
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:58 | 来源:语文通



我家的狗作文 篇1我家的狗作文 篇2我家的狗作文 篇3我家的小狗作文 篇4我家的狗作文 篇5

我家的狗作文 篇1


This dog is very popular. Its fur is black, like a moving hat, so it is named Black Dog. Its feet are very fat, and it can't move.


I think it must be the result of Grandma feeding it for a long time. Its teeth are sharp, and its tail is a little long. It likes to add people's faces very much. Its tongue is wet and hot, and its eyes are black. It can give light from the middle.


I remember when I was seven years old, I went to my grandmother's house to play. When I was about to arrive, suddenly, the black dog came out. I came out to play because of it. Who knew it would add to me. When I arrived, I had a rest and was thirsty. I went to drink water.


Suddenly I saw some dog hair in the jar, and I was very angry. So I went to him to settle accounts. I went all over the house, but I couldn't find the dog. I wondered where it would go?


In the evening, the dog and Grandma came back. When Grandma and I were eating, we saw a lot of meat. I thought I was eating it. Who knew it was for the dog? I was very angry. The second course was also meat. It was for me


I smiled happily. When the dog finished eating, it didn't seem to be full. Then it came to me and looked at me. I said, "I know I'm good!"


I like Grandma's naughty dog.

我家的狗作文 篇2


I like my "little white dog" best.


Xiaobai, with white hair, runs like a snowball rolling. A pair of round and clever eyes hidden in the long hair. A pair of ears listened carefully to all the suspicious sounds around. Xiaobai also has sharp claws and a very arrogant tail. The dog is very fierce. As long as he hears or sees something, he will give an "alarm" and get ready for battle.


Xiaobai is not only cute, but also very cute.


Once, Grandma was sitting on the sofa in the living room knitting a sweater. Unexpectedly, the wool ball rolled to the ground. Little White Ear moved and rushed like lightning. The big, flexible eyes are looking around. After a while, it was found. He also stepped on some wool balls.


Every time we eat, he stands up and stares at me. If I ignore it, it will bark at me "woof woof woof woof..." and want to say, "Master, please give me a piece of meat quickly. It's delicious and I want to eat it". When I came home from school, Xiaobai heard my footsteps with her smart ears before I entered the house. She shook her head and ran out to meet me. I thought she was saying, "Master, you are finally back".


I often help him take a bath. When it is cold, I also help him dry his hair to prevent him from catching cold.


This is my family's. Xiaobai, I like Xiaobai.

我家的狗作文 篇3


My family has a naughty and greedy little white dog. It's called "Xiaobai". However, everyone said that it was not white at all. In fact, when it was young, it was as white as a small snowball, so everyone called it "Xiaobai".


It has two big ears that can never stand up, a pair of big eyes with water spirit, a small wet nose and a big mouth full of sharp teeth. Xiaobai's hair is gray white, and there is a little curly hair. His tail swings behind him, which is very cute. It has a bad problem, that is, it doesn't like to be clean. Every time I give it a bath, it will dirty itself before coming back.


It is also very fierce. When I see someone I don't know, I will "bark", as if to say, "If you don't go away, I will bite you." It stretched its arms and legs straight, exposing sharp teeth until others walked away.


It is also very naughty. Every time when I was doing my homework, it always jumped on the table and put on a pitiful look, as if to say: "Come and play with me, master!"


It likes to eat dried meat very much, and every time it has to have dried meat in its dog food, otherwise it will not eat, as if to say: "I will not eat without dried meat."


Although it does not love cleanliness, it guards my home. It also brings me a lot of happiness. I hope we can go through this wonderful childhood together.

我家的小狗作文 篇4


My family has a lovely dog. Its name is Wang Xuan.


Wang Xuan is a cute little fox. He has a cute little face, big watery eyes, a yellow coat and short legs. Its tail is hairy and smooth to the touch. It always leans up when running. It's very cute. Its small claws are like small pieces of meat. They are thick and soft, and feel very comfortable.


Wang Xuan is very clever. Every morning, when I go to school and leave home, he soon follows me, and then yells "Wang Wang", as if to say to me: "Goodbye, little master!" At noon, when I came back from school, he rushed to me and raised his front leg as if to say, "Master, you are back." I'll play it after dinner. I touched his cute little ear and walked down the stairs with him. As soon as he came downstairs, he ran around, looking excited. I took it for a while, and now it's time to go home and prepare for school. I found that Wang Xuan's nose exuded a lot of sweat. Maybe he is tired of playing.


It didn't occur to me that my mother sent Wang Zai away soon, no matter how much I hated him. Because my parents usually go to work, no one will take care of it. Now, I really want to read it!

我家的狗作文 篇5


Today, my sister and I are going to bathe the puppy.


I went to the bathroom first. After washing for a while, my sister took the puppy to the bathroom. She wanted to wash the puppy first. I put the puppy in the hot water basin, but the puppy didn't enter. My sister took the puppy in, but as soon as she let it go, the puppy was about to climb outside. She jumped out and didn't want to go in. So, my sister had to hold the puppy in again and hold it down with her hand. The dog was very restless in the basin, and he used his paws to splash in the water from time to time.


MEI MEI quickly showered the shower gel on the puppy and slowly rubbed it. She smeared it on the dog's soft fur. When she saw it, her sister quickly rubbed the bath gel with her hands. A burst of fragrant white bubbles appeared, and my sister poured a handful of warm hot water on the dog. Soon the puppy was washed clean. The dog out of the bathtub has its fur and skin stuck together. The originally chubby and fluffy dog has become much thinner as if it had been cooked. It is funny and cute.


My sister put the puppy on the ground, and the puppy trembled all over. MEI MEI holds it. As soon as she releases her hand, the puppy falls down. Then, I found a long scarf for the puppy and put it around. The puppy was still shaking pitifully. Mother quickly covered the dog with her big hands to keep it warm. After a while, the mother released her hand again, and the dog flopped pitifully and fell to the ground again.


This is the first time my sister and I have bathed the puppy. It is a new experience for the puppy.