
时间:2022-09-17 13:22:21 | 来源:语文通



北京故宫五年级作文 篇1故宫作文 篇2参观故宫作文600字 篇3故宫作文 篇4关于故宫作文 篇5故宫作文 篇6故宫作文700字 篇7故宫作文 篇8故宫作文 篇9

北京故宫五年级作文 篇1


Here, majestic and brilliant; here is the place where the ancient emperors live; here, it is world -famous.Forbidden City.


One Sunday in the summer vacation, my mother and I came to the Forbidden City.Along the way, I asked my mother a lot of questions like a happy little sparrow.


Walking through the Jinshui Bridge, walking through the gate of Tiananmen, walking in, a magnificent palace "sit" in front of me, that is, Taihe Hall.Taihe Hall is where the emperor attended the large -scale ceremony.I ran away excitedly, standing in the door and looking in. A golden dragon chair came into my eyes. The dragon chair was engraved with the pattern of the double dragon drama beads, which seemed so majestic. The emperor immediately appeared in my mind.Sitting there is really mighty!


My mother told me the interesting story of the ancient emperor and walked forward.At this time, a special wall attracted my eyes. I ran over and looked at it. Ah, there were nine god dragons engraved on it!They are living flexible one by one, and they seem to fly out of the wall!I am amazed and admired, I really want to know which one who can make this wall.


My mother and I discussed with great interest, walking, and came to the Royal Garden after a while.All kinds of flowers are fighting in the garden.Suddenly, a weird tree reflected in my eyes: there is a small hole in the middle of the two branches, which looks really strange. As soon as I saw it, I was teased and laughed.There is a cottage in the Royal Garden. My mother and I have walked in. There are many souvenirs here: the shining bookmarks are printed with the emperor's cartoon portrait, and the golden brilliant key chain is the pattern of the prince and Gege.Intersection


From the Royal Garden, we came to Xuanwu Gate.I boarded the Xuanwu Gate and saw the scene of the entire Forbidden City: red walls, yellow tiles, rows of palaces in rows of palaces ... are spectacular!


The Forbidden City is spectacular and mysterious, which makes me marvel at the wisdom of the ancients.The Forbidden City, with its unique style, attracts Chinese and foreign tourists.

故宫作文 篇2


On August 2nd, early in the morning, I went to visit the Forbidden City of Beijing with my parents and brothers and sisters.


First of all, we came to Tiananmen, and the crowds were crowded.


The first gates of the Forbidden City are Tiananmen Gate, the second gate is noon gate, the third gate is Taihe Gate, the fourth gate is the Ganqing Gate, and the fifth gate is Shenwu Gate.The central point of the Forbidden City is the Taihe Hall, where the emperor lives, and the place where the emperor handles national affairs.


The Forbidden City is surrounded by red walls. The palace is arranged along a north -south axis. The three main halls, the three palaces, and the royal garden are located on this central axis.Expand it on both sides, straight north and south, and left and right.


The architecture of the Forbidden City is very beautiful, magnificent, and extremely spectacular. I like the architecture of the Forbidden City!How good can I live in it!

参观故宫作文600字 篇3


In the winter vacation, I visited the Forbidden City.


That day, we got up at three o'clock.After watching the national flag, after interviewing the national flag class, our party entered the Forbidden City.


The center of Beijing, also known as "Forbidden City".There were 24 emperors here, and the palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911 AD), which is now "Palace Museum".The entire architecture of the Forbidden City is golden and solemn and gorgeous. It is known as one of the five major palaces in the world (the Forbidden City of Beijing, French Palace, Buckingham Palace in the United Kingdom, the White House of the United States, and the Klimlin of Russia).


As soon as he entered the Taihe Gate, a large golden hall came into the eyes.That is the Taihe Hall of the Emperor's upper dynasty.It is said that all bricks in the Taihe Hall are bricks, which are extremely brilliant.When the camera on our hand is about to press the shutter, the guide tells us that it has different meanings according to different buildings, and it has bad significance in Zhaota Hall.It seems that there are still many mysteries in the Forbidden City.


After the Taihe Hall, I came to Zhonghe Temple.There is a characteristic of Zhonghe Temple: there are twelve spines on its four corners.These twelve beasts are arranged from small to large, which is very interesting.Let's see it, wow!so beautiful.A dragon chair is placed in the middle, and one large vase on the left and right is really solemn and glorious.


Behind the palace, we also went to Baohe Hall.Ganqing Palace.There are many attractions such as Kunning Palace, but I am most interested in Yu Garden.The flowers in the Garden Garden are colorful, and the leaves are green like blue water.The rockery there is very realistic. Walking into it, whether it is the shape of the mountain or the decoration on the mountain, it is enough to make people feel that they are in the mountains.


Yu Garden came out of Shenwumen.After swimming in the Forbidden City, I felt the greatness of the Chinese nation. They built the Forbidden City so beautifully when technology was backward. We must learn their spirit.

故宫作文 篇4


Hello everyone!My name is Wong.You can call me a guide.Today we are going to visit the Forbidden City. It was listed as a World Cultural Heritage in 1987.


Look!Now we are facing the Forbidden City.Also known as the Forbidden City, it is the palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. It is the largest and most complete ancient wooden structure building in the world.Built in the four years of Yongle (AD 1406), it took 14 years and covers an area of 720,000 square meters.There are 9999 palaces.A total of 24 emperors ascended to the throne.


Among the three most attractive buildings in the Forbidden City, we are -the Sun Hall, Zhonghe Hall, and Baohe Hall.They are all yellow glazed tile tops and green white stone bases, decorated with gorgeous color paintings.I tell you a recent discovery: All the palaces in the Forbidden City are arranged from north to south along a central axis to both sides, straight north and south, symmetrical.This central axis not only runs through the Forbidden City, but also from the south to Yongding Gate and the Drum Tower in the bell tower to the whole city.It is magnificent and plans to be thoughtful.There are about one million precious historical relics and artworks in the Forbidden City.More importantly, according to its layout function, the buildings of the Forbidden City can be divided into foreign and internal courts.The outer dynasty and the inner dynasty took Qianqingmen as the border, south of Qianqingmen as the outer dynasty, and the inner dynasty in the north.Etherium, Zhonghe Hall, Baohe Hall as the Outer Dynasties.In addition, there are buildings such as Wenhua Hall, Shangjuyuan, South Hall, Wuying Hall, and Office Building on both sides.I'm afraid you will ask, how is the Forbidden City?Don't worry, we will talk about it in the palace later.


Well, we can talk about it now.Because we came to the center of the Forbidden City, - between the Ganqing Palace, Jiaotai Palace and Kunning Palace.The two wings of the Forbidden City have spiritual cultivation halls, East Six Palace, Xixiu Palace, Da Jing Palace, and Fujian Qing Palace.Although the same as the previous Sambo Temple (yellow glazed tile, the green white stone base), the internal structure is east with a coffee table and a chair in the west.After the three palaces, there are Yu Garden, Shenwumen.Shenwu Gate is the north gate, the east gate is called Donghua Gate, and the west gate is called Xihua Gate. The main gate is Wu Gate.


Well, now enter the free browsing time, the time is three hours, please pay attention to the following points:


1. Don't shout, run, touch, touch or throw garbage;


2. Keep quiet;


3. Back to the present place on time.


Time has passed so fast, it's time to say goodbye.Goodbye, tourists!I hope you come to Beijing next time and take a look at the Forbidden City!

关于故宫作文 篇5


Have you been to the Forbidden City?I went!


After entering the entrance, the towering city gate is the first gate of the eye.My mother told me that this was a place where the ancient crime was punished.Looking at the empty square, there was a picture of the TV in my mind: the tweezers who raised the knife high, and the despair and frightened eyes of the criminals who were punished.I couldn't help but be a little scared, and I couldn't help but tighten my mother's hand and speed up the pace.


As the crowded people walk in from the noon door, it is the real Forbidden City. I crossed the threshold.A huge palace exhibition is now in front of it, majestic, magnificent, exactly the same as the TV!On both sides of the stone steps of the palace, there are copper beasts.Slowly walking into the palace along the stone steps, the explanator said that it was "Taihe Hall" and the place where the ministers worshiped the emperor.I couldn't help but fantasize that I was the Emperor -the Empress Dowager Cixi in history, and went straight to the Grand Temple to make an early dynasty.When I walked into the palace, I was stopped by a cold railing. Listening to the tour guide said that every brick in the palace was refined from gold, and each piece was valuable.God, the life of the ancient emperor is really luxurious!


After walking through the Taihe Hall, it is Zhonghe Temple and Baodi Hall. They are all called the three halls together. Their workmanship is really exquisite.Against the sun, the yellow glazed tiles flashed with gem -like light, which was beautiful.Can't help but lament the design and craftsmanship of ancient artisans.


Then, we also visited the Qianqing Palace, Baohe Palace, etc., as well as the beautiful Royal Garden ...

故宫作文 篇6


On the National Day, my parents took me to Beijing to play. On the second day of Beijing, we went to the Forbidden City.


The main entrance of the Forbidden City is the noon gate.There are three door holes from the front door from the front, but when I walk in and turn my head, I have become five door holes. This is called "Ming San Dark and Five".


After entering the noon door, I saw the five bridges called Jinshui Bridge, the widest in the middle, which was specially used for the emperor.The front of Jinshui Bridge is Taihe Gate. After passing Taihe Gate, it is Taihe Hall.There are two large bronze lions at the gate of Taihe Hall, which contains the throne of the emperor.


Behind the Taihe Hall is Zhonghe Temple and Baohe Hall, all of which are the places of the emperor.


After a red wall, I entered the living area. There were the Qianqing Palace where the emperor lived, and the Kunning Palace lived in the queen. Finally, there were many pine trees and cypress trees, as well as a tree called dragon claw locust.It is like a dragon's paw, which is very beautiful.There is also a mountain called Daxiu Mountain in the Royal Garden. It is piled up with rice soup and eggs, which is very strong.


We went out of Shenwumen.In the past, this door was called Xuanwu Gate. Later, because a emperor was called Xuan Zang, in order to not use the same words as the emperor's name, it was changed to Shenwu Gate.


The Forbidden City is very big, and we see only a little bit.


I wanted to see the majestic Forbidden City with my own eyes. I was fortunate to travel to Beijing in the Dragon Boat Festival. My classmates and I came to the Forbidden City I admired.


The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It is the palace of the two generations of Qingming. It is the best preserved and largest emperor palace in the world.


We went to the square first, the square is great!There are five exquisite Han Baiyu arch bridges on the square.There is a Jinshui River under the bridge, which is beautiful.Standing on the square, looking up, a golden and brilliant palace standing in front of him, this is the Taihe Hall.There is a glittering throne in the Taihe Hall and the magnificent golden pillars, which feels shocking.


After that, we walked through the Qianqing Palace. It was the emperor's bedroom and entered the Royal Garden. There was a pavilion in the Garden Garden.The lush trees reflect the red walls and the glittering glazed tiles of golden light, and it is extremely angry!There are rockery next to the pavilion, green trees, beautiful ...


I want to turn around more, but the time is limited, I am going out, I reluctantly, the Forbidden City has shocked me too much.A Chinese is proud.

故宫作文700字 篇7


The afternoon sky was mixed with rose, and the sun climbed up the leaves and dazzled.The earth pulled my feet tightly, sweating tightly my clothes and pants, and I couldn't help it.


Although seeing the grand scene of Tiananmen's national flag, the length of the crowd of people, toes, and heels, everyone sighed with a drop of sweat.When I arrived at the Forbidden City, I knew what Tiananmen was raised to the national flag; the former was a trench, and the latter was a peak.Beijing was not hot, but the temperature of the Forbidden City was much higher than Beijing.This can be caused by many people.At that time, there were less than a few people in the Forbidden City.


The Forbidden City is the residence of the Emperor of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.I am fortunate to come here, it's lucky!There are many doors and palaces in the Forbidden City, but the "door" of the Forbidden City has no hooks. It is said that because some emperors think they are dragons and are born in the water, they cannot be caught by this hook!Therefore, the "door" of the Forbidden City has no hooks.Now I feel superstitious because of technology.


The Forbidden City carries ancient civilization in ancient Chinese people's Republic.The emperors set up military aircraft to strengthen the concentration of the monarch.Military aircraft is full of national secrets, entered, Huang Quan saw.The emperor asked the ministers of the military aircraft to be recorded, and the emperor's will to the world without moving.Now, reform and opening up, culture attaches great importance to comprehensive development, and no longer has the "eight groups of scholars" and "text prison" in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.


The ancients left us a brilliant relic.We appreciate them, "Take the essence and go to its dross."Yes, our current civil servant exams, college entrance examinations, middle school entrance examinations, and various examinations, isn't it the essence of the imperial examinations of ancient civilization?In the Qing Dynasty closed, the country was closed, which eventually led to the end of the killing.Now, reform and opening up have obtained peace, creating prosperity.


In ancient times, the emperor was extravagant, but created a great building such as the Forbidden City for future generations.And we are now very different from the time.Construction of large -scale buildings pay attention to people's livelihood, mainly people.


There are two "tiger caves" in the hall of emperors in the Forbidden City. The eunuchs of the emperor's officers can lead to the emperor's hall from the "tiger hole".And now, this is used on the underground road.Can be described as ancient talents!


"Past", "present" and "future" is the pace of time.The "past" civilization is a bit absorbed, and now hesitate to disappear. We must keep in mind the knowledge of ancient civilization."Future" we want to use the civilization of the Forbidden City to create a better China.

故宫作文 篇8


Forbidden City


The Forbidden City is a place where our family is yearning.This winter vacation, we finally paid for it.


That day, we came to the Forbidden City.This ancient palace is wrapped in silver wrap under white snow, which looks more magnificent.


We walked into the Forbidden City from Duanmen and walked through the noon door. I suddenly felt that I heard the word "noon door"?Dad was a guide, and he said to me with a smile: "At first, someone in the palace committed guilty, and the emperor said‘ 3 noon, launch outside the door, and make a decision! ’The noon door refers to this place.


Immediately after, we passed through Taihe Gate and came to Taihe Hall.The introduction of the sign: Taihe Hall is the place where the emperor's dynasty.There are 72 large pillars in the hall, 6 of which are gold -plated with golden dragons around.Seeing this, Dad's saliva "fly down three thousand feet" and said, "6 gold -plated, how much is it worth it!" After that, he couldn't help but swallow.I look at the hall through the railings, huh!I only understand what is golden brilliant!The throne of the emperor is gold -plated, the handrails are silver -plated, and the four incense burners are made of sandalwood wood, which looks magnificent.


Behind the Taihe Hall is the Zhonghe Hall, and the Zhonghe Hall is a place where the emperor rests forward.What is amazing is a stone carvings behind Zhonghe Hall, 16.57 meters long, 3.07 meters wide, 1.7 meters thick, and weighing more than 200 tons.It is engraved with the turbulent sea and the flying dragon driving fog. It is definitely a giant system!


I looked at it and felt strange. It was such a big stone and there was no trailer in ancient times. How could it come here?It turned out that in the winter, the ancients watered the road, and after the road became an ice road, people dragged the stone to the Forbidden City.It took more than 10,000 manpower to transport this stone alone.


The harvest of the Forbidden City this time is really big.I feel more profoundly the deep cultural heritage and long history of the motherland, and I am proud of being a Chinese!

故宫作文 篇9


The Forbidden City, also known as the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing. It has 720,000 square meters and a construction area of 155,000 square meters.Miyagi is 961 meters long north and south, 753 meters wide from east to west, and is rectangular. It is the largest palace in the world.The city wall is 10 meters high, and the moat is also 50 meters wide.The Forbidden City is the palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties. There were 24 emperors ascended to the throne here.The design office of the Forbidden City reflects the concepts of "monarchy gods" and "unity of heaven and man" ...


I read the information of the Forbidden City and learned about the history and architecture of the Forbidden City.It turned out that the Forbidden City had a long history, and they all shed many traces in the Forbidden City.If I can visit the Forbidden City in myself, I will definitely visit it with excitement to see the monuments of the famous victories in our country. At the same time, I also look at the crystallization of our wisdom. The wisdom of the people is not limited.History is long, the Forbidden City is a history of history, and the Forbidden City has also come to this day with history. Although the history of the Forbidden City has been more than 500 years, the crystallization of the wisdom of its plants and ancient Chinese lives has been preserved.It is perfectly preserved, and its architecture, its history, and the wisdom of life, no one can destroy.


The Forbidden City has experienced wind and rain like the Great Wall, and will never be defeated.In the Forbidden City, how many people have sweat, and how many people flow through the blood, for today's coming.The reason why the Forbidden City is so solid is because it has spent 14 years to rebuild and reconstruction, so that people should not forget this long history, but also for the coming today.


The Forbidden City is magnificent.After so many years of persistence, it is still a large and complete ancient building complex.You symbolize the wisdom of the people, and you symbolize that the wisdom of the people will never be defeated.