
时间:2022-11-01 12:49:52 | 来源:语文通



我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇1我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇2母爱让我感动400字作文 篇3我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇4母爱让我感动400字作文 篇5我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇6我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇7我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇8

我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇1


Today, my father cooked my favorite dish - abalone vermicelli.


When the abalone was not cooked, most of its shell was brown, covered with things like shells. It felt uneven. Some were shaped like snail shells, some were like conch, and some were special, similar in shape, but blue in color, flashing in the sun, like the tail of a mermaid. It's flesh colored inside, and it feels like a very Q bullet. It's oval, and it smells of fish. I looked carefully and found that it was still moving. Thinking of touching it with my hand before, I felt a fit of nausea.


After twenty or thirty minutes, when it came out of the pot, it had changed into another shape. Scallion and fans said that they held it, just like supporting role said that they held the main character. And the fishy smell before it has disappeared, only the strong garlic smell, fragrant. The abalone meat is covered with vermicelli. It looks delicious. I picked up the abalone shell, but it slipped off automatically. Wow! It turns out that the inside of abalone shell is glittering and colorful! I took a bite, ah! Good Q play, I feel like I'm bouncing around on abalone, like a trampoline. The tender taste is like jelly. This abalone meat is delicious with vermicelli.


Is the abalone vermicelli very delicious? Come to my home sometime!

我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇2


As the saying goes, "Food is the most important thing for the people", and every place has its own delicious food. The stinky tofu in Changsha, the roast duck in Beijing, the sweet scented osmanthus duck in Nanjing, and the pickled fish in Chengdu... My favorite is the bamboo tube rice in Xishuangbanna.


Well, as a snack, I started to show my skills. I prepared glutinous rice, eggs, bacon, onions, oil, salt and soy sauce. I put the oil into the pot first, and the naughty oil baby jumped out with his mouth curled. I put the egg in again, and soon it put on a yellow coat. I put the bacon and scallions in again, and now all the red, yellow and green were gathered. I immediately sprinkled the soy sauce into the pot. Suddenly the pot began to boil. They seemed to have beaten chicken blood and screamed and shouted in the pot. I invited the last VIP, glutinous rice, into the pot. After several times of frying, the fragrant smell has spread out in the pot. I pour the rice into the bamboo tube and steam it in the steamer for more than ten minutes. After a while, as soon as I opened the lid of the pot, a smell came to my nostrils, and the bamboo rice was ready!

我拿起筷子,准备大吃一顿。哇,这颜色也太丰富了吧,有红的、黄的、绿的… https://m.d8qu.com/ …看得我口水哗哗直流。我迫不及待地尝上一口,嗯,香里带咸,咸里带甜,一股竹子的清香扑鼻而来,真是太好吃了!

I picked up chopsticks and prepared to have a big meal. Wow, this color is too rich, including red, yellow, green... HTTPS://M.D8QU COM/... makes my mouth water. I can't wait to taste it. Hmm, it's salty and sweet in the fragrance. The fragrance of bamboo is so delicious!

母爱让我感动400字作文 篇3


The past is as numerous as shells on the beach. There are innumerable shells. The largest and brightest shells make me unforgettable and move me.


That year, my mother got skin disease, and her hands could not bear the cold wind. One day was in the middle of winter, and my mother sent me to an interest class. The northwest wind is blowing, which is as painful as being pricked, and as cold as touching ice.


Suddenly, my mother looked back and saw my open hands. She could not help frowning. Her face turned cloudy and said, "Why didn't she wear gloves?" "Forget, it's not cold anyway, and it's no big deal." I don't care. Somehow, my mother's face became more overcast, a little like before the wind and rain. She took off her gloves, handed them to me, and ordered: "Wear them!" A warm current surged in my heart. I knew that my mother's hands could not bear the cold wind, so I did not want to listen. However, my mother's serious attitude and incontrovertible eyes still made me wear the gloves with body temperature. The northwest wind hung one after another. My hands were not cold at all, but my mother's hands were cracked. My eyes could not help moistening, and the big tears rolled in my eyes. I thought to myself: Mom loves me so much, and I must repay her well when I grow up.


Under the care of my mother, I have been warm as spring. This matter really touched me!

我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇4


Sitting on the sofa reading, I suddenly smelled a fragrance. I was shocked when I saw it. Grandma is frying her specialty. My favorite dish is fried beef.


Grandma first cut a proper amount of fresh yellow beef, and then used a wooden stick to loosen the beef and break the tendons. In this way, the beef pen was tender but not old. Divide the beef in half, cut it into thin slices, put it into a bowl, and add some salt and water. Grip with water and marinate for 10 minutes. Pour in a proper amount of oil and grasp evenly to avoid adhesion in the next pot. Then slice pickled ginger and pickled garlic, cut pickled pepper into chili rings, and put them on the plate for standby. Garlic stick is good in proper amount, and also put it on a plate for standby. Heat the pot, remove some oil, add pickled ginger, pickled garlic and pickled chilli, stir fry them together, add some water to remove the dryness of chilli, and stir up the aroma of ginger, garlic and chilli. After frying, add beef and stir fry until the beef changes color (6 mature). Pour in a proper amount of soy sauce stock, stir well, add garlic sticks and chicken essence, then pour in a spoonful of stock, stir fry over high heat. Finally, add a little cornstarch water, stir well, turn off the fire and start the pot, and serve delicious.


I looked at the delicious beef and said, "Great!" Can't help but reach out and squeeze a piece into his mouth. oh dear! I yelled hot and wolfed down at the same time.


This heat made me grow a boss's bag on my mouth. Almost three days later, the evidence of stealing disappeared.


Hum! It was this little guy who caused the trouble.

母爱让我感动400字作文 篇5


Have you ever heard such a story? A car delivering water to the dry area was blocked by an old cow. No matter how the owner whipped it, no matter how raw the old cow was, it was like a Mount Tai. At this time, I could clearly hear the painful cry of Lao Niu, and he insisted. A young soldier finally couldn't bear it. Finally, he made an exception and gave Lao Niu a basin of water to drink. Just when people thought that the old ox would drink the spoils with a big mouth, the old ox raised his head and let out a moo in the sunset. A calf came running not far away. The calf bent down and sucked the water that the old cow had bought at the cost of his life. The old cow was by the side and smiled happily.


I just read this story and I don't believe it. Is there maternal love in life? Looking out of the window, it is raining cats and dogs. I seem to have found something. Friday is the most crowded time. I am afraid that you will not come back. I will find you in the wind and rain. Look, your umbrellas are crowded into the sky. You are already wet. He turned his eyes to his hands at once. Fortunately, he had an umbrella. I was relieved. After that, you gave me the big umbrella, but you held the small umbrella yourself. You get wet, but I don't touch it.


In fact, on that Friday, I doubted whether you would give me your umbrella. I think I'm so ignorant. How can a mother lose her love? I think I only have a pair of eyes, but not a pair of eyes.


Ever wondered if I was blind?

我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇6


I'm a real Shao Bo person. Of course, lobster is a must for Shao Bo people.


When lobster comes to market, many people come to Shaobo to eat lobster. In the evening, the Food Street is ablaze with lights, traffic and crowds. Every lobster hall is full, and even private rooms are full of people. The parking spaces at the entrance of each lobster house are full. There are even long queues at the entrance of some lobster houses.


In the lobster house, the people on the table gobbled and ate with their mouths full of oil. The people waiting blushed and wanted to catch a handful of lobsters and eat them. The waiter ran around and kept serving dishes, so he was very tired and sweated. Some people also use lobster soup to soak rice and eat it with relish.


My parents brought me to eat lobster. We sat down and looked at the menu. Ah, lobster tastes so much, including garlic lobster, spiced lobster, braised lobster, thirteen flavored lobster, egg yolk lobster, pepper and salt lobster, and clear water lobster.


The lobster finally came up. I first pull out the shell of the shrimp, then take down the head of the lobster, suck out the yellow shrimp, and then eat the shrimp meat. The taste of lobster is really delicious. Soon, a plate of lobster was "destroyed" by us. Once eaten, the smell of lobster is enough to "fool around for three days".


This is my favorite food. You must be drooling. Then come to Shaobo to eat lobster in the fattest season!

我最喜欢的美食作文400字 篇7


Mom has dozens of good dishes. The materials she uses are all beautiful and nutritious. My favorite dishes are simple civilian dishes - poached eggs and delicious fried pork chops.


I like to pour sauce cream on the poached eggs. I draw a big smiling face when I'm in a good mood, and a crying face when I'm in a bad mood. When my younger brother comes to make trouble, it will turn into a colorful face. No matter what kind of face it is, it tastes like my mother's love.


Zizi's voice came from the kitchen again. The fried pork chops are coming out! It looks golden and crisp with sweet and sour tomato sauce. It makes a loud sound when bitten. It makes my mouth linger and has a long aftertaste! In fact, when my mother first tried, sometimes the fire was not well controlled, either not cooked or fried until burnt, but my mother kept practicing until she learned the ropes. Mother said: Failure is the mother of success. Remember the experience of failure to master the key to success, so now it's pork chops with full marks.


At dinner time, my stomach rumbles and my mind can't work at all. When the delicious smell comes from the kitchen, my soul is completely taken away and I can't do anything. I have to wait for dinner and worship my Five Zang Organs Temple, so I can concentrate on my work. My mother is really my savior! From morning till night, under the care of my mother, I am tall and healthy, and even the disease rarely comes to me!


beautiful食作文400字 篇8



The Spring Festival is coming, and I can enjoy this delicacy again - dry fried crabs. Three characteristics of dry fried crabs, let me introduce them to you!



















