
时间:2022-07-27 13:16:45 | 来源:语文通



In the evening of Saurent, Italy, we ate a fierce meal in the hotel.At that time, how much do we want to eat like Mr. Bean!


As soon as we arrived at the hotel, we went straight to the restaurant as soon as we put down our luggage.As soon as we sat down, we saw that there were bread on the table, and we shed saliva."This bread is eaten with soup, but now I am hungry, I eat it first." Dad said very well, picked up the bread and bite it."Ah, how is this bread as hard as a stone!" Dad shouted.My mother and I shared a little bread from my father's hands, but not, hard and salty.My mother and I were stunned, I dare not move the bread anymore, or drink lemonade on the table!

“今天我们在这里吃一顿意大利餐,一共有三道菜,第一道海鲜饭。”导游向我们介绍。一听海鲜饭,大家都精神起来。我看妈妈一脸笑容,妈妈最爱海鲜了。我的兴致一般,这不是我的最爱,但我还是想尝尝,看看国外的烧法和我们有什么不同。当海鲜饭放到我们面前时,我们又被吓到了:它的量很大,在盘子里像是一座小山;颜色也很怪异,有点淡紫色,像是发霉了;海鲜,只是我们平时吃的淡菜,还有零星几颗花蛤、几丝鱿鱼,还有一股腥味,很不新鲜。我们真想像憨豆先生那样把食物藏起来。这里藏的地方也很多:花盆、硬面包、盐罐。大概是饿了,爸爸妈妈还是奋力得吃完了,我还在挑挑拣拣。于是,爸爸妈妈主动帮我分担了剩下的饭。“I am finished.”我快活地和那胖胖的服务生说。我们桌面清空了,可以准备下一道菜了。看看隔壁桌,那位婆婆皱着眉头,她用眼睛看看服务生,示意他拿走盘子,可服务生两肩一耸,双手一摊。原来,这里是要一道吃完上一道的。幸亏我们完成了。

"Today we have a meal here for a meal. There are three dishes in total, the first seafood rice." The guide introduced to us. Everyone was spiritual when he heard the seafood rice. I think my mother smiles, and my mother loves seafood the most. My interest is average. This is not my favorite, but I still want to taste it and see how the foreign burn is different from us. When the seafood rice was put in front of us, we were scared again: its large amount, in the plate seemed to be a hill; the color was also weird, a bit lighter, as moldy; seafood, but we usually eat what we usually eat Light vegetables, there are scattered clams, a few squids, and a fishy smell, which is not fresh. We really want to hide food like Mr. Bean. There are also many places here: flower pots, hard bread, salt tanks. I'm probably hungry. Mom and Dad still have to finish eating. I am still picking and picking. As a result, my parents took the initiative to help me share the remaining meals. "I am finhed." I said happily to the fat waiter. Our desktop is empty and we can prepare the next dish. Looking at the next table, the mother -in -law frowned. She looked at the waiter with her eyes and motioned for him to take the plate. It turns out that here is to eat one by one. Fortunately, we finished.


The second dish in his expectation is a piece of white fish with potatoes and cowpea.The fish has no bones, but it is too salty, let alone umami.The potatoes grabbed the salty taste of the fish. The long bean was originally a vegetable that I like, but this long bean has the oil flavor. I don't want to eat the second root after eating one.In the face of the three large plates of food and the full belly of ourselves, how can we solve these foods? This time it is more difficult to let us eat these.I thought of the way of eating Mr. Bean and acting immediately.I cut the long beans and potatoes with half a piece of fish into small pieces and mixed it together, hiding under the other half of the fish. It looks like I ate a lot.Through my production, we successfully returned the disguise to the waiter.Look at the front and back, they haven't finished eating it yet. Hey, the table on the left is still fighting with seafood rice!


The Third Dessert is Chocolate Browning.This time we can learn clever, and we never want to be one by one.So my mother and I ate a copy, and this task was easy to get it.How to eat has become a task? Because of the different customs and tastes, eating has become particularly arduous.I think, if you eat it like Mr. Bean, I will still use it in the future journey!



1、想像:想像读音为xiǎng xiàng,是指也作“想象”。①回忆:他想像当时情景,不由豪气陡生。②对已有表象进行加工、改造、重新组合,从而形成新形象的心理过程。根据有无目的可分为不随意想像和随意想像;根据创造性程度可分为再造想像和创造想像,创造想像是人们进行一切创造性活动所必需的。想像 xiǎng xiàng词语意思:也作“想象”。①回忆:他想像当时情景,不由豪气陡生。②对已有表象进行加工、改造、重新组合,从而形成新形象的心理过程。根据有无目的可分为不随意想像和随意想像;根据创造性程度可分为再造想像和创造想像,创造想像是人们进行一切创造性活动所必需的。分词解释:创造:1.亦作“剙造”。 2.发明;制造前所未有的事物。 3.制造;建造。 4.犹创作。谓撰写文章或创作文艺作品。程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。情景:1.感情与景色。 2.犹情形,情况。和随:1.亦作“和隋”。 2.卞和与随侯。亦谓稀世珍宝和氏璧与随侯珠。...想像怎么造句,用想像造句»

2、那样:那样读音为nà yàng,是指代词。指示程度﹑方式﹑性状等。 表示事物所具有的性质、方式、状态等那样 nà yàng词语解释:代词。指示程度﹑方式﹑性状等。[like that] 表示事物所具有的性质、方式、状态等分词解释:程度:1.法度;标准。 2.程限;进度。 3.文化﹑教育﹑知识﹑能力等方面的水平。 4.事物发展达到的状况。指示:①指给人看:指示牌|指示代词。②指点;指引:指示一二|予以指示。③指示下级、晚辈的文件、意见:长辈的指示|按上级指示办。代词:代替名词、动词、形容词以及其他实词的词。有人称代词(我、你、他)、指示代词(这、那)、疑问代词(谁、什么)三类。方式:说话做事所采取的方法和形式:工作方式ㄧ批评人要注意方式。...那样怎么造句,用那样造句»