
时间:2022-07-01 13:26:53 | 来源:语文通



On the performance stage, I have always been a "eye -catching red flower", and this time, I asked me to be a "green leaves" that was silently cheered.


After dinner, our family was leisurely saw the TV, and received a call from the teacher of the school chorus: "Hey, the spare mother, at the end of August, Wenzhou TV has a 'children's good singing' to let the spare record to record.Is it recorded?It sounds like a heavy weight, haha, can be the protagonist again!


On the day of the rehearsal, I dressed up with my heart. The jackets were jeans and the head shape were all available.When we came to the Grid Grid Management Center, seeing the people in the inner field, noisy sounds came one after another, and they looked intently. Wow, so many people, when I was confused, the responsible person came forward: "Among them, No. 40 peopleIt is the participants, and there are 4 people who come to the chorus like you! "What?What means?I suspected it, as if I was isolated.


Isn't everyone here to record?That is not the game. Everyone runs a dragon?Many doubts rushed me like Gatling's machine gun shells, asking me to worry.


The rehearsal gradually, the teacher made each of us move down the table and chairs, is it the people of the people?The familiar melody, No. 1 contestant on the stage, and everyone's work is accompanied by the shaking of the song. What should I do?I thought about it, suddenly, the water came out -it turned out that in this way, in the martial arts, it was "mass actor"!Good deserved dragon set!Not the protagonist, just set off.Everyone's work is just twisting the hips and combination.Hey, flowers dream, one empty!


The rehearsal is already very painful, and the performance is even more cheering on the fire and worse the ice. The pain is unbearable!The rehearsal can sit down, and the performance is one stop to the end, and the posture is all boring.I really want to get angry, go away!It is a last resort to disturb it to be distributed by the leaders of colleges and universities.If I leave first, how will the college miss me, not to mention that I was selected by the college leaders.Forget it, the man's husband dared to do it, and once suffered, he was temporarily "a corner of the loss".However, there are very few opportunities on the camera. You do n’t have to do it like everyone. It ’s really neglect of our existence and strong protest!It is the consumption of excellent talents, and the original recording variety show is just one banner.


Forget it, watch the fame and interest as a mustard, and perform it once.



1、担任:担任读音为dān rèn,是指1.担当某种职位或工作。 2.承担责任。 担当某种职务,工作担任 dān rèn词语解释:1.担当某种职位或工作。 2.承担责任。[take the office of;hold the post of;take charge of;assume the office of] 担当某种职务,工作 分词解释:责任:①分内应做的事:教育下一代是父母与教师的共同责任。②没做好分内事而应承担的过失:先别追究责任,救人要紧。工作:①从事体力或脑力劳动,也泛指机器、工具受人操纵而发挥生产作用:积极工作ㄧ开始工作ㄧ铲土机正在工作。②职业:找工作ㄧ工作没有贵贱之分。③业务;任务:工作量ㄧ宣传工作ㄧ工会工作ㄧ科学职位:1.官位;官衔。 2.机关或团体中执行一定职务的位置。担当:承当;担负(任务、责任等):勇于担当重任。...担任怎么造句,用担任造句»