
时间:2022-08-31 13:23:39 | 来源:语文通



Dear mother:




A sudden epidemic this year has made you work in a busy work. I know you are fighting the "epidemic" in the community at this time."Rebel" ...


This epidemic changed our Spring Festival habits, and also made this winter vacation extremely long and boring.If there is no such epidemic, how good it would be, let me think about it, maybe I, and my dad and my younger brother walking around the Spring Festival; maybe our family strolled in the park to enjoy the beauty of nature; it may also be in it may also be inShopping in supermarkets like shuttle, feeling the lively atmosphere.But everything has changed. I can only stay at home with my dad, and you have to work hard day and night to charge at the front line of the community epidemic prevention.I really hate these abominable viruses. I took away a good time that belonged to you and me, and took your rest time.


I have been in the fourth grade and I know a lot.When this epidemic came, you didn't have time to take care of me at all.From the beginning of the new year, you have rushed to the community early in the morning and started intense work. Since then, the work of epidemic prevention and epidemic has occupied your entire body and mind.For more than a month, you get up as soon as you lighten up every day. After having a hurry, you can go to the community to work on breakfast.quantity survey job.You go out early and return every day, and put your mind in the safety of the residents of the community.Although you don't have time to listen to me and have no time to make me delicious, I am not angry at all, but let me admire you in particular. You leave me for a busy and tired figure.


In fact, I was ashamed. When I started working overtime, I still didn't understand you. I always asked my father: "Why don't your mother go home and come to accompany me early after the New Year!" Dad told me that you are a community cadreIt is also a Communist Party member who has to come forward at such a crisis.Checking patients and preventing virus from spreading is your inconspicuous responsibility!From that moment, I also understand that you are your duties as community cadres, and your image in my heart has become extremely high.But mom, I really worry about you!You investigate the epidemic every day, go to the streets to promote the prevention and control knowledge, and report the situation of community personnel in the office, and work like this every day.I forget it, you have n’t rest for more than a month, can you still support such a high -intensity job such a high -intensity work?I'm so worried that your body will be exhausted and I'm afraid that you will be infected by the virus. You must protect your body and protect it!





Healthy body


Winning the anti -epidemic war early


Love your son: Li Luoyu


March 8, 2020