
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:04 | 来源:语文通



It is you, so I still have nothing to fear in front of my difficulties; it is you, help me inspire me as a last resort; it is you, helping my brother's care and warmth. You are my best friend -Zhao Ziheng. Do you remember that time, we played football together in the garden. When I saw the ball running, I kicked a kick. When I saw this scene, I was at a loss, thinking: What should I do? My mother will defeat me. You looked at me for a while, suddenly drumped, squatted down, and straightened his arms down under the car. As a result, it was not enough to go to the ball. You stood up and lifted the jeans, lying on the ground and climbing in. To understand, you but a person who has cleanliness! I usually love so clean, shoes and pants are not stained. I doubted it, and frowned and said, "Isn't it dirty inside?" "What are you?" You are beaten by your mother. "Then, he went into a bit. After listening, in addition to being moved inside, it was surprised.


After a while, the ball finally got out.Your whole body is dusty, and the arm is scratched on the arm. The gray you hurriedly lined up and said to me with a smile: "Okay, I'll come out, go to the werewolf to kill!" I suddenly had a kind of unspeakable sayingTouched, you rushed to me for a while, and said, "Don't worry!" After that, I was quarreled by my mother when I went home, but I didn't tell me.


Once, I should get a scientific experiment immediately. I buried my head in the backpack.The scientific book was put on my table, but your teacher was punished.I feel guilty and guilty in my heart, do you think you are stupid?


My dear friend, you are like morning dew spraying my heart, like the sun showering me.You are a powerful assistant in my heart. Without you, I also seem to be the broken kite, fluttering in the vast sky, without returning.


I just want to say, "Classmates, it's nice to have you!"



The raindrops knocked on the window outside the room.On the streets of Hei, there was a understanding of the figure of the figure, and the man was ----- my sister-in-law.


In the case of preparing to go home in advance at noon one day, you instructed Wan to tell: "You can wear more, and you will be cold when you take a car for a while, be careful of a cold and fever.""Inside the right ear" "you told me what you told me as the wind in the ear.


At night, my forehead was hot and hot. You got up and touched my forehead and found that I had a fever, so you also wore dresses and pants, touched clothes pants bags, and went out without saying.It was raining on the outside and heavy rains, and it was also rough.I don't know what you are doing, and I don't know if you have an umbrella.


I don't know how long it has passed, I heard your voice slowly coming from the door.Then there was a burst of door opening.I closed my eyes. When I just wanted to fall asleep, I saw you bringing a bowl of medicine and said, "Come, drink the medicine, it is not uncomfortable to drink it." I opened my eyes and blurred.To: your vicissitudes of face are covered with wrinkles, and there are some fine sweat on the wrinkles. The body is soaked by precipitation, and there is a trace of blood in the eyes.But you have a bowl of hot and baked medicine on your hand. Originally, you saw that I had a fever, and woke up in the middle of the night to get the medicine for me and help me boil the medicine.I was holding this bowl of medicine and felt that it had a jack. Although I was bitter, I still drank the bowl of medicine.


I know that this bowl of medicine is not only a bowl of medicine, but also your love for me, the warmth of me, and your thoughts on me.You wake up in the middle of the night to take medicine for me to take medicine. I feel extremely happy and warm.


Once the time is gone, you look like a lot of aging.That is, you help me when you are in a difficult situation, that is, you are paying attention to me at all times.Thank you for helping me happiness and warmth. I want to say something to you: "姥, you have worked hard. With you, it's great!"



I have read a book called << Tell the child you are awesome >>, saying that this can make the child get the courage to face life.Praise, we can still tell ourselves great, treat everything bravely.

-- --题记

-- --Inscription


When I was young, I was going to school when I was a child. It was all uncomfortable when my father or mother took me out. I always felt that I had been bound. Now that I have grown up, I can be full of pride.Car, ten minutes of journey to school ... Every day, the wind and rain are unobstructed, thunderous, the rhythm is compact, fast, the spirit is shaking, and the heroic posture is refreshing.


Unfortunately, I do n’t know how to ride a bicycle. If I can ride a bicycle, then it ’s more called rhythm and compact speed.The cold winter lunar month or scorching sun is really unhappy, and it is very sorry.


Why do you say that? It ’s because of the wind and wind. Because I did n’t say that I was a bicycle master, I would ride it. However, because I did n’t ride for many years, it was gradually sparse until today.


I used the courage to get the courage to learn again, but when I thought of the big scars I had fallen before, I hesitated. And I heard people say that it would not be forgotten, but I forgot it.It is not suitable for this sport, and I will completely dispel this idea.


However, it wasn't until that day of the social survey that I found out how inconvenient and shameful it was. My team members had a bicycle, and I had to be here.I have a journey. This is really unbearable for the people who have a good face. So I made up my mind to learn it in the summer vacation!


The sky can be flexible. It is so excited! I was almost happy to jump off the car, but I thought it might wrestle, and then I decided to jump out of the car first. As a result, I jumped three feet high!


From that day, I have enjoyed a unique scenery. I think I was moving on the road, but after riding a car, I felt that I didn't move, and it was so wonderful that it was on the side.


I often use the building of the activity center to move leisurely. In the morning, it is clockwise. You can see the sun. The sunlight tears the clouds and exposes his light. It is warm and full of vitality.As the babies who suddenly increased recently are as cute.


At night, I rode counterclockwise. I saw the sunset. I saw this big land when I saw it, but I couldn't help it. This is an old man who worked hard around us.The sun, shouting "The sunset is infinite, but it's just near dusk".

瞧,我是多么的棒,我想用英语日记上的一句话结尾--My courage let me see a newer world !

See, how great I am, I want to end in a word in English diary-my class let me sewer world!



A few days ago, I saw that my colleague read this book and said that it was very good. I also found it carefully. After reading it, I was strongly shocked.Parents who push, press, noisy, and scolded their children's' pushing, pressed, noisy, and scolded their children are lacking confidence in their children. "


Love children, this is the emotions of thousands of parents.However, if they only know that they love us, they listen to us. Such a care is not much benefit to us, but it is not good for us!Our parents should know how to educate their children.


If you think about your teaching carefully, why not do this? When the students are not as good as what I expected, I first lose my confidence and reveal it in words and actions, which will be hit by the enthusiasm of students to learn.I am not the idea of this material, and the self -confident building collapses.


In fact, we also saw the children in teaching: "There is progress", "you can do better", "Don't be discouraged, and you will succeed in your efforts!", "I am really proud of you!",,"It doesn't matter, failure is the mother of success" ... When a positive and progressive words suggest, the child will be highly cheerful, joy over the face, and work harder to achieve the best; but many times we will blurt out: "I amI have already talked many times, why not do it yet? "," How can you say, you won't understand "," Forget it, that's it "," Why so stupid ", you can’t do itTolerance and understanding, blindly expressed dissatisfaction, full -scale discussions, full blame, and bring too much negative information to children.When I saw the frustration on the child's face, we have not thought about what kind of psychological burden will be caused by such words and accusations of the child; if we have not thought about such behaviors, it will make children lose confidence.


For children, it is not important to have talents. What is important is whether they are interested and confident.Seeing that the child has lost confidence in learning, should we reflect on our teaching: Does it teach for teaching; should we learn more teaching art, love children like Lu Qin, respect children, understand children, understand howChildren, let the child live in an environment of "you can do", let the child slowly change from negative to positive, and turn "you can do" into "I can do".Let children experience the feeling of success, build self -confidence, and reshape the ideal hall.