
时间:2022-09-05 13:36:11 | 来源:语文通



A burst of chemical fists and applauding, came out of our campus.


Today is a sports meeting.No wonder everyone is eager to try it! Applause and neat cheering are integrated into one, and it is extremely fierce! The powerful refueling sounds, the sound of encouragement and the sound of whistle accompanied by the start of the jumping rope.The classmates who dumped the rope dumped the rope rhythmically, and the rope became like a soldier without any difference.The rope is no longer naughty like usual.The classmates concentrated, staring at the rope intently.No longer looking around.Like a group of tigers fighting for bloody meat, the students jumped one by one, the stuck was very rhythmic, and I came to me unconsciously., Make me involuntarily nervous.The palm of his palms came from cold sweat, his teeth made a clicked sound, and his body trembled slightly.


Ah! What should I do if I want to jump well! Then I will be ugly in public! Students not only have to complain about me, but I also destroy my perfect image in my teacher's mind! If I mix the rope, then the students will not all suffer later.Is it! No! No! Be sure to start the door, you must jump over! I instantly felt that I would not skip the rope, and walked towards the big rope tremblingly.In the middle of the rope, I raised my feet, and it passed a slight jump! Hands tightly stuck to both sides of the trousers, and the rope was like a thief, sneaking away from her feet.Her cooperation with the rope is seamless and flawless!


I followed Han Yimeng, and I looked at the rope. When I reached my feet, I jumped gently! Yeah, I was passing! Hush! Don't be proud, hush! I still have to jump! I soothed my little little!The heart, continue to wait.Look at the audience who shouted for us, and some seemed to shout their throats and cheer for us.It seems that cheering can make us win, but this makes us even more powerful! Some are silently counting us, for fear of missing a number.The referee patiently guided us that it seemed that it was the first friendship, the second game!

啊,不好,曲航毅拌绳了,我们要输了!回头看了看一班,他们跳的是那么快,配合的是那么协调!甩绳的那两位同学立马又甩起绳来,没有耽误时间一分一秒。时间偷偷溜走啦!时间也到了,什么?我们竟然跳了180个。耶! 我们又是第一名喽!

Ah, it's not good, Qu Hangyi mixed the rope, we are going to lose! Looking back at a class, they jumped so fast, and they coordinated so coordinated! The two students who dumped the rope immediately picked up the rope againThere is no delay time for one minute.Time has sneaked away! Time has arrived, what? We even jumped 180.Yeah! We are the first place again!


You must play well when you should play, and learn well when you should learn.