, the Cultural Expo, the Mobile Expo


Although our motherland has suffered hardships and setbacks, these hardships and setbacks make our motherland stronger and braver, and our motherland will not fall down again! Perhaps soon, our motherland will be more developed and stronger!


Motherland, I just want to say to you: "I will always love you!"

小学生爱国作文 篇4


My motherland has a vast territory and a large population. The old people of my grandparents lived very hard in the era when New China was born. Especially in three years of natural disasters, people tend to eat the last meal without the next. Even the Spring Festival is not enough.


At that time, there was no telephone, let alone mobile phone. Not even a public telephone.


After several generations of hard work, my motherland has undergone earth shaking changes, such as: every family has a telephone and mobile phone; TV for understanding national news; An omnipotent computer; Refrigerator that can keep fresh; Effortless washing machine; The air conditioner for relieving summer heat is as common as the table and chair at home... Many people have bought motorcycles and cars at home.


Now people are tired of chicken, duck, fish, meat and seafood. It would be a fairy tale if these things were told to people in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China. Of course, this is a reality.


I am very happy to live in the strongest period of my motherland. I love my motherland and my party more!

小学生爱国作文 篇5


Respected leaders, teachers and students:


hello everyone!


The topic of my speech is; Patriotic Dream


Everyone has a dream. It is a patriotic dream. Students, what is the greatest in your heart? I think it's China, right?


There are 56 nationalities in China. Fifty six nationalities are fifty-six flowers. Therefore, we should study hard and safeguard national unity. Love our motherland and hometown together. We live happily in our motherland. We should study hard and love our motherland. Let's study hard. Let's create the future of our motherland together. Let the motherland become more beautiful and rich.


This is the patriotic dream.


Thank you.

小学生爱国作文 篇6


The Chinese are one of the four ancient countries in the world. The Chinese people have their own national self-esteem and sense of pride. It is the greatest honor to love the motherland and contribute all our strength to building a socialist motherland. In today's society, patriotism


Examples abound: Liu Xiang fought hard in the Athens Olympic Games to win glory for his country; Yang Liwei, in order to realize the Chinese dream of flying into the sky, trained hard and did not fear difficulties; Many angels in white went forward one after another to the front line of fighting SARS and eliminating bird flu


You may think that these things are far away from us, but I don't know if you have noticed. Some ordinary actions in life also reveal patriotism.


I remember my father told me about such a thing. A few years ago, he bought a sports suit and thought he was very smart. One day, Dad was greeting customers at the counter. At this time, an old grandfather with white hair and over sixty years old came to buy something. When he saw an American chessboard embroidered on his father's clothes, he patted his father on the shoulder and said meaningfully, "Young man, are you American?" The father felt that Grandpa's question was very strange. He shook his head and replied, "Of course I am not an American." "Then why are you wearing clothes embroidered with the American flag? We are Chinese, so we should wear Chinese clothes. You are a Chinese, with the blood of Chinese people, should not wear clothes embroidered with the American flag. Why don't you keep the word 'patriotism' in mind as a young man?" The old man became more and more angry, and his father turned red after listening to him.


Having told the story of Grandpa, were you also touched by his patriotism? Then listen to my great grandmother's story again. Grandmother knitted in Shanghai in her early years


Working in the sock factory, because of the Japanese invasion, Grandma had to flee back to the countryside to live a life of hiding and fear. Although this is over_ For many years, but my grandmother never forgot to treat the Japanese. Hate, she always opposes buying Japanese goods, and often tells us that we should never forget the painful history of being invaded by the Japanese.


Recently, Dad's new factory was completed. Three flagpoles were erected in the middle of the factory. On the morning of November 27, Dad personally raised the national flag of the People's Republic of China


The sky. Against the blue sky, the national flag is so bright and dazzling. Dad wants all the employees of the factory to know that the country is everyone, and we are a small family. Only with everyone can we have a small family. We should love everyone! As a school student, we should also be patriotic: consciously wear a red scarf, and regularly wash the red scarf; Seriously participate in the flag ceremony... doesn't it reflect patriotism!


"56 nationalities, 56 flowers, 56 brothers and sisters are a family..." The song is well sung. Let's engrave the word "patriotism" in our hearts! A mortal act,


Patriotism, let's also be patriotic mortals!

小学生爱国作文 篇7


Tall cicadas have far rhymes, and Maoshu has lingering sounds. Staying at Grandma's house doing summer homework, listening to the cicadas' continuous chirping, I didn't feel comfortable and happy, but I felt very upset about the cicadas' chirping.


Because I was going to help Grandma repair shoes today, I sorted out my homework book and went out with unglued sneakers.


There is a shoe repair stall behind the Guoshang Building. The stall owner is about 50 years old. Because of the exposure to the wind and the sun all the year round and his head is bent and his skin is dark, everyone calls him Master Wang. It seems that his calloused hands rarely stop, and there are several pairs of injured shoes scattered beside him. It seems that business is good. In the hot summer sun, the advertising umbrella of Tianbao Square is tenaciously supported to bring a little cool to the owner. Master Wang hides under the umbrella and does his work conscientiously. When he does not work, his eyes are always fixed on the intersection, as if he is afraid of escaping half a customer. I gave him the unglued shoes, but he said that if you are near, please come and get them tomorrow, because everyone will watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games tomorrow, and the guests who are far away will be repaired on time today, so there is a lot of work today. I promised him and went home sweating.

小学生爱国作文 篇8


The progress of youth is the progress of China, and the strength of youth is the strength of China. As a successor to the great socialist construction of the motherland, what if he is not upright? The mountains and rivers are floating, so today's students should distinguish between right and wrong, know honor and shame, and seek knowledge and cultivate their moral integrity.


We should cherish patriotism and take serving the country as our duty.


"Getting angry, leaning against the fence and resting in the drizzly rain" shows Yue Fei's ambition to serve the country. "If he is obsessed with the life and death of the country, he should not avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings." Lin Zexu is loyal. Lu You's patriotism is that "he is humble and dare not forget to worry about the country".


Those who are worried about the country are in the country; The patriot perishes, the country perishes. Throughout history, how many people with lofty ideals fought for their country, and even more died for their country. It is the baptism of blood, the manifestation of truth, the achievement of struggle, and not something that can be achieved overnight.


Lu Xun said, "I recommend Xuanyuan with my blood". This spirit can shake the world.


When we are proud of China's profound culture, when we are proud of China's scientific and technological development, we are a recipient, accepting the sense of superiority brought to us by the brilliant motherland. But we should not just be a receiver, we should pay, we should be a contributor for our country.


But what have we done for our motherland? Can we make tomorrow's motherland proud?


I believe the answer to this question is yes. Although we still need time, we are walking slowly and carefully to find the way forward. Patriotism is not a slogan, but a belief and a spiritual motivation, which requires us to take action. Patriotism does not require us to suffer from the hardships of the round wall. We should be sober. We should make a correct judgment on matters rather than ignore them. Patriotism is just a pure and clear understanding. Believe, and have been working hard, remember.


I firmly believe that the ideal without patriotism is just a dream, the blueprint without patriotism is just a piece of messy waste paper, and the ambition without patriotism is just a lie.


Today's study is not only for your employment, but also for making more contributions to our motherland in the future, making our motherland proud of you.


Learning is not only about the future, but also about national development. To be ignorant and unskilled is to say small is not to be enterprising, and to say big is not to be patriotic. Learning is not learning for oneself in a narrow sense. Learning does not require you to issue the slogan of "studying for the rise of China". As long as you study hard, you are patriotic. Therefore, when you encounter difficulties in your study, you will not give up easily. This is the motivation given by patriotism.


A country is strong when it is young, and a country is strong when it is young. Blood is the bond between us and our motherland. This Chinese feeling has long been integrated with us, deeply rooted in our bones and imprinted on our hearts.


Let's take serving the country as our duty and shine China!


Love me China!