
时间:2022-06-27 14:08:16 | 来源:语文通



Dear classmates:


Hello everyone! The theme of my speech today is "Choose Struggle, Youth No Regret".


Some people say that youth is used for hard work.The post -waves of our new era should try their best to work hard to be young and regretful.


Liu Xiang, in our eyes, is a "flying man".The man had a 110 -meter column and twelve seconds 91. He broke the century record with his youthful power.However, such a sportsman is not smooth sailing.In the ten -heavy column, he often practiced his legs seriously, and even after a day, he could only go upstairs in a small step.However, this is not to block his difficulties, and he always insists on training.Although he abstained his rights due to his first chance to participate in international competitions, he did not lose confidence.Finally, when he went to the field and won the championship, his struggle was worth it.Because of him, the ten -heavy column is no longer a problem for the Chinese.As long as you dare to fight, there will be good gains.


Liu Wei, a disabled person who lost his arms, never inferior to this.He practiced swimming with his legs and won the game to win the championship.Then, he practiced piano with his feet and typed with his feet.Subsequently, he popped up one after another on the stage, winning the enthusiastic applause and cheers of the audience. At the same time, he broke the record in a typing competition and became the fastest person in the world.He never cares about the eyes of others. His destiny is his master, which has created a deeds that make the world shock.In Youth, he decided to keep walking and pursue the perfection of spirit.


Helen, a world -renowned female writer and educator.Keller also worked hard when he was young.From a young age, Hyon, who was blind and deaf, was determined to be admitted to Harvard University. When others did not believe it, and they laughed at her, she ignored their eyes and secretly struggled, and eventually Mengyuan.


Our youth should dare to try and dare to work hard.Choose first, then try.Don't be afraid that you will fall in blue because of the wrong way.For each of our teenagers, there is no more meaningful and meaningful thing than to do what we want to do.Because only for dreams and hard work, can we harvest rich and beautiful youth memories.


Classmates, let's start from now on, open our wings for our dreams, and embrace the future of regret!


That's the end of my speech, thank you!



1、拼搏:拼搏读音为pīn bó,是指尽全力去争夺。如:敢于拼搏。拼搏 pīn bó词语解释:尽全力去争夺。如:敢于拼搏。分词解释:敢于:有决心,有勇气(去做或去争取):敢于挑重担。尽全力:几乎使出了全部力气。争夺:1.亦作“争敚”。 2.争斗夺取;争着夺取。...拼搏怎么造句,用拼搏造句»

2、演讲:演讲读音为yǎn jiǎng,是指演说;讲演。 当众阐述、解说演讲 yǎn jiǎng词语意思:演说;讲演。[give a lecture;make a speech] 当众阐述、解说分词解释:演说:①根据原意论述解说:演说佛经|皆为一一演说,咸究其根本。②面向听众发表意见,说明事理:竞选演说|就职演说|练习演说。讲演:对听众讲述有关某一事物的知识或对某一问题的见解:登台讲演ㄧ他的讲演很生动。● 讲(講) jiǎng ㄐㄧㄤˇ◎ 说,谈:讲话。讲叙。◎ 把事情和道理说出来:讲说。讲学。讲武。讲演。讲义。讲师。讲坛。◎ 注重某一方面,并设法使它实现:讲求。讲团结。◎ 和解:“而秦未与魏讲也”。◎ 商量,商议:讲价儿。讲条件。● 演 yǎn ㄧㄢˇ◎ 根据事理推广发挥:推演。讲演(亦作“演讲”)。演义(以史书及传说的材料为基础,增添一些细节,用章回体写成的小说)。演绎(一种推理方法,由一般原理推出关于特殊情况下的结论)。◎ 依照程式练习:演练。演示。演算。演武。演习。演兵场。◎ 不断变化:演变。演化。◎ 把技艺当众表现出来:表演。演出。演播。演奏。主演。义演。...演讲怎么造句,用演讲造句»

3、选择:选择读音为xuǎn zé,是指1.挑选;选取。 2.指拣选吉利日子。 从一群或一组中挑选选择地点选择 xuǎn zé词语解释:1.挑选;选取。 2.指拣选吉利日子。[select] 从一群或一组中挑选选择地点分词解释:挑选:从若干人或事物中找出适合要求的。选取:1.挑选取用。 2.谓选日成亲。取,通“娶”。日子:1.指某日。古代纪日的一种方法。日,指某日,如初一﹑初二。子,指那一天的干支,如甲子﹑乙丑等。 2.太阳的儿子。...选择怎么造句,用选择造句»

4、青春:青春读音为qīng chūn,是指①春天:白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。②比喻年轻时期:青春年少|欲并老容羞白发,每看儿戏忆青春。③岁数(只用于年轻时):青春几何|青春三十余,众艺尽无知。青春 qīng chūn词语意思:①春天:白日放歌须纵酒,青春作伴好还乡。②比喻年轻时期:青春年少|欲并老容羞白发,每看儿戏忆青春。③岁数(只用于年轻时):青春几何|青春三十余,众艺尽无知。分词解释:儿戏:像小孩子游戏那样闹着玩儿。比喻对工作或事情不负责、不认真:视同儿戏ㄧ不能拿工作任务当儿戏。三十:1.数词。十的三倍。 2.指三十岁。 3.指三十年。放歌:放声歌唱;纵情高歌:放歌一曲。年轻:人的岁数不大:他很年轻|我比他年轻|领导班子年轻化。几何:①多少:其成就能有几何|不知费用尚需几何?②数学中的一门分科。详“几何学”。...青春怎么造句,用青春造句»