
时间:2022-07-14 13:50:39 | 来源:语文通



My cat is fun.One day, as soon as I got home, the cat walked towards me.I found its tail straight like a lace on a cloth, and I named it "Brey".


As soon as Brey saw me, I stunned on my feet.It is in yellow and white stripes, and its body looks like a blocking arrow, always blocking us.


It looks very interesting to eat, lowering his head and smelling, then flipped with your paws.It repeatedly ate it several times in this way.


It looks very interesting to drink water. It smells it, touch it with his nose, and then licks the water slowly with a red tongue.


It likes to play wool balls the most, and it runs around with a steel knife -like teeth.When I was tired, I lay on the ground and hugged the woolen balls. Every time I played the home, I was like a spider hole in the house, and there were wool everywhere.


When it was sleeping, he was walking around, and from time to time, he was lazy and yawned.It's like enjoying the sunbathing, from time to time, "hum".


Don't look at my Bole's cuteness and cuteness, in fact, it is stubborn.Whenever I touched its leg, it stared at me.If you are too hard, you will catch me with sharp claws.


Brey is still a "mouse catcher"! Whenever he finds a mouse, he will stretch out his claws and slowly approach the mouse, and then ... "brush", the mouse died.


Brey's eyes will glow! Once, Bole ran to the dim place to catch the mouse. The moment it saw it to me, I found that Bole's eyes were rushing green, which was so beautiful.I took a few photos and kept it.


I love cats, and I love my family more. It is my good partner.



I like kittens.


It has triangular ears, round heads, cute paws.The kittens are black, white, yellow, colorful, gray and so on.But my favorite kitten is white, especially the little milk cat.The most interesting place is to wash your face with soft paws, and it will wash your hair with your ears.Do you think it is very powerful?


This is the fun and cute kitten I like.



There is a kitten in my family, which is smart.But once I came with it with it!


I remember that day, the kitten sneaked into my room and picked up my beloved cloth doll to prepare to split it. I yelled and scolded it to let go, but it didn't listen.Go, it seems to be angry with me.


I hurried to run over, and saw it bowed and stretched out the paws, as if he was saying, "Come here! I will bite you when you come!" I scared me back.I thought to myself: No, the kitten does not eat soft, so I will definitely have a few scratches on my body. The consequences are unimaginable.


So, I walked to the bathroom and said, "You can take a bath for the cat!" The kitten was very excited when he heard the word "bath". I saw it "click" to put down the cloth doll and quickly rushed to the bathroom.


You don't know, the cats of someone else started trembling when they heard "bath", but my kitten particularly loves cleanliness. Other kittens usually take a bath once a month, and my kitten must take a bath every day thanI'm diligent.

我拿着浴巾在它跟前晃了一下说道:“小猫咪,你今天表现的不乖 ,所以我要惩罚你,你今天不准洗澡!”听到这句话,小猫咪就喵呜喵呜地叫起来了。两只小爪子合在一起站了起来,可怜巴巴地,好像在说:小主人,求求你啦!

I took a bath towel in front of it and said, "Kitten, you are not good at today, so I want to punish you, you are not allowed to take a bath today!" When he heard this, the kitten meowedIt's called.Two small claws stood together, poor, as if they were saying: Little master, please!


However, I don't get it.The cat seemed to know that this trick could not work, so I wanted to take my cloth doll again.Who knows, I am one step faster than it. When it was not stinging, I had already grabbed it and rolled the kitten.


I'm still amazing!



My kitten, although I left me a few years ago, I still miss it because it brings a lot of fun to my childhood.


My kitten is very loved.It is full of furry, black and white, and the long tail is still around the circle.Two pointed ears were erected on the round head, with a pair of "night pearls" with a pair of "night pearls" under the forehead. At night, it was like a pair of small bulbs.Its nose is very special: there is a deep seam on the bridge of the flat nose. This is the scar left in the past, but the nose is divided into two petals.I tied a bow on its neck, so that this little creature became a exquisite crafts.


My kitten is very greedy and loves loach the most, followed by meat, cooked corn, rice flower, chocolate and milk powder.For this reason, I buy some loach every few days, add corn surface to stir, and boil it for it.As soon as the cat smells the fragrance, he will run to eat quickly.


If it does not find food, it will walk around every time you eat, and from time to time, "Meow Meow", as if saying, "I starved to death, let me go for me!"


When I put the plate with hot rice on the ground, it smelled it with my nose, and then touched it with my paws. I found that it was hot, so I helplessly walked around the plate.After a while, I touched it with my paws. If I could eat it, I couldn't wait to eat it.


It is lying on the ground and has a interesting food.When encountering hard things, it helps with sharp teeth and small stabs on the tongue.Its appetite is big, and a dish will eat for a while.After eating and drinking, he shook his tail, shook the "general's belly", and went away.


My kitten was irritable recently, and one day I bit the blanket. Mom said that it should be "married" and give it to others.My partners who got along with this day and night were about to separate. In order to give it off, I made the last beautiful meal for it.


When the kitten eats, we shed tears.My nose was sore, and my eyes were crying. I couldn't help holding it up, stroking it, and kissed it.The kitten stretched out the tongue with a small thorn and licked my hand gently ...


My kitten was very sleepy, and I started to sleep after eating and drinking.Before going to bed, choose a quiet and comfortable place: summer, it sleeps in a cool place; in winter, it sleeps next to a sunny place or a stove.When you found a satisfactory place, you were lying on the ground first, the limbs curled up below the body, the tail was rolled up, the whole body shrank into a ball, and then entered the dreamland.When I woke up, I stood up first, stretched out the front paw forward, stretched the hind limbs straight, stretched a big lazy waist, yawned, then sat on the ground, licked the small claws with my tongue, and wiped it with a small paw on the face.A circle, a "cat washed face", and finally walked away generously.


My kitten is very playful.It likes to play lines, leather balls and bells the most.I like to play with it the most.When I threw a thread on the bed, it followed the line group.When you were forced, he gently touched the line with a small paw. The thread moved, and it also moved.Sometimes the kitten holds the line group, walking around the sky, kicking the line rhythmically.The line group turns between its four palms, really like a small acrobat actor.When I tied the bell to the cat's tail, it heard the bell ring.Just turn his tail.I am still willing to hide and hide with it.It was very light, and it turned out to be a small meat pad on its feet.When I write my homework, the kitten will print "plum blossoms" on my homework.


My kitten has given me a lot of happiness.So far I have nostalgia for the good time we live together.



On Saturday morning, my parents went out. Only I stayed silently at home. I felt bored.


Suddenly, I saw the kitten next to me run over, and I was smart, thinking that I would accompany you to play with you, so I said to it, "Don't want to run." Then I rushed up.It seemed to understand something. The kitten jumped to the table all of a sudden, but I fell a "dog mud" and I said to the kitten angrily, "Huh! Kitten, don't want to run this time."The kitten was scared, and it jumped up and down. As a result, I spent the power of nine cows and two tigers to catch it.Then, I tied it to the stool. Although it was cruel, I felt very interesting.I carefully observed the kitten and found that the kitten's beard is long. I think: Dad’s beard is long, so you must lose it.Start with scissors and start cutting its beard.If the kitten does not cooperate, I pressed its head with one hand and cut one hand. It took me a long time to finish it.


When I was proud, my parents came back. I asked them to see my masterpiece. My father was surprised and said, "Why do you do this?" I said, "Because I am boring." Dad said, "You knowIs the cat who wants to enter the mouse hole, you must use the beard to measure a size. If the hole is shorter than the beard, it dares to go in. If the hole is longer than the beard, it dare not go in. "


It turned out that because of my ignorance, it hurt the kitten.Although this incident has passed for a long time, I have been unforgettable for life.