
时间:2022-09-29 13:18:21 | 来源:语文通



家乡的美食作文 篇1家乡的美食作文 篇2家乡的美食作文 篇3

家乡的美食作文 篇1


My hometown is a paradise on earth. It is really good to live in Hangzhou in Hangzhou.Here, spring peach red willow and green, all flowers are gorgeous; in the summer, the lotus leaves are connected to the lotus lotus; the golden wind is refreshing in the autumn, and the sweet -scented osmanthus is fragrant. In winter, although it is very cold, you can see the broken bridge and the fragrance of the plum.But my favorite is the food in my hometown.


There are many delicious things in Hangzhou. I like the west lake vinegar fish in the outside of the building, Song Yiyu, Longjing shrimp, fried bells, Dongpo meat ... Every time I have a mouthful, I want to go to the outside of the building.


The outside of the building is the oldest restaurant in Hangzhou.It is located by the West Lake. The fish for West Lake vinegar fish is removed directly from the West Lake, so West Lake vinegar fish will be so fresh and delicious.


There is also a story about the origin of West Lake vinegar fish: a guy who fishes a strange disease and cannot be cured for a long time. His sister -in -law caught a large grass carp from the West Lake, cooked the fish with water first, and then poured sweet and sour sugar sugar.Vinegar, the young man heavier after eating.


West Lake vinegar fish is sour and sweet. The sweet and sour juice poured like transparent amber, and the fish is cut from the back. It thinks there are 2 fish in the plate, the fish is fresh and tender, and it is delicious.Not greasy Dongpo meat, it is so cool to eat it!


How about it?Food in my hometown attracts you, then come to Hangzhou, let us live together in the paradise on earth!composition

家乡的美食作文 篇2


Maybe you will ask, "What is Gra Stroper?" Gera Strip is a kind of food in Fuyang, my hometown. Maybe you haven't tasted it, so I will take you to "taste" today.strip".


Today, Grandma bought back the Gra strip noodles, and then according to the practice of Gera Strings in her hometown, plus bean sprouts, celery, and sausages for ingredients, and finally poured the sesame sauce -great achievements!Let this food "three thousand feet in saliva, look at the bar in front of the table"!This look -Gera strip is "glory" after pouring the sauce. Celery, soybean sprouts, and sausages have also been rich in three colors of red, yellow and green, like a red and green light, remind everyone not to eat too muchOh!But I don't care, pick up the chopsticks and flut it up- ——


Alas!This "taste" is really better than looking!The slippery "noodles entrance is" slippery ", and the soybean sprouts also make the taste more refreshing. Celery adds some cool celery juice to the noodles, and the sausage is a color of the Gera strip.The intertwined taste should be chaotic, but this tough Gera strip "sew" together like a magician, like a colorful but no complicated painting.I "appreciated" while I drank a sip of egg flower and salty egg soup, and I felt another kind of interest. The egg soup gave this painting some light yellow ink.Northern Anhui people have a bold personality and have the delicate emotions of southern Anhui people, such as the collision of water and fire, and another effect broke out.How can this feel not allowed to enjoy the taste buds?If you ask me, how can you use only one word to describe this rich taste feast?That is of course, plus four forks -Shuang!


Hey!Gera Strip, I want to "a bowl again"!

家乡的美食作文 篇3


Happy food is the delicious sauerkraut fish I eat in my grandmother's house.As soon as I ate sauerkraut fish, it made people eat a bowl and wanted to eat another bowl.


When I went to my grandmother's house, my grandmother always asked me, what do you eat at noon? I don't have to think about it carefully and blurt out. "I want to eat sauerkraut fish most." As soon as my grandmother heard the news, she put on shoes, bags, and immediately walked to the nearby vegetable market to buy a grass carp, buy a little sauerkraut Buy some condiments with acid radish, and basically all the materials to be bought are complete. As soon as Grandma entered the door, she came to the kitchen hot pot, put oil in the kitchen, started frying fish, and then put the ingredients bought and started cooking fish. I saw that my grandmother was busy in the kitchen, and the aroma rushed. After a while, my grandmother was put on the table with a pot of sauerkrauts full of colorful flavor. Wow! It turned out that sauerkraut fish was freshly baked, tender fish, sour radish, and slightly spicy soup. I pinched a piece of tender fish and put it in my mouth, wow ... delicious, fresh! My grandmother was boasted by me, and my mother laughed, and everyone laughed. My grandmother told my mother with my mother. They tasted it and drank a few soups. They said in unison: "The sauerkraut fish I cooked today is very good, very delicious." There are so many sweat beads like soybeans on the forehead, immersed in happiness. At this time, my mother said: "In order to not be hungry, my grandmother said, in order to let me eat my favorite sauerkraut fish, regardless of the violent sun outside, I bought fish under the scorching sun, and I did n’t rest for a moment when I went home. The favorite sauerkraut fish. "Looking at my grandmother, I shed tears very moved.


This meal makes me feel extremely happy, because this happy food contains a lot of grandmother's love.