
时间:2022-10-14 13:26:36 | 来源:语文通



清明节见闻作文 篇1清明节见闻作文 篇2清明节见闻作文 篇3清明节见闻作文 篇4清明节见闻作文300字 篇5清明节见闻优秀作文10 篇6清明节见闻作文 篇7

清明节见闻作文 篇1


Qingming Festival is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China. Because Qingming Festival is a spring festival, it is also called the Spring Festival. Today, we are going out for hiking. Do you want to hear about it?


I went to the forest park for an outing. I saw that the grass was green and willows were sprouting just as I entered the door. Spring is really powerful. Only a few days ago, I woke up the sleeping plants. Then we fly kites. The wind blows eastward, westward, and then there is no wind. I couldn't put it down. Just when I was ready to give up, my father said to me, "Only by perseverance can we succeed!" Then I took advantage of the wind to fly the kite up as hard as I could. The kite flew higher and higher. I think it's really important to stick to it.


As the sun set, we walked on our way home, humming songs, and we felt that the outing was really happy.

清明节见闻作文 篇2


Today is April 4, the annual Tomb Sweeping Day.


Since this year, Tomb Sweeping Day has been officially established as a legal holiday by the state. It is stipulated that Qingming Festival and the Mid Autumn Festival of the Dragon Boat Festival will be designated as legal holidays from January 1, 2008. Qingming Festival is a traditional festival for me. It is also the most important festival for sacrifice. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.


I also read a poem about the Tomb Sweeping Day: "During the Tomb Sweeping Day, there is a lot of rain, and people on the road want to die. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village." This poem describes the special atmosphere of the Tomb Sweeping Day.


Qingming Festival is also called the Spring Festival. According to the solar calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 every year. It was the time when the grass and trees were green in spring, and it was also the time for people to travel in spring, so the ancient people had the custom of going outing in the Qingming Festival.


Today, instead of going to the tomb, we went for an outing. In the afternoon, as soon as I finished my homework, the three of us set out. After a while, we arrived at our destination. Ah! How beautiful! The lake water is clear and the sky is blue. There are occasionally several families living in the wooded mountains nearby. This is the magnificent Guanjundu Water Control Project. I asked my mother, "Why is it called 'Crossing the Military Ferry'?" My mother replied, "In the last 1800 years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, heroes dominated the country. Zhang Fei led his army to fight Liu Zhang on the bank of Fujiang River in Suining and captured the middle of Sichuan. Zhang Fei therefore made great contributions to Liu Bei's' one third of the world has its own '. So later generations called the site where Zhang Fei led his army to cross the Fujiang River' Crossing the Military Ferry '." Oh, so it is! "


Walking in, there is a row of huge gates blocking the river, so a very large lake has formed in the upstream. Now we have named it Guanyin Lake.


I had a very happy day!

清明节见闻作文 篇3


The ancients said: It rained one after another during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to die. Excuse me, where is the tavern? The shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village. Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, and I think of the famous lines of Du Mu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. Today, it doesn't rain as usual. The warm spring wind blows on my body and makes me feel warm.


After finishing my homework, my mother and I went shopping. When we got to the place where we bought drinks, we saw many cans in the carts and baskets of many people. I was very puzzled and asked my mother. Mother said: "It should be the price of cans has been reduced." I nodded. But after asking the waitress aunt, I knew that my mother's answer was wrong, and the price of cans was not reduced at all. What was the reason? Just heard someone say: "Mom buys cans for her daughter!" I was so happy that I thought: I can eat canned food every Tomb Sweeping Day!


The next day, we went back to our hometown to visit Grandma's grave. Walking in the cemetery, I was filled with sadness. I saw the grown-ups cut the paper money they bought into a flower shape, and the paper paper was printed with gold coins and paper money... Next to Grandma's grave, I watched the burned paper turn into ashes and be blown to the sky by the wind. I thought: burning paper for the dead loved ones is to send money to them, turn their grief into good wishes, and bring blessings to the dead loved ones. This is people's beautiful reverie!


I stood next to Grandma's grave and looked at the peach, apricot and pear flowers in the distance. They were all in bud, and the green willows were growing on the bare willow branches, all bursting with spring vitality! Take a deep breath, like sucking the nectar of spring, refreshing!!


This Tomb Sweeping Day, I learned a lot and remembered a lot


Everyone said that "it rains one after another during the Qingming Festival", which is sunny but windy. Qingming Festival often has these customs, such as taking wicker, inserting willow branches, sweeping tombs, going outing, eating green dumplings, and so on.


I searched for information, and there was a legend about the Tomb Sweeping Day that Chong'er was hungry on the mountain once, and Jie Zitui cut the meat off his leg and gave it to him. Chong'er thanked Jie Zitui very much and promised to repay him. Later, Chonger became the princess. He had forgotten about Jie Zitui. Once he thought of Jie Zitui, he sent soldiers to find him. But Jie Zitui closed the door tightly and escaped to the Cotton Mountain with his mother on his back. A soldier from Chong'er said, "Princess, we have a fire on three sides, and if we don't, Jie Zitui will come out." Chong Er thought it was reasonable, so he sent some soldiers to start the fire. The fire burned for three days, but Jie Zitui didn't come out and lay under a burnt willow tree. Chong'er was very sad, so he picked a willow branch to make a ring and carried it on his head. He told his soldiers that he could only eat cold food on this day, and he could not burn the food with fire. He designated this day as "Tomb Sweeping Day".


It turns out that Qingming Festival is not only a solar term, but also a moving legend!

清明节见闻作文 篇4


Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, wrote a song called Qingming, which describes the scene of Qingming.


We went fishing today. On the way, I saw many people burning paper around the grave, and some people placed many delicious snacks, fruits and meat in front of the grave. I was very curious and thought: Why should I be so kind to a dead person? Why not leave those delicious things for yourself?


Soon at noon, we arrived at a farmhouse, but there was a lot of smoke in it. Some people were worshipping their relatives!


We went to another farmhouse, where there was no smoke. So, we started fishing here. I put on the bait and tied the fishing rod far away. After finishing the dried fish, I kept thinking about this problem. Suddenly, a fish came to test me on purpose and I didn't move. The fish floats whirled round and round. I knew the fish was going to bite. Suddenly, the float began to sink. The mother standing by saw the fish with me. That fish is really heavy! Dad came from his fishing place. My father caught the fish and asked me to take the net to hold the fish. I brought a yellow net to hold the fish. Finally, the fish was caught in the net by me, my father and my mother.


Dad asked a man to take the fish, and a man asked his father to see the weight of the fish. The fish I caught is three jin or two.

吃完农家乐,我们就往回开,一路上看见了非常多的油菜花。还有开着白玉兰和紫玉兰花的树。我们还照了照片,白玉兰花真漂亮。还有一股淡淡的香味。还参观了种 m..cn 着草莓的大院子。草莓的叶子可真大啊,比我们去水流村采草莓的叶子还有大上好多倍呢!

After eating the farmhouse, we drove back and saw a lot of rape flowers along the way. There are also trees with white magnolias and purple magnolias. We also took photos. Magnolias are really beautiful. There is also a faint fragrance. We also visited the yard where M. CN strawberries are grown. The leaves of strawberries are really big. They are many times bigger than those of strawberries we picked in Shuishui Village!


I also saw the wheat that could not be looked out, which was still green. The wheat we saw when we went to Shuishui Village was almost high!


When I left, I asked my father in the car, "Daddy, why don't they leave delicious food for themselves?" My father said, "Because they want to worship their relatives and respect their elders." At last, I understand that Qingming is a festival to worship their dead relatives!

清明节见闻作文300字 篇5


Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, so our family went to the mountain behind Grandma's house to visit the tomb.

一路上我们说说笑笑,一边走一边采美味的野菜,母亲还告诉我如何辨别鲜笋和苦笋……走着走着就到了太姥爷会太姥姥的墓前。我们就一点也不开心了,看到先辈的墓总有一些伤感吗! 把墓上的野菜都拔了个精光,后来还烧了许多纸钱……扫墓扫完了,我们就去挖笋了,我们着一些人中算姥姥最会挖笋,姥姥在土地上看一看,踩一踩就知道土地地下有没有笋了,还没到一个小时,笋就有一袋蛇皮袋子那么多了。笋挖完以后,我们就去挖野菜了,一路上风景就像一幅美丽的画,我一边采荠菜,一边采野花,我还用野花编了一个花环。突然一条细细的水蛇从我们前面经过,真是下来我们一大跳呀!不过只要我们不伤害它,它也不会来咬我们……

On the way, we talked and laughed. While walking, we picked delicious wild vegetables. My mother also told me how to distinguish between fresh bamboo shoots and bitter bamboo shoots... We walked to the tomb of Great Grandma and Great Grandpa. We are not happy at all. It's sad to see our ancestors' tombs! We pulled up all the wild vegetables on the tomb, and later burned a lot of paper money... After sweeping the tomb, we went to dig bamboo shoots. Among some of us, Grandma was the best at digging bamboo shoots. Grandma looked on the land and knew whether there were bamboo shoots underground after stepping on it. It was not an hour before bamboo shoots were as many as a bag of snake skin bags. After the bamboo shoots were dug, we went to dig wild vegetables. The scenery along the way was like a beautiful picture. I picked shepherd's purse and wild flowers at the same time. I also made a garland of wild flowers. Suddenly a thin water snake passed in front of us. We jumped down! But as long as we don't hurt it, it won't bite us


It seems that the Tomb Sweeping Day will be over again!

清明节见闻优秀作文10 篇6


It rains one after another during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to die. It's Tomb Sweeping Day again. Next, let me introduce some of my family's habits for the Tomb Sweeping Day!










Eating green rice balls


After a long journey to my hometown, it's very pleasant to eat some delicious green dumplings. The youth league in rural areas is also very lively. Seven aunts and eight wives get together and talk and laugh while doing it.


Qingtuan is made of glutinous rice flour and wheat flour mixed together to make skin; There are two kinds of fillings: sweet and salty. The sweet ones are basically bean paste fillings, which are fragrant and sweet, but not greasy; The salty ones are usually fried with bamboo shoots, pork, peanuts, etc., which are crisp and delicious when bitten. Wrap two pieces of "Green Leaf Niang" on the outside of the green dough, steam them in the pot, and the fragrance will come to your nose. After you take a bite, the fragrance will spread in your mouth, making you want to eat one after eating one.









Digging bamboo shoots


Digging bamboo shoots也是别有一番乐趣的。


Carry a hoe and go to the bamboo shade to find the sharp bamboo shoots among the fallen leaves. Once you find it, you will attract countless envious eyes. Then you should use a hoe to skillfully dig the soil around the bamboo shoots, and finally insert it into the root of the bamboo shoots. With a strong pry, a plump baby bamboo shoots will roll out. It's very interesting to bring home self dug bamboo shoots and stir fry a small dish?

清明节见闻作文 篇7


There are many festivals in a year. My favorite is Tomb Sweeping Day. The Tomb Sweeping Day in my hometown is quite different from that of other ethnic groups.


In the morning, as soon as the bell rings at six o'clock, you should get up early, and your clothes should not be too clean, and then turn on all the lights in the room. Clean the whole room with a broom. You can't have noodles for breakfast, only white rice and pickles! After eating, you can't wash the dishes immediately, but you should wait until noon. At eight o'clock, every family should carry a basket to the hillside to pick a dish called "Qingming". When the basket is full, you can go home with a full load. When I got home, I used flour and Qingming vegetables to make small potatoes and steamed them in a pot. After steaming, take out a plate, put two on the plate, put an apple and pear on the plate, carry them to their relatives' graves, offer the tribute, and knock three times at the graves. After finishing, I will go home to prepare lunch. Only one meat dish, one vegetable dish and one soup must be prepared for lunch, which represents the meaning of "Three Treasures of Lucky Sample". After lunch, the whole family should go out for a walk together. When walking, they should not laugh out loud, but talk about some sad things. When you meet friends and relatives, you should give them a candy. If they smile as sweet as flowers, it means they accept it, and they will be lucky in the second half of the year. When they are about to go home, you should pick up the firewood with "bags" all over your body. Each person has at least one piece in his hand, which means he has brought the money home. In the evening, we should have a once sumptuous dinner. You must go to bed at eight o'clock at night!


In the countryside, every family will go to bed and get up early during the festival. In our hometown, the meaning of the festival is from a simple life to a well-off society. Among the 58 ethnic groups in the world, there are different ways to celebrate festivals. According to statistics, there are hundreds of over issuance of "Tomb Sweeping Day" nationwide.


I don't know why I like Tomb Sweeping Day so much. Maybe it's because of his transgression! Maybe it's because of his sad scene! Maybe it's because of his