
时间:2022-07-27 13:16:49 | 来源:语文通



Xiyue Huashan is known as the "first mountain of the world".On the second day of the Xi'an journey, we came to this mountain that is steep and the mountains that stand on the wall, and thus deeply understand the meaning of the word "strange danger".


Before I came, I did my homework and learned that Huashan's altitude 2154.9 meters was composed of a complete and huge granite body.


Sitting on the bus, thinking of going to the Huashan Huashan of Huashan on the "East Evil West Poison and the North Emperor and the North Emperor, the North Emperor and the North Emperor, and the Huashan on the Sword of the Sword, I couldn't help but excite it.It is also in dangerous Jiang Langshan, which is two stone pillars!


After getting off the bus and walking through the extreme long steps, we took the 4211 meter -long Taihua ropeway cable car.Looking down on the cable car, my heart was stubborn. Below is the abyss, which is creepy, as if you accidentally fall down.Looking forward, the mountain peaks rose up, and the mountains were stacked. One after another, there were cliffs everywhere. Compared with the danger of Jianglang Mountain, it was like "small witch seeing big witch".Thinking of this, I can't help but be afraid, this is the mountain we are about to climb!


After getting off the cable car, I arrived at Xifeng, the lotus peak of Agarwood saved her mother.On the road, I took my mother's hand and moved forward step by step, and finally panting to the top of Xifeng.On the top of Xifeng, I opened my arms gently, and a cool breeze rushed to face, breathing the sweet and sweet air. Compared with the 40 degrees of high -temperature Hangzhou, it was simply a fairyland and purgatory ...


Subsequently, we staggered the highest Dongfeng of the five gaps. There were 2164.8 meters. It was really a dangerous peak, as if accidentally planted from the air.


Finally, we left the top of the North Peak's ropeway and left the top of Huashan.Until now, this towering mountain peak, this beautiful and majestic picture appeared in my mind.



1、畅游:畅游读音为chàng yóu,是指1.尽情地游览;快乐地游玩。2.畅快地游泳。畅游 chàng yóu词语解释:1.尽情地游览;快乐地游玩。2.畅快地游泳。(1) [enjoy a good swim]∶痛快地游泳竞渡畅游(2) [enjoy a sightseeing tour]∶舒畅地游玩旧地畅游分词解释:情地:1.亲族地位。 2.处境;置身之地。游泳:1.人或动物在水中游行。 2.借指水中动物。 3.涵濡;浸润。 4.体育运动项目之一。人在水中用各种不同的姿势划水前进。游玩:1.亦作“游抏”。亦作“游翫”。 2.嬉游玩乐。亦指游览赏玩。游览:漫步观赏:游览故宫|游览黄山。...畅游怎么造句,用畅游造句»