
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:11 | 来源:语文通


日出作文700字看日出 篇1日出作文:看日出 篇2日出作文:看日出 篇3日出作文600字看日出 篇4日出的作文 篇5日出 篇6日出作文600字看日出 篇7日出的作文 篇8

日出作文700字看日出 篇1


Sunrise is nature's favorite masterpiece.


What will it be like when I watch the sunrise on time one day? I have long imagined and pondered.


The sun skimmed over the horizon, clearing away the clouds, clean wind and clear light. Smell the fragrance of dew and the fragrance of white. The softness of gliding through a fog is always treasured. This is the beginning of life. Warmth is also the temperature of life.


However, the intermediary imagines that at this point, the shadow of the city is very vague, and people are sleeping and waiting for light. In this way, I fell asleep one morning after another and was no longer alive.


This morning, you can touch its stillness with your hands. I stand on the bridge and wait for the sunrise.


I could feel the sun breaking through the horizon and tearing through the clouds. This is not the soft and quiet beauty in imagination, but rather a battlefield. It is a contest between light and dark, black and white. The sky is divided into two color blocks of light and dark, and the middle is slowly transiting. It is fantastic and weird. After touching a ray of sunshine, it fights the millet for a long time and hits the heart directly. Standing here, I can feel the wild and the life that nature has nurtured for a long time.


After a flash of light, many buildings began to wake up, and there were two or three waves of people on the street. A grandfather on the bridge looked up and looked at the clouds in the sky. The gullies all over his face are the vicissitudes of life that can not be hidden. His gray silver hair is shining in the sun. He is not in the eyes of people around him, but just looking up. His mouth is slightly open, and what cannot be hidden is surprise. His eyes were bright, like a lamp in the white night, and I saw a man raising the flag for his spirit through the orange dawn. This is looking up to nature, and this is because it is a gesture between man and nature.


I saw more and more people reunited on the bridge, looking up at the sun, looking up at the light, but also found that they were all white haired!


The white haired man watched the black haired man open the chimney and spray ash smoke into the air. It was hard for the sun to enter the field of vision. The air was cold and the bones were stiff. They wanted to stop it, but they were also old. But on second thought, isn't this the evil result I planted when I was young? So only in the cool morning, standing on the bridge, can we look at the sun again, and why not the chimney? Want to leave a pure land for our children?


But, it's too late. If we were earlier, would it be another scene? Why do you look up after regret?


Through the thin twilight in the dark clouds, the bridge on the water is the highest point of human and nature.

日出作文:看日出 篇2


This morning, we got up at four o'clock. After a simple cleaning, we all ran to the seaside.


When we arrived at the seaside, the sky was overcast, and it seemed that it was going to rain. A little sister and I were playing at the seaside. Soon, it was raining heavily, and we ran back to the hotel. When we got back to the hotel, we were all soaked.


Today, I didn't see the sunrise, but I was drenched in water. What a pity!

日出作文:看日出 篇3


This morning, my mother insisted on taking me out for exercise. But unexpectedly, I saw the beautiful sunrise.


My mother and I were sitting on the hillside, watching the sunrise.


The sun is like a shy girl. It didn't come out for a long time, but the sun gradually became familiar with it, so it came out slowly. Finally, the sun hung high in the sky.

日出作文600字看日出 篇4


From four to five in the morning, it is the transition from night to morning and the best time to watch the sunrise. In order to see such beautiful scenery, I didn't sleep well all night. I woke up early, but I still lay in bed.


Through the window, I saw the sky turned blue. It was the kind of dark blue, the dark blue on the palette, very deep, like a lake about a hundred feet deep. After a while, the blue color suddenly faded, and became like the sea. The blue was mixed with green, making people feel full of vitality. Suddenly, the hall got up at daybreak, the first ray of light shone into the window, and the morning light spread all over the room. Outside the window, the morning light spilled onto the willow branches and onto the green river. Dawn is like a naughty child. Say hello to the cinnamon tree, say hello to the grass, and play with the breeze. Osmanthus fragrans swayed, and trumpet flowers that climbed on the branches opened purple and blue flowers. All life awakens from a deep sleep. Ah, another new day!


I quickly put on my clothes and shoes and ran out of the house to watch the sunrise on the Great Wall.


Standing in the city tower and looking at the horizon, I saw a red light, which gradually scattered out. At the center of the red light was the sunrise like fire, which looked like a fireball from a distance. Suddenly, the dark cloud on one side cracked, like a broken egg. Slowly, slowly, gold appeared in the middle. It was different from the gold of gold. It was natural, but bright. From a distance, the golden light is indistinct, as if a thousand Buddhas are jumping. Suddenly, the golden light became strong, as if something was behind it. Suddenly, the white sun appeared on the cloud screen, illuminating the surrounding clouds into gold. At this time, the clouds split into three pieces. At first sight, they looked like three giant dragons swimming in the sky. The billowing black clouds are the giant dragon heads, the long clouds stretching for miles are the dragon bodies, the small white clouds are dragon scales, and the flowing clouds on the mountain tops are dragon tails. Among the three dragons, one comes from Jinshan Mountain, one runs from Niutou Mountain, and another dives from the city. The sun is like a pearl, surrounded by three dragons, competing with each other. It's really "a group of dragons playing with pearls, magnificent"!


In the sky, the sun radiates a huge light, illuminating all things and shining into my heart.

日出的作文 篇5


I don't want to get up at six o'clock on the weekend, but today my mother will take me to the beach to watch the sunrise. I really want to see it, but I just got up and wanted to lie back. It's cold outside. I really want to sleep a little longer! I couldn't help it. In order to watch the sunrise, I resolutely opened my bleary eyes, washed and gargled, changed my clothes, and went out with my mother.


Coming down the building, the community was dark and quiet, with only the bright moon still hanging in the sky. The moon follows us wherever we go. When we enter the gate of the river beach, the moon will no longer follow us. At this time, across the road is the silver dark world ruled by the moon; This side of the road is the bright orange world ruled by the sun. Only one road is separated, but the color of the sky is completely different.


We walked onto the observation bridge above the reeds on the river beach. This is the best place to watch the sunrise. On the bridge, not only my mother and I, but also five or six people who watched the sunrise and walked.


We wait left and right. The sun just doesn't come out. In winter, it is very cold outside. People don't want to come out from their quilts. The sun seems to be afraid of cold like people. It is almost seven o'clock, and it is still lying at the bottom of the mountain. Finally, in the direction of the Second Bridge, the sky behind a house turned red. The morning glow came out, and the clouds were particularly red. At this time, a red dot appeared between the two buildings, which was redder than those clouds. Is it the sun? It's really the sun. A minute later, the sun came out from behind the building. The orange light was very soft, a little like raw egg yolk. The sun just appeared, like a lovely child, peeping at the world timidly, as if to say: Eh, I seem to have been here in my last life!


The sun rises little by little. About three minutes later, the sun ran out of the back of the house, and it was no longer timid. It seemed to be shouting: I'm coming, come and play with me! The light became dazzling. The world on the other side of the road is no longer dominated by darkness, and the sky is no longer a gray area. It has become blue. The river is still undulating, kissing the beach gently, and the reeds are still dancing gently with the breeze. Everything is so natural and harmonious.


It was already completely bright, my stomach was already "gurgling", and my mother and I walked out of the Jiangtan Park in the sunshine.

日出 篇6


Whether it has been forgotten


Left in the beautiful sky seen through the fallen branches


The late autumn with heavy fog


The cause was many years ago


I saw a group of landscape pictures on the Internet


There is a sunrise in Norway


A lonely mountain, two people snuggle up and wait for the sunrise

这种感觉 仿佛整个世界只剩下等待

It feels like the whole world is left to wait

生命的意义 居然是那么的炽热

The meaning of life is so hot


It is printed in our hearts, impacting and promoting our hearts


New Year's Day that year

On New Year's Day that year


Niu, let's go to wutong Mountain to climb


Wutong Mountain, the highest peak in Shenzhen


Well, it's agreed that we will go on holiday on New Year's Day. If you don't go, I will never talk to you again

我不会不去的,答应过你的,一定会去 你不知道么

I won't go. I promised you I would. Don't you know

我们去梧桐山看日出好不好?我想看日出 你就这样子看着我

Shall we go to wutong Mountain to watch the sunrise? I want to see the sunrise. Look at me like this

你很想看日出吗 你的眼睛里仿佛有火花

Do you really want to see the sunrise? You seem to have sparks in your eyes

嗯嗯,好想好想,我们一起去,好不好 你用着近乎撒娇的语气

Mm-hmm. I really want to. Let's go together. Would you like to use a tone that is almost coquettish

好 于是我们定下了那个关于日出的约定

Okay, so we made that appointment about sunrise

那天 终究还是没有抵达

It didn't arrive that day after all


Climbing all the way up, people keep coming down the mountain


We were still on the way when it was getting dark


The original plan was to spend the night in the mountains


We are not fully prepared


Just a jacket, cookies and water


It's so cold when night falls


Finally, I gave up this unfinished journey


New Year's Day that year


Is it the end of our friendship?


Sunset sunrise, sunset sunrise, who lost the agreement


Do you still remember me


Do you still remember the journey that did not reach the destination


I have walked several times on the road we have walked

也终于抵达 但却都不是和你……

Finally arrived, but not with you

日出作文600字看日出 篇7


On Saturday evening, July 9, my mother and I transferred from Hong Kong to Australia for a trip. I heard from my colleague that the whole journey was about 10000 kilometers, and it took nearly 10 hours to arrive. My face fell off at once. People who have traveled by plane know that staying in a confined space for a few hours will bring back pain, let alone more than ten hours, which is not a pleasant thing.


We chose Hong Kong Airlines. After boarding, we found that there was a big difference between international flights and domestic flights. First of all, there is a lot of space on the plane, which is divided into the front cabin, the middle cabin and the rear cabin. Each cabin has three groups of seats, respectively on the left, the middle and the right. The two aisles are very spacious. Secondly, the entertainment functions are very rich. After finding my seat according to the ticket, I was immediately attracted by the TV on the back of the chair. There are many random remote control options such as movies, games, music, etc. on the interface. Wearing headphones, covering the blanket prepared by the steward, half lying on the seat, and then choosing a movie you like is no longer so difficult.


I was so confused that my mother woke me up. Through the glass porthole, I looked drowsily and was surprised to see a beautiful color composition. Red, shining with golden light, produces red and hot like boiling magma in the space at night. It is like a narrow red ribbon mixed with gold, with a light blue dawn on it.


However, the red belt is slowly expanding. The red band is getting redder and brighter, and the blue on the red band is getting bluer and more transparent. At this time, there is a weak light in the sky, the blue on the red band gradually disappears, and the surrounding areas are gradually dyed red.


At this moment, a red sun burst out, suddenly spewing thousands of rays, flashing red light in the cloud sea, and reflecting red light on the window. The new sun is not dazzling at all. Orange is in the middle, just like egg yolk, the outer ring is wrapped in red, and then outwards, the bright red light gradually rises to the light golden light, setting off the horizon into a golden red.


This is the first time that I have seen such a spectacular sunrise, which is different from any sunrise I have ever seen before. At 30000 feet, the sea of clouds is covered with beautiful light. Different from the ground, the high-altitude sunrise is more wonderful, more magnificent and more shocking!

日出的作文 篇8


In order to see the sunrise of Mount Tai, I got up earlier than the sunrise. At midnight, with bleary eyes, I got on the bus going to the mountain. When I was walking through the Tianmen Gate, I was still sleepy. When I got off the bus, I was suddenly awakened by the mountain wind.


Get up and climb the mountain in the dark. The murmur of water accompanies our steps up to the top of the mountain panting. There was already a buzz of voices, and it stopped. The wind blew, and the chill of the body hit me all over. The desire to see the sunrise fascinated me, but I didn't care about the cold.


I stared at the east. The sky was already white, and thick clouds were rapidly gathering and rolling, like layers of cloud waves swimming in the sea, layer after layer, wave after wave, chasing, playing, fighting, followed by a skilled craftsman. On the big color palette of the sky, beautiful colors were instantly transferred, covering the eastern white clouds with neon, faint warm colors, Gradually strengthen the clear hierarchy.


Orange red was rubbed into the white clouds and waves, and slowly spread, quietly bright, indifferent changes, just like a shy girl hiding behind the curtain. When the curtain was opened, she showed shyness, and her face became increasingly scarlet, charming and lovely, which made people want to embrace her, but they dare not make mistakes. They could not help but fantasize, miss, daydream


She was pushed to the front desk. Although she was shy, she had to face the eyes of others and also finished her drill. She was pulled by an invisible force... slowly rising, her delicate body shook, shaking... She tried to avoid, avoid


She is like a deer running in fear. She rushes left and right in the vast sea of clouds. When she looks back, she sees the field of hope. At that moment, she hesitates, retreats timidly, smiles, and shows light.


She is just like a small delicate orange ball. Around her, there is a bright, burning light yellow flame, jumping, jumping... The moment she jumps out, the golden light shines everywhere, illuminating the mountains and waters. She broke away from all the fetters, rose from the bottom of the valley in the east, and jumped into the sky.


She retreated from her shyness, smiled and danced in her golden neon clothes. She danced in front of the crowd


In our astonished eyes, she became plump and round, with a circle of dazzling halo, shining in an instant, so that the admiring eyes were slightly closed, raising a sense of sacred solemnity in the bottom of my heart.


This is the sun in the east, this is the sun in people's hearts, this is the sun that breaks through the clouds. She has relieved her burden, and she has shouldered her mission. A new day, a new sun, has begun a new journey!


The sun in the east, gushing out, gathers the charm of the dragon, the spirit of the dragon, and the heroism of the dragon. The awakening east, the sun shines on the earth.