
时间:2022-10-24 12:51:56 | 来源:语文通



植树节的作文 篇1植树节的作文 篇2植树节的作文 篇3植树节的作文 篇4关于植树节的作文 篇5写植树节的作文 篇6植树节的作文 篇7

植树节的作文 篇1


Today, I participated in the Arbor Day activity organized by my class, which was very interesting.


In the activity, we learned about plants. First, we learned about cedar, which is like a tall pagoda; Then I got to know the birch, whose bark is as white as snow in winter; I also know Magnolia, the color of the flowers is white, from a distance, like white birds.


Then we changed into Chinese clothes and recited poems about spring. We recited many poems, and our parents applauded us.


At the end of the activity, our classmates' mothers gave each of us a succulent plant.

植树节的作文 篇2


Today is the Arbor Day. The teacher led us to weed, loosen the soil and water the "happiness tree" planted last year.


When I came to the woods near the playground, the "happiness tree" in front of me was already higher than me. When the "happiness tree" was just planted, it was just a bare trunk. Now it has grown many branches and is full of vitality. I picked up a hoe to loosen the soil, but found that the roots of the small trees had been surrounded by weeds. These bad guys are all coming to compete with the small trees for nutrition. I will kill them all. When I wield a hoe, I remove weeds by their roots and loosen the soil around the roots so that the roots can breathe freely. After loosening the soil, it's time to water the young trees. The little tree thirsty for a winter vacation urgently needs the nourishment of clear water. Just as the water was poured, it drank it up.


The small trees that are full of water are bulging with buds on their branches, as if they would explode at any time and stretch out one or two tender leaves. A gust of wind blew, and the small tree kept waving to us. bye! Xiao Shu, I will come to see you often.

植树节的作文 篇3


Today is really happy, because today we went to plant trees. Do you know what festival it is today? March 12, Arbor Day.


In the afternoon, the sun was very fierce, which seemed to cause us trouble. It made us sweat. We took hoes and dug. When we were tired, we changed people to hoe. In this way, we hoed and hoed all the time. I don't know how long it was. There were saplings everywhere. We watched everyone rest there. I was also sweating, but I was very happy all the time. We planted many trees and made new achievements.


In the botanical garden, everyone was sweating, but they all wore this smiling face. I am very happy on this day, and so are all of you. I hope you can cherish the environment. Our headmaster said: "Greening campus 312, beautifying campus 365.". It means that greening will be carried out on March 12 to protect the environment in 365 days.

植树节的作文 篇4


"We will plant trees at noon tomorrow. Please sign up actively.". In the afternoon, the teacher suddenly said something amazing. As soon as they heard that trees were to be planted, the students immediately talked about it. "Quiet!" The teacher had to shout loudly. When we were silent, the teacher slowly talked about the process of tomorrow: "First, go to get the saplings that night; second, go to Shengrong Hall to take group photos at 12:10 p.m. tomorrow, and then go to plant trees. Queue up for school, cough, and I will go there tomorrow." The teacher said.


After lunch, we went to the gate of Shengrong Guild Hall, and after taking photos, we came to the place where we planted trees. I picked a tree pit - the sun is just right, and the land is fertile and warm. I put the saplings straight into the tree pit, and then buried the soil. Just as the project was about to be completed, Wu Wenqi shouted, "I've found a snail!" I looked around and found that it was very similar, but it was not. After a closer look, I suddenly had a cold war, took two steps back, and said: "What a snail is like a big meat worm with a shell!" After saying that, they looked, "Ah! Ah!" Several shrieks sounded. At this time, I was no longer afraid. I rushed forward and killed the meat worms. An aunt said that the meat worm was called "the land tiger", which ate the roots of small trees and was a kind of pest.


After the carnivore storm subsided, I made a protective fence for the saplings with soil, watered them, and hung slogans. May my little tree grow up quickly!

关于植树节的作文 篇5


When spring came, another March 12 Tree Planting Day came, and the school's "I plant trees, I am happy" activity also kicked off.


On this day, teachers and students of our school gathered at the gate of Qujiang Park. They were full of energy. Once they entered the park, it was an open place, full of birds singing and flowers fragrance, and full of spring. People sat on chairs beside the road and chatted. Elders and aunts who were practicing Yangko stopped their happy steps and looked at us with approval. Oh, the young pioneers did a good job! Hearing this, everyone felt happy, confident and energetic!


The teacher led us to the center of the square and explained to us what we should pay attention to when planting trees, but I didn't listen at all. I was anxious to get the saplings. The male students rushed to the tree planting instructor. You took one and I grabbed one. The female students were not willing to be outdone. They rolled up their sleeves and rushed into the crowd.


After a while, a mighty army of tree planting set out for the destination. Look! Some people hold a sapling in one hand, a basin in the other hand, and some people have to carry a spade. What's more, some people hold a thing in one hand and a bag in their mouth... In this way, they talk and laugh all the way to the other side of the lake. Rather than talking about the tree planting area, they can say that it is a piece of farmland that has not been cultivated yet. There are golden rape flowers everywhere, and a faint fragrance fills the air


According to the teacher's instructions, our class was divided into 12 groups, with at least 4 people in each group and at most 6 people in each group. After the tree planting area is selected, everyone will start to act in groups, your place and our end. Zhang Ting, Ma Zhenxing and Li Xiaodong were divided into a group. As soon as the teacher said, Li Xiaodong began to dig with a big spade. Regardless of the situation, he dug a piece of soil here and a piece of mud with that spade, which spilled mud all over others. Zhang Ting and I were so angry that we called him a rascal. Look at Ma Zhenxing again. He took a shovel, aimed at the position, dug, dug, and soon his hole was dug. However, Zhang Ting and I did not want to be outdone by women. After some discussion, we decided to dig a hole together. First, it was very smooth. Zhang Ting and I were full of stamina. Second, when_———— After three times of digging, the spade seems to be stuck by something? Yes, I can't move. I tried my best, but it didn't help. Hum! I don't believe that I can't cure you. When Zhang Ting and I were at a loss, Ma Zhenxing came over and found that benzene was dead. Use a small shovel to dig! A word startled the dreamer. Zhang Ting rushed for a hundred seconds to borrow a small shovel and dug up the soil around the unidentified object. Once again, it turned out to be a stone. Cut! Get out of the way, let me come! Li Xiaodong came over and exerted all his strength, but the stone remained motionless. Ma Zhenxing scraped away the soil and slowly moved the stone out. It happened that the instructor passed by and said that Ma Zhenxing was very clever.


After the pit is dug, Zhang Ting brings the saplings and straightens them. I fill them with fine soil, add several extra large pieces of soil, and dig out a bowl shaped edge. I carried a basin of water and was about to fall down. Zhang Ting said, "Wait!"! After saying that, she held a handful of water and sprinkled it gently around the tree. Ah! After the success, I looked at the students, who were very busy one by one, with sweat on their faces.

写植树节的作文 篇6


On March 12, the Arbor Day came, and the previous Arbor Day would be depressed, because although it was Arbor Day, it was impossible to plant trees.


Today is different. My father suddenly had a strange idea this year. He said, "Let's go, my dear daughter. Today, let's learn from others and plant trees.". In the face of my father's motion, I agreed. So, get things ready and ready to go.


This time, I bought a young poplar tree, because my father said: we should learn the perseverance that poplar trees can grow up in the sand. Yeah! The spirit of poplar is worth learning, but why is Xuemei not? Xuemei also grows up in heavy snow! idiot. It's spring now. Can you grow snow plum alive? In this way, my father knocked my skull again.


Well, well, let's be serious. My father quickly dug a hole and planted the young poplars. I watered it aside.


In the afternoon, my father and I walked away reluctantly. I thought to myself, when I grow up, I must be a man like poplar and snow plum.

植树节的作文 篇7


Spring is a season when birds contend and everything recovers.


March 12 is Arbor Day. On this day, the white clouds in the sky are like boats sailing, slowly floating. The sun also shines warmly on the earth. Xiaolan is carrying a shovel on her shoulder. Xiaoming is holding the sapling he bought in one hand and a bucket in the other. The two happily go to the back of the park to plant trees.


They went to the back of the park and had a look. Wow! There are so many people! I saw people in small groups digging holes, filling soil and watering. Everyone is working in full swing. Xiaoming and Xiaolan also found a place to drive. Xiaolan first grasped the shovel with both hands and worked hard to dig a hole. She piled the excavated soil beside the pit. Xiaoming saw that the pit was almost deep, so he carefully placed the roots of the saplings in a pit of appropriate size, squatting down and holding the saplings with both hands. At this time, Xiaolan carefully filled the hole with saplings with a small pile of soil beside the pit. Xiaoming stood up, picked up the bucket, fetched a bucket of water, and poured it on the pit. The tree was planted, and the young tree stood upright on the ground.


A gust of spring wind blew, and they both felt a bit cold, and wiped the sweat on their faces with their hands. Look at me and I look at you. They can't help laughing, which fills the back hill of the whole park.