
时间:2022-11-11 12:49:10 | 来源:语文通



老师帮助了我作文 篇1我们的班主任作文 篇2我们班主任作文 篇3我们的班主任作文 篇4我们的班主任作文 篇5我们的班主任作文 篇6我得到了奖励优秀作文 篇7

老师帮助了我作文 篇1


It's the fourth grade in a twinkling of an eye. After more than three years of study and life, I have experienced the rotation of three head teachers. In my growth, there are many people who have helped me. What impressed me most is the fourth grade head teacher, Mr. Liu.


I am not introverted, just because I am the youngest in my class, timid at school, seldom raise my hand to speak in class, and I am impatient when doing homework. I rarely take the initiative to correct mistakes. Because of these characteristics, I encountered many difficulties in my study and life, especially in the second and third grades. After the fourth grade, teacher Liu, the head teacher, soon found my weakness. She talked to me and encouraged me to say, "Zhang Meng, you must exercise your courage, actively assist the teacher to do a good job in the class, lead the students to learn well, and strive to be an excellent student.". In order to exercise me, she arranged me to be a group leader. With the support and help of the teacher, I gradually overcame my timidity. I took the initiative to help the teacher collect all the homework every day. I finished the homework within half an hour after returning home. I checked carefully by myself and corrected the wrong questions on my own initiative. After two months of training, I became more and more confident in learning. In October, I signed up and was elected to the school dance team. Later, I was nominated to be a campus reporter of the Changsha Evening News.


I also have a big problem that I am too impatient to do things. My homework and exams are always not scrupulous. My mother has criticized me many times, but I can't change them. Mr. Liu helped me patiently again and again, teaching me how to get rid of my bad habits, and copying the questions first when doing Chinese and math homework. I remember one unit test, and my bad problem broke out again. The examination papers were handed out and finished quickly. They were not carefully checked and the results were not satisfactory. Teacher Liu said to me earnestly, "Zhang Meng, you could have achieved excellent results, but your careless attitude has affected your progress, you know? Good habits will benefit people all their lives, and bad habits will also hurt people all their lives!" After listening to the teacher, I was ashamed and vowed to completely change my bad habits. Since then, I have been meticulous in every homework. Now, my homework is the most neat one in the class. Good study habits have brought rewards in the mid-term exam this semester. My grades in three subjects of foreign language and mathematics are among the best in the class.


In this way, Mr. Liu always pushes me to make continuous progress. I will never forget his help to me.

我们的班主任作文 篇2


Our head teacher is the first one I met who is different from other head teachers. I don't like him at all. He is not very tall, but he is fierce, domineering, and hard to hear. Anything he doesn't say will hurt our classmates' self-esteem. I am very sad.


Today, I was criticized by our head teacher. The reason is that our school has daily English every day. I have been selected eight times. Today, he picked me up again, but I got two wrong words. I was severely scolded by our head teacher. What he said has something in it. I think no one knows how unpleasant his words are and how difficult they are to be accepted. Think about it, I feel sad, At that time, my tears had already come out. When he criticized me, many students passed by and they saw it. At that time, I wanted to tell the teacher, "I know I was wrong, but I still need to face up. I can't slander me just because I was wrong by two words. Are you too stupid?" I was angry, but I couldn't help it. He is my head teacher, This fact can never be changed


I want to know why there is such a person in the world, and why such a person can become a teacher? Just because he knew every day that he was beating students with a stick, some of them could not stand straight and could not walk on the road. Did he not have his conscience condemned when he was beating students? When the students know that they are wrong, they should not be so cruel, but why is he so heartless? I really want to know


I think, when I grow up, if I were a teacher, I would never be so cruel. I would take care of my students as I take care of my own children, because in the eyes of adults, children are always children. We have no right to beat them. Even if they make mistakes, we should carefully educate them. We should not put power first, The more rebellious children become


I hope all the teachers in the world can be lenient to the children and not be so cruel. Please try your best to influence them. Please understand the children. I think people's hearts are all fleshy and warm. Give them a smile and their flowers may open

我们班主任作文 篇3


As the saying goes, "The train runs fast, and it depends on the locomotive." The quality of a class mostly depends on the rectification and management of its head teacher. But I think the head teacher in our class is different.


His family name is Zhang. Some teachers and classmates directly call him the prefect. Teacher Zhang is already an experienced expert in management, but mainly because he is very serious, but his seriousness also has the warmth and kindness like sunshine, but he is not good at praising others. Most of him is either talking to class cadres or criticizing some students. But I quite understand that he spent most of his efforts on our students, but he worried less. He is the most responsible teacher I have ever seen.


He has principles and will not sacrifice his own principles because of the students' rhetoric. I remember very clearly once that a classmate made a mistake, but the classmate sought the forgiveness of Teacher Zhang and deliberately tried to please Teacher Zhang. However, Teacher Zhang did not waver, insisted on his own principles and publicly criticized the classmate. He can be said to be a good teacher with firm faith.


He obeyed his superiors. As a prefect, he did not abuse his power because he had rights. Instead, he managed all the affairs of the grade and did his job well. He insisted on holding a meeting for the whole grade on Tuesday afternoon to summarize all the affairs of last week. He also insisted on holding a class teacher meeting every afternoon to let each class bring a good atmosphere to the whole grade.


I sometimes wonder why teachers have different personalities and attitudes on different occasions. Teacher Zhang criticizes a classmate after class. On the same day and at the same time, he can still change from angry to happy, learn together with his classmates, and advance and retreat together. In fact, the teacher is a humorous person. When he is excited, he will make some funny moves in a certain place. And I don't agree with the teacher that he is not good at eloquence. He speaks with great interest in class. He speaks clearly in meetings. What is wrong with his eloquence?


In my mind, the only disadvantage of teachers is that they are not good at praise. But strict teachers make excellent students. I believe that all students in our class will understand Mr. Zhang's painstaking efforts as I do. Teachers are our communicators. If there is no teacher, there will be no one who can outline the wings for the future birds and paint the sky with color. I must continue to learn from teachers. One day, I will become a competent person like Teacher Zhang.

我们的班主任作文 篇4

“你被我写在青春年华……”这首歌儿时常在我心中响起。——题记 青春是首仓促的歌,我们在一起的日子不长,就三年。班牌的第一个数字由“七”到“八”最终变为“九”,意味着我们由当年的小屁孩变为现在我校的“最高者”。 记得初次踏入中学的大门,对新生活充满期待,每个人都洋溢着阳光般的笑容,初次,我们在某班相遇了。 我站在门外看了看班牌,欣喜地走进去,人已经到了一大半,位子剩留不多,面对一张张陌生的面孔,一时不知坐哪儿。看见一位女孩身边的位子空着,立即过去,她成了我的第一任同桌,也是初中的第一个好朋友。

"You were written in my youth..." This song often rings in my heart—— The youth is a hasty song. We have been together for only three years. The first number of the class card finally changed from "seven" to "eight" to "nine", which means that we have become the "highest" in our school from the little fart child in those years. I remember that when I first stepped into the middle school, I was full of expectation for the new life. Everyone was full of sunshine like smiles. For the first time, we met in a class. I stood outside the door and looked at the board. I walked in happily. More than half of the people had arrived, and there were not many seats left. Facing strange faces, I did not know where to sit for a moment. When I saw a girl's seat was empty, I went there immediately. She became my first deskmate and my first good friend in junior high school.


The first time I saw the head teacher, I was very impressed,. At that time, I just came to the new class, but the tables were not enough, which led to the lack of tables for several students from behind. So I talked to the teacher standing on the platform, the head teacher. The teacher didn't have a smile on his face, giving a stern look. I haven't seen him smile since I entered the classroom, and I feel that he can't smile. What made me angry was that the head teacher glared and said angrily, "I told you not to come earlier. If there is no table, stand here first!" I was thinking: Come early? How early is it? People always come first and then. Even if everyone comes to the table at the same time, there are still few? It's the first time we've met. Don't talk like that. So the first impression of the new head teacher was very bad. Later, the teacher asked us to move new books voluntarily. I was not idle. I followed him. Unexpectedly, I met the head teacher in the corridor. I walked aside timidly. He suddenly touched my head, patted my shoulder, pointed to the list in his hand, and asked my name. He smiled. For the first time, I was surprised. I didn't feel so worried about my future study life. Maybe I was the first one to see him smile.


We are very lucky. When we first came to our school, our school held the first large-scale sports meeting. The students on the field were enthusiastic and hard working. They won awards for 1000 meters, 800 meters, relay, tug of war, etc. We were crazy, we laughed, we took photos, and we were really happy! We met in a class with similar age and different personality, forming a "nest", a warm "nest" of our own, which opened a story of three years. I love this unfinished story, I love you lovely, I love my class!

我们的班主任作文 篇5

我们班上 一个活泼开朗、脾气暴躁的老师。老师长着一双黑珍珠般的眼睛,头发像一根根美味的黑面条,看上去好吃极了,还有那灵敏的耳朵,只要哪个同学说话,她就会用恐惧的目光看着你,你一定会被吓得魂飞魄散。

Our class is a lively, cheerful and grumpy teacher. The teacher has a pair of black pearl like eyes, hair like delicious black noodles, looks delicious, and has sensitive ears. As long as any student speaks, she will look at you with frightened eyes, and you will be scared to death.


When Mr. Wang came here for the first time, he wore very simple clothes and wore two small plaques, which was very cute. In the morning exercise, Miss Wang always looks like a naughty monkey. She plays here and there, and she is lively. Sometimes several of our classmates deduct points. Miss Wang said angrily to her classmates, "If anyone else deducts points next time, I will throw him out!" We were all so scared that we couldn't say a word. It was just her small temper. If she got angry, she would turn the classroom upside down. Every time we go out for a spring outing, Miss Wang likes to play games with us, such as "Three Characters", "Eagle Catches Chickens", and "Running Contest"... Sometimes we see Miss Wang taking pictures, and her actions are more than those of a naughty monkey. Sometimes she climbs a tree. We can't help saying that she looks like a naughty monkey!

王老师的习惯特别多,我来跟你们说说吧!有一次我们正在聚精会神地做作业,突然老师说:“啊!那架飞机要撞上我们学校了!”我们充满了好奇心一看,原来老师要看我们 意志力,后面王老师又说:“周蕴潇的脚上有一要蟒蛇!”我们理都没理睬王老师,王老师看见我们这样专心,开心地笑了,有时王老师像一个幽默大师,逗得我们哈哈大笑。不要说了,王老师优点和缺点我们大家都知道,我先说:“优点吧!”

Mr. Wang has a lot of habits. Let me tell you something! Once we were concentrating on our homework when the teacher said, "Ah! That plane is going to hit our school!", It made us laugh. Don't say it. We all know Mr. Wang's advantages and disadvantages. Let me first say: "Advantages!"


Teacher Wang is so kind in class every time, and is very good to the students! Sometimes he said to the students, "Our class is the best!" We listened to this sentence with hope. Let me talk about the shortcomings again! Every time, Old Wang gets angry too much, but we are very worried


Miss Wang's body, I want to say to Miss Wang: "Miss Wang must not hurt his body next time, OK?" I have such a good teacher, so I know how to live this life. It also makes me proud.

我们的班主任作文 篇6


A pair of black hair, a pair of small ears, in two like crescent eyebrows set out a pair of bright eyes. In particular, its skin is very white, just like makeup, without any defects, even whiter than makeup. Who is she? She is our head teacher, Miss Zheng.


She loves to laugh so much that she can hardly do anything without laughing. As a result, I think her laughing point must be very low, as long as a small joke can amuse her. Her smile is also very magical. As long as she smiles, other people will also be "infected" by her. She always laughs at her nickname. For example, Cai Tianhao, whose surname is Cai, calls him "Himalayan Cabbage" when she is happy. Then, the classroom immediately sent out bursts of laughter, and everyone laughed until their stomachs ached.


However, if you think she is a happy teacher all day long, you are wrong. Because, under her bright smile all day long, she hid a knife in her smile - if you have seen her fierce classmates, you can see the scene of volcanic eruption. One time, a classmate was making small movements. At this time, Mr. Zheng began to talk to him with his eyes. But he remained unmoved. At this time, my heart jumped and thought, "The next student must be miserable!" Mr. Zheng put down his book and walked to him with a smile. At that moment, the classroom was so quiet that you could hear a needle fall to the ground, and the air seemed to freeze. Although she smiled, there was always a sinister feeling that something was hidden in her smile. I felt that something was wrong. Suddenly, Mr. Zheng, who was still smiling just now, has changed into another person with angry eyes. She is furious and furious. Because the anger came too suddenly, the students were frightened, and I scared the pen away. Her words bombarded the classmate like a barrage, as if she had changed from "angel" to "devil". The classmate was taken aback by the sudden criticism. His eyes flashed with fear, his face was pale and pale, and his body was also sweating. But just as she was getting angry, someone outside the door suddenly shouted, "Report!" At this moment, Mr. Zheng, who was still angry for a second, changed his face immediately and said to him like a family member, "Dear, please come in!" At this time, the nervous and frightened students couldn't help laughing. Even the student who dared not be criticized secretly laughed. Then, at the moment when she finished saying that sentence, she saw us laughing and became angry again. She pointed the gun at us. There is no way, we have to suffer waves of "attacks" by Mr. Zheng.


This is our head teacher, Miss Zheng, a humorous, quick changing and great person. I really admire her!

我得到了奖励优秀作文 篇7


The rain kept falling, announcing the end of the monthly exam. The wind kept blowing, revealing the bad of today.


I stood in front of the steps at the door of the classroom, watching the rain interlaced and the wind raging. Suddenly, a cool wind came and attacked me with rain, hitting me on the head, feet and legs... The wind ran away, leaving a hint of dark irony when running away.


I can't help recalling yesterday


Ah! This sunshine, this weather, is a good start! On the way to study, I thought to myself. Yes, it was a "good day"


In the twinkling of an eye, when the big break came, teacher Zhai, the head teacher, walked in hurriedly: "Well, everyone, stop for a moment, and I will announce the list of students who have achieved excellent results in the monthly examination and those who have made great progress. Later, I will give awards to these students and take pictures, and send them to the parents." "Well, praise? Will there be me?" I thought in my heart.


"The students with excellent total scores this time are......" "The students with excellent single subject scores in Chinese are......" "The students with great achievements are......"...... One name, one award. Looking at the circle of people around me, almost everyone got the award. Look at me again, sitting in the middle, staring blankly. I feel envious and jealous. (Original contribution)


Alas! It's really a good day, but it doesn't belong to me. On the contrary, sitting in the middle of many people who have been rewarded, I seem a little abrupt. There is also a hint of irony.


The light rain brought me back to reality. I stared out of the window blankly... Although it was small, it could still rain. The potholes on the road had already been filled with the light rain—— Although the rain is small, it is continuous. Water drops can pierce the stone, and a rope saw can break the wood. If I can persist in my efforts, I can also stand on the high podium in the next exam and show my proud posture to my parents.


I don't have a prize, but I have encouragement. I think this is the most important.


After the rain, the sky is indistinct and colorful. Today is a good day. It's time for me to set sail