
时间:2022-10-24 12:52:00 | 来源:语文通



关于重阳节的作文 篇1重阳节的作文 篇2关于重阳节的作文 篇3重阳节的作文 篇4关于重阳节的作文 篇5写重阳节的作文 篇6重阳节的作文 篇7

关于重阳节的作文 篇1


The Double Ninth Festival is coming. Today Sunday, the teacher assigned us two tasks:


First, learn to make Chongyang Cake;


Second, take this as the material to write a composition.


This first task is the first time for our family to take a sedan chair.


What shall I do? After discussion, the whole family decided that they should not be afraid of difficulties, have the courage to explore, and have the courage to learn what we do not know.


I went to my mother's office and found out on the Internet how to make Chongyang Cake: mix 1.5kg glutinous rice flour and 1kg japonica rice flour into flour, add 0.5kg white granulated sugar and 0.75kg white granulated sugar, knead repeatedly, let it stand for 2 hours, steam it for 15-20 minutes, and sprinkle with color paste, sesame, red and green silk.


Early this morning, my grandmother and I went to the food market to buy cake ingredients. The grandpa who bought the cake said, "I have 15 years of experience in making cakes. Every year, I wholesale a large number of Chongyang cakes. I'll teach you how to make them.". As soon as we heard this, we immediately learned from Grandpa. Grandpa weighed half a jin of glutinous rice flour, half a jin of japonica rice flour, two red and green silk, and told us: "Put these phase powders in a basin, add white sugar according to the taste, put 160 ml of cold water in the spray, rub while spraying, and immediately put them into the cage for steaming after rubbing.


When we got home, we stuck the bottle caps full of holes and used them as spray. Then we filled the bottles with water as required and rubbed them while spraying. After rubbing, it is found that the phase powder is very loose. Can it be steamed into cakes? I discussed with Grandma: try steaming half first, if not, add water to the other half and leave it for two hours before steaming.


We took an enamel plate, smeared oil on the bottom of the plate, put the kneaded cake on the plate, sprinkled red and green silk on it, and steamed it for 30 minutes.


Since it is the first time to steam, we often observe the changes of Chongyang Cake. Only saw smoke curling from the transparent steamer; In the red rimmed plate in the steamer, the white Chongyang Cake is decorated with red and green, which is very beautiful. I immediately took this beautiful picture with my camera.


After the Double Ninth Cake was steamed, we took the plate out of the pot with a feeling of uneasiness and clamped it with chopsticks. Take a piece in your mouth, ha ha! It is sticky with sand and sweet with fragrance. It tastes very good. It is better than the Chongyang Cake you bought!


Through the activity of learning to make Double Ninth Cake today, I deeply understand the truth that "nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to climb", and I will continue to learn more things without fear of suffering in the future.

重阳节的作文 篇2


On September 9 of the lunar calendar, more than 100 young journalists from Liaocheng Evening News spent a happy Double Ninth Festival with the elderly in Dongchangfu District Love Welfare Home.


At 1:30 p.m., our little reporter took a bus from the Canal Museum to the Charity Welfare Home. When we got to the welfare home, we said loudly, "Hi, Grandpa and Grandma!" The old people also greeted us, and the yard was immediately filled with laughter.


An uncle showed us around. There were air conditioners, televisions, sofas and other living items in Grandpa's room. The old man lived a very comfortable and happy life. We also visited the activity room and library. Then some small reporters performed Taijiquan, some crosstalk, some cucurbit flute, some songs, and some small reporters sent small gifts to the old man. Grandparents applauded as they watched the performance, and some couldn't help laughing loudly.


After the activity, we reluctantly left our grandparents. I am very happy today, because our arrival has brought happiness to my grandparents. I sincerely wish the elderly all over the world good health, happiness and happiness.

关于重阳节的作文 篇3


"On the ninth day, we heard of yellow flower wine at the summit." This poem tells us that we should respect and love our elders. The Double Ninth Festival is an important festival in China, but it is also my grandmother's birthday.


Our family went to Grandma's home early in the morning. Grandma was very happy today. Everyone gathered together. She sat on the chair and seemed to be waiting for us to massage her. I went to Grandma to massage her. Grandma not only praised me, but also rewarded me with a piece of meat. Ha ha, she was very happy. Next, Grandpa saw me massaging Grandma. He was so envious that he let Grandma rest. Now it's his turn. Ha ha, I said, Grandpa, don't worry. Today is also your holiday. I will help you press it. Grandpa immediately lies down and exposes his back. I think it should be to let me beat his back. I took out my sharp hands and beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat beat. Later, I took my grandparents for a walk in the downstairs community. My grandpa and his friends were playing Tai Chi there, and said do you want to come here to try? I ran far away at once. I was afraid Grandpa would kick me away if he wasn't careful!


I still took Grandma's hand and walked around the neighborhood. The beauty of Grandma's neighborhood was pretty good. I smelled the sweet osmanthus and came here from the shop feeling happy. I also saw many old people sitting in the flower beds chatting.


After strolling for a while, we went to the hotel to have dinner and help Grandma and Grandpa celebrate the Double Ninth Festival. The big screen at the door of the hotel was playing the blessing words of the Double Ninth Festival. Grandma led us into a box filled with delicious food. I couldn't help but drooling. But the teacher taught us that elders should use chopsticks before serving the table, so that children can move. Grandma and their chopsticks moved, and we started immediately. Ha ha, soon the waiters and aunts came in, Pushing a big cake, singing a birthday song, wishing Grandma a happy birthday. At the same time, we all sang a birthday song for Grandma. Grandma said today that she said that my birthday was only once a year, but every time was the happiest. So many people helped her celebrate. This sentence moved many relatives and friends. Although I was young and didn't understand it, I was also happy, Because I can see that the elders had feelings. Grandma saw us laughing so happily. She took some dolls out of her bag and gave them to us. We are so happy.


When I got home, my mother told me that my grandfather had given us a big red envelope. I really don't know whether today is my birthday or grandma's birthday. Why am I happier than grandma? Grandma: Happy birthday! Happy holidays! good health! I also wish all the elderly a happy holiday!

重阳节的作文 篇4


Today is September 9, the traditional Double Ninth Festival. I heard my mother say that Double Ninth represents a long life, health and longevity, so the Double Ninth Festival is also called the "Old Man's Day". The Double Ninth Festival is a festival for the elderly to respect, respect, love and help the elderly.


After breakfast, my mother and I went to the supermarket to buy a lot of Grandma's favorite food, and then we went back to Grandma's home to spend the holiday with Grandma. When I got to Grandma's house, she was very happy. Looking at the grandmother in front of me, when I smiled, the wrinkles on my face were deeper, the white hair was more, and I was much older. With the old problem of protruding lumbar disc and bone spur, it was very difficult to walk.


I went to Grandma, helped her sit on the sofa, squatted behind her, and gently beat her back with my fists in my hands. I beat and said, "Grandma, you must exercise more if you have nothing to do, so you will be healthier!" I beat for a while and asked Grandma, "Are you comfortable?" Grandma nodded happily.


My grandma is a person with a sharp tongue and a deep heart. Although she nags me constantly, she loves me very much. Grandma is also a very diligent and clean person. Every time I go back to Grandma's house, the house is spotless. Grandma also cooks my favorite "dumplings" and buys snacks for me. I will be more filial to her when I grow up.

关于重阳节的作文 篇5


In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a young man named Huan Jing in Runan County. He had both parents, wife and children. Although life is not good, we can live with half food and half vegetables. But unfortunately something happened. There was a plague on both banks of the Ru River, and every family fell ill. No one buried their bodies everywhere. This year, Huan Jing's parents also died of illness.


When Huan Jing was young, he heard adults say, "There is a plague devil living in the Ru River. He goes out to the world every year. He takes the plague wherever he goes. Huan Jing is determined to visit teachers to learn skills from friends, fight against the plague devil, and eliminate evils for the people. It is said that there is a big immortal named Fei Changfang living in the southeast mountain. He packed his bags and set out to learn martial arts in the mountain.


Fei Changfang gives Huan Jing a green dragon sword to subdue demons. Huan Jing gets up early and goes to bed late. He practices day and night. It was another year in the twinkling of an eye. Huan Jing was practising sword that day. Fei Changfang came up to him and said, "On September 9 this year, the plague devil of the Ru River will come out again. You should hurry back to your hometown to eliminate harm for the people. I will give you a bag of cornel leaves and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine, so that your hometown elders can climb high to avoid disaster." After saying that, the fairy pointed with his hand, and a crane flew over and landed in front of Huanjing. Huanjing leaped onto the crane and flew to Runan. Huan Jing returns to his hometown and gathers villagers. Tell us what the immortal said. On September 9, he led his wife, children and villagers to a nearby mountain. Divide a piece of cornel leaf for each person, and say that if you take it with you like this, the plague devil dare not get close to you. Then he poured out the chrysanthemum wine, and everyone took a peck, saying that he would not catch the plague after drinking the chrysanthemum wine. After arranging the villagers, he took his demon subduing green dragon sword home and sat alone in the house, waiting for the plague devil to fight to subdue the demon.


Not long after, I heard the roaring of the Ru River and the strange wind swirling. The plague devil came out of the water and came ashore. He passed through the village. He walked through thousands of households without seeing a single person. Suddenly, he looked up and saw people gathering on the high mountain. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he felt the smell of wine was pungent, and the dogwood rushed to his lungs. He dared not climb near the mountain, so he walked back to the village. A man was sitting in the room. He rushed forward with a roar. When Huanjing saw the plague demon coming, he quickly waved his sword to meet him. After several rounds of fighting, the plague devil could not fight him and ran away. Huan Jing threw the demon subduing green dragon sword with a loud whoosh, and saw the sword flashing cold light chasing after the plague devil, stabbing him to the ground through his heart and lungs.

写重阳节的作文 篇6


The Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Old People's Day, should take praying for the elderly as an important part. However, we rarely see such things here, which may be taboo. In old age, one's mind is no longer as bright as that of the prime of life, and the time when one thinks most is the deadline. The more I think about it, the more I fear it, and the more I can't stand any stimulation. Don't say it is a blessing of longevity, just turn the calendar will be silent for a long time. For example, my grandmother's life is 70 years old and her eyes are not very good. The disastrous years in our area, where the life expectancy is a multiple of nine, are regarded as ominous. For example, at the age of 298, 8972 and so on. From time to time, I heard Grandma sighing. When giving us New Year's money on holidays, it always begins with "It's too late to give it now...". I looked at the setting sun. The setting sun gave my eyes a tingle. Many old people have such a mindset that they are as stubborn as a cow. It really doesn't mean much to them that they don't have a double Ninth Festival.


It is gradually found that the present festival is more like a memorial for forgetting, forgetting the old and the past. The true spirit and connotation of the festival are fading away as we deepen the ceremony with food and the noise of gongs and drums all day long. If we wake up one day, the Double Ninth Festival will disappear, as if it had never appeared before. I wonder whether we will be surprised, lonely or indifferent.


Perhaps the best outcome of a festival is this: the last old man who remembers this day lies on a rocking chair, his eyes gradually close as the sun sets. This is like the demise of a civilization. Don't expect to live together with heaven and earth. It's just a dream in water. When the society is no longer needed and there is no reason for it to exist, it is more important to have a perfect end than how it starts.


Of course, it may also be derived from this festival and given a new mission and new meaning, both inheritance and innovation. I also agree with this view more than the view of complete extinction. After all, only a few people go to extremes. The probability of completely maintaining China's peace without being assimilated is almost zero. It is more appropriate to integrate, weakening specific concepts, and refining the spiritual core.


So I came up with a question about national harmony. Earlier, I had a vague idea of him. Later, the brick mentioned to me that the trend of a nation is nothing more than two, namely, assimilating others and being assimilated. For today's increasingly integrated world, it is only a matter of time before the emergence of a culture that dominates the overall situation. Of course, now this problem has turned into a struggle between eastern and western civilizations. In short, it is a war between Chinese civilization and European civilization. The Chinese Confucian culture has existed for thousands of years, which naturally has its own reasons. The team fight is particularly important because it is fair, moderate, and does not strive for the first or the last in everything. The European civilization is more competitive, and has also spawned many heroes. This war may take a long time, or it may end quickly because of a small detail. In short, it is an irreversible process. The so-called "long separation, long integration, long separation" may depend on unnatural force majeure from outer space. The brick is more inclined to the ultimate victory of the Chinese Great Harmony thought, but the way to end it will be left to history to confirm.


The deduction of a civilization depends on remembering and deepening again and again; I hope this time, it will not be mere formality.

重阳节的作文 篇7


"I am a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I miss my relatives many times during festivals." The "festival" mentioned in this is the Double Ninth Festival, also known as the Climbing Festival. On this day, people climb high to look far and miss their relatives. Today, let me accompany you to talk about the Double Ninth Festival again.


According to historical records, Chongyang Cake, also known as flower cake, chrysanthemum cake and five color cake, has no definite method of making and is more casual. At dawn on September 9, the ancients used to make cakes in September by putting a piece of cake on their children's heads and saying something in their mouth. The exquisite Double Ninth Cake should be made into nine layers, like a pagoda. It should also be made into two lambs to meet the meaning of Double Ninth (sheep). Some people also put a small red paper flag on Chongyang Cake and light candles. This probably means "lighting up" and "eating cakes" instead of "climbing high", and small red paper flags instead of cornel. Nowadays, there is no fixed variety of Chongyang Cake. The soft cakes eaten on the festival are called Chongyang Cake.


The Double Ninth Festival originates from a Taoist fairy story: In the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a young man named Huan Jing in Runan County. He had both parents, a wife and children. Although life is not good, we can live with half food and half vegetables. But unfortunately something happened. There was a plague on both banks of the Ru River, and every household fell ill. The corpses packed their bags every time and set out to learn martial arts in the mountains. Fei Changfang gives Huan Jing a green dragon sword to subdue demons. Huan Jing gets up early and goes to bed late. He wears the stars and the moon. No one buries him day and night. This year, Huan Jing's parents also died of illness. When Huan Jing was young, he heard the elders say, "There is a plague devil living in the Ru River. He goes out to the world every year. He takes the plague wherever he goes. Huan Jing is determined to visit his teachers to learn skills from friends, fight against the plague devil, and eliminate evils for the people. It is said that there is a big immortal named Fei Changfang living in the southeast mountain. He practiced at night. It is another year. Huan Jing was practising sword that day, and Fei Changfang came to him and said: "On September 9 this year, the plague devil of the Ru River will come out again. You should hurry back to your hometown to eliminate harm for the people. I will give you a bag of cornel leaves and a bottle of chrysanthemum wine to let your hometown elders climb high to avoid disaster." Huan Jing returns to his hometown and gathers villagers. Tell us what the immortal said.


On September 9, he led his wife, children and villagers to a nearby mountain. Divide a piece of cornel leaf for each person, and say that if you take it with you like this, the plague devil dare not get close to you. Then he poured out the chrysanthemum wine, and everyone took a peck, saying that he would not catch the plague after drinking the chrysanthemum wine. After arranging the villagers, he took his demon subduing green dragon sword home and sat alone in the house, waiting for the plague devil to fight to subdue the demon. Not long after, I heard the roaring of the Ru River and the strange wind swirling. The plague devil came out of the water and came ashore. He passed through the village. He walked through thousands of households without seeing a single person. Suddenly, he looked up and saw people gathering on the high mountain. When he reached the foot of the mountain, he felt the smell of wine was pungent, and the dogwood rushed to his lungs. He dared not climb near the mountain, so he walked back to the village. A man was sitting in the room. He rushed forward with a roar. When Huanjing saw the plague demon coming, he quickly waved his sword to meet him. After several rounds of fighting, the plague devil could not fight him, but ran away. Huan Jing threw the green dragon sword to subdue the demon with a loud whoosh. He saw that the sword was chasing the plague devil with cold light, piercing his heart and lungs and pinning the devil to the ground. Since then, the people on both sides of the Ru River have no longer been harmed by the plague devil. The story of climbing high to avoid disaster and Huanjing sword stabbing the plague devil on September 9 has been passed on from father to son and from son to son until now. Since then, people have celebrated the Double Ninth Festival and have the custom of climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival.


Yes, the Double Ninth Festival is also known as the "Old Man's Day". Of course, that's the holiday of grandparents! On this day, my family accompanied my grandma and wife to the "Stone Forest Park" for a walk. For me, I planned to give Grandma a big hug first, and then give her a SURPRISE. But what? Dad got ahead of me. I'm embarrassed! Just asked Grandma where she wanted to go. She just said she wanted to go to the park to relax


Double Ninth Festival! Hee hee, Grandma is very happy, and I am even happier!