
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:31 | 来源:语文通



什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇1什么风景作文 篇2什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇3什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇4

什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇1


Everyone has the most beautiful scenery.Of course, I am no exception.


It was a day in the summer vacation, 40 degrees high temperature, and the air was mixed with layers of heat waves.The sky was like washing, and even the cloud didn't know where to run away.As usual, I had breakfast and wrote the summer vacation.The fan has been "shouting", but it can't take a trace of heat.


"Wangwang Wang" suddenly, Xiaotan screamed.Looking at the direction of its cry, it turned out that the grandfather who worked in the field came back.I saw him wearing a big straw hat, wearing a coat and trousers that looked a little thick, and a pair of boots that were almost on his knees."Armed" is so good, no wonder even Xiao Hui can't recognize it.


I put down the pen in my hand and asked curiously: "Grandpa, hot day, are you wearing so thick and not hot?" The grandfather took a sip of tea, smiled, and said, "Hot! You see my clothes wet all wet clothes.It's too poisonous today, it's too poisonous, don't wear it like this, it's easy to sunburn. "" Ah? This ..., this is sweat! I thought it was too hot, you deliberately spilled on your body! "I was surprisedEssenceGrandpa took off the boots, poured out the water inside, and said with a smile, "Yuxi, you see, this is also sweaty." Then he put on the boots and walked into the hall, saying he said, "There is still in the field, there is still in the field.Several people were working, and I had to send them some mung bean soup. "Then, the grandfather bent down and took the mung bean soup that Grandma had prepared.At the moment when my grandfather bent over, I first saw what "sweat like rain" for the first time, and Dou Dan sweat bead "Ti Didi" hit the cement floor.In just a few seconds, a small piece was wet on the ground.I was already dazzling, and I had forgotten what I wanted to say at this time, but just stunned there.


The grandfather mentioned the basket with mung bean soup to go out again. The back of his farther away was so harmonious and so beautiful under the green seedlings and blue sky!


My grandfather is not afraid of the heat, hard work, and thinking about others. This is the most beautiful scenery in my heart!

什么风景作文 篇2


Youth is fearless, and dreams.


People in the entire school gathered on this small playground. The cold wind was cold in winter.Today, the Games.The blue sky, the white clouds, the sunlight, the sun, and the zero fell down, dyed a golden light.Youth and vitality are condensed over the playground, laughing and laughing into the sky 100 meters away.


The athletes only wore a thin clothes, stomped their feet froze, and shrank.However, they are very "cruel" to themselves.Fighting hard work.


On the playground, on the red runway, the runway jumped on.The athletes flew, swinging their hands with their youth, their legs condensed their strength, and the sparks of the air friction and beauty were rubbed with the air.The sound of cheering is higher than the waves, and the whole crowd is like a plate of selofan. Where is the focus, people follow.One by one, like a beast, there are any images at all, all of them to fly themselves for youth and dreams.The sun is staggered and the projection is hazy.This face is embarrassed, doing his best to rush forward.The sweaty, flushed face, dragging the tired body insisted on insisting on ... The scenery was over, recorded hard work and strong, yelling "wonderful"!Keep watching ...


See, the youthful repertoire has been released, and the actor is all sentient beings on this sports field.Thousands of people, one heart.come on!come on!come on!No one stopped their footsteps because they had the responsibility of the class.Young us, the life of youth, and the movement of youth, let our hearts fly.Young has no failure, we are vigorous and youthful.


I was deeply shocked. This is only the scenery at the sports meeting. The unlimited vitality released to excite everything.It's okay, challenge yourself!It's okay, run out of hope!After the exercise is over, everyone laughs and is happy, and the vitality is four shots.Looking back at the playground that gradually gone, lonely, but it doesn't matter, the unparalleled wonderful wonderful has already entered my heart ...


The scenery here is unique.

什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇3


Throughout the year, the landscape is always around us. Only by the intention of experience can we find the real scenery.So what is the real scenery?


In spring, the flowers and trees have grown buds, and the whole world becomes green and attracts everything.


Spring is the season when everything recovers.The snake woke up from the hibernation, climbed out of the snake hole, and participated in the activities of nature.Of course, the recovery of nature is indispensable for spring rain. As Du Fu said, "Sneak into the night with the wind, the moisturizes is silent."It was Chunyu moisturizing and waking up everything, and Chunyu opened their hearts.


Therefore, in my eyes, the real scenery of spring is vitality.


In the summer, the whole world seems to be undergoing the experience of heat.In summer, sometimes people are sweating, and people have to change to a cool T -shirt.Animals also become vibrant, as if knowing what happened next second.There are a few heavy rain in summer.After the heavy rain, not only can it help nature clean the dust, make nature refresh, but also relieve people's physical and mental fatigue.


Therefore, in my eyes, the real scenery of summer is enthusiastic.


The golden color belongs to autumn, and it is very important in the hearts of farmers because it means to live a good life.Autumn is dry, derived from its long wind and long light.This brings convenience to the maturity of crops and fruits.


Therefore, in my eyes, the real scenery in autumn is harvest.


Without snowflakes, it cannot be regarded as a real winter.A few snowfalls, adding a few cold winds, the leaves fell into light, changing the form of life -"turn into spring mud to protect flowers."The more the leaves accumulate, the faster the grass withered, the more nutrients in the earth reserves, the more fertile.The vast white snow is the interest of the children. Looking forward to the snow, excitement in the snow, and playing crazy after the snow.Every time the snow is not yet exhausted, the children have reserved full happiness and have enough happiness for the future life.


Therefore, in my eyes, the real landscape in winter is reserves.


Chunyu, Xiayang, Qiufeng, and winter snow -the four seasons are unintentionally changed, but they have brought endless beauty to those who are interested.

什么的风景中考满分作文600字 篇4


Every holiday, our family will travel out. I have traveled many places and saw a lot of beautiful scenery.There is a exotic landscape and beautiful, that is -Mauritius.


When you get off the plane, the eyes that come into view are leisurely white clouds in the blue sky, and the sugarcane forest and towering coconut trees that cannot be seen at a glance dance with the salty sea breeze;The sea wind rolled up the brittle sound of the rocks.With snorkeling utensils, I jumped into the sea: the dolphin swimming in the colorful sea, the little Nimo fish shuttled between the coral reefs, and the large turtles that grinded the plate were no longer lazy.Walking.


In the beautiful scenery, a "accident" that never expected. I accidentally wounded, the knees and arms were bloody, but my mother happened to be around. The waiter of the hotel sweated me to the infirmary. He was small. For him 140 pounds, it was probably like a big turtle. Dr. Matthew Matthew's English has a strong accent, and my English is only simple enough. Just when I was panicked, Snow, the only Chinese waiter Snow, was about to go to vacation, she was almost going to the airport bus, and she knew that my situation was here. I thought it was just a brunt. As a result, the doctor touched my wrist, and I hurt me coldly. Snow immediately decided to change the ticket and accompany me to the hospital to check with me. Registered, waiting, filming, bandaging, taking medicine, the two of them ran forward, and from time to time to comfort the sobbing me. When my mother arrived, I had been taken care of. She would not ask for the loss of the loss of SNOW to change the signing of SNOW; to give Matthew for gratitude, Matthew was also pushed away, and her mother was so moved. The next day the hotel specially ordered "Macaron" for me to soothe my little wounded.


The natural scenery of Mauritius, as well as those beautiful people, is the most beautiful scenery I have ever seen!