
时间:2022-10-12 12:54:18 | 来源:语文通



中秋节的作文700字优秀作文 篇1中秋节的作文400字优秀作文 篇2中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇3中秋节作文200字优秀作文 篇4中秋节的作文600字优秀作文 篇5中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇6中秋节的作文600字优秀作文 篇7中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇8中秋节作文200字优秀作文 篇9

中秋节的作文700字优秀作文 篇1


Li Meiyang


"A full round of equal share of the autumn scenery, accompanied by the clouds and Qus for thousands of miles". It's the Mid Autumn Festival again.


Our whole family ate mooncakes on the bench, while eating mooncakes, I said at the same time, when I thought of saying: "Otherwise, let's make dumplings! If anyone knows that mooncakes with prizes will be rewarded." Mom and Dad (she) rolled the skin and kneaded the dumplings by themselves. I saw a note in one of the dumplings. As long as there was a note, there would be a prize. I stared at the dumplings, and soon they were ready. When they were put into the pot, I couldn't find them. Alas, it was really bad. After they were cooked, everyone had some dumplings. I was eager to have a prize in my bowl. But in the end, I got nothing.


I quickly ran to other people to see if they were there? Suddenly, when the young lady was eating, she felt that there was something in her mouth that could not move. Unexpectedly, the little sister jumped three feet high when she saw the note. But her mother said that the prize was also to do housework. One day after listening to it, the little sister suddenly lost her heart. Isn't it a good prize? How did you become a worker? This is not a prize. It's worse than nothing. I want to laugh when I see the poor look of Miss,


Little sister, we went to do the dishes after dinner, while we were lying on the bed to rest. After he finished washing the dishes, his mother told him to wash his clothes, mop his shoes and sweep the floor again. In this way, he finished this work and sat in a hurry. After a while, an hour later, he finally finished all the work. He was so tired that he was sweating heavily. She just wanted to lie on the bed blowing fans, drinking drinks and watching her so tired, So hard, I beat her back.


Suddenly, I looked up and saw the moon. I quickly called the whole family up. Wow, the moon is so round. I suddenly remembered the poem written by Li Bai: "There is a bright moon in front of my bed. I suspect it is frost on the ground. I look up at the moon and look down at my hometown." The moon is so beautiful. I am deeply immersed in the realm of the moon.


The Mid Autumn Festival is a day for families to get together. If there is one person missing, the Mid Autumn Festival will be meaningless. The Mid Autumn Festival should be a time for the whole family to get together, be happy, and be happy. Don't live a plain life. It is too simple. The Mid Autumn Festival requires the whole family to eat moon cakes and watch the moon together. Have you done it together?

中秋节的作文400字优秀作文 篇2


Li Miaohan


The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming, which is really exciting!


I love the Mid Autumn Festival because it has beautiful and moving love stories. One of them is like this: a long time ago, 10 suns suddenly appeared in the sky. The hot sun evaporated the water, the land dried up, and the seedlings died. People had a very painful time. There was a man named Hou Yi. Seeing that the people were living in poverty, he couldn't bear it. He climbed to the top of the Kunlun Mountain, shot nine suns at once, and ordered the last sun to rise and set on time to benefit the people. Therefore, Hou Yi was loved by the people.


Later, he married a beautiful woman named Chang'e. They lived a happy life. All of them worshipped Hou Yi as their teacher. A man named Feng Meng was also involved in the marriage because of his evil intentions. His goal is not to learn good martial arts. It is the elixir that the descendants want to get from the Queen Mother of the West. One day, everyone went out hunting. Every Mongolian pretended to be ill and stayed at home. He quietly took a knife and walked to Chang'e's boudoir. Then he broke into the door. The maids were so scared that they couldn't speak. Every Mongolian forced Chang'e to hand over the elixir. Seeing that something was wrong, Chang'e took the elixir and flew to the sky. Because she missed her husband, she flew to the nearest moon. When the descendants heard about this, they were so sad that they could not catch up with the moon. Finally, they had to come to the back garden to put incense tablets and fruit on it, praying for good luck and peace. Therefore, the custom of worshipping the moon came into being.


What other stories do you know about the Mid Autumn Festival? Tell me quickly!

中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇3


Pay Li Sheng


A burst of sweet scented osmanthus wind blew the breath of the Mid Autumn Festival home, and the fragrance of the flowers had a strong smell of family reunion.


Being with my family is my most brilliant theme, and my Mid Autumn Festival has developed around this theme.


I saw a variety of moon cakes with exquisite patterns. Each moon cake has a wavy border like a blossoming flower. I took the round moon cake with quick eyes and quick hands, and suddenly my palm was oily. I smelled it, and the smell of moon cakes came to my nostrils. It was really a "wonderful" smell! In the mouth of the moon cake, the sticky thin soft taste quietly bloomed in my mouth.


At night, we enjoyed the beautiful moon while eating moon cakes with our family. I looked at it and thought, the moon is really like a moon cake, and the moon cake is also really like the moon! Can't help asking her mother: "Is there really Chang E on the moon?" Mother smiled and said, "Guess...".


In this festival, you can not only eat delicious food but also enjoy the bright moon. I really hope that the old man of time will stop and let our family stay together forever under the beautiful moonlight.

中秋节作文200字优秀作文 篇4


Eat mooncakes! Today is the annual Mid Autumn Festival. I am very happy because I can not only get together with my family, but also watch the big and round moon.


Mom finished the housework, we went to Grandma's house. As soon as we got to the door, we smelled delicious food. It was Grandma who was making my favorite crab! After dinner, grandpa took out a big table from home, and my brother and I helped grandpa get a chair. Grandpa also put a plate of moon cakes on the table. The moon cakes are as round as the moon today, symbolizing happy reunion.


Grandpa's mooncakes have many flavors, including red bean flavor, egg yolk flavor, and peach flavor... I like egg yolk flavor most. Our family are very happy to talk and laugh.


I like the big and round moon, and I prefer the traditional Mid Autumn Festival.

中秋节的作文600字优秀作文 篇5


Li Yaxuan


"When will the moon come? Ask the sky about the wine." Whenever I think of this poem, I think of the distant moon.


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival this year, a bright moon rose into the sky like a mirror or a plate. It was bright and quiet, making people feel open-minded. The moon seems to be an artist, drawing stars as its foil; It's really leisurely to blow out clouds as its dolls! The moon is really beautiful. It is reflected on the lake and looks at itself carefully, as if it will never be enough to see. A gust of wind blows, and the lake suddenly overflows with waves, and the reflected moon dances with it


On the Mid Autumn Festival, people eat moon cakes and enjoy the moon. That day, I followed my mother to Grandma's house. At noon, Grandma cooked a delicious meal and had a bite of it. It was warm. That smell! That feeling! It really stays in my heart. We all gathered around for dinner. I know that the Mid Autumn Festival is reunion!


At night, when I picked up the moon cake in my hand, I could not help thinking of Pianpian: the brown and yellow color of the moon cake symbolizes the color of history; The shape of the moon cake is round, representing the whole family; The fillings of moon cakes have different tastes, symbolizing the ups and downs of the world... I took a bite of the five kernel fillings of moon cakes, wow! The sweetness of sesame, the silkiness of crystal sugar, the sourness of raisins, the milky smell of walnuts, and the crispness of peanuts are immediately available in my mouth, which can not fade away for a long time. I savor it carefully, and the taste of moon cakes is everywhere in my mouth


The Mid Autumn Festival falls on August 15 of the lunar calendar every year. On this day, people will visit relatives and greet each other to express their good wishes and blessings! But how did the name Mid Autumn Festival come from? This is going back to ancient times. In the Chinese lunar calendar, a year is divided into four seasons, and each season is divided into three parts: Meng, Zhong and Ji. The Mid Autumn Festival is in the Zhong part, so the name of the Mid Autumn Festival came into being.


What is the Mid Autumn Festival? The Mid Autumn Festival is a symbol of reunion; Is the representative of beauty; It is also the yearning of kinship between people!

中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇6


Xu Xinyi


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I watched the moon with my family.


Do you know the origin of the Mid Autumn Festival? On the 15th day of August, in the "autumnal equinox" of the 24 solar terms, it is the ancient "Moon Festival". The Mid Autumn Festival is derived from the traditional "Moon Festival". In traditional culture, it has become the object of worship of ancestors. The celebration of the Mid Autumn Festival originates from the ancient people's sacrifice to the moon, which is the legacy and derivative of the Chinese people's custom of sacrificing to the moon. On that day, people will worship and admire the moon, eat moon cakes, play with lanterns and enjoy osmanthus.


My grandparents and I sat under the silvery moonlight, ate sweet moon cakes, and looked at the bright moon. I took a closer look at it. It seems that the silver moon has some dark shadows. Is that Chang'e? Is that lovely rabbit in my arms! Who is she waiting for on the moon? The more I looked, the more I was dazed. Someone said in his ear, "What are you thinking about? You don't want to go to the moon, do you? I'll pick you up and throw you out."


My grandparents and I enjoyed the moon while eating moon cakes. We were very happy.


I wish everyone a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

中秋节的作文600字优秀作文 篇7


Li Yalin


"The dew is white tonight, and the moon is bright in my hometown." The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and it is also a time for family reunion. Our whole family got together and enjoyed themselves, full of laughter and laughter.


It was nearly 7:30 after supper. My brother brought all kinds of moon cakes, including five kernels, bean paste, salted egg yolk, purple potatoes and fruits. I like five kernel stuffing best. Mother said, "The moon cake is a small moon that the mother in law of the moon gave to every family." I picked up one and couldn't wait to taste it. My family sat in the yard eating mooncakes and watching the moon.


The stars in the distance winked quietly, looking forward to tonight's performance. After a while, the moon quietly rose into the sky. The round moon looked like a big jade plate, which made the courtyard bright. We are tasting moon cakes with our family. On the one hand, we are laughing and laughing. On the other hand, we are enjoying the full moon like a jade plate. Is there anything happier and more satisfying? "Look up at the bright moon and bow your head to think about your hometown." I can't help thinking of those soldiers guarding the border. What are they doing now? How can they not miss their relatives?


Suddenly a fire appeared in the distant sky, and gradually became clear. The fire flew closer and closer. Finally, it was clearly seen as a Kongming lantern. The paper walls around Kongming Deng are painted with characters of blessing. It represents that people are full of expectations for future life. Gradually, more and more Kongming Lanterns appeared in the sky. These Kongming Lanterns carrying people's good wishes flew far away. Although these Kongming Lanterns are not as bright as the stars in the sky, they light up the sky with people's good wishes. May our motherland be more prosperous and stronger, and our people be more healthy.


I looked at the sky with fascination. The moon was like a mooncake, so fragrant and attractive. I wish I could fly to the sky right away, pick it off and bite it.


I stared at the sky blankly. A gust of wind changed my mind. The moon went home, and I watched the moon silently. The mind has caused countless

中秋节作文300字优秀作文 篇8


Happy Mid Autumn Festival


Zhou Jitao


As one of the four traditional festivals in China, the Mid Autumn Festival has a long history. Since ancient times, the Mid Autumn Festival has been a festival that Chinese people attach great importance to. Every time the Mid Autumn Festival comes, every family will celebrate it through some activities.


The day before the Mid Autumn Festival, after Mom and Dad finished working on the towels, we drove home with a car full of blessings. This year is different from previous years. Our first stop is to go to my grandparents' home to have dinner, get together and watch a table full of delicious food. As a foodie, I am happy. After dinner, we set out for Grandma's house.


When I got to Grandma's house, I saw that my cousins and aunts had arrived. I thought, hey, yes, it will be a lively Mid Autumn Festival! At noon on the Mid Autumn Festival, Grandma invited a lot of relatives to get together. Everyone raised their glasses to give their blessings while our children were playing outside. It was really lively!


In the evening, there is another highlight of the Mid Autumn Festival, that is, appreciating the moon. We chat and eat moon cakes under the bright moonlight, and the beautiful Mid Autumn Festival is spent like this!

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The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the children are reunited with their families. In the evening, my brother and I looked for the moon in Grandma's yard.


Under the moon, we sang two poems to send blessings to everyone. The first song is "The Mid Autumn Festival and Mid Autumn Festival send blessings. Chang'e rabbit comes to dance. The moon is round and the moon cake is big The second poem is the children's gesture dance on the Mid Autumn Festival. We were very happy singing and dancing.


The moon is big and round tonight. Grandma said that there was a big osmanthus tree on the moon, and under the tree was the beautiful Chang'e sister and her little white rabbit. My brother and I watched for a long time and felt that there were really many shadows on the moon.


Back home, grandma, mother, brother and I shared a mooncake. There is egg yolk in the middle of the moon cake and a beautiful pattern on the outside. Fragrant, sweet, delicious!


This is really a happy evening! I'm really looking forward to the Mid Autumn Festival next year!