
时间:2022-09-26 13:31:28 | 来源:语文通



中秋月作文 篇1中秋月作文 篇2中秋月作文 篇3中秋月作文 篇4中秋月作文 篇5中秋月作文 篇6中秋月作文 篇7中秋月作文 篇8中秋月作文 篇9中秋月作文 篇10

中秋月作文 篇1


It is the Mid -Autumn Festival again. I wonder if the Mid -Autumn Festival will be particularly round this year, and the round is a bit clear.Obviously, Yuanyue is the most deserted night.


How many Yuanyue Nights, looking at the deserted lights of the Fen family: a person's Mid -Autumn Festival, is it a bit bit bit to Tianming, tears wet towel?


Back at home, the child was asleep. He was next to his computer and in his world.Come to the balcony alone, a bright moon, hanging clearly in the sky, watching the sadness and joy in the world.


One night more than ten years ago was also a few of our sisters, with questions and anger to his residence.Qing was crying, tearing her heart curtains, clothes, and even more wanted to tear the man's heart.See why a woman's feelings for three years are not as good as a woman's feelings given him one night?What is a man?IntersectionIntersectionIs it an animal?Obviously we said that we want to peel off his skin, but pull the green and go out.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceSeveral of our kind weak women could not do the roar of an angry man together: three years, I haven't even touched her hands and never touched it.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceThe sound was grievance, unwilling, and innocent shouting.


A thirty -year -old unmarried man talked about falling in love, three years, and even her hands had not touched.What kind of sadness is that?The love that men want are the real temperature in my arms, not the careful efforts of a woman's life, and emotional comfort.Finally, one day, he was tired. He no longer waited, no longer endured, and just happened to fill your gap, so the bride became her overnight.


Sometimes, when we lose a person's distress, it is not how much we love him and care about him. What is more distressed is the days when we pay all of us.His lust was ruthlessly smashed on the ground.The 28 -year -old Qing, raised his head, swallowed all the humiliated tears, and went on the road again.


More than ten years of ups and downs, we spend a few of our sisters together.Talk about the goodness of who men.To comfort men without good men, they must love themselves.No matter how difficult life is encouraged to live, it must be lived.But I can't go around the fate of Fen to separate.Unfortunate marriage is like a shackles, locking a woman like a man and a man like a man.


A good marriage not only requires a solid foundation of love, but also requires two people to have a common language and equal cultural level.If there is no desire to speak under the same roof in the same roof, it is destined to be a lift.


Fenaki has a kind of wise -like heart, a pair of hard -working and dexterous hands.Her enthusiastic hospitality, a good cooking skill, do not know how many wandering men and women have been warming, but how can she keep her own man's heart.He left her like Xu Zhimo ruthlessly dropped Zhang Youyi, and went to the vast sea of people to find the other half of his soul.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence

家庭曾经是女人的全部世界。在这个世界里,没有竞争,只有共享,没有好坏,都是成就。女人想要的不是一个形式,而是在这种形式下才能培养出来的那份温馨。家庭也是女人的事业:一个完整的家庭可以是女人的精神归宿,是女人的劳动成果,一个完美的家庭可以是女人炫耀于世的成就,不亚于男人的高级官员厚禄。为了维护一个家庭的完整,多少女人忘记了其他一切的人生要义 ,把时间都花在寻找,看管男人的身上。如果用这时间不断地充实自己,完善自己,拥有自己独立的事业独立的人格,掌控好自己的人生,不要把幸福依附在一个男人身上,虽不能保证她的婚姻不出问题,但最起码当男人离开时,她能够从容地面对,有能力自己善待自己。

The family used to be the world of women.In this world, there is no competition, only sharing, no good or bad, all achievements.What a woman wants is not a form, but the warmth that can only be cultivated in this form.Family is also a woman's career: a complete family can be a woman's spiritual destination, the result of a woman's labor, a perfect family can be a woman's achievement of the world, no more than a man's senior official Hou Lu.In order to maintain the integrity of a family, how many women have forgotten all other life and righteousness, spend time looking for, and watching men.If you use this time to continuously enrich yourself, improve yourself, have your own independent career and independent personality, control your life, do not attach happiness on a man.When a man leaves, she can face it calmly and be able to treat herself well.

芬独守着一个残缺的家,白天貌似开开心心地上班。夜晚回到家独自关起门来,一个人吃着无滋无味的菜饭,一个人对着冷清的月光连个思念都无从寄托的。《圣经》里说:爱是恒久的忍耐,又有恩泽。但这世上从来没有轻松的忍耐,所有的恒久都意味着漫长,枯燥和克制。 当几年的守候,等不回浪子的心,最好的爱是放手。放过他,也放过自己。还一个完整的自我,还自己一个独立的人格,一个作为女人的尊严。在签字时,芬努力克制着自己,不咆哮,不痛哭。虽有挣扎,我们陪着她,来吧,闭上眼睛,所有男人能给得起的伤痛,我们一起扛。不就是在破碎的胸口再捅一刀吗?有些痛忍忍就过去了,以后他再也伤不到你了。有些失去比拥有更踏实。以后就一个人踏踏实实地过日子。 不再为一个不属于自己的男人守候,不再等一个不回家的男人,不再梦一个没有魂的魄。。。。。

Fen alone guarded a incomplete home, and seemed to work happily during the day. At night, I got home and closed the door alone. One person ate the tasteless rice, and one person couldn't even trust the deserted moonlight. The Bible says: Love is a long -lasting patience and grace. But there is never a relaxed patience in this world. All the lasting lasts means long, boring and restraint. When we wait for a few years, the best love is to let go. Let him go and let him go. Also a complete self, a independent personality, and a dignity as a woman. When signing, Fen tried hard to restrain himself, not growing, not crying. Although there are struggles, let's accompany her, come, close our eyes, all men can afford the pain, we carry it together. Isn't it just a knife on the broken chest? A little pain passed, and he would never hurt you anymore in the future. Some loses are more practical than having a solid. In the future, I will live a down -to -earth life. No longer waiting for a man who does not belong to himself, no longer wait for a man who does not go home, and no longer dreams of a soulless soul. Essence Essence Essence Essence


When I was a kid, I watched the two sisters, and my parents had a marriage, and lived a unsatisfactory life.At that time, I knew that I had to escape the magic palm of the feudal marriage. The only way out was reading, reading books, and reading more.When one day married Ruyi Langjun, a heart had long been soaked by Qiong Yao, Sanmao, and Xi Murong was soaked and delicate, and it was unbearable.I was sad to eat together, I was not sad for a phone call, and I was unbroken to sleep for a night.I often secretly take out my fragile heart at night to fill it out, and then quietly put it back during the day, and continue to love.


Looking at the unfortunate marriage of the sisters around him, he also suffered.It is not enough to understand a woman deeply to be good and hardworking.Operating a good marriage, a relationship, even more needed wisdom.We must not only advance with your men, but also maintain a proper distance. There is a space for each, with your own ideals and your own life goals.As Shu Ting said: As a tree, stand with him/you have your copper branches/I have my red flowers.

窗外桂花飘香,明月一泻千里,祝福天下有情人无情人 人人幸福,无关明月圆缺。

The osmanthus flowers outside the window are fragrant.

中秋月作文 篇2


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, there was a round moon hanging in the sky.I strolled around the small river outside the quiet village. The river reflected the bright posture of Yueer, accompanied by the flashing light and shadow, and the willow branches by the river jumped happily.Although it was the Mid -Autumn Festival, the cool breeze came from a distance from time to time, but the crystal clear moonlight still glowed in my heart that a warm ripple ...


Moonlight is like water -she makes me feel life and feel happy.Whenever I come at night, I will see if there is a moon hanging in the sky, and whether I can see the water of the water.She is like a mirror that makes me experience all kinds of life images from it. It has beauty, sourness and bitterness. However, it is more to make me feel happy of life.Because the moonlight of the water flows like the beating at the atrium I jump like a trickle, the troubles seem to be scattered in the smoke, and the heart is clear and clear.


Moonlight is picturesque -she is beautiful, she is charming.In the picturesque moonlight, I saw the mountains and rivers, saw the sea, saw Chang'e's graceful posture, and saw the kind smile of the old man under the moon.The mountains and rivers are windy, the sea is turbulent, Chang'e is beautiful and moving, and the elderly under the moon are kind and loyal.I was rippling in the beautiful picture of Moonlight and enjoyed.


Moonlight is like poetry -the beautiful moonlight came from the distant sky to the world, showing her ancient legends.That's not only the moving story of the old man who comes from the moon, but it is not a beautiful poem chapter written by Chang'e to the moon through space.


The moonlight is like a song -the silver is bright, like a long tape woven from a bouquet of fiber, and it is also the universe inlaid in the universe of the sky, accompanied by the turbulent roar of the rivers and lakes, singing an ancient and ancient and elastic roar.The combination of reality is the immortal song from ape to human.It was a great verticor of different skin tones, different countries, and different nations in life, and she echoed in the vast night sky in a long time.


Moonlight is like water, the moonlight is picturesque, the moonlight is like poetry, and the moonlight is like song.I love the crystal light of the moonlight, I love the picturesque beauty of the moonlight, and I love the moonlight like a poem like a song.


what!Mid -Autumn Festival -you are in my eyes, even more in my beating atrium!

中秋月作文 篇3


The moon viewing is one of the important activities of the Mid -Autumn Festival.On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon was big and round. Everyone gathered together to enjoy the most beautiful round moon.


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, and the moon watching activity starts from the sunset.In the evening, our family was sitting in the courtyard of grandparents' houses, while chatting while chatting.


The sun slowly fell, and its afterglow dyeing the large red sky without hesitation.The colors of the layers of clouds are so rich, and the colors are constantly changing white, yellow, blue, and cyan, and eventually melted in a thick red.And this thick red also shows different levels: pink, fiery, orange -red, even orange, yellow, golden, and orderly arrangement, especially beautiful, people can't help stopping, the sunset is under the setting sun, the sunset is under the west of the setting sun.The sky is really colorful!However, don't worry, the more beautiful one is behind.


Unconsciously, the sun fell slowly, the sky was already gray -blue, and it gradually became dull, and the night was coming.Just as we were still missing the beauty of the sunset, with the exclaiming of our mother: "Look at it, the moon came out!" We turned our heads together.


The moon is slowly rising from the gray clouds, slowly passing through the clouds.When it finally came out of the clouds, we all cheered.The moon is large, round and bright, and the whole body is white, like a transparent and smooth jadeite that was grinded and smooth, reflecting a pure and beautiful bright light.At this time, it presents the soft and quiet beauty that is completely different from the setting sun.


The moon continues to move slowly in the sky and slowly rise.Against the gray clouds, the moon looks more graceful and luxurious.It is like a big pearl and a white jade plate, more like a bright light with a beautiful blessing, spilling gently to the world.


When the clouds began to move, the moon seemed to move, and it walked in the vast sky, like a happy woman walking in the flowers forest.At this time, we looked at this beautiful scenery quietly, as if they were all immersed in beautiful fantasies, for fear that a surprise would disturb this beautiful woman.The moonlight poured down, and the surrounding scenes were shrouded in the confused white light.


The moon is hung in the sky like this. On the beautiful night of "The End of the World" at this time, with its gentle eyes, overlooking all things on earth, guarding the land of Shenzhou, until another bright tomorrow, it did it.Go quietly.

中秋月作文 篇4


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my father would take me to Taihu to play. I don't know what the Taihu Lake is. I didn't want to go.After I went, I had a question. Isn't Taihu Lake a lake?Why is it as big as the sea?I asked Dad's question.


I think the breakfast there, Chinese rice and dinner are delicious.When I climbed the mountain, I fell again and fell at the place where I was injured.But strangely, I didn't feel a little pain.After dinner, I played in the garden of the hotel for a long time. There are railings on the side of the garden, and the railings are too lake outside. I feel that Taihu is so big.I listened to the guide and said that today's moon is the most round at eight o'clock.After I had dinner, it took me a minute at eight o'clock. The guide said that the moon at this time was also very round. It seemed that the moon was like a very large and delicious moon cake.That night, I still took a lot of photos under the moon.But Dad said that his mobile phone could not take a lot of photos, because his mobile phone could not have photos.


The next day, I ate breakfast and it was a buffet. I felt delicious.Later, I went to a nearby small village. In the small village, I felt that those houses were so old.I saw a kid who was playing the game console. After he finished playing, he told his mother that he almost had to play at this level.His mother said, every time you say it is almost going to play, you work harder when you play this level next time, maybe you can beat it.After playing, you can play the next level.Later, I saw something strange. The rooster and duck were placed outside, and they didn't run around. Why?I am weird, but I didn't tell my dad about this question.Later, I found a green orange, and I pressed the orange with a brick, and it became orange mud.Later, I pressed the bricks forever on the oranges.After watching the small village, I went back to the hotel because I felt that my stomach told me that I should eat, and I ate something.I got a meal when I came down. After dinner, I returned to Shanghai by car and returned home.


After returning, I wanted to let my dad play football with me, but when Dad didn't want to go, he didn't accompany me.My mother also said that there were no children below, so I told me not to go. Later, my good friend told me to ride a bike together, but it happened that it was raining, so I said that when the rain was over, let's go.Later, I didn't go, because the rain was too heavy, the road was slippery, it was easy to wrestle, and my arm was broken, so I didn't go.


I played dinner at home for a while.Because it is five o'clock.After I had a meal, I played with my dad for a while, and my dad went to see the computer, because his work was too busy, and he couldn't play with me for a long time.


I think this holiday is very happy!

中秋月作文 篇5


The night fell, and the park was gradually quiet, only the frogs were still singing ...


The moon tonight is particularly round because it is the Mid -Autumn Festival night.Every year on the Mid -Autumn Festival night, the households are reunited at home, eating moon cakes, and appreciation of the moon.


The night outside is so quiet.The small pond in the park is printed with a large moon!The little frogs are also on the festival, they are holding a family concert!Singing and dancing around the "Big Moon".Look at the small flower bed next to the small pond.The flowers seem to be beautiful and gorgeous princesses, and the bees are cute elf, and they dance around the flowers.What a wonderful!


There is a small gazebo in the middle of the small flower bed and the small pond.There is a family chatting while eating moon cakes.They are happy, but what are they talking about?It turns out that they are telling the story of the moon, do you remember "Chang'e Running the Moon"? In the past, there were individuals called ...


There is also a place called "Little World" in the small park.As soon as I walked in, there was a small forest first, because now it is autumn, the leaves have turned yellow and falling down.The fallen leaves are full of paths in the forest, forming a beautiful scenery.There are still many pictures on the wall next to the road.Go to the end and go to a few stairs, there is a observation platform on it.Tonight, there are some people watching Yuanyue here.


The moon's soft moonlight seemed to show a sweet smile, beautiful.


The night under the Mid -Autumn Festival, both quiet and beautiful ...

中秋月作文 篇6


"What time is the moon, asking the wine to ask the sky" is the Mid -Autumn Festival today. The family of our family sitting roundly and eating moon cakes. It is really pleasant to enjoy the moon!


The night fell, I couldn't wait to run towards the balcony, opened the windows, and looked up at the sky. I saw the blue sky covered with little stars.travel.My eyes are looking for in the sky, but I ca n’t find the moon. Maybe my sister is still dressed and want to face us with the best face!Maybe Sister Moon knows so many people want to see her, very shy, dare not come out!


After a while, in the place where the sky was connected, a round of Mingyue was rising.She is wearing a white gauze, she is quiet and serene, gentle and generous.Her silver -like face left a mild smile through the treetops.The moonlight on the first floor was sprinkled on the window sill through the window, and the window sill was like a layer of silver, which was very wonderful.


In this bright moonlight, I can't help but want to enter the wrong.I looked at the moon, and I felt that there was a tree shadow on the moon, faintly, sometimes nothing.This reminds me of a legend: According to legend, there is a 500 -dollar laurel tree on the moon. There is a man named Wu Gang in the Han Dynasty who is drunk and does not concentrate on learning.Said: "As long as you cut this tree, you can get immortal art." Wu Gang chopped up after hearing, but every time he chopped it, the cinnamon trees healed again, and he kept cutting it like this ... Just when I was reverie,The moon cakes in my hand came down before I woke up like a dream.I looked up and looked at the moon, as if I saw Wu Gang, who was snatching a big ax in cutting trees, and I was intoxicated in this charming moonlight.


In the Mid -Autumn Festival, listening to the small tone, watching the bamboo basket hiding flowers, eating bean paste moon cakes, and watching the stars holding the moon, it is really a kind of enjoyment.


The annual Mid -Autumn Festival is here. After dinner, I went downstairs with my mother while walking while walking.Looking up at the sky, a round of bright moon is like a jade plate, embedded in a dark blue sky, and a few bright stars around them are like a few solemn soldiers, standing beside the moon.Essence..


"Play with Wu Xianggong Mid -Autumn Festival Jinlou" was the same as thousands of miles, and the cold light was one year.There are so many goose passing by, and few people sleep in Tongxi.Following the upstairs of the river, add the wild tent.Sui Hou En did not report, and there was a night pearl circle.There are moon at four o'clock, and it is alone overnight.Shining the beginning of Lulu, Pei Hui was full of building.Yao Lian Mountain Jing, entered the Jinjiang flow.Willing to travel at the end of the light every year.


In this golden autumn September, we ushered in the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.It will also enjoy the beautiful scenery of Haoyue.When I look up at the sky, the beautiful verses will emerge in my mind: people have sadness and joy, and the moon is full of yin and clear.Yin Yin Yin Qingyuan lacked this night, everyone sat in the yard and moved out of the small table.

中秋月作文 篇7


I like the mood of the Mid -Autumn Festival. Moms make moon cakes for me every year. The moon cakes made by my mother are like petals on it.In order to eat moon cakes frequently, my mother taught me to make moon cake today.


Moon cake materials are: low -gluten flour, moon cake filling, edible oil, baking syrup, egg liquid, moon cake mold, oven, moon cake bottoming and alkaline water.When the moon cake syrup, the alkaline water and the color pour oil were poured into the large bowl together, the egg beaten firing was stirred, and the moon cake powder was sieved and stirred.Moon cake filling 20 grams of moon cake filling is wrapped in cooled egg yolk.


I started to wrap the moon cake. I rubbed the jujube mud into a spherical shape. I put the stuffing in my hand and knead it. At first, the jujube mud I rubbed out was a polygonal shape. I pressed all the horns back.The dough came to the group in the hand, so that the group to work hard can the noodles completely relax.Then press the face to flatten, wrap the jujube mud inside, and press the moon cake mold to press it to put it in the oven.


When the moon cake came out, a aroma came. I was proud of eating the moon cake I made by myself.

中秋月作文 篇8


August 15th, my grandfather hit me with moon cakes.The moon cake is round and sweet, where is the moon cake love!"Every Mid -Autumn Festival, I can't help humming this little song.


That afternoon, we welcomed the second lesson-DIY moon cake.The classmates quickly finished their hands and waited for the beginning of the activity.


The event finally began. Zhu Haoyang introduced the moon cakes: Moon cakes are one of the prestigious Chinese traditional pastries, and festive food customs in the Mid -Autumn Festival.Moon cakes are round and round, and they are eaten together, symbolizing reunion and harmony.Then I also told why the origin of moon cakes and moon cakes.


The most pleasing link is here-make moon cakes by myself.The cake master taught us the steps of making moon cakes.When the master ordered, we couldn't wait to disassemble the box, and I saw bright yellow, pink, blue, milky, purple ... the colorful "small balls" were placed in the box, I thought: How do these small balls make moon cakes?


I pressed a piece of ice with the steps of the pastry division, and then took the right amount of stuffing on the ice skin, wrapped the stuffing, rubbed it repeatedly with both hands, and finally kneaded into a spherical shape."This is not the moon cake." I thought about the round "ball" in my hand.


Fortunately, I didn't make me surprised.At this time, the master picked up a grinder and put the ball in.Starting hard and witnessing the miracle starts: a beautiful moon cake is presented in front of my eyes!The exquisite patterns on the standard round shape are clearly visible.The students looked at their labor results, and each cheered and shrank, and the fragrance of moon cakes and the laughter of the classmates was filled with the fragrance of moon cakes everywhere ...


Although I watched this moon cake, I still swallowed it, because I wanted to share with my parents!"I hope people will be thousands of miles for a long time." I hope that every family can reunite this beautiful festival!

中秋月作文 篇9


I do n’t know why today ’s Yueer hid, maybe because the moon always floats in the universe, it’ s too tired to come to work.It may also be that the moon is too naughty, and it is cleared by his parents.


After a while, I saw a round of bright moon out of the cloud. This moon seemed like a white and indifferent smile. It stared sweetly, as if telling me the story of Chang'e and Jade Rabbit. The moon gradually rises, it is round and bright. Not far away, there are a few faint stars. It's like talking quietly and blinking my eyes naughty. The moon is getting round and brighter, and there is almost no sound, so she is like a younger brother who is asleep as aunt's house. I look at the sky and look at the ground again. The ground is shiny, and the lights are not so bright. At this time, I found that in the dew, the mirror was full of rounds in the water basin. When a gust of wind blew, the moon in the water trembled crispy, making people look poor. I squatted beside the river again and saw the moon lying quietly in the river water, giving the small fish in the water, and the shrimp lit the most environmentally friendly and brighter light. From time to time, I threw a piece of small stones to the calm water surface, and the moon suddenly divided into a lot of ways, just like the wrinkles of the grandma's forehead. Gradually, the moon synthesized another round.


so beautiful!Mid -Autumn Festival month!

中秋月作文 篇10


"Ding Ding Ding ..." The classing bell rang, and the teacher walked into the classroom with spring breeze, saying, "Let's make the ice skin moon cake today." "Yeah! Okay!" "It's great!" The classroom was boiling.

说完 ,老师便将电脑打开,介绍了冰皮月饼的制作过程。

After speaking, the teacher turned on the computer and introduced the production process of the ice skin moon cake.


After a while, the teacher sent us ice -skinned powder according to the process. We poured the ice skin powder into the small box given by the teacher, add water, rub it hard, then add white oil, rub it again, rub it again.Only elastic.


After we all rubbed it, the teacher sent us the filling, then rubbed it, then rubbed the rubbing dough, flattened it, and then wrapped the filling into the dough.

接着老师又把压模具给了我们,告诉我们模具可以使面团成型,是做月饼的重要步骤。先把包了馅的面团放入了模具里,再把盖子盖上,压好,我兴高采烈地取出来 ,却发现它们粘在了一起,顿时心灰意冷,想了一会,把它们分开了,我又重新来了两三次,一次都没成功。

Then the teacher gave us the pressure mold and told us that the mold can make the dough. It is an important step in making moon cakes.First put the dough with stuffing into the mold, and then cover the lid to press it well. I took it out and found that they were sticking together.I came again twice or three times, and I did not succeed once.


I saw a lot of classmates who were talking together. I passed. I saw a few students put the dough in a cooked food powder, and then put it in the mold and press it.born.I also learned to roll and do it again. It really succeeded.


The ice -skinned moon cakes are ready. I smelled it and couldn't help but taste it. It felt sweet.


what!I love the ice skin moon cake I made by myself, and love the Mid -Autumn Festival more!