Four, [phrase sentence]
1. 我肯定是比较难于教诲的。
1. I must be more difficult to teach.
2. 一个蠢材也可能给一个聪明人教诲。
2. A stupid material may also teach a smart person.
3. 他向愚昧无知人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。
3. He taught two commandments to the ignorance and ignorance.
4. 他向愚昧无知的人群谆谆教诲两条诫命。
4. He taught two commandments to the ignorant people.
5. 我把自己的报纸也当作进行教诲的另一手段。
5. I treat my newspaper as another way to teach.
6. 尊敬的老师,小女浅陋无知,承蒙您教诲有方!
6. Dear teacher, little girl is shallow ignorant, and you have to teach you!
7. 他的教诲是我信仰的基础,也是我在竞选时所遵循的准则。
7. His teachings are the foundation of my faith and the criterion I followed during the campaign.
8. 女儿既未领略过那株老柏树的浓荫,也从没听过白头偕老的夫妻的教诲。
8. Her daughter has not appreciated the shade of the old cypress tree, nor has she never heard the teachings of the old couple.
9. 我跟洪堡所以如此亲密,其原因之一就是因为我乐意接受他的全部教诲。
9. I am so close to Humboldt, one of the reasons is because I am willing to accept all his teachings.
10. 才不枉父亲的谆谆教诲。
10. Do not teach his father's teachings.
Three, [English translation]
1.[书] teaching; instruction
1. [Book] Teaching; Instruction
2. [Basic Explanation]
[Interpretation] (Dynamic) (Book) lesson.
[Composition] Parallel: Teaching+Teaching
[Example] The teacher's teachings are in mind.(Treat the subject)
[Syndline] Teaching
[Homocular] Church
Five, [Detailed Explanation]
◎ 教诲 jiàohuì
◎ Teaching jiàohuì
[teaching] 教导训戒
[Teaching] Teaching Training Precept
Secondly teach.- "Historical Records · Freight Colonial Biography"
教导,训诲。《书·无逸》:“古之人,犹胥训告,胥保惠,胥教诲。” 唐 刘长卿 《别李氏女子》诗:“临歧方教诲,所贵和六姻。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭续录·罗中丞》:“公爱民洁己,蒞官时召父老至,谆谆教诲,至於涕下沾膺。” 鲁迅 《朝花夕拾·藤野先生》:“他的对于我的热心的希望,不倦的教诲,小而言之,是为 中国 ……大而言之,是为学术。”
Teaching, training."Book · Wuyi": "Ancient people, still told, benefit, and teach." Tang Liu Changqing's "Bie Li's Women" poem: "Ling Qi Fang Fang Teachers, the Sixth Marriage."Record Luo Zhongxun ":" The public loves the people, and when he comes to the official, he will call his father and the elderly, and teach it.Tired teachings, in short, for China ... In short, it is academic. "
More related articles recommendation :
1. [Synonyms]
Teaching, lessons, training, training, education, education, teaching, teaching, teaching, influence, education, nurturing, training, guidance
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