
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:33 | 来源:语文通



快乐中秋节作文 篇1快乐中秋节作文 篇2快乐过中秋节作文 篇3快乐中秋节作文 篇4欢乐的中秋节作文 篇5快乐的中秋节的作文 篇6快乐中秋节作文 篇7快乐中秋节作文 篇8快乐中秋节作文 篇9快乐的中秋节的作文 篇10

快乐中秋节作文 篇1


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here.


In the morning, I got up early and accompanied my mother and grandma to go to the market to buy food.Mom and grandma are responsible for buying, and I am responsible for carrying.When I bought home, my mother and grandma started cooking and I went to play the computer.After a while, delicious food came.I ran to the restaurant and saw my mother and grandmother making a big meal, and we had a good time.


In the evening, we finished dinner early and went out for a walk.On the street, people come and go, car water.We went to the square with a high rush and saw that the splattered fountain was like a dragon spraying water, which made us relaxed and happy.The colored lights on the square shine on the earth like a watch in the sky.I hope that everyone in the sky can get together this moon night, even if they are thousands of miles away, they can have this bright moon.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a memorable day.I spent a very happy day.

快乐中秋节作文 篇2


Another Mid -Autumn Festival, children, how do you spend your Mid -Autumn Festival?I have lived like this.


Eating moon cakes: My moon cake is strange, some are round, and some are large.Moon cakes have red beans, black bean -flavored, mung bean -flavored, bean paste flavors, jujube mud flavors, five kernel flavors, fruit -flavored, and strawberry flavors, sweet and delicious, delicious.But my favorite is strawberry flavor.


Moonlight: The sky gradually darkened, and the beautiful and beautiful moon sister flew out of the clouds, showing a big and round smile, and the bright moonlight filled the earth.I snuggled in my mother's arms and asked, "Why should I eat moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival?" Mom said, "Moon cakes are big and round, indicating that our family will always reunite." I asked, "Can Sister Chang'e eatMoon cake? "Mom said," Yes. "


This is my happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

快乐过中秋节作文 篇3


Unconsciously, eight Mid -Autumn Festival has passed, and this year's Mid -Autumn Festival has been in Xi'an.


The Mid -Autumn Festival represents a symbol of a reunion. This morning, we got up early and found that the sunset of the Mid -Autumn Festival was so fiery and light. "Ding Ling! Ding Ling!" Breakfast time is here! Today I ate a big cake, with a piece of Huang Chengcheng outside, like the light emitted by the moon, and the bean paste filling inside, which is both beautiful and sweet. delicious. After a while, I went out to play, and found that many people today said. I listened carefully and heard someone saying, "Only a lantern riddle! One leafy eyes -a word!" I want to think about thinking about it. Go, is it? wrong! Without the leaves, I thought in my mouth: "Leaf! Leaf!" Suddenly, I was smart, it was my own self, that one was the leaves, and I was happy to dance. When I got home, I said to my mother with a bad smile: "I'll guess you a lantern riddles. If you make a mistake, give me sugar!" Mom nodded and said, "Okay, you say!" ——Ad the word "Mom thinks about it. Although the mother did not figure it out, she also found a clue. Dad was bad. I didn't expect a minute to say, "I won't!"


At noon, our lunch is "moon cake!" I stared at the moon cake in a daze. "Eat, this moon cake is delicious!" Dad said, "These moon cakes are fresh, I just bought it yesterday."The moon cakes of the lucky goddess took a bite, crispy and crispy, and I ate a lot.


At night, I saw a looming person who was cutting trees, and there was a very small jade rabbit next to me.

快乐中秋节作文 篇4


I look forward to the day of the day -August 15th finally arrived. After the morning running, I breathed out the air purified by the rain. When I got home, I saw my father and the fourth brother getting a fishing tool and riding a motorcycle to go to the motorcycle to go to the motorcycle.Fishing, ready to set up a rich Mid -Autumn Festival meal, they returned shortly after, wow!More than a pound of fresh fish.It seems that lunch can be rubbed well.I'm so happy, I do a lot of affairs, and my heart is beautiful.I have never been so happy, why is it so happy today?Because Grandpa and Uncle Hu, Aunt Li will come to our family to spend the Mid -Autumn Festival.

欢乐的中秋节作文 篇5


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here, and people taste the fruits and eat moon cakes.Since my mother -in -law and my father -in -law went to Thailand, we couldn't reunite. I heard that my mother said that I was my mother -in -law when I was a child. I have been with my mother -in -law since I was a child.Their


Fortunately, my parents were on vacation at home on the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, so I am not alone in this Mid -Autumn Festival.On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I said to my mother, "Mom, you won't cook, cook, let's go to the restaurant to eat." Mom said, "No, just because I can't cook, I can learn it.Let your father and son taste my cooking skills. "In the evening, my mother entered the kitchen early and made a total of seven dishes. The taste also said.Later, when I entered the kitchen, my mother made a mess in the kitchen, but we still spent a pleasant Mid -Autumn Festival, and the family laughs and laughs that day.

快乐的中秋节的作文 篇6


August 15th of the lunar calendar is the Mid -Autumn Festival of Wanjia.They are all the days of family reunion.


Our family is no exception, and we will return to the grandparents' house for the Mid -Autumn Festival.Grandpa's house is very lively, cousin, cousin, cousin, cousin ... all gathered together to enjoy the joy of God.


In the evening, after eating reunion meals, we sat in the small garden in front of the door to enjoy the moon with a chair.However, Mingyue had not seen it, and grandma took out a bowl of hot and fragrant dumplings in a bowl of hot air, which was really blessing.I ate a lot.Soon, I saw the moon look like a shameful little girl from the clouds.After a while, she came out completely.The bright moonlight sprinkled on the opposite lake and looked far away, like a carpet.


After eating moon cakes, my cousin and cousin and I attached to the traditional lantern.We laughed at the lantern while saying that when we talked about the big fat pig, I suddenly didn't know what was tripped by something. This person fell into a large water ditch, the whole body was polluted, and the lantern was burning.I was frightened, but my cousin cousin laughed.I really wanted to find a hole in.


After returning home, I changed my clothes and thought to myself: Today I must "fish" back a face.I thought about it and said to everyone, "Tonight is the full moon night. The aunt calls three people. Each person says a word seven words, and each sentence must have the word" moon "." Everyone agreed.The aunt called four people: Dad, big cousin, cousin and me.Start the game.I saw my dad nodded and said, "The Mid -Autumn Festival Moon Ear is round and round." The cousin thought and said, "A family appreciates the Mid -Autumn Festival." The cousin took a breath and said, "How happy you are to taste the cake."I said leisurely, "Happy family than the moon." "Okay!" Everyone clapped my hands and praised me.I thought to myself: "Of course, it's not good, I can say!"


The next day, I returned to Shanghai and thought when I was sleeping: It is indeed a full moon!

快乐中秋节作文 篇7


Thursday is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival. On Wednesday night, we go to buy things and buy more things tomorrow, and naturally include moon cakes.


On Thursday morning, I thought: I must go out today.Later, my mother returned.At noon, my mother said that eating hot pot is great. I want to eat ham sausage, beef, spinach and other delicious.But ten minutes later, when I came, I was gone at all, and my sister looked at me with a smile.I saw it, hum, Needless to say, it must be eaten, I had to do it again.


In the afternoon, I found that it was raining, the rain and mist were hazy, I couldn't play, I had to watch the writing.


In the evening, my mother and I, while my father prepared moon cakes, my sister made fruit salad while watching TV.My mother helped me cut the dragon fruit, pear, and apples into diced, peeling grapes and oranges, picking pomegranate fruits, and then I was alone.I took out four bowls. Dad and mother wanted apples, pomegranates, pears, oranges, sisters and me, all of them, finished the fruit, just mix with yogurt.Looking at a "hungry wolf" with a green light, I sat aside and ate my moon cakes and salads.What you do is delicious.


Although I didn't see the moon, I was still very happy.


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Of course, the Mid -Autumn Festival is indispensable for the moon. If you can match a moon cake during the moon, it is really happy!


Early in the morning, my mother bought a variety of moon cakes, and some were inlaid with golden border, which looked elegant and beautiful; some looked like wearing a clumsy hat, which made people can't help ... and a piece of moon cake actually exuded chocolate force.The aroma!


Wow!I rushed out like a hungry wolf, rushed to the moon cake, torn out the packaging bag, a strong chocolate flavor spread immediately, jumped into my nostrils, and tickled my heart.The brown moon cake is like a piece of chocolate that makes the population drooling, as if saying loudly, "Come on, come and eat me!" There is a fine pattern on the cake skin, like wearing a ancient style coat for moon cakes to make the brown simple beauty beautyIt is also beautiful.


Put it in my mouth and chew, soft, glutinous, and glutinous, a chocolate flavor dances in my mouth and sings indulgence.It seems that the taste of the moon is melted in moon cakes.

快乐中秋节作文 篇8


Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival.Early in the morning, there was a continuous mobile phone text message in my ear.It was the blessing from the father's student and mother's colleagues.In this writing, I will send you this blessing SMS, I wish the teacher a happy holiday!


After breakfast, I went back to my grandma's house with my parents.At the table of grandma's house, I saw a lot of delicious, round moon cakes, round apples, round orange, grapes, and pomegranate.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceWow!This is the round Mid -Autumn Festival!


There are blessings, the Mid -Autumn Festival with food, really happy!

快乐中秋节作文 篇9


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a beautiful festival. We all eat reunion dinner together and enjoy the beautiful moon. My family is so happy to pass the Mid -Autumn Festival.


In the morning of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I was awakened by the sound of "咚 咚".I took a look at it together. It turned out that Dad and Grandpa were cooking together.I asked my dad: "What do you make so many dishes early in the morning?" "Because someone came to our house today, we now make some cold dishes, and we will make some hot dishes at noon." Dad said.At noon, the guests came at home.Gradually and gradually, in the evening, our family made a reunion meal together, admiring the beautiful moonlight, and spent a beautiful night together happily together!


Although the Mid -Autumn Festival has passed, I will never forget that beautiful night.I also hope that everyone can be peaceful in the Mid -Autumn Festival. The family sitting together to eat reunion dinner and enjoy the moonlight.

快乐的中秋节的作文 篇10


There are also many sketches in the exhibition area, including National Day, Jinxiu Mountains, picturesque rivers and mountains, and peacocks welcome.Among them, the peacock welcome.It is based on a colorful peacock standing on the theme of chrysanthemum altar. On the left is the dragon out of the water, the right is a green tree flower ball, the front is two purple -red flowers, and the right is a layered flower tree.It is a tree tower that connects the flower umbrella in series, about three meters high, sturdy, fresh and beautiful.The onlookers were not eye -catching, and they were photographed.My mother also took me the rare landscape.


The chrysanthemum is famous for the gentleman in the flowers.It has beautiful flowers, beautiful colors, many varieties, very ornamental, and is loved by people.There is a poem: who is the master of Shaohua, the chief of the chrysanthemum is chrysanthemum.Those hundred and colorful chrysanthemums made me linger.


Appreciation of chrysanthemum not only gave me beautiful enjoyment, but also learned a lot of knowledge about chrysanthemums.


Happy Mid -Autumn Festival 4:


The golden autumn in October was thousands of scenery, and the Mid -Autumn Festival was connected. The Labor Park held a chrysanthemum exhibition. My mother took me to watch the exhibition.


In the autumn park, the plants and trees changed from green to yellow. Under the blowout of the autumn wind, the yellow leaves fell down leisurely, like a butterfly flying.A cluster of wild chrysanthemums on the side of the road nodded frequently in the breeze, as if welcoming us.

走进展区便是花的世界,满眼菊花奇姿异彩,争奇斗艳。花的颜色五彩缤纷,有黄、白、紫、红、黑,还有墨绿、金黄色及各种杂色。有的秀丽淡雅,有的红似彩霞,有的洁白如雪,有的绿如翡翠,姹紫嫣红,婀 www.baihuaw www..cn en.cn娜多姿,令人眼花缭乱。在木格架上摆放着各种菊花名品。花的名称优雅动听。如:千丈珠帘、金碧辉煌、金盘托桂、紫气东来、红珊瑚、醉西施等。菊花的形状千姿百态。珍贵的墨菊,枝粗叶绿,中间托着黑而透紫的大花,活像一条乌龙卧在墨池之中;白线菊那纤细的花瓣像粉丝一样,又白又细,自然下垂,又像美女的秀发披在肩上;一丛悬崖菊披着金色的阳光,从崖顶直垂下来,犹如金色的瀑布,非常好看。

The progress area is the world of flowers.The color of the flowers is colorful, including yellow, white, purple, red, black, and dark green, golden yellow and various mixed colors.Some are beautiful and elegant, some are red like colorful, some are white as snow, some are green like emeralds, colorful red, www.baihuaw www..cn en.cn Nazhao, which is dazzling.There are various chrysanthemums on the wooden grid.The name of the flower is elegant.Such as: thousands of bead curtains, brilliant golden, Jinpan Luangui, Ziqi east, red coral, drunk Xishi and so on.The shape of chrysanthemums is full of attitude.The precious ink chrysanthemum, rough leaves green, dark and purple flowers in the middle, live like an oolong in the ink pond; white line chrysanthemums are like fans, white and thin, naturally drooping, naturally drooping, naturally drooping, naturally drooping, naturally drooping, naturally drooping.It is like a beautiful woman's hair on her shoulders; a cliff of cliff chrysanthemum is wearing a golden sunlight, hanging down from the top of the cliff, like a golden waterfall, which is very beautiful.