
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:30 | 来源:语文通



As a child, it is a lifelike painting, which outlines a lot of interesting little stories; when he was a child, it was a bouquet of colorful bouquets, which released a leisurely aroma; when he was a child, it was a charming music, singing the happiness of the child, the happiness of the child's happinessAnd ideal!


This morning, my father and me participated in the "1980s Games" theme event held by the reporter's personal studio, and experienced the game that his father had played in his childhood with his brother.Before I went, my heart was full of curiosity: What are you playing with my father's childhood?


At the beginning of the theme activity, I first found three new friends, turned into my companion, and then entered the game.Today, our game is rich in content. There are five stages in a total of five stages of "jumping rubber bands, blind eyes, jumping, eagle grabbing chicks, throwing sandbags."Among them, the most deepest to my impression is "throwing sandbags".


"Dan Shabao" mobile game, key to hone people's communication skills.The rules of the game are: there are one group on both sides of the boundaries, and each of them throw a sandbag to the other side. If the other party members are hit by the human body in the sandbag, they will be "out" immediately!


In the first four stages, the main performance of the everyone's team, confidently rushed to the "Challenge Zone" to face the confidence.Who knows that I have not waited for the four reflections of everyone. The "enemy" has already cut the two players. Our team has lost serious losses, and I have only one of the other players.At this time, everyone immediately "kept awake", and for a moment, he was vigilant!


Nowadays, the big team is lacking, everyone must choose a standard opportunity, hitting it!Therefore, I was optimistic about the opportunity, took out the sandbags, and suddenly threw it to a member of the "enemy", but the other party reflected the dexterity and suddenly avoided my offense.Just as I was discouraged, the "enemy" sandbags had already hit my body quickly because I was "out"!Quickly, another orphans fighting a companion finally couldn't hold it, everyone was destroyed!


In the end, everyone won the second place and passed the championship!But everyone is still very happy!


According to this theme activity, I asked me to experience the happiness of my parents' childhood, and pulled the distance between me and my parents.


After that, I can also play the game they played in their childhood with them!



1、体验:体验读音为tǐ yàn,是指亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。体验 tǐ yàn词语解释:亲自处于某种环境而产生认识:作家体验生活|演员对所饰的角色必须有所体验。分词解释:环境:①周围的地方:环境优美 ㄧ环境卫生 。②周围的情况和条件:客观环境ㄧ工作环境。演员:戏剧、电影、音乐、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技等表演者的通称。产生:1.生育;分娩。 2.出产。 3.由已有的事物中生出新的事物;出现。 4.出生。必须:①表示事理上和情理上的必要;一定要:学习必须刻苦钻研。②加强命令语气:明天你必须来。‖‘必须’的否定是‘无须’、‘不须’或‘不必’。作家:1.治家,理家。 2.节俭。犹言做人家。 3.从事文学创作有成就的人。 4.佛教禅宗对善用机锋者之称。 5.行家;高手。...体验怎么造句,用体验造句»

2、父母:父母读音为fù mǔ,是指父亲和母亲。父母 fù mǔ词语意思:父亲和母亲。(1) [parents](2) 父亲和母亲的总称父母者,人之本也。——《史记.屈原贾生列传》(3) 具有父亲和母亲作用的人分词解释:亲和:亲爱和睦。母亲:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。● 母 mǔ ㄇㄨˇ◎ 妈妈,娘:母亲。母性。母系。慈母。母忧(称母亲去世)。◎ 对女性长辈的称呼:姑母。舅母。◎ 雌性的,与“公”相对:母鸡。◎ 事物据以产生出来的:母国。母校。母音(元音)。◎ 一套东西中间可以包含其他部分的:螺丝母。子母扣。◎ 姓。● 父 fù ㄈㄨˋ◎ 爸爸,母亲的丈夫:父母。父辈。父子。父兄。◎ 对男性长辈的称呼:父老(一国或一乡的长者,亦指古代乡里中管理公共事物的人)。伯父。舅父。● 父 fǔ ㄈㄨˇ◎ 老年人:田父。渔父。◎ 同“甫”。...父母怎么造句,用父母造句»

3、童趣:童趣读音为tóng qù,是指儿童的情趣。 儿童的感情及兴趣童趣 tóng qù词语解释:儿童的情趣。[child's taste] 儿童的感情及兴趣分词解释:儿童:较幼小的未成年人(年纪比‘少年’小):儿童读物。情趣:①性情志趣:情趣相得|情趣苟同,贫贱不易意。②情调趣味;兴致:所图颇有情趣|布置典雅,富于情趣|他们白天做活也淡淡没有情趣。● 童 tóng ㄊㄨㄥˊ◎ 小孩子:儿童。童工。童谣。童话。童心。童趣。童真。◎ 旧时未成年的仆人:书童儿。◎ 没有结婚的:童男。童女。童贞。◎ 未长成的:童牛(没长角的小牛)。◎ 秃:童山。头童(喻人秃顶,如“童童齿豁”)。◎ 古同“瞳”,瞳孔。◎ 姓。● 趣 qù ㄑㄩˋ◎ 趋向:志趣。意趣。旨趣。◎ 兴味,使人感到愉快:兴趣。乐趣。情趣。雅趣。妙趣。相映成趣。趣事。趣味。● 趣 cù ㄘㄨˋ◎ 古同“促”,催促;急促。...童趣怎么造句,用童趣造句»