The novels that first came into contact with Mo Panisan originated from some simple introductions about Mo Pussen in high school. One of the words "falling rocks" attracted all my attention. At that time, I was curious about Mo Panga.Regarding the selection of novels in Mo Panga, the book contains famous articles such as "Sheep fat ball" and "necklace", which focuses on the life of various characters in French society in the 19th century, exposing the ugly side of human nature.
From this, I also embarked on a novel journey and walked into the world of Mo Pangsan's painting. If I say what I learned from this book? So please listen to me to finish two stories. The first story is about a woman. At that time, both China and French women were in unequal state, but they did not mean that there were no brave women. This was during the French war. There was such a woman. She not only had an enviable beauty, but also a kind heart. She shared her food with people without food on the train. He had his own principles in front of the enemy, but Such a person with a clear love and hate, under the persuasion of those "people" with masks, lost herself, she put down her proud head and chose to compromise, just to help those masks under the ugly face, when she lost the woman, finally When the bottom line, those people were indeed the dismissive of those people. She was laughed at ruthlessly, as if the world showed her malicious smiley face. This hostess was -sheep fat ball, a hero who was betrayed Great, but has a persistent belief and the passion of patriotism. This is not comparable to those who are grandmates. Ironics and criticism at that time.真善美是世界上最美好的,也是人类社会美德的最高境界,莫泊桑所写的小说向我们展示了这一点,我想他一定是希望世界上的人都有美好的品德,并通过传递爱让社会Peace and peace. The story is still going on. Before telling this story, I want to show you such an old word "horror", which has a great meaning than "terrible". The terrible thing just now is shocking, panic, panic, but not as mad.
The excitement of the soul, the terrible death scene is not enough to make people feel terrifying. You must feel a mysterious shudder or a supernatural and unusual uneasiness. Even if a person is in the most tragic situation, it will not cause horror. The battlefield will not cause horror; blood will not cause horror; the humbled crimes rarely cause horror. "This section from Mo Panga's" Horror "caused countless suspicions in my heart. Looking down, I knew such a story: During the war, the soldiers were like a bird of surprise, but there were spies in the team. The news spread throughout the theater like fermentation. At this time, the soldiers saw a person with a shirt. They suspected that this person was a spy and killed her surrounded. Finally, when she checked her clothes, she found that she was a woman. Horror, this woman may come to the child who has not returned for many years, or it may be other, but this guess is terrible. If you ask how this woman loses his life, I think it is human! It deprives the life of a person. This story is shuddering. I think it is the heart that it really makes people feel terrifying. Only when people are caught in endless speculation will they feel suffering. At this point, after reading the novel of Mo Pangsan, I feel that I am immersed and walk into the novel. The bloody example made me feel the cruel reality of society at that time. Life is fragile, between people, between people, between people The trust is the best bridge in the world. I hope that the world is more friendly and less indifferent.
1、短篇小说:短篇小说读音为duǎn piān xiǎo shuō,是指比较简短的小说,人物不多,结构紧凑。 字数较少,篇幅不长,人物不多,结构紧凑的小说短篇小说 duǎn piān xiǎo shuō词语解释:比较简短的小说,人物不多,结构紧凑。[short story] 字数较少,篇幅不长,人物不多,结构紧凑的小说分词解释:人物:文艺作品中所描绘的人物形象。是作品内容的重要因素,也是组成艺术形象的主体。文艺作品大多通过人物和人物的活动来反映现实生活。结构:①各个组成部分的搭配和排列:文章的结构ㄧ语言的结构ㄧ原子结构。②建筑物上承担重力或外力的部分的构造:砖木结构ㄧ钢筋混凝土结构。紧凑:密切连接,中间没有多余的东西或空隙:这所房子的格局很紧凑,所有的地面都恰当地利用了ㄧ这部影片很紧凑,没有多余的镜头。简短:内容简单,言词不长:话说得很简短ㄧ壁报的文章要简短生动。...
2、读后感:读后感读音为dú hòu gǎn,是指读过一本书或一篇文章以后的感想(多指书面的)。读后感 dú hòu gǎn词语解释:读过一本书或一篇文章以后的感想(多指书面的)。(1) [impressions of a book or an essay](2) 阅读完毕后的感想(3) 写读后感想的文章写一篇读后感分词解释:以后:比现在或某一时间晩的时期。感想:由接触外界事物引起的思想反应:看了这封信,你有何感想?指书:用指尖代笔写字。为书法艺术的一种。...
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