
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:45 | 来源:语文通



初中托物言志作文600字向日葵<一> 篇1初中托物言志作文600字向日葵<三> 篇2

初中托物言志作文600字向日葵<一> 篇1

世上的花,有千种万种,五彩缤纷,让人看得眼花缭乱,别人都喜欢百合、玫瑰,但我喜欢的花却是向日葵。不过,向日葵也有它的美。向日葵,它明朗,它鲜艳,它美丽,它热情,它饱满,它倔强,它顽强。在这些里面都可以发现它的美。   有些人觉得向日葵很平凡,很普通。但往往它的美就藏在它那普通而平凡中。向阳而开的花,开起来就像阳光般灿烂,颜色里已经充满阳光的味道。于是天阴下雨都不再重要,不抬头,也知道,你在照耀。   从小我就看见过向日葵,向日葵的叶片是绿色的,再看看它那像眼睛似得瓜子,真像一颗颗黑色的珍珠,蜜蜂在天空中自由的飞来飞去,好像在和向日葵打招呼,它们真热情呀!有的瓜子全长出来了,圆盘低下了头,好像羞涩的抬不起头来,一排排向日葵像一个个小巨人一样在太阳下护着小草,向日葵也叫葵花,因为向日葵的圆盘总是向着太阳去的,向日葵就像太阳的弟弟天天绕着太阳转,因而得了个“向日葵”的美名。并且它也有个别名叫“太阳花”。   向日葵就像是母亲,太阳就像是孩子,母亲永远都是以孩子为中心来定义,一旦母亲失去了那个中心,就是失去了旋转的目的和方向。所以我们要努力来做好那个中心,让母亲不在失望,不再迷失方向。对于向日葵为什么会朝着太阳转的问题,我找到了一个有依据的答案。向日葵跟着太阳转的现象证明了植物的向光性。大多数植物都有向光性生长的特点。向光性能使植物的茎、叶处于最适宜利用光能的位置,这有得于植物接受充足的阳光,从而更好地进行光合作用。   这些向日葵都共同迎着每一天的日出!其实向日葵虽小,但里面却隐藏着对太阳浓浓的爱。

There are tens of thousands of flowers in the world, colorful, and dazzling people. Others like lily and roses, but the flowers I like are sunflowers. However, sunflowers also have its beauty. Sunflower, it is clear, it is bright, it is beautiful, it is enthusiastic, it is full, it is stubborn, and it is tenacious. It can be found in these beauty. Some people think that sunflowers are ordinary and ordinary. But often its beauty is hidden in its ordinary and ordinary. The flowers blooming from the sun are as bright as the sun, and the color is already full of sunlight. So the rain was no longer important, and I didn't look up. I also knew that you were shining. I have seen sunflowers since I was a child. The leaves of sunflowers are green. Then look at its eyes like the eyes, really like black pearls. The bees flew around freely in the sky, as if to say hello to the sunflower. They are so enthusiastic! Some melon seeds came out, and the disk lowered her head, as if shyly could not raise their heads. Rows of sunflowers were protecting small grass in the sun like little giants. Always going towards the sun, sunflowers are like the sun's younger brother around the sun every day, so they get a name of "sunflower". And it also has a individual named "Sun Flower". Sunflower is like a mother, the sun is like a child, and the mother will always define the child as the center. Once the mother loses the center, it is the purpose and direction of rotation. So we have to work hard to do that center so that the mother is not disappointed and no longer disappear. I found a basis for the question of why sunflowers turned towards the sun. Sunflower follows the sun to prove the light of the plant. Most plants have the characteristics of light growth. The optical performance enables the stems and leaves of the plant to be in the position where the light energy is most suitable. These sunflowers are facing the sunrise every day! In fact, although sunflowers are small, there is a strong love for the sun.

初中托物言志作文600字向日葵<三> 篇2

花是美好的象征,有谁不爱呢?有人喜欢娇艳动人的牡丹,有人喜欢清香扑鼻的茉莉,有人喜欢带刺的玫瑰,有人喜欢纯洁的百合。而我则喜欢平凡的向日葵。   记得第一次见向日葵是去年刚来到这里的时候,在食堂前面的空地上种的。那时候不知道他能开花、结果。可是后来,慢慢的发现,它渐渐的发芽了,长高了,叶子也一片片得多了起来,一阵风吹过,它舒展的叶子像极了西游记里边铁扇公主的芭蕉扇。而且他的头顶上隐约的出现了一个花骨朵,一个小小的,绿色的花盘。随着时间的推移,花盘一天天的长大了。   在花盘的周围有许多纵横交错的“黑线”,把这个大大的圆盘分成了好多个的格子,在仔细一看,每一个格子里边都藏着一粒瓜子,像可爱的小娃娃在睡午觉。在花盘的周围围着一圈金黄色的花瓣,就像是太阳在放射着光芒。   时间过的真快啊,转眼间向日葵又到了丰收的时候了,还记得去年的时候,每到吃完晚饭的时候,我们就坐在向日葵下,摘下一个向日葵,边讨论着今天感兴趣的话题,边品尝着向日葵瓜子的香气。我喜欢把向日葵的叶子,当伞一样的带在头上。我喜欢一边走,一边吃瓜子的感觉。我喜欢这里。喜欢这里的一草一木。   早晨,葵花张开笑脸,第一个迎接太阳。中午,葵花总是扬起它金色的脸庞来仰视着太阳。晚上,葵花又恋恋不舍的和太阳告别。   他不像牡丹那样的高贵,不像玫瑰那么的娇媚,不像百合那么的纯洁,但是他很是特别,只要有太阳的地方,它的脸永远是朝着太阳的那个方向。不管风吹雨打,不管受到多大的打击,只要有阳光,他就立刻昂起了头。   向日葵你永远向着光明,而且坚持不懈的追求光明,我为你骄傲。

Flowers are a symbol of beautiful, who doesn't love? Some people like the beautiful peony, some people like the fragrant jasmine, some people like the stabbing roses, and some people like the pure lily. And I like ordinary sunflowers. I remember that the sunflower was planted on the open space in front of the cafeteria when I first arrived here last year. At that time, he didn't know that he could bloom and bear results. But later, slowly discovered that it gradually germinated, growing taller, and the leaves were much more, and a gust of wind blew up. Its stretched leaves were like the banana fan of the iron fan in the Journey to the West. Moreover, a small, small, green flower plate appeared faintly on his head. Over time, it took a day to grow up. There are many "black lines" around the flower plate, and this large disc was divided into many grids. Take a closer look. There is a grain of seeds hidden in each grid. Noon. A circle of golden petals around the flower plate is like the sun is radiating light. The time is so fast. In a blink of an eye, the sunflower is reaching the bumper harvest. Remember last year, every time I finished dinner, we sat under the sunflower, took off a sunflower, and discussed the topic of interest today. , Taste the aroma of sunflower melon seeds. I like to bring the sunflower's leaves like an umbrella. I like to walk while eating melon seeds. I like here. Like the grass and trees here. In the morning, the sunflower opened a smile, and the first to welcome the sun. At noon, sunflower always raised its golden face to look up at the sun. In the evening, sunflower was reluctant to say goodbye to the sun again. He is not as noble as peony, not as charming as roses, not as pure as lily, but he is very special. As long as there is a sun, its face is always in the direction of the sun. No matter the wind and rain, no matter how much hit, as long as there is the sun, he immediately raised his head. Sunflower, you will always be on the light, and pursue the light persistently, I am proud of you.