
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:10 | 来源:语文通


初中学校教导处工作计划 篇1初中学校教导处工作计划 篇2初中学校教导处工作计划 篇3初中学校教导处工作计划 篇4

初中学校教导处工作计划 篇1


I. guiding ideology


In this semester, the Office of Academic Affairs will continue to advocate the concepts of "hard work is ability, and implementation is level" and "dare to tell the truth, dare to go deep, dare to be tough, and dare to manage" according to the school running concept and the general goal of the work, combined with the actual situation of this semester and the spirit of the town education office, practice hard, consolidate the foundation, bend down, improve the management ability and implementation of teaching standards, and pay close attention to the construction of class atmosphere and style of study, We will do a good job in the education and teaching management of our school, strive to create new achievements and form our school running characteristics.


II. Main work


(1) . Educate the culture of every room.


1. Strengthen the unity of departments and offices, avoid internal friction, and practice the work style of "seeking truth, innovation, efficiency and harmony".


2. Set up the idea of serving teaching and teachers, pay attention to emotional management, move people with emotion, convince people with reason, try to make every teacher support and understand the work of the teaching office, and mobilize the enthusiasm of teachers as much as possible.


Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, so do teachers. We should squat down and think about some problems from the perspective of ordinary teachers, so as to truly respect the personality of each teacher from the heart; Establish a blog to publish the work arrangement and management measures of the teaching office on the Internet, so that teachers can leave messages actively, so as to collect teachers' opinions and suggestions and provide reference for teaching management; The Education Department sincerely hopes to communicate with teachers, respect teachers' reasonable suggestions, actively think about teachers' needs, and timely solve problems within its power.


(2) . System construction.


1. Improve the system construction of various education and teaching management, strengthen the implementation, and achieve the combination of system formulation and effective management: improve the implementation of the publicity system, open up feelings, and implement the publicity system; Further explore the effective management mode of "six serious" teaching, and change the impractical and inappropriate quantitative operation in the "Quantitative Management Plan for Educational and Teaching Quality of XX School" to make it more scientific, reasonable and practical; Strengthen the collective lesson preparation system, take special consideration when arranging courses, increase inspection efforts, do not take forms, and pay attention to actual results; Continue to implement the monthly examination system and the discipline joint examination system, and feed back teaching information in a timely manner; Carry out the combination of sliding door listening and leadership listening days to check the teaching situation of teachers; Establish a system of paper making and examination, and standardize the discipline and style of school examination; Cooperate with the scientific research department to standardize and improve the teaching and research work and the growth of new teachers, and implement the teaching and research system and the growth system of new teachers; Cooperate with the Moral Education Department to improve the assessment, evaluation and reward system for students.


2. It will be implemented as soon as it is announced, one by one, not only saying but also arranging but not checking and assessing, so as to promote the benign operation of teaching management and comprehensively improve the quality of education and teaching in schools.


(3) . Teachers' teaching routine management.


1. Strictly implement the curriculum plan, fully open the required courses and strictly enforce the teaching order. We will further clarify the objectives and tasks of the teaching of sound, physical education and aesthetics in junior high school, and do a good job in the training program of physical education in the third day of junior high school as early as possible. Teachers must strictly follow the class schedule, do not be late, do not leave early, do not transfer classes without permission, and resolutely eliminate truancy. Relevant teachers who have self-study and coaching classes in the morning should arrive at their posts on time and complete their own work. Teachers participating in business training and further education should coordinate the courses and inform the administrative duty week or the Office of Academic Affairs to ensure the normal teaching order of the school. In case of problems, relevant responsibilities will be seriously investigated. 2。 Adhere to the principle of "six conscientiousness" in teaching, implement the system of centralized inspection, selective inspection by different subjects and different persons, contacting leaders to check and listen to classes at ordinary times (at least one class for each teacher in a school year), strengthen the management of classroom teaching, prohibit teaching without teaching plan, resolutely put an end to the randomness of teachers' lectures and uncontrolled classroom organization, prohibit random access during class, and prohibit answering and making calls. As the general education will welcome the provincial examination next year and the county examination this year, there will be no change in lesson preparation. Young teachers under the age of 35 require detailed plans and timely write teaching reflection. For the design and correction of homework, "four refinements" (selection, elaboration, refinement, and fine approval) and "four necessities" (there is a need to receive, there is a need to change, there is a need to evaluate, and there is a need to make up) must be achieved. The Academic Affairs Office will check the above situation and report the inspection. In case of any problems, according to the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of Quantitative Management of Educational and Teaching Quality in XX Town Schools, a point deduction system shall be implemented to manage, and a special personal file of teachers shall be established. After the school year is converted, it shall be included in the annual assessment of teachers. In particular, it is necessary to strengthen the management of relevant teachers in the arts and sports department, information, comprehensive, electronic classroom, library and laboratory.


3. The tracking system for weak subjects and classes shall be implemented. The school and the teaching office shall supervise in person according to the usual reaction and the results of the academic month and the joint examination of subjects, and take the methods of asking students, listening to lectures, checking homework, checking lessons, and talking about experience to guide and help improve.


4. Strengthen the examination management (see the Measures for Examination and Management of XX Town School for details). In this semester, the system of monthly examination (if possible, the system of joint examination of ten schools in the ninth middle school area) and the system of joint examination of subjects (especially languages, mathematics, foreign languages, biology in the eighth grade, geography, physics and all subjects in the third grade) are still implemented. Formulate the examination system of paper making, invigilating, marking, statistics, analysis and reporting. Carefully do a good job in the proposition, paper production, printing, storage, marking, examination paper analysis and sampling survey of the academic month, mid-term, final and various simulation examinations, and strengthen the quality analysis.


5. It is required to standardize teachers' "two exercises" and their behaviors at noon and after school, require physical education teachers to train students to go out for exercises and conduct standardized training for students who check the "two exercises", so as to provide accurate basis for class assessment.


6. Train and make good use of the study committee members of each class to record the teacher's attendance, discipline, teacher's attendance, class transfer and other situations in the class, so as to provide first-hand information for the management of the Education Department in all aspects.


7. Regularly hold some student symposiums and some teachers' symposiums, timely understand the teaching situation of each grade, and adjust the corresponding measures to improve the teaching quality.


8. Young teachers and teachers of new disciplines who have worked for less than five years shall meet the requirements of the scientific research office.


(4) . Teaching research and discipline group construction.


1. We should be pragmatic, strict in teaching and research discipline, and punish violators severely.


2. The Education Office and the Scientific Research Office shall jointly determine the direction of teaching and research, hold a coordination meeting with the relevant person in charge and the teaching and research staff, unify the requirements, and then formulate a teaching and research plan based on the unified activities of the school and the independent activities of the teaching and research team.


3. All teaching and research groups seriously carry out their work according to the work plan, and do not put on airs, take the situation or go through the motions. The contacts of all disciplines and groups in the school leadership directly go to Deepwater to participate in teaching and research.


4. Give full play to the role of grade discipline groups and lesson preparation groups, and strengthen the collective lesson preparation system. Each activity should be carried out regularly and submitted with materials. There should be a theme, a central speech, and a preliminary plan to solve problems. The activity should be recorded. The same lesson preparation group should strive to achieve five "unifications", namely, unified progress, unified teaching objectives, requirements, unified teaching content, unified key points, difficulties, and unified main basic exercise test exercises, so as to narrow the gap between classes.


5. We should strengthen the system of listening to and commenting on lessons, strive to improve our comprehensive quality, and cultivate ourselves as "compound" teachers. Teachers of grade three or above shall attend one class every week, and each teacher shall attend at least 15 classes every semester; Young teachers with less than three years of age listen to lectures twice a week, and each teacher listens to lectures at least 30 times a semester; Teachers should listen to each other with the signature of the study committee members, to eliminate the phenomenon of not listening to the class and cheating. The attendance should be recorded, timely, fair and objective, and there must be a process and comprehensive evaluation, otherwise it will be considered as not listening to the class.


6. Do a good job of teaching linkage with brother schools in the town and advanced schools in and outside the county, strengthen teaching exchanges, learn to use, and jointly improve.


(5) . Class management.


1. Issue the Class Teacher's Manual of XX School and work as required.


2. Improve the class management assessment system and implement the assessment. The system of monthly work regular meeting and assessment notification shall be implemented.

初中学校教导处工作计划 篇2


















































































初中学校教导处工作计划 篇3




































































初中学校教导处工作计划 篇4


1、 Guiding ideology:


With the development of students, teachers and schools as the foundation, curriculum reform as the driving force, highly effective classroom teaching as the focus, teacher team building as the foundation, and the construction of teaching research groups, lesson preparation groups and classroom teaching efficiency monitoring as the guarantee, we should refine and internalize teaching routines, strengthen teaching process management, and demand quality from management; We should vigorously carry out educational research and seek benefits from scientific research. Implement quality education in a down-to-earth, high-quality and efficient manner, and improve the quality of education and teaching in an all-round way.


2、 Teaching objectives and requirements:


(1) Clarify the teaching management objectives and improve the teaching management system.


"Everything is for the development of students" is the school's purpose. We should take "everything is for the development of students" and better promote teachers' professional development as the fundamental task of teaching management. We should provide conditions and platforms for teachers' professional development, teachers' creative teaching, and the formation of teachers' teaching characteristics, so that teachers can gradually adapt to the needs of curriculum reform in terms of teaching concepts and knowledge structure.


We should constantly improve and perfect the teaching management system, so that our classroom teaching management, activity curriculum management, student performance management, etc. can better promote the development of students.


1. Grasping the plan: every semester, according to the requirements of the school's work plan for teaching, the teaching research group and the lesson preparation group formulate a teaching work plan to guide teachers' teaching and research.


2. Check: the teaching schedule formulated by each teaching and research group and lesson preparation group, including unit teaching objectives, teaching content, unit examination, spokesperson of the collective lesson preparation center, research courses, etc.


The Office of Academic Affairs takes the lead in organizing the teaching and research team leader to check the implementation of the teaching plans of each subject, and publish the inspection results at the end of the period as a basis for evaluating the advanced teaching and research team and lesson preparation team.


3. Focus on implementation: each teaching and research group carefully summarizes the implementation of the teaching work plan every semester.


According to the implementation of the plan, the Education Office held a special meeting to further inspect, report, summarize experience and implement improvement measures.


(2) Refine the management system, optimize the assessment rules, attach importance to the combination of performance, and enhance teachers' work initiative.


The improvement of efficiency requires management measures, and the implementation of measures requires teachers to carefully implement them. We hope that every measure taken to promote and develop the school can be effectively transformed into the conscious and standardized teaching behavior of every teacher.


1. Pay attention to the formulation and implementation of teaching plans to make teaching work orderly.


The teaching plan dominates the whole teaching process, is the standard for guiding and standardizing teaching behavior, and is also an important basis for the Office of Academic Affairs to check teaching work. Therefore, according to the characteristics of students, all teachers should pay attention to the analysis, choice and rejection of teaching content while making the overall planning of the subject teaching plan, and enhance the practicality, pertinence and operability of the plan, so as to strive to have a plan to follow and a plan to follow.


2. Strengthen process management and improve teaching efficiency.


(1) Strengthen "seven conscientiousness" and process management.


We will improve the rules for the assessment of "Seven Earnestness" in teaching in our school, and pay close attention to all aspects of teachers' "Seven Earnestness" work.


The lesson preparation should be sufficient, the goal should be clear, and the "three combinations" should be achieved, that is, the combination of curriculum standards, teaching materials and students' actual conditions, and the continuous improvement and improvement of the lesson preparation level to ensure that the content of classroom teaching can face all students.


The class should be meticulous and flexible: "two nos" should be achieved, that is, no class without preparation and teaching plan, no class without purpose and requirement. In class, we should observe and understand students' feelings and reactions, and fully reflect the dominant position of teachers and students. The interaction between teachers and students is appropriate, and the information feedback is timely.


The assignment of students' homework and exercises should be scientific and reasonable. The Office of Academic Affairs should regularly check, strictly control, and focus on quality to achieve effective practice. Individual counseling is timely and targeted, providing confidence for students with poor foundation, opportunities for development for secondary students, and upgrading for excellent students.


Comprehensively implement the "cross" policy of teaching work, that is, "deep" preparation for lessons, "practical" teaching, "refined" homework, "flexible" teaching, "new" means, "diligent" activities, "strict" assessment, "detailed" coaching, "light" burden, and "high" quality.


(2) Pay attention to the management of teaching process and standardize teachers' teaching behavior.


The teaching process is a dynamic process. This semester, while focusing on the management of teaching quality objectives, we will focus on strengthening the management of the teaching process.


① Earnestly implement the listening system: the president, the vice president in charge of teaching, and the director of the Office of Academic Affairs take the lead in making an overall plan to listen to lectures, with no less than 40 sessions per semester. Other middle-level leaders should often go deep into the front line of teaching for guidance, take the lead in pushing the door to listen to the class at least 30 times a semester. The teaching and research team leader and lesson preparation team leader shall give full play to their functions and attend lectures at least every semester_ Section. Teachers should actively learn from others' strengths and make up for their weaknesses. They should attend at least 10 classes each semester. Within three years, teachers should actively learn from older teachers, listen to more classes from older teachers of the same grade, and listen to at least 30 classes each semester.


② Insist on "three inspections" and pay close attention to classroom teaching. "Three checks": first, check the teaching plan homework, second, check the classroom teaching, and third, check the teaching effect. All results are recorded in written form.


③ The teacher's teaching effect is evaluated by "three evaluations", namely, the student evaluation, the teaching research group evaluation and the Office of Academic Affairs evaluation. The evaluation results will be used as one of the bases for teachers' teaching awards and year-end assessment.


④ Strict examination system: strengthen the construction of examination style and discipline. The school implements unified progress, unified proposition, unified examination, unified marking and unified analysis in similar and comparable classes; In the term examination, the invigilator is required to be conscientious, responsible and meticulous to ensure that the teaching quality is fully and truly reflected.


(3) Strengthen the construction of lesson preparation group and refine the evaluation measures.


We should carefully formulate practical activity plans, properly arrange the location, time and methods of activities, and regularly carry out various forms of teaching and research activities. Each activity should focus on the theme, have clear tasks, take solid measures, implement responsibilities, and achieve tangible results. The teaching and research activities in this semester mainly focus on two levels of work. The Academic Affairs Office mainly arranges large-scale and relatively focused teaching and research activities, and the lesson preparation group focuses on research activities based on the innovation of teaching concepts, teaching methods, teaching methods and teaching models in classroom teaching. Each lesson preparation group should carefully formulate activity plans and actively implement them, focusing on classroom teaching. Based on classroom teaching, strive to achieve innovation in teaching concepts, teaching methods, teaching methods and teaching models.


The staff of the lesson preparation team should actively participate in the discussion of teaching methods to promote the improvement of education quality through teaching and research. At the same time, the Academic Affairs Office requires and arranges the activities of a lesson preparation group, which will be held once a week in English, and once every two weeks in other teaching and research groups. In order to effectively promote the activities of the lesson preparation group of each teaching and research group, the whole administration shall supervise the activities, record the contents of each activity, and put forward some effective suggestions or requirements for each activity.


In order to promote the all-round development of young teachers, the Office of Academic Affairs has put forward the requirement for all teachers to write teaching reflection every week. Teachers will have feelings and experiences derived from teaching practice every day in class or after class, so that teachers can develop the habit of reflection, summary and innovation after teaching, which will certainly promote their teaching in the future. The examination of teachers' teaching reflection will also be included in the category of "seven earnest teaching".


In order to prevent teaching and research activities from becoming mere formality and improve the quality of teaching and research activities, the Office of Academic Affairs will further strengthen the inspection and supervision of teaching and research activities: check whether the time of teaching and research is guaranteed, whether there are written records of teaching and research activities, whether teaching and research activities are close to the reality of the school, and whether the theme content of teaching and research activities is truly implemented.


(3) Strengthen the construction of the teaching staff and actively pay attention to the development of teachers.


We should guide teachers to actively conduct research on effective teaching strategies, constantly improve the efficiency of classroom teaching, change the past phenomenon of teachers' hard teaching and students' hard learning, and ensure the improvement of education and teaching quality through the improvement of efficiency.


Create a learning atmosphere, guide teachers to pay attention to the improvement of their professional level, reflect on their teaching, and be a reflective teacher.


We will comprehensively implement the project of evaluating teachers' teaching business. On the one hand, we will carry out activities for new teachers to reach the teaching standard, and take effective measures to promote new teachers to achieve "the introduction of teaching routines", "the passing of classroom teaching", and "the teaching ability standard". On the other hand, we will continue to carry out a series of public display activities and evaluation activities for teachers' teaching business.


The training project of modern educational technology is widely carried out. With the improvement of school informatization, the requirements for teachers' information awareness and ability are also increasing. This semester will hold a seminar on the use of various types of equipment, so that all teachers can effectively master the use, maintenance and other knowledge of modern equipment, and constantly improve their ability to obtain information, store information, process information, screen and use information, update and create information.


(4) Strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups and create a teaching and research atmosphere.


Classroom teaching is the central link to improve teaching quality. How to optimize classroom teaching, deepen teaching reform, improve teaching quality and strengthen teaching research should be one of the important ways. Therefore, we must strengthen the construction of teaching and research groups.


The teaching and research group is a teaching and research organization in which teachers of all disciplines in the school give play to their collective wisdom, comprehensively promote quality education, and improve teaching level and teaching efficiency. The construction level of a teaching and research group determines the teaching and research level and teaching quality of the discipline in the school to a certain extent, and determines the status and influence of the discipline inside and outside the school.


Effective measures should be taken to change the phenomenon of random learning content, simplified activity form and single activity subject in current teaching and research activities. The time, place, content, method and verification of teaching and research activities should be further standardized. The time, place, communication, participation and reflection should be determined. The selection of activity content should be oriented to students, teaching practice, teachers and textbooks, Teachers are encouraged to conduct in-depth research on textbooks, research syllabus, students, teaching method design, and how to improve the effectiveness and quality of classroom teaching.


The teaching and research group should strive to build itself into a learning organization, promote teaching through learning and research, encourage the development of summary and reflective teaching and research methods, and members of the teaching and research group should analyze cases (including teaching cases and student cases) according to teaching practice, guide teaching practice with education and teaching theory, deepen understanding and internalization of teaching theory through teaching practice, and improve their own teaching practice; Encourage thematic teaching and research methods, actively promote the theme of teaching and research activities, and truly play the role of the teaching and research group as a teaching and research organization to improve teaching level and teaching efficiency.


(5) Improve curriculum construction and deepen curriculum reform.


We should attach importance to the guidance of learning methods centering on students' autonomous learning, and guide students to be the masters of learning; Attach importance to the hierarchical requirements in the study plan; Attach importance to guiding students to carry out research study within or between disciplines.


For the existing college entrance examination model, strengthen the research on the proposition and examination. Randomly arrange the examination room, optimize the score processing system, and deeply process the test scores.


Open various elective courses and activity courses. Carry out good sports activities, strengthen art education, and promote students' harmonious and comprehensive development. Physical education, music, art and labor skills classes are fully open. Strengthen the management of "two exercises and one course" and improve the inspection and evaluation system. Hold the autumn freshman sports meeting. Increase extracurricular activities and standardize the activity process. We will strengthen the management of various extracurricular activity groups, such as music, sports and beauty, and strive to achieve better results in competitions at or above the municipal level, so as to comprehensively improve the quality of students.


Based on the development of students, we will continue to offer research learning courses. With the goal of inspiring students to actively explore, actively innovate and practice hard, with the basic content of acquiring knowledge, applying knowledge and mastering the general process of scientific research, based on autonomous and exploratory learning, and in the way of group cooperation, efforts are made to improve students' comprehensive quality in terms of ideology, emotion, will, and spiritual realm, and their personality and specialty are developed and developed continuously.