
时间:2022-06-16 13:34:53 | 来源:语文通


"20,000 miles under the sea" is a long novel created by French writer Reller Vernes. It is the second part of the "Verne Trilogy" (the other two are "Captain Grant's Children" and "Mystery Island").The following is the content about, welcome to read!



Summary selection 1


In the article, a huge creature was found in the ocean, similar to unicorn.A few times had hit a few large ships, which caused a sensation of the military community of the two continents at that time.


The U.S. military sent the "Lincoln" warship to kill the unicorn, and found that it could soon be caught up and glowed. Although the Lincoln is well equipped, there is a dying flowering bullet, a long -range rectangular cannon, and a new mechanical fish fork. Essence Essence Essence Essence And a group of experienced fishermen. But still can't shoot. Later, an old shooter hit it with a rear cannon. The cannonball slipped down from the smooth body, the fish fork hit, and the fish fork was bent. The Lincoln was impacted by the water. As soon as he noticed, Consel (the author of the author) and the author and the king of fish fork -Nide. Lan Qi fell into the sea, fortunately, he was wearing a savior. After that, they found that this monster was not a glowing unicorn at all, in fact, it was a submarine. After that, the host of the submarine Nimo hid them enthusiastically. But do not allow them to move freely on the boat. I learned in the conversation that Nemo was very rich. His ship had not been on land supply supplies three years ago after going to the sea. All the power of the ship and the necessities of the crew were extracted in the sea. There are more than 10,000 books on the boat and the jewelry of countless valuables, and they have also allowed them to see the underwater world and the Antarctica that no one has reached. There are also many knowledge that the mainland has not yet explored on the ship of Nemo. Captain Nemo's submarine, the technology on the Norius, is out of reach. At a time, the author and several other people who wanted to escape secretly stated that the sailor did not pay attention to the boat of the submarine. Suddenly, the boat encountered a large vortex. Before that, no ship had successfully escaped, the boat was thrown out, and they were rescued. But Norius has no news again.


We have to study the unknown world like Captain Nimo.


Summary selection 2


In 1866, a big monster was considered by unicorn on the sea.French biologist Aronnas was invited to the hunt.During the hunting process, Arlonas, his servant Consencer and Whaling Handician Nidland found that this monster was not a unicorn, but a wonderful submarine.


The captain of the submarine, Nemo, is a mysterious person who is unknown and claims to "break the relationship with the entire humans".Nemo invited Arlonas to visit the masterpiece of this amazing modern industry -Ichini Rich; it used the waves to generate electricity to provide heat, light, and power on board; everything it needed was taken from the ocean.It was built secretly on a desert island in the Ocean.


Arol and his companion Cheng Nuoz set off from the Pacific Ocean, and began a submarine adventure trip.Through submarine glass windows, the ocean exhibitions in front of them at this moment: at this moment in front of them: all the sea underwater plants, various fish -like fish in the air, and all kinds of pooling animals and software animals everywhere.They observed and studied.Passing the island of Klispo, the submarine stops on the bottom of the sea. They put on diving clothes, stroll on the underwater plains, and hunt in the seabed forest with a special rifle.The book describes the wonderful world of the sea, which is amazing:


This is really a wonderful and rare underwater forest. It grows tall wooden plants. The rumors of the cluster of the small trees extend directly to the foreign noodles.There are no branches, no leaf veins, like hardcores.In the middle of a variety of different shrubs like temperate woods, various corals with vivid flowers grow everywhere.Beautiful!


Later, the submarine experienced the danger of stranding and siege of the natives, and sailed to the Indian Ocean.A bizarre thing happened at this time.Captain Nemo saw something from the sea, and suddenly filled with anger and hatred.He closed Argenas and his companions in a small room and forced them to sleep.The next day, Arol woke up, and Captain Nimor asked him to treat a seriously injured crew.The crew did not die.Captain Nemo took the funeral team in sadness and buried the deceased in the glorious and magnificent coral woods.He said: There, corals will close the deceased forever without being bullied by sharks and people!


Ceylon island at the southern end of the Indian Peninsula is in front of it.Arlonas understood Captain Nemo's recommendation and walked to the bottom of the sea.Suddenly, there was a giant shark rushing towards the pearls.Captain Nemo held a short knife in his hand and struggled with sharks.Captain Nemo was overwhelmed by the huge body of the shark.Lan quickly put on the fork and hit the shark's heart.The captain rescued the poor beading person, and took a pack of pearls from his pocket for him.As a result, Aarsnas felt that there were two points of noticing in Nemo: one was that he was extremely brave, and the other was his sacrifice spirit for human beings.It seems that this weird person has not completely cut off his love of humanity.


From the Red Sea to the Mediterranean, if you walk a good look, you need to bypass Africa for a week.However, Captain Nimor sneaked along a Arabic seaside passage he found. Within 20 minutes, he reached the Mediterranean through the Sue Di Gorge.The book wrote: Noneli rushed straight along the dark and deep underwestern tunnel.With the tunnel slope, the submarine flows down like an arrow.On the narrow walls on both sides of the tunnel, the rushing speed of the rush was drawn in the light of the electric light.Make our heartbeat more than.


The submarine drove to Kangdi Island.At this time, another strange thing happened: With the emergence of a divers in front of the submarine window in the early morning, Captain Nemo took out millions of gold from the cabinet, wrote the address, and sent someone to send it with a small boat.Where do so many gold be delivered?Arlonas feels that the mysterious Nemo still has some connection with the land.


The submarine passed through the boiling water in the waters of the Sangopalin Island, came out of the Gibraltar Strait, drove to the Atlantic Ocean, and parked on the bottom of Victoria Bay.It was the naval battlefield in 1702. At that time, the ships that transported gold and silver to the Spanish government sank here, and the bottom of the sea was covered with gold and silver jewelry.Nemo sent a crew to put millions of gold and silver into the submarine.Arlonas regrets that many wealth cannot be divided into the poor.The captain answered excitedly: "Do I salvage these property for myself? Do you think I don't understand that there are countless suffering people in the world, there are oppressive races, and a victim who wants revenge?" Arolsonas thenUnderstand who the millions of gold they sent from Kangdi Island that time were for Captain Nimo.


On the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, Arlonas went to a novel travel with Captain Nimo; they stepped on the sinking continent -a mountain peak of a large west continent, watching a volcanic bottom flame spit out of the sulfur fire stone.scene.Overlooking a city that was destroyed at the foot of the mountain -Pompeii City, who sank at the bottom of the water.The book describes the legendary ancient city of the sea:


There is a volcano in the distance.Below the mountain peaks, in the middle of the ordinary stones and slag, a large spit out of the spit out of the rapid flow of sulfur fire stones, the scattered waterfall, not entering the sea water, according to the plain under the sea, to the end of the far away.A destroyed city, a collapsed house, a broken and scattered arched, fell to the stone pillar on the ground.Far, it is the ruins of some small projects.Farther, there is a city wall that collapses, the wide and unmanned continent, and the drowning Pompeii city underwater is resurrected at this moment. At this moment, I was in front of me.


Then, Norius boldly marched towards Antarctic, and the submarine sailed in the middle of the whales.Nide?Lan asked to chase whales.Minister Nemo is unwilling to hurt these kind and harmless long beard whales.When the cruel big humpback whale attacked the long beard whale on the sea, Captain Nemo decided to rescue the long beard whale.Norius used its steel corner to penetrate the big humpback whale.After a fight, the body of the big humpback whale floated at the sea.After passing through the Antarctic point, the submarine has gone through the dangerous situation such as iceberg roads and octopus attacks. Captain Nemo has led the crew to defeat the difficulties with amazing calmness and perseverance.


In the end, the submarine passed through the warm current of the king of storm and came to a place where the French patriotic warship sank.Nemo told the history of the "revenge" battleship with passion.This attracted the attention of Arolle. It was not an ordinary anger, but a very lofty hatred.In the Indian Ocean that night, did it attack certain vessels?Isn't the person buried in the coral cemetery, isn't it the victim of the conflict caused by the Norkez?And on all the sea, people are also chasing this terrible devastating machine!


When the Norius slowly returned to the sea, there was an explosion sound: a warship was launched at the Norcyz.Captain Nemo was determined to sink it.Arlonas tried to discourage it, but the captain said, "I am oppressed. Look, that is the oppression! Because he has loved everything, respect, the motherland, parents, lover, and children are all dead!Everything I hate is there! "


The captain was unwilling to confuse the wreckage of the warship with the glorious wreckage of the "revenge", and he led the warship to the East.The next day, the terrible blow began!Norius deliberately let the enemy close, and then, driven by the promotioner, use the powerful corner to the weak parts below the Battleship buoyal line, cross from it!Instantly, the housing of the warship was cracked, and then exploded and sank quickly.Its mast is covered with the victims.Then, the dark giant was not in the water, and with it, this group of dead corpses were all walking away ...


Aaronas witnessed this tragic scene and disgusted with Captain Nimor: "Although he may have suffered great pain from other aspects, he has no right to make such a cruel revenge." Arlonas heard on the boat and heard it on the boat.Captain Nemo's last few words: "Almighty God! Enough! Enough!"


Among the dangerous waters along the Norwegian coast, Aarsas and Nid?Lan and Consee, took the boat off the Norius, ended this time through the Pacific, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Mediterranean, and the north -south ocean.Aaronas expects: "If Captain Nimo always lives in the ocean he chose, I hope all hatred will calm down in this stubborn heart! ... I hope his clever scholars will continue to do peaceful work!"


Captain Nemo was the prince of Daka in India.At the age of 10, his father sent him to Europe to understand education and prepare to take over the throne in the future.Prince Daka is talented. From the age of 10 to 30, he has accumulated knowledge in all aspects, and has more outstanding talents in the fields of science, literature and art.


In 1849, Prince Daka returned to his motherland.He married an Indian noble girl as his wife.They gave birth to two children in total, and the couple loved them very much.


Like other slavery Indians, Prince Daka is a patriot.He loves his motherland and hates slavery to squeeze Indian British colonists.In 1857, Prince Daka organized several large -scale anti -colonial resistance movements.In every fierce battle, he is always the first to be soldiers and stands at the forefront of the battle.To this end, Prince Daka won the support and love of the majority of the Indian people.The British colonists hated him and tried to kill him.In order to avoid the enemy, he had to escape the motherland.However, his wife and children were brutally killed by the enemy.


Prince Daka was full of hatred for the enemy. He took his remaining property and a group of partners who was loyal to him, and suddenly disappeared one day.Since then, there have been no prince Daka in the world.He has disgusted everything about human beings and is full of hostility to everything in polite world.He vowed to never return to his motherland.He wants to establish a permanent living place in the depths of the ocean in the depths of the ocean.


Prince Daka established a shipyard on a desert island in the Pacific Ocean.With the strong economic strength and the wisdom of Superman, he personally designed and built an unparalleled submarine.After that, he burned the deserted island.He uses sodium in the seawater, such a unique invention -Prince Daka predicts that humans will be realized in the future -creating universal power.With electricity, his submarine has the motivation to never get exhausted.In the depths of the ocean, there were endless treasures, which brought sufficient wealth and supplies to all his activities.Since then, he claims to be Captain Nimor, and he has named his submarine (also translated, Annit), and he hidden it deep in the ocean.He is a kind person.



1. On this day, many novel types of fish were hit, such as: sea frog fish, the action of this fish is very funny, so it is called ugly horn fish.There are many tentacles with black noise fish.The curved arrow fish with ripples is surrounded by red patterns.The bending moon -shaped fish, this fish has extremely powerful poisonous juice.Several olive eight -eyed eels.Seal fish, this fish is full of silver -white scales.Rotating fish, the power of this fish is equal to electric eel and electric fish.The scaled winged fish, which has a bronze -colored diagonal strip on the fish.Light blue tadlings.Several kinds of shrimp tiger fish and so on.Finally, there are some growing fish, a raised Galan fish, and several beautiful carps of one meter long, with a blue and silver white color on the body, and three gorgeous tuna.No matter how fast they act, they can't escape the pocket network and can't get rid of themselves.


2. Nide voluntarily participated in this task.As a result, Captain Nemo led more than a dozen brave sailors, holding an ax, walking towards the central stairs, and preparing to attack.The "Nautilus" floating Shanghai surface, closest to the upper end of the stairs, relax the lock of the cabin.But half of it was loose, the cabin cover immediately bounced away automatically, obviously sucked by the large octopus.At the same time, the two octopus tentacles immediately wrapped up a crew standing in the front.


3. The sunlight passes through the water layer strongly and dispels the color of the water. I can clearly distinguish the objects within 100 meters.In addition to 100 meters, the dirty color of the sky is blue -oriented at the bottom of the water, and it becomes light blue in the distance, and no one is blurred in the dark.


4. So I walked into the restaurant. The furnishings and furniture in the restaurant were very particular about the two ends of the small restaurant with tall oak dining cabinets inlaid with ebony flowers. On the shelf partitionPorcelain glass products.The gold and silver tableware looks brilliant under the light of the ceiling, and the ceiling is painted with exquisite pictures to make the light softer and pleasing to the eye.


This is really a wonderful and rare underwater forest. It grows tall wooden plants. The rumors of the cluster of the small trees extend directly to the foreign noodles.There are no branches, no leaf veins, like hardcores.In the middle of a variety of different shrubs like temperate woods, various corals with vivid flowers grow everywhere.Beautiful!写给老师的一句话

5. This is really a wonderful and rare underwater forest. It grows tall wooden plants. The rumors of the cluster of the small trees extend directly to the ocean noodles.There are no branches, no leaf veins, like hardcores.In the middle of a variety of different shrubs like temperate woods, various corals with vivid flowers grow everywhere.Beautiful!A sentence to the teacher


6. Aarsas expects: "If the Captain Nimo lives in the ocean he chose, I hope all hatred will calm down in this stubborn heart! ... I hope his clever scholar will continue to do peaceful adventureWork!"


7. We have gone to the edge of the forest, which may be the most perfect place in the major territory of Captain Nimor.He regarded the forest as him, and he attributed the ownership of the forest to him. Like the world, a group of people who first appeared occupied ownership.In fact, who can fight for the ownership of the underwater property with him?How can there be a bolder than him, holding an ax in his hands, dare to come there to cut the thorns and reclaim the field?


8. At this time, I saw the captain's shot anxiously on the shoulders, aiming at a walking thing between the jungle.When the gun was rang, I heard a slight howling sound. The animal was hit by a few steps away from a few steps.The only four beasts.This otter is one and a half meters long, and the value must be very large.Its skin, the surface is chestnut brown, the bottom surface is silver -white, which can make very beautiful leather cylinders. It is a very rare leather in the Russian and Chinese markets.The softness and fineness of the fur and its smooth color determine its price at least two thousand fascin.I am very praised this novel mammalian, the head of the rounds, the short ears above, the round eyes, the white beard like the cat beard, the feet with the armor shape, and the clustered tail.Personal signature of life


9. There is a group of arrow fish in front of the flat body.The wrinkled skin, arrow -type weapons on the back, swim around the Norius, encouraging the four rows of spikes on both sides of their tail.There is no more appreciation than their appearance, gray above, all white below, the golden golden yellow is shining in the middle of the wavy vortex, how beautiful!


10. The sun has risen one after another, and the bottom of the water is brighter and the underground is gradually changing.After fine sandy land, there was a protruding rock road, with a carpet composed of a layer of software animals and insects.In the middle of the two animals, I see a placenta shell with a thin shell, which is a kind of oyster unique to the Red Sea and the Indian Ocean;The beautiful color of the Norius should be provided by this shellfish; multi -horned rock shells, fifteen centimeters long, erected under the water, as if they want to grasp the hands of the person;; Open tongue -shaped shells, duck shells, this is the edible flies that can supply India but the market; bring jellyfish to emit a weak pseudo -bright light; finally, I also see the praise of the fan -shaped shells, like a beautiful fanIt is one of the most proliferated branches in this area.


11. When the Nautilus arrived in the Antarctic, he planned to float on the water. Who knew that their way to get frozen and could not breathe. Although the Nautilus was very advanced, it was still unable to create oxygen.Hit the ice with the corner and chise the ice with the cross, but while they chisen the ice, the ice layer was constantly thickening. After that, they sprayed the hot water with high pressure water guns to melt the ice layer before they escaped the birthday.


12. There is no grass on the middle of the forest. None of the princes on the small trees spread outward, and they do not bend down, and do not stretch the horizontal aspects.All grass and trees stretched straight to the ocean.There are no branches, no leaf bands, no matter how small it is, it is straight, like a hardcore.Kelp and algae, affected by the strong density of the seawater, unswervingly grow along the vertical line.And these waterweed forks are restless. When I separate them with my hands, they immediately responded to the original straight state.This forest is simply the world of vertical lines.


13. The submarine drives to Kangdi Island.At this time, another strange thing happened: With the emergence of a divers in front of the submarine window in the early morning, Captain Nemo took out millions of gold from the cabinet, wrote the address, and sent someone to send it with a small boat.Where do so many gold be delivered?Arlonas feels that the mysterious Nemo still has some connection with the land.

The submarine drove to Kangdi Island.At this time, another strange thing happened: With the emergence of a divers in front of the submarine window in the early morning, Captain Nemo took out millions of gold from the cabinet, wrote the address, and sent someone to send it with a small boat.Where do so many gold be delivered?Arlonas feels that the mysterious Nemo still has some connection with the land.


14. In the kitchen, all cooking work uses electrical, more effective and convenient than gas.When the wire is received under the stove, the heat is passed to the platinum film, and the thermal is allocated to everywhere.The electric heaters burns the distillery, because of the reason.Subdivating effects can provide clean drinks.—— "Twelve Chapter Everything Use Electricity"


15. We stepped down the steep slope, and our feet stomped on a round ground floor.Here, Captain Nemo stopped, and his fingers had a thing, but I couldn't see it clearly that it was a huge pearl shell, a huge man can, a holy water plate with a pond of water, one more than two more than two.Mi Kuan's bowl, so the big in the living room of the Belibno Richites approached this strange software animal.Its fiber is nailed to the slate of granite, attached to this slate, and it grows alone in the calm seawater of this stone cave.I guess the weight of this shell is 300 kilograms.And such a shell can have a net meat of fifteen kg, then there must be a Kuga Mudu stomach to eat a few dozen shells. I think he wants to take us there just to show us one.Natural strange things.I made a mistake.Captain Nemo has a personality purpose to understand the condition of the car.


16. Under the irradiation of sunlight, the dense fog gradually dissipated.A round of red sun poured out of the East sky.The sea surface was shined like a burning gunpowder, and it emitted a red light.Yuncai scattered at high altitude, stained with different shades, and countless "cat tongue" previewed the wind all day.- "Fifteen Chapter One Invitation Letter"


17. The sea water around the sea around the Norius can be clearly seen at this moment.What a strange scene!No matter how clever the wonderful pen can't describe it!Who can depict the novel scenery produced by the light through the transparent water flow? Who can draw the lightness of the light and the soft light of the light!


18. His ship was integrated with him, and he was the soul of the boat.There is no question about the problem of that whale animal, and he is not allowed to discuss the problem of the animal on the ship.He firmly believes that the existence of this animal is like many honest women who firmly believe that there is a sea monster, completely out of faith, not because of reason.This monster is there, he vowed to remove it from the sea.—— "Chapter 4, Neidland"


19. It can be said that the earth starts from the sea. Who knows that the earth will not be attributed to the sea in the future!There is an extremely peaceful environment in the sea.The sea is not a oppression.On the sea, they can also use their violence to attack each other, swallow each other, and move all kinds of horror methods on the land.But below 30 feet in the sea level, their power will not reach, their anger will go out, and their success disappears!- "Chapter 10 Water"


20. Norius rushed straight along the dark and deep sea.With the tunnel slope, the submarine flows down like an arrow.On the narrow walls on both sides of the tunnel, the rushing speed of the rush was drawn in the light of the electric light.Make our heartbeat more than.


21. The boiling water flowing through the waters of the Sangopalin Island volcanic area came out of the Gibraltar Strait, drove to the Atlantic Ocean, and parked on the bottom of the Victoria Bay.It was the naval battlefield when it was year. At that time, the ships that transported gold and silver to the Spanish government sank here, and the bottom of the sea was covered with gold and silver jewelry.Nemo sent a crew to put millions of gold and silver into the submarine.Arlonas regrets that many wealth cannot be divided into the poor.The captain answered excitedly: "Do I salvage these property for myself? Do you think I don't know that there are countless suffering people in the world, there are oppressive races, and a victim who wants to revenge?" Arolo Nas, thenUnderstand who the millions of gold they sent from Kangdi Island that time were for Captain Nimo.


22. So I lay on the ground, just hiding behind the moss jungle. When I picked up my head, I saw a huge body of phosphorus light, and the blood in my blood vessels was condensed!I saw the very powerful mackerel that approached us. It was a pair of firearms. It was the most terrible shark. The tail was huge, her eyes were dull and gloomy. There were many holes around my mouth. There were many pores around the mouth.It is really scared of people's fires. Their iron tooth beds can bite the whole person into meat sauce!I don’t know if Consel is paying attention to classifying them. In my opinion, I am not so much a biologist.Silver white belly, full of library mouth.


23. But we have to go. We continue to move. On our heads, we are tube jellyfish on our heads. They extend their sky blue tentacles and float in the water in a series of.There is also a moon -shaped jellyfish, which has a milky white or light rose -red umbrella, which is covered with blue boxes, covering us the sun.In the darkness, the brighter I Hemisphere -shaped jellyfish sent out a phosphorus for us to illuminate our way forward!—— "Sixteen Chapter on the Underwater Plain"


24. We are very fine, flat, without wrinkles, and walking on the sand on the beach with traces on the beach.This dazzling carpet, like a real reflex mirror, reflects the sun strongly.This kind of powerful light radiation is born, through all the water layers of people.If I definitely say that in the 30 feet deep in the water, I can see it as clear as in the sun. Can people believe in me?


25. We are very fine, flat, without wrinkles, and walking on the sand on the beach with traces on the beach.This dazzling carpet, like a real reflex mirror, reflects the sun strongly.This kind of powerful light radiation is born, through all the water layers of people.If I definitely say that in the 30 feet deep in the water, I can see it as clear as in the sun. Can people believe in me?


26. This kind of suffering is going to make me even more sad. Although my mind is not as entangled as yesterday, my mind always feels that I have a depressed personality.My breathing is very difficult, and the turbid air is not enough to change my lungs.Although the cell is quite large, we understand that we have consumed most of the oxygen inside.- "Chapter 9 of Nadland's Angry"


27. We are not living on the boat.The heartbeat is too powerful, maybe the hemnoma that will not be treated in the future.All crew members and nerves are extremely nervous, and I can't describe that extent.Everyone does not eat or sleep.The commotion caused by the watched sailor's estimate or the wrong seeing the wrong or twenty times every day.This continuous commotion has even strengthened people's tension, so that it must not help but response.- "Chapter 5 Adventure Action"


28. First, self -confidence is because his head is proudly placed in the arc formed by both shoulders. His dark eyes calmly stare at people; second, calm, because of his skin tone, pale and red,It shows the stability of his blood; third, the strength, which is seen from the rapid contraction of his eyes and flesh; in the end, the bravery proves that his threat is strong because of his deep breath.—— "The Movement of Chapter 8"


29. There is a boat in front of us. The mast cable that was broken on the top still hung on the chain. It seemed very good. The three broken masts were cut off from a two -foot -tall place on the deck, proving that the killed boat had to sacrifice the mast wall. But the boat was lying on the side, and the interior was full, tilting to the side. The scene of the wreckage falling in the waves seems to be miserable; even more miserable is to see the corpse lying on the rope on the deck! I saw four corpses -four men, one of them stood by the rudder and a woman holding a child in the hands of the woman, standing on the lattice at the sterling board. This woman is still young. With the lighting of the electro -light of Norius, I can see her face that has not been corroded by seawater. She made the last desperate struggle and raised her child on her head. This poor little life was holding her mother's neck with two little hands! I think the four sailor's posture is very uncle. It is because their bodies are twitching. They make the last struggle, get rid of the rope entangled on the boat before dying. Only the helm in the route of the route is relatively calm and very clear and serious. His gray hair is attached to the forehead, and the spasm hand is placed on the rudder wheel. Mast boat.


30. There is a volcano in the distance.Below the mountain peak, in the middle of the ordinary stones and slag, a large spit out of the spit out of the rapid flow of sulfur fire stones, the scattered waterfall, not entering the sea water, according to the plain under the sea, to the end of the far away.A destroyed city, a collapsed house, a broken and scattered arched, fell to the stone pillar on the ground.Far, it is the ruins of some small projects.Farther, there was a wall that collapsed, the wide and unmanned continent, and the underwater underwater, the underwater, was resurrected at this moment. At this moment, I was in front of me.


31. Yes, I love the sea!The sea is all -encompassing!The sea occupies seven tenths of the area of the earth.The breath of the sea is pure and hygienic.In this vast sea, people are not lonely. The garden feels that life is trembling everywhere around them;As a big poet in France said, it is a long -lasting life.


32. Soon, the Nimo ship announced to everyone that the propeller was suddenly bitten by the octopus and could not rotate. If it goes on this way, everyone's life will be dangerous.Therefore, be sure to go out immediately to fight with these monsters!


33. Captain Nemo didn't answer. He made a gesture to me and asked me to go to the living room.Norius sneaked into the seawater a few meters deep, and the embedded board opened me to walk in front of the glass partition. I saw the base of the coral reef covered the bacterial plant tubular plant emerald seagram and bamboo grass.In the middle of thousands of very cute fish "abalone carved fish, fish cracks fish cracked fish and goldfish), I recognized some disabled items that could not be salvaged by the salvage machine, such as the iron horseman anchor artillery shells of the bulls, etc.It was all the things left by the killed ships, and at this moment we all put on the flowers that live.


34. After that, the submarine experienced the danger of stranded local siege and sailed to the Indian Ocean.A bizarre thing happened at this time.Captain Nemo saw something from the sea, and suddenly filled with anger and hatred.He closed Argenas and his companions in a small room and forced them to sleep.The next day, Arol woke up, and Captain Nimor asked him to treat a seriously injured crew.The crew died.Captain Nemo took the funeral team in sadness and buried the deceased in the glory of the coral woods under the sea.He said: There, corals will close the deceased forever without being bullied by sharks and people!


35. The crew was panting and shouted loudly, but then fainted.His body was sucked by the suction cups of the large octopus at this time, hanging in the air.The Nemo ship grew up and jumped out of the cabin immediately, and the others followed, but did not retreat.Everyone held the ax and waved desperately, trying to rescue the unfortunate partner.However, when everyone was about to attack it at the same time, it suddenly sprayed a large movie from the abdomen, and the people were immediately dark.When the ink was scattered, the big octopus and the unfortunate crew of the injured were already lost.


36. The submarine passed through the warm current of the king of storm and came to a place where the French patriotic warship sank.Nemo said with passion to tell the history of the "revenge".This attracted the attention of Arolle. It was not an ordinary anger, but a very lofty hatred.In the Indian Ocean that night, did it attack certain vessels?Isn't the person buried in the coral cemetery, isn't it the victim of the conflict caused by the Norkez?And on all the sea, people are also chasing this terrible devastating machine!


37. The intricate knot of all the light colors is really a colorful kaleidoscope with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue purple. In short, it is a set of colors of the watercolor painter!It seems that it is amazing, it is really blessed!


38. We stepped on the bright sand layer and took a moment for a moment.The Norteis hull, which appears like a long reef, has gradually disappeared; but its probe lights have shot very clear light. In the dark place in the water, we can indicate us to return to the boat.People have only seen this kind of brilliant white light on the land, which is not easy to understand the role of electric light under the sea.On the land, the air is full of dust, making the light of light like a bright cloud: but at sea, as under the sea, the electro light is very translucent and not blurred at all.


39. There are many surprising things!Professor and Consel were quickly discovered that although the sun was still able to illuminate, although at this moment when it was under the sea.The light projected on the quiet sea, as if the light was analyzed by the tortuous analysis through the spectrum, and the colors were beautiful.Even the biological plants and corals on the bottom of the sea are also dazzling with the color of the sun.


On the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, Arlonas went to a novel travel with Captain Nimo; they stepped on the sinking continent -a mountain peak of a large west continent, watching a volcanic bottom flame spit out of the sulfur fire stone.scene.Overlooking a city that was destroyed at the foot of the mountain -Pompeii City, who sank at the bottom of the water.The book describes the legendary ancient city of the sea:亚特兰蒂斯。


41. But I hope that people are always ingrained in the hearts of people!And we are two people.Finally, I have to be sure -it seems impossible -even if I want to break all the fantasies in my heart, even if I want "despair", I can't do it at this moment!The moment of the battleship and the whale was about 11 o'clock at night.So when the sun rises, we have to swim for eight hours.When we replace the tour, we must be able to do it for eight hours.The sea surface is quite calm, and we are not too tired.Sometimes, my eyes want to see through the dark darkness, but I can't see anything. Only the waves that stimulated by our swimming moves reveal a little flash.The broken water waves under my hand were embellished in a mirror -like water, like a piece of green -gray metal piece.


42. Nide?Lan said the name of the fish, and Condr was classified; I felt great joy in the face of these fish pseudo -lively gestures and beautiful appearance.Freedom, swimming in the seawater they originally grown.- "Fourteen Chapters of the Black Tide"


43. At this time, it is ten o'clock in the morning.From a quite inclined angle of sunlight, it is projected on the water wave surface. Due to twists and turns, the light is decomposed like a three -shuttle.The seven kinds of sunlight are different colors.The intricate knot of all the light colors is really a colorful kaleidoscope with red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue purple. In short, it is a set of colors of the watercolor painter!It seems that it is amazing, it is really blessed!How can I tell all the novelty in my heart to tell Consel!How can I make amazing with him!How can I use an agreed mark to convey my thoughts like Captain Nimo and his companions!Because there is no better way, I have to speak to myself, shouting loudly in a copper box with my own head; although I know that the air consumed by these empty talks may be more than the scheduled.


44. This is generally like this: not long ago, many big ships met a "behemoth" on the sea. A long object, the shape is very similar to the spindle, sometimes it emits phosphorus light.It is also much faster than the whale.Regarding the emergence of this thing, the facts recorded by many navigation logs (such as this thing or the shape of this creature, the inestimable speed when it is outdoors, the amazing power of its transfer, it is like a special skill that is like a bangs.Wait), roughly the same.- "Chapter 1, Flying Reef"


45. Ceylon island at the southern end of the Indian Peninsula is in front of it.Arlonas understood Captain Nemo's recommendation and walked to the bottom of the sea.Suddenly, there was a giant shark rushing towards the pearls.Captain Nemo held a short knife in his hand and struggled with sharks.Captain Nimor was overwhelmed by the huge body of the shark. When it was in danger, Nide Lan quickly cast a sharp fork and hit the shark's heart.The captain rescued the poor beading person, and took a pack of pearls from his pocket for him.As a result, Aarsnas felt that there were two points of noticing in Nemo: one was that he was extremely brave, and the other was his sacrifice spirit for human beings.It seems that this weird person has not completely cut off his love of humanity.


46. ​​These variable -colored insects and software are classified, and they are constantly classified. The ground is covered with intestinal animals and echinodians. The fork -shaped worm that changes differently, the corners of the lonely life, and the pure eyeballs, are towering as a mushroom -shaped bacteria -shaped mushrooms, which are called white corals. ; It is inlaid with safflower lithosome, which is scattered like a star star in the sand, which is scattered in the sand, and it is full of small worms. It is really like the exquisite lace of the fairy embroidered in the water. The blossoming flower color swinged due to the slightly fluctuations caused by us. The beautiful varieties of software animals that are scattered on the ground, ring -shaped sea fans, sea hamo fish, as the shell -truly jumping shell, 洼 把, Zhu Hongyu, like angel wings, like angel wings Belish, and many other endless marine creatures, trampled under my feet, I am really uncomfortable and regrettable. But we have to go. We continue to move forward. On our heads, we are tube jellyfish on our heads. They extend their sky blue tentacles and float in the water. There is also a moon -shaped jellyfish, which has a milky white or light rose -red umbrella, which is covered with blue boxes, covering us the sun. In the darkness, a brighter hemisphere -shaped jellyfish, emitting our phosphorus light, illuminating our way forward.



1、内容:内容读音为nèi róng,是指1.物件里面所包容的东西。 2.事物内部所含的实质或意义。 3.哲学名词。指事物内在因素的总和。与“形式”相对。世界上任何事物没有无形式的内容,也没有无内容的形式。内容决定形式,形式依赖内容,并随着内容的发展而改变。但形式又反作用于内容,影响内容,在一定条件下还可以对内容的发展起有力的促进作用。内容和形式是辩证的统一。内容 nèi róng词语解释:1.物件里面所包容的东西。 2.事物内部所含的实质或意义。 3.哲学名词。指事物内在因素的总和。与“形式”相对。世界上任何事物没有无形式的内容,也没有无内容的形式。内容决定形式,形式依赖内容,并随着内容的发展而改变。但形式又反作用于内容,影响内容,在一定条件下还可以对内容的发展起有力的促进作用。内容和形式是辩证的统一。分词解释:依赖:依靠:不依赖任何人,我要自己挣饭吃。内部:1.指某一范围以内。 2.深层的,而不是表面的。 3.中部。有力:1.有力气;有力量。 2.有功劳。 3.有权势或有财力。 4.以力﹐用力﹐使力。东西:①东边和西边。②从东到西(距离):这座城东西三里,南北五里。...内容怎么造句,用内容造句»

2、摘抄:摘抄读音为zhāi chāo,是指见“摘钞”。摘抄 zhāi chāo词语解释:见“摘钞”。(1) [extracts;excerpts]∶有选择地抄录的原文日记摘抄(2) [take passages]∶摘要抄录文章中的段落摘抄一段日记分词解释:摘钞:1.亦作“摘抄”。 2.择要抄录。● 摘 zhāi ㄓㄞˉ◎ 采取,拿下:采摘。摘取。摘桃子。摘除。◎ 选取:摘要。摘录。摘编。文摘。摘引。寻章摘句。指摘(挑出缺点)。◎ 借:摘兑。东摘西借。● 抄 chāo ㄔㄠˉ◎ 誊写,照原文写:抄本。抄写。抄袭。传抄。◎ 搜查而没收:抄没(mò)。抄家。抄斩。◎ 走简捷的路:抄近。抄小道。包抄。◎ 同“绰2”。...摘抄怎么造句,用摘抄造句»

3、海底两万里:海底两万里读音为hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ,是指长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。海底两万里 hǎi dǐ liǎng wàn lǐ分词解释:长篇科幻小说。法国凡尔纳作于1870年。尼摩船长设计建造了一艘奇特的潜艇,搭救了生物学家阿龙纳斯等人后,一起开始海底旅行。他们从太平洋出发,经过珊瑚岛、印度洋、红海、地中海,历经艰险,进入大西洋,一路看到许多罕见的海生动植物。最后,终于到达挪威海岸。分词解释:罕见:难得见到;很少见到:人迹罕见丨罕见的奇迹。珊瑚岛:海洋岛的一种,由珊瑚礁构成的岛屿,或在珊瑚礁上形成的沙岛。中国的西沙群岛、南沙群岛,太平洋中的波利尼西亚群岛等均属于珊瑚岛。建造:建筑;修建:建造房屋 ㄧ建造花园。到达:谓到了某一地点或某一阶段。历经:经历;多次经过:历经劫难ㄧ小庙历经百余年的风雨剥蚀,已残破不堪。...