The hills of the hometown are full of lush bamboo. Looking at the small ocean like a green ocean from a distance.The dense bamboo covered the houses, roads, farmland, etc. in the village. Only when the wind blows the bamboo forest, only occasionally see the corner of the house.
After a few spring thunder, the sharp little head of the bamboo shoots came out of the ground, and there was a small hat with a yellow ears on the head, which was very cute! These small heads quickly rushed up in the warm arms of spring, and it grew taller in a few days. A few months later, those small bamboo shoots had grown into a pavilion of bamboo. They gradually took off their furry old clothes and changed from head to toe with new green clothes. Bamboo posture is beautiful: the dark green bamboo stems grow slender and straight, and the middle is hollow. There is a bamboo festival every 15 cm, which presents rice white. The green leaves like a pointed knife expand on all sides. The edge of the bamboo leaves was very sharp. Once, I accidentally cut my hand in the bamboo forest. The overlapping branches and leaves cover the blue sky with each other, blocking the cold and heat. It is Sanfu Tian, and the bamboo forest is also cool and pleasant. The people here have a natural green glory. In addition, the air in the forest is very fresh. It is really a good place for summer! Summer is here, and the outside is like a steamer, and people come here to cool. As the adults talk about it, the children are chasing and making trouble while playing chess. At this time, the bamboo forest is lively!
Bamboo forest is not only a summer resort for people, but also the paradise of birds.There are many bird nests above the bamboo forest. Many birds have tied their roots here and lived in peace and career.Every morning, when the slight dawn shines on the bamboo forest, the forest looks particularly beautiful, and the clusters of water splashed on the streams of forests are crystal clear in the sun.The fog, like a fairy wearing a light yarn, walked in the forest.The hills woke up, yawned, a cool breeze came from the thick yin, and the dewdrop woke up the eyes that blinked brightly on the bamboo leaves.The first song.The sound of the stream of streams, accompanied by the sound of the rustling of the bamboo forest and the singing of the birds, played a wonderful and beautiful song.
Observe carefully, you will find that the vitality of bamboo is particularly strong!A piece of bamboo roots or branches and leaves are thrown anywhere, and no fertilizer can germinate into a strong bamboo without any fertilizer.The bamboo roots are criss -crossed in the soil, entangled with each other, firmly grasping the surrounding soil, and extending outward can grow into new bamboo.Their roots are far away, and they can reach several meters!In the winter, most trees fell off the leaves, but the bamboo was still wearing a green outfit, standing proudly, and greeting a snowy snow. No wonder people called the bamboo and pine and plums as "the three friends of the cold"!Because of these reasons, the bamboo forests of their hometown are so lush and charming.
The use of bamboo is more useful, and it also brings a lot of income to uncle farmers.People use bamboo paper to make a variety of furniture products or crafts such as chopsticks, backs, mats, tables and chairs, etc., and then get it on the market and sell it back to a stack of thick banknotes, which greatly improves the living conditions.EssenceNot only that, the newly growing bamboo shoots and bamboo crickets are still natural green foods, which is of great benefit to the human body.
Bamboo forest left beautiful memories in my mind, as long as I think of my hometown, I will think of the bamboo forest of my hometown.
1、竹林:竹林读音为zhú lín,是指1.竹子丛生处。 2.“竹林七贤”的省称。 3.鸟名。 竹子林避哨竹林中。——宋. 文天祥《后序》竹林 zhú lín词语解释:1.竹子丛生处。 2.“竹林七贤”的省称。 3.鸟名。[bamboo forest] 竹子林避哨竹林中。——宋. 文天祥《后序》分词解释:生处:1.生长的地方。 2.指聚集之处。 3.佛教谓转世轮回之处。 4.指转生之处。 5.产地。竹子:1.即竹。 2.竹笋的别称。见明李时珍《本草纲目.菜二.竹笋》。竹林七贤:指魏晋间的嵇康、阮籍、山涛、向秀、阮咸、王戎、刘伶七人。他们相互友善,同游于竹林之中,故称。省称:简略的称谓。...竹林怎么造句,用竹林造句»
2、老家:老家读音为lǎo jiā,是指①在外面成立了家庭的人称故乡的家庭。②指原籍:我老家是湖南。老家 lǎo jiā词语意思:①在外面成立了家庭的人称故乡的家庭。②指原籍:我老家是湖南。分词解释:故乡:出生或长期居住过的地方;家乡;老家。家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。湖南:中国南部的省,简称湘。面积211800万平方公里,人口6128万(1990),省会长沙。湖南省东、南、西三部分为山地丘陵,中北部为洞庭湖平原,湘、资、沅、澧四水向北流入洞庭湖。该省为中国江南交通枢纽,京广、湘桂、淅赣、湘黔铁路经本省,全省铁路总长2千多公里。有色金属储量丰富,是中国有名的“有色金属之乡”,其中锑储量占世界第一。是中国南方的林业基地和以稻米为主的粮食产区。人称:语法范畴之一。通过一定的语法形式表示行为﹑动作是属于谁的。属于说话人的为第一人称,属于听话人的为第二人称,属于说话人听话人之外的是第三人称。...老家怎么造句,用老家造句»
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