
时间:2022-07-30 13:19:04 | 来源:语文通



Recently, I read an animal book named "Guardian of the Jungle". This book tells the story of a hybrid dog.


This book is key to write a hybrid dog Apeng with Lao Jin. They rushed to the jungle to start the daily life of the forest guard, but the risks and irritating adventures will come again.New sweet and sour bitterness is produced ...


When we finished reading this book, the spirit of the protagonist A Peng's dedication to death was very impressive. Especially in the segment of "Apeng Dueling Crazy", it also makes me unsatisfactory. When I think this paragraph, like "Apeng Dueling Crazy" played a video like a movie, in my eyes: At that time, A Peng and Hehe Li Jin was surrounded by madly in the house. For a long time, they felt very dry and hungry, and the situation was very urgent. If they were unwilling to highlight the mad surrounding circle, they would not be starved to death alive. Either be killed by crazy! When the front line of life and death here, A Peng charged in front of him, and wanted his own life to get the hope of Lao Jin Sheng. Suddenly Apeng jumped out of the window. In the room of Lao Jin, Lao Jin escape. Crazy puppets are not easy to be light. They chase APon hard, and Apeng is very sensitive and can avoid crazy bite. Finally, the climax of the little story began, and A Peng would not escape anymore, just to work hard with life: it rushed to crazy! At this time, the crazy people also improved the morale, killing APon, the two dogs hit together, biting their teeth on Apeng's body, and it was terrible, but A Peng did not give up击 Passionate counterattack ...


And A Peng's machine sensitivity is omnipresent, such as one of Apeng in the big city he settled in his current settlement.That day happened to be summer. The sun was particularly big. Lao Jin had a shower to A Peng. Suddenly, there was a screaming under the building: "The fire was getting the fire!" A Peng heard it, rushed downstairs as soon as possible, jumped into the fire, and jumped into the fire.After preparing to save the trapped person at the scene of the accident, Apeng noticed a baby surrounded by fire, because the fire was very large and hot, but Apeng was very intelligent. There was a shower on his body.Water to prevent burns.Gradually, many steel frame structures in the fire were burned, and all fell to the ground. When Apeng risked the fire, he bit his baby's shoulder strap and jumped up.The thick steel plate eventually broke the scene of the fire accident and became a hero.


After reading this book, I was very moved. It was not easy to abandon his life to work with his opponent!This book gave me a gift in my heart and let me understand: I have to have a fearless spirit, I have to be sober when I encounter difficulties, and I can't blindly get rid of the wind!



"These grids and cement signboards divide the green deep valley into two places. This is the paradise of human beings, but there are all kinds of wild animals."Bell's hand was written.


After this book mainly talks about the retirement of Laoshu Laojin, the loyal shepherd A Peng reluctantly, and the deeply moved chief decided to let it retire together.In the city, A Peng could not adapt to the environment here and made a lot of jokes, and was respected because he was caught by catching the thief ... It was difficult to be picked as an animal actor, but lost the chance of starring due to fire injuries.After APon's injury, the chief took him back to his hometown as a forest guard, and Apeng also became the forest dog that anti -poaching and stolen.The magical and exciting mountain forest life brings it new happiness.Beautiful life.


In the book, A Peng helped Lao Jin to complete the guardian task again and again.Charity of crazy, defeating the wild boar ... completely relying on the quality of Apengshe.In the process of dealing with the crazy puppet, Lao Jin and A Peng struggled to resist, killing the crazy puppet, and killing the pimples of the dumplings to fall out again and again.He defeated the giant sly dirty group.


A Peng, you are my best role model, you are brave, you are tenacious, you are born of justice, regardless of personal safety.The jungle is your best destination.You are happy to live and work in the jungle.Yes, everyone has a destination. Whether it is them or us, they will eventually move towards their own homeland and return to their hometown.


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1、丛林:丛林读音为cóng lín,是指①树林:热带丛林。②僧人聚居之处。因指寺院。丛林 cóng lín词典解释:①树林:热带丛林。②僧人聚居之处。因指寺院。(1) [jungle]∶树林丛林战(2) [Buddhist monastery]∶和尚聚居修行的处所,后泛指大寺院鲁智深回到丛林选佛场中禅床上,扑倒头便睡。——《水浒传》分词解释:寺院:1.佛寺的总称。 2.指其他宗教的修道院﹑神学院等。树林:成片生长的树木。聚居:集中地居住在某一区域:少数民族聚居的地方。僧人:出家的佛教徒。...丛林怎么造句,用丛林造句»

2、有感:有感读音为yǒu gǎn,是指有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”有感 yǒu gǎn词语解释:有感触;有感受。唐李商隐有《出关宿盘豆馆对丛芦有感》诗。冯浩笺注:“芦丛江乡最多﹐今身宿关外﹐乃又见之﹐故有感而言。”分词解释:感受:①受到(影响);接受:感受风寒。②接触外界事物得到的影响;体会:生活感受ㄧ看到经济特区全面迅速的发展,感受很深。关外:指山海关以东或嘉峪关以西一带地区。出关:1.出关口;到塞外。 2.谓和尚或佛教信徒坐饿关结束。江乡:多江河的地方。多指江南水乡。感触:跟外界事物接触而引起思想情绪:他对此事很有感触ㄧ旧地重游,感触万端。...有感怎么造句,用有感造句»