
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:12 | 来源:语文通



小乌龟的作文 篇1写小乌龟作文 篇2写小乌龟作文 篇3我的小乌龟作文 篇4

小乌龟的作文 篇1


My family has four cute little turtles. They are very lively. They have a big pool, which my grandfather built himself.


Our little turtles are really smart. Their heads are long, oval, like snakes' heads, and there are many patterns on their heads. Their eyes are very small. The little turtles have two very hard shells, up and down. They have many squares on their shells. I heard that we can know the age of the turtles from the number of squares on their shells. The four legs of the turtle are also very long, and the nails on their feet are very sharp. If you put it on your hands, it will help you scratch, which is interesting.


The little turtles in our family are very fond of playing. When they play, they swim around, much like playing hide and seek. If they are tired of playing, they will run to the platform to bask in the sun. When basking in the sun, the turtles will stretch their heads long and long, looking at the sun together, as if saying to the sun grandfather: Thank you, give us warm sunshine. Our turtles love shrimp very much. One time when they were feeding them, one shrimp floated onto the tail of a turtle, and another turtle saw the shrimp rushing over quickly, opened its mouth and bit it. As a result, the shrimp bit the tail of another turtle and hid the bitten turtle in pain. Finally, the turtle hid under the table and dared not come out for a long time. The turtles in our family are also very interesting when they sleep. They sleep under the water, and their eyes blink from time to time. Their four legs sway when they sleep, and they sleep dishonestly like me. However, my turtles are also very timid. If they lie on the table to bask in the sun and you pass them, they will plop from the table to jump into the water in a hurry.


It's fun to raise a turtle! It can make you happy when you are unhappy, and make your mood more beautiful and happy. Otherwise, you can also raise a few small turtles!

写小乌龟作文 篇2


I have a little turtle at home. I really like it! The shape and food of the little turtle are very interesting.


The shape of the little turtle is the most interesting. A pair of red "gems" are embedded in his interesting body. When he is young, he also has ugly wrinkles of the elderly. He wears a green "dress" on his body. If you were an ant looking from a distance, you would surely say, "Run! The humans have sent tanks to kill us. Let's run for our lives!" From a close look, you will say: "Oh, I actually regard the tortoise as a big tank. I'm really confused.


To tell the truth, I haven't carefully observed the turtle's eating. The little turtle is very interesting to eat. When he is happy, he will play hide and seek with you! When I throw some fodder in, it will play with you when it is happy. When it sees you throw the fodder down, it will not move. Some people may not understand it and will say, "How can you show that he is happy?" Next, I will answer for you. This is our secret sign. I threw the feed down, but he did not move. This means that I asked for a branch to go down. Next, he will pick up the small but not sharp branch and point at the feed, leaving the feed scarred. If it is unhappy, no matter how much feed you throw, it will not say a word.


I love little turtle!

写小乌龟作文 篇3


My grandfather used to keep a turtle.


The little turtle walks around the turtle house every day. It's very cute. The cute thing about the little turtle is that its head is very small, and its small eyes stare at you all day long, as if talking to you. Its neck is very flexible, and its head will immediately retract in case of danger.


What's more interesting is that when the turtle dries, it will slide down the slide and bathe in the water. After taking a bath, climb back to the balcony along the slide to bask in the sun. In the sun, in the sun, the little turtle fell asleep unconsciously?


The little turtle is so cute!

我的小乌龟作文 篇4


My family has a little turtle, which is a little Brazilian turtle. It's not a Chinese longevity turtle. I like it very much.


This little turtle, about 3cm long, is small and exquisite. It has a small eye like a black amber ball on its head, and a small row of thin and dense teeth in its small mouth. There are two small red spots on the neck. There is a large shell on the body, accounting for two thirds of its body. There are some patterns on the shell, which are very beautiful, as if they were painted by an artist. The back of the shell is a round belly, flat and flat, with four claws on both sides, and several very sharp nails on it. Behind it is a sharp thin tail, very cute. It is wobbly and slow when crawling, so I named it "slow".


I slowly found the phenomenon of conditioned reflex. Every time I feed it, I knock on the table. As time goes by, as long as I knock on the table, I will slowly lean my neck and wait for me to feed. If there is no food to eat in two minutes, he will get restless. I have to feed him immediately. If I had been born several decades earlier, I might have been a Pavlov in China now.


Slowly, he can't swim, but he can't live without water. Every time, he likes to enjoy "sunbathing" in the big wet fish tank. Look at its leisurely appearance, it is very comfortable. When I was slowly hungry, I would be restless. I would feed it some small minced meat. It always ate with relish. Maybe I spoiled it too much. When I first came to my house, it was eight grams. Now it is about fifteen grams.


It has gradually become a part of our family, and I have become good friends with it.