The spring of my hometown is beautiful, and the Ziyunying in the field is even more charming.
A cheerful and quiet morning, the soft sunlight shines on the ground through the dense clouds.The green grass was lying on the crystal dew, light butterflies flying in the colorful flowers, and the exhausted birds between the lush leaves.I trotted on the road of weeds in the countryside, and couldn't wait to run towards the endless field.There, I seemed to see Zhang Ziyunying's smiley face.
Ziyunying! I thought in my heart.Finally, a large piece of dream purple came into my eyes.The dense and gorgeous Ziyunying grew crazy in the green wild, and thousands of flourishing blooming, like a small torch, embellished the large place with lumines.I jumped into the flowers, squatted down, and looked at the beautiful petals of Ziyun.Its petals are only about our nail caps, soft and delicate, white purple in the petals, white like pure snowflakes, and purple like the sunset in the sky.A piece of purple white, as if the purple satin is embroidered with the floating white clouds, it is very beautiful.
Ziyunying's stems are long and green, drilling out from the field, squeezing, and constantly.The flowers have opened a lot, clusters, one group, three groups, five groups, like a purple -white butterfly, like a hairy purple velvet ball.A piece of purple clouds swaying, like a group of beautiful fairy danced in the sun in the sun in the sun, and they shook the purple white silk, like a fresh and beautiful painting.When I was in it, I seemed to be stained with this wonderful color -purple and white.
I bent down and pinched its stems carefully with my legs. Its stem seemed to be weak, but the root was well -developed and deeply rooted in the soil.Ziyunying's little flowers are not gorgeous in the spring of all flowers, but they seem to be in the fields one by one, roots silently, grow silently, and bloom silently.At this time, I remembered that my grandfather who had experienced field experience said to me: "Ziyunying not only has strong ornamental, but also the main green fertilizer crops of rice fields, which has an important role in improving the soil to cultivate green space.Ziyunying is a demonstration field for party members in the village to promote Ziyunying. "A fertile land, a small purposous Ziyunying, a simple countryside, and a hopeful experimental base.Isn't the party members who silently give? Is it just like this Ziyun Ying? They are constantly enriching the countryside and bring new hope to this land.
I like Ziyunying, I like its elegant appearance, I like its calm and modest personality, and I like its spirit of silent dedication.In the cool wind, Ziyunying swayed gently, and its purple flower exudes a refreshing fragrance, smiling so beautifully in the gentle spring breeze.
1、紫云英:紫云英读音为zǐ yún yīng,是指1.牡丹花名。 2.草名。又名红花草。一﹑二年生草本植物,茎匍匐在地面上,花紫红色或白色,果实为荚果。根部有根瘤菌。可做饲料和绿肥。 3.紫色云母。古代方士以为仙药。紫云英 zǐ yún yīng词语解释:1.牡丹花名。 2.草名。又名红花草。一﹑二年生草本植物,茎匍匐在地面上,花紫红色或白色,果实为荚果。根部有根瘤菌。可做饲料和绿肥。 3.紫色云母。古代方士以为仙药。分词解释:以为:1.认为。 2.作为,用作。 3.“以之为”的省略形式。犹言让他(她)做,把它作为。 4.犹而为,而成。以,而,连词。 5.犹已为,已是。以,通“已”。红花草:草名。又名紫云英。二年生草本植物,茎匍匐地面,叶呈羽状,花紫红或白色,实为荚果。可以作饲料和绿肥。绿肥:一种当植株还是绿色状态时就耕翻下去,在地里发酵,用以培肥土壤的草本作物(如苜蓿)。荚果:干果的一种,由一个心皮构成,成熟时裂成两片,如豆类的果实。花名:1.即花户。 2.旧指娼妓在妓院中使用的化名。...
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