
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:31 | 来源:语文通



身边的科技作文 篇1身边的科技作文 篇2身边的科技作文 篇3我们身边的高科技 篇4身边的科技作文 篇5身边的科技作文 篇6身边的科技作文 篇7身边的科技作文 篇8

身边的科技作文 篇1


There are many technologies around us, such as lamps, which emit light.


Do you know what LED has? Look at my composition!


"Landscape lighting" always reminds people of the colorful city, as well as the colorful clouds in the sky with bright lights.


LED is a kind of light-emitting semiconductor component, which is recognized as one of the most promising high-tech products in the 21st century. While triggering the lighting revolution, it also makes significant contributions to promoting energy conservation, emission reduction and environmental protection. With the vigorous promotion of the government and the transfer of the global industrial ladder, the future landscape lighting will be a generation of LED dancing.


What is the beauty of LED? It is favored by landscape lighting


LED lighting has a huge energy saving effect. The power of a single LED is only 0.03-0.06W, and the drive voltage is low (1.5-3.5V), and the current is small (15-18MA). Under the same lighting effect, the power consumption is only one eighth of that of incandescent lamps and one half of that of fluorescent lamps. It can be seen that LED light source is used to replace ordinary lamps and fluorescent lamps for landscape lighting with huge power consumption. Its energy-saving effect is very obvious and has strong market competitiveness. Moreover, the life of LED light source is 100 times longer than that of incandescent lamp and 20-30 times longer than that of fluorescent lamp, eliminating the pain of frequent maintenance. In addition, its rich colors and good controllability make it ideal for urban landscape lighting. Now, LED is replacing the traditional light source with a 50% growth rate, which will trigger the fourth revolution in the history of human lighting, greatly improve the living environment of human beings, and alleviate the increasingly severe global energy crisis.


All kinds of lamps have disadvantages and advantages. The disadvantage of LED is that it has an energy crisis. Its advantage is that LED is replacing traditional light sources with a 50% growth rate.


After talking about LED, how do you use it for demonstration?

身边的科技作文 篇2


Some students may not know what science and technology means. To put it simply, science and technology are science and technology. What is science and technology? In fact, science and technology is the general term of natural science and technology and social science and technology.


Because science and technology are like rivers, striding towards the motherland, so science and technology are around us! The so-called social science and technology is the scientific totality of some social phenomena or any of them. For example, if you don't know something, you can ask the computer for help; In the dark, there are electric lights to help us light up; If you want to chat with friends, you can take out your mobile phone at any time; Mother cooked white and delicious rice in an electric cooker. Grandpa Deng Xiaoping once said, "Science and technology are productive forces, and they are the first productive forces." Yeah! Science and technology have planted successful wings for the cause development of our motherland. This makes me feel that technology is everywhere, and technology makes us extremely proud! Very proud!


Technology is everywhere. Without it, what would we be like? If there were no electric light, we would have to live in darkness; If we don't have mobile phones, we will have to use pigeons to deliver messages, which not only destroys the environment, but also wastes our physical strength; If we don't have electric cars, it will be inconvenient for us to contact friends and relatives in the distance. You see, technology cannot leave us, nor can we leave it. This proves how closely we are connected with technology!


Science and technology is like what Spencer said: "What knowledge is most valuable, the consistent answer is science and technology!" Technology is around us!

身边的科技作文 篇3


Science and technology are ubiquitous in modern life, and we also carried out an experience activity in our school - Science and Technology Festival.


Today, it is sunny and cloudless. We came to the playground to hold a grand opening ceremony. First, teacher Kexue Cheng made a speech, explaining the significance of the Science and Technology Festival, introducing the activities to us, and putting forward the theme of "quiet campus, beautiful voice".


Our class made use of the fourth weekly meeting class to self check the problems in the class. Pointed out: 1. During the break, students were making noises and some people were chatting together. 2. During the lunch break, sometimes there is a lot of noise in the corridor. Therefore, we put forward the slogan of "a quiet campus, a harmonious class, starting from me". At the same time, our class elected two class supervisors, Qiu Shi and Liu Ruihan.


We propose the following.


Class implementation plan:


1. Don't get down from your seat, make no noise, talk, and prepare in a quiet and orderly manner.


2. Don't chase and fight, talk quietly and make no noise between classes.


3. During class discussion, one person in a four person group will speak first, and several people will listen. After that, others will add. Don't quarrel during discussion.


Useful activities we recommend:


1. Turn rope


2. Look out at the scenery


The holding of the Science and Technology Festival has created an opportunity for us to contact science. The activity has brought us knowledge, created experience and set up a stage to show ourselves.

我们身边的高科技 篇4


With the development of science and technology, there are many high-tech products around us, ranging from airplanes, ships to televisions and mobile phones.


Today I will talk about the high-tech around me!


It was given to me by my father on my last birthday. He is very small and cute. He has a heavy hand. Ha ha! I don't want to play tricks on you. He is just a Xiaomi Bluetooth speaker. You must not just think of it as a simple small speaker. Its functions are too powerful. The voice interaction is my favorite. When you wake it up, you are as magical as communicating with a real person face to face. He can also help you turn on the lights, turn on the air conditioner, and open the curtains. Like an obedient servant, you can ask him many questions you don't understand. He knows a lot.


There is another thing in our family. My father has put it in our living room. It is a webcam, and it has many functions. The most basic is the monitoring function, and there is a real-time intercom function. I was alone at home. I was playing in the living room that day. At first, I didn't know. Suddenly, I heard someone say, "Xinxin, what are you doing?" At that time, I was shocked. Isn't there nobody else at home? Then came the voice. "Don't be afraid. I'll see what you're doing when I'm your father. I'm talking to you through the camera." It suddenly dawned on me.


Technology has brought convenience, happiness and safety to my life.

身边的科技作文 篇5


An autumn rain rushed my mother and I from the venue of the vigorous CCB Funny Games to the Municipal Science Museum. When we arrived at the Science Museum, a red circular banner on the front marked: Zhongshan Association for Science and Technology Academic Activity Week Science and Technology to Create a Healthy Life Popular Science Market.


Walk in from the left and see many plants! Orchids, out of season lotus, and professionals are here to teach you how to grow flowers!


The commentator of the olive oil booth, "Eating olive oil will make you healthy for 100 years", handed out materials and introduced the role of olive oil.


Red Cross volunteers use mannequins to let young journalists learn and experience CPR first aid methods. If I hadn't learned it before, I would have lined up to learn it.


Food safety is a topic of common concern for all of us. Eating fish has a lot of knowledge about health. The canned fish from Zhongshan tasted very good. We bought two cans and went back to taste them slowly.


The fire knowledge plate is the place where the most games and children are attracted. "It's on fire", yell at Michael Feng, you can see whether your voice can be heard at 200 meters. This is a good "toy" for practicing shouting. There is a fire escape passage. Keep your body down and you can escape from Shengtian with the green arrow. The children play three or two times. Pick up the phone and dial 119 to report the fire drill. You can touch the fire equipment with your hands


I highly commend the Science Museum for holding more science and technology fairs like this, because our children can learn to use the scientific knowledge around them to improve our quality of life in fun games.

身边的科技作文 篇6


Students, don't think that science and technology is far away from us. In fact, it is very close to us. Even the distance between roadside poles that seem to have nothing to do with science and technology and the mirrors in the park contain science and technology.


Everyone has found that the distance between the high-voltage poles on the roadside is very long. Why? This is because the high voltage wire is mounted on the pole. If the distance between the poles is too close, an arc will be generated between the two poles. The arc will keep rising and growing until the top of the pole is disconnected, and then it will continue to appear, disconnect, and cycle. In this way, it is not safe, but also affects the quality of power supply. Therefore, people always erect a pole at a certain distance.


Haha mirror, everyone must have taken photos! Some of the mirrors in the park can make people tall and fat, some can make people short and thin, and some... It's amazing, but what principle is used?


When you look closely at the Haha mirrors, you will find that their mirrors are convex and concave CN>Uneven. The concave surface is a concave through surface, which can make the object larger; The convex surface is a convex surface, which can show the effect of reduction; This is based on the principle of plane mirror imaging. Because the mirror surface is uneven, the reflective points are not on the same horizontal plane, and the resulting image becomes a virtual image with different effects.


How interesting technology is! Let's look for the technology around us!

身边的科技作文 篇7


Unconsciously, technology has also been integrated into our daily life, such as high-definition plasma color TV, voice control lamp, massage sofa, etc. Today I want to introduce computers.


There are many kinds of computers, such as LCD computers, laptops, desktop computers, etc. A computer consists of many parts, including a display screen, a host computer, a speaker, a mouse and a broadband. Without one of these components, the whole army may be destroyed. The display screen is very useful. Without it, we can't see the operation page! The mainframe is the "heart" of the computer, which is stored in the body. There are so many materials that people can download things on the computer. Broadband is our "pass" to enter the Internet Kingdom. Without it, we can't get online. The mouse is an indispensable "hero". It can help us open web pages and tags and browse the contents. But now I hear that someone can operate freely without a mouse. I really want to know this "expert".


The computer also has many functions, such as online chatting, online entertainment, browsing strange news, etc. Online chat allows people thousands of miles away to talk to each other. After installing the video chat function, they can also communicate face to face. You can also browse the world's anecdotes online, such as looking at clothes on Taobao, paying attention to the flight of Chang'e-2, etc. The computer is the right choice for entertainment. There are games, animation, music and movies that are proficient in everything. Tired people can listen to songs and watch movies to relieve their fatigue.


Computers have many uses! In fact, high-tech may be around us, as long as we try to find out, high-tech is everywhere!

身边的科技作文 篇8


There is a kind of water in my family, which I call "universal water".

家里有好几桶,用纯净水桶装着,标有制作日期的是食用,没标制作日期的是外用。 妈妈洗衣服、浇花都会用没标日期的“万能水”稀释后用,我觉得麻烦。妈妈却说:“它不仅洗衣干净,浇花驱蚊虫,拖地去污特别干净,而且不伤皮肤。”

There are several barrels at home, which are packed in pure water barrels. Those marked with the production date are edible, while those without the production date are for external use. My mother would dilute the clothes and water the flowers with undated "universal water", which I found troublesome. Mother said: "It not only washes clothes cleanly, waters flowers to repel mosquitoes, mops the floor to decontaminate, but also does not hurt the skin."


Once I cleaned the filter screen of the range hood and poured "universal water". This time, it was not diluted. I was puzzled. Mother said: "The filter screen oil dirt needs a high degree of" universal water ". After a while, I took out the filter screen and cried out in surprise: "How can it be so clean? It's as brand new as the one I just bought!" Mother didn't say much. She smiled confidently, which was mysterious.


In fact, my mother is a science enthusiast and an enthusiastic communicator. A few years ago, she learned about the water developed by Dr. Lesukun of Thailand from the Internet, and later learned about the method of making enzymes from the Internet. Mother looked at it carefully and made it at home according to the picture gourd. After the trial, the effect was excellent, and my mother told her friends who came to visit her home, and she took the trouble to demonstrate. The friends also made what they learned at home. It's really interesting. Their conversation has one more item: they exchange experiences with each other. From their voices, they are all happy.


Later, I learned that it was easy to make: cut the discarded peel and vegetables into pieces, add water and brown sugar in a certain proportion, and put them into barrels for external use; Fresh fruit, cut up the fruit, add a certain proportion of water and honey into the barrel and eat it. Open the cover and vent gas at a certain time to prevent the gas from extruding the container. It will be available in three months. It can be used for food with magical effect. It can reduce weight, beautify skin, and cure diseases for a long time. My mother turned on the computer and showed me that it could decompose fat into fatty acids, protein into glucose, and promote intestinal absorption.


Friends who come home never play cards, drink or chat. Talk about some popular science knowledge. For example, how to keep healthy, how to pay attention to safety, and how to improve academic performance... Mom thinks that many scientific veils have been lifted by scientists, and we just peek at some basic knowledge through the veil. These knowledge should be spread and shared, because our knowledge has blind spots and needs to learn from each other to serve the people.


Well, it's time to solve the mystery. This "universal water" has a beautiful name: enzyme.