An unknowing joke sometimes damages others.
At noon, everyone played basketball on the playground.More than a dozen boys are gathered together, two ball systems.The event was very fierce.
After I scored a goal with a team of Little C, Xiao Z, and Little R, I played the ball in my own side, but at this time I had something to do: I was ready to make a joke with Xiao C.The knee joint quickly pushed him.Unexpectedly, he was too close to him, and the ball smashed his face without any illness.Just listening to the weak "wow and wow", his glasses fell on the ground, and the lens was smashed by a small gap by the ball.And his nasal cavity was constantly dripping out of eye -catching blood, his face swelled with a big brother, and the inner corner of his eyes was very dazzling, which may be scratched by the lens!
This is bigger.
Little Z hurriedly blocked the nasal clock hemostasis with the nasal C hemostasis with the sanitary paper that was carried. When I picked up the lens, I found that the gap is about one -third of the little finger.I returned the glasses to him and kept apologizing for him. I wonder if this brother would care about me.When I was anxious and guilty, he shouted, "Bai Kang, I have nothing big, don't worry so much." How can I feel at ease?All students know the little C mother but the well -known "tiger mom".She saw his wounds and gaps on the lens, and did not beat him!I wonder if he will ask me as the perpetrator?
My heart is hanging ...
At night, I couldn't sleep in my head, and my head was full of C.How much a little C is a pimple friend. He has a good learning and has a strong ability to think about.I really do not want to lose such a brother.The next morning, I hurried to rush to the college, but saw that Xiao C was sitting with English without care.The gap on the lens is so eye -catching as the scar of the face thunder. I shot directly into my eyes and stabbed me with a panic and chest tightness.
I asked him: How did you say it to *** last night?He said that he wrote a story, "I hit the basketball game that came over, and I all experienced the lesson that taught the ball." My hanging heart finally let go, but asked him:"Is your injury okay?" He smiled slightly and said, "It's okay."
Although Little C changed the lens later, the scars on the face gradually became lighter, but every time I deal with him, I always had deep guilt in my heart: Why should I play this joke?Make him wounded and restlessness.This guilt may always be buried in my heart.
1、内疚:内疚读音为nèi jiù,是指心中惭愧不安:深感内疚|没有帮他把事情办妥当,我感到很内疚。内疚 nèi jiù词语解释:心中惭愧不安:深感内疚|没有帮他把事情办妥当,我感到很内疚。分词解释:惭愧:1.因有缺点﹑错误或未能尽责等而感到不安或羞耻。 2.感幸之词。意为多谢﹑难得﹑侥幸。事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。不安:1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。...内疚怎么造句,用内疚造句»
2、心里:心里读音为xīn li,是指1.胸膛里面。
3.犹心中。心里 xīn lǐ(1) [in the heart; at heart]∶胸膛里面
(2) [in (the) mind]∶犹心中
记在心里心里 xīn lǐ(1).胸膛里面。如:心里感到不舒服。
(2).思想里;头脑里。《北史·突厥传》:“帝享之, 处罗 稽首谢曰:‘臣总西面诸蕃,不得早来朝拜,今参见迟晚,罪责极深。臣心里悚惧,不能尽道。’”《儿女英雄传》第一回:“ 玉格 这话很是;我也这个意思。这些话我心里也有,就是不能像他説的这么文诌诌的。”
(3).犹心中。 巴金 《家》十三:“老太爷看见眼前许多兴奋的发红的脸,听见搳拳行令的欢笑声,心里更快活。”
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